986 resultados para RAT CAROTID-BODY


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We aimed to investigate the vascular effects of hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) on carotid arteries from young and adult rats. With this purpose young and adult rats received a solution of DL-homocysteine-thiolactone (1 g/kg body weight/day) in the drinking water for 7, 14 and 28 days. Increase on plasma homocysteine occurred in young and adult rats treated with DL-homocysteine-thiolactone in all periods. Vascular reactivity experiments using standard muscle bath procedures showed that HHcy enhanced the contractile response of endothelium-intact, carotid rings to phenylephrine in both young and adult rats. However, in young rats, the increased phenylephrine-induced contraction was observed after hyperhomocysteinemia for 14 and 28 days, whereas in adult rats this response was already apparent after 7 day treatment. HHcy impaired acetylcholine-induced relaxation in arteries from adult but not young rats. The contraction induced by phenylephrine in carotid arteries in the presence of Y-27632 was reversed to control values in arteries from young but not adult rats with hyperhomocysteinemia. HHcy did not alter the contraction induced by CaCl(2) in carotid arteries from young rats, but enhanced CaCl(2)-induced contraction in the arteries from adult rats. HHcy increased the basal levels of superoxide anion in arteries from both groups. Finally, HHcy decreased the basal levels of nitrite in arteries from adult but not young rats. The major new finding of the present work is that arteries from young rats are more resistant to vascular changes evoked by HHcy than arteries from adult rats. Also, we verified that the enhanced vascular response to phenylephrine observed in carotid arteries of DL-homocysteine thiolactone-treated rats is mediated by different mechanisms in young and adult rats. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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There are interactions between endothelin-1 (ET-1) and endothelial vascular injury in hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy), but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Here we evaluated the effects of HHcy on the endothelin system in rat carotid arteries. Vascular reactivity to ET-1 and ET(A) and ET(B) receptor antagonists was assessed in rings of carotid arteries from normal rats and those with HHcy. ET(A) and ET(B) receptor expression was assessed by mRNA (RT-PCR), immunohistochemistry and binding of [(125)I]-ET-1. HHcy enhanced ET-1-induced contractions of carotid rings with intact endothelium. Selective antagonism of ET(A) or ET(B) receptors produced concentration-dependent rightward displacements of ET-1 concentration response curves. Antagonism of ET(A) but not of ET(B) receptors abolished enhancement in HHcy tissues. ET(A) and ET(B) receptor gene expressions were not up-regulated. ET(A) receptor expression in the arterial media was higher in HHcy arteries. Contractions to big ET-1 served as indicators of endothelin-converting enzyme activity, which was decreased by HHcy, without reduction of ET-1 levels. ET-1-induced Rho-kinase activity, calcium release and influx were increased by HHcy. Pre-treatment with indomethacin reversed enhanced responses to ET-1 in HHcy tissues, which were reduced also by a thromboxane A(2) receptor antagonist. Induced relaxation was reduced by BQ788, absent in endothelium-denuded arteries and was decreased in HHcy due to reduced bioavailability of NO. Increased ET(A) receptor density plays a fundamental role in endothelial injury induced by HHcy. ET-1 activation of ET(A) receptors in HHcy changed the balance between endothelium-derived relaxing and contracting factors, favouring enhanced contractility. British Journal of Pharmacology (2009) 157, 568-580; doi:10.1111/j.1476-5381.2009.00165.x; published online 9 April 2009 This article is part of a themed section on Endothelium in Pharmacology. For a list of all articles in this section see the end of this paper, or visit: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/121548564/issueyear?year=2009.


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RESUMO: O corpo carotídeo (CB) é um pequeno órgão sensível a variações na PaO2, PaCO2 e pH. As células tipo I (células glómicas) do corpo carotídeo, as unidades sensoriais deste órgão, libertam neurotransmissores em resposta às variações dos gases arteriais. Estes neurotransmissores atuam quer em recetores pré-sinápticos, localizados nas células tipo I, quer em recetores póssinápticos, localizados nas terminações do nervo do seio carotídeo, ou em ambos. A activação dos recetores pré-sinápticos modula a atividade do corpo carotídeo, enquanto que, a activação dos recetores pós-sinápticos, de carater excitatório, desencadeia um aumento da frequência de descarga das fibras do CSN, com subsequente despolarização dos neurónios do gânglio petroso, e posterior despolarização de um grupo específico de neurónios do centro respiratório central, desencadeando, como resposta final, hiperventilação. Estes recetores pré- e pós-sinápticos podem ser classificados em ionotrópicos ou metabotrópicos, estando os últimos acoplados a adenilatos ciclases transmembranares (tmAC). O mecanismo exato pelo qual as variações dos gases arteriais são detetadas pelo CB não se encontra ainda completamente elucidado, mas tem sido sugerido que alterações nos níveis de cAMP estejam associadas ao mecanismo de deteção de variações de O2 e CO2. Os níveis de cAMP podem ser regulados através da sua via de síntese, mediada por dois tipos de adenilatos ciclases: tmAC sensível aos eurotransmissores e adenilato ciclase solúvel (sAC)sensível a variações de HCO3/CO2, e pela sua via de degradação mediada por fosfodiesterases. A via de degradação do cAMP pode ser manipulada farmacologicamente, funcionando enquanto alvo terapêutico para o tratamento de patologias do foro respiratório (e.g. asma, hipertensão pulmonar, doença pulmonar obstructiva crónica e apneia do sono), que induzem um aumento da actividade do CB.O trabalho descrito nesta dissertação partiu da hipótese de que a actividade do CB é manipulada por fármacos, que interferem com a via de sinalização do cAMP, tendo sido nosso objectivo geral, investigar o papel do cAMP na quimiotransdução do CB de rato, e determinar se a actividade dos enzimas responsáveis pela via de sinalização do cAMP é ou não regulada por variações de O2/CO2. Assim, a relevância deste trabalho é a de estudar e identificar possíveis alvos moleculares (sAC, isoformas de tmAC e PDE) com potencial para serem usados no tratamento de patologias relacionadas com o controlo respiratório. A primeira parte do presente trabalho, centrou-se na caracterização farmacológica da PDE4 no CB e em tecidos não quimiorecetores (e.g. gânglio cervical superior e artérias carótidas), e na observação do efeito de hipóxia aguda na acumulação dos níveis de cAMP, induzidos pelos inibidores de PDE, nestes tecidos. A quantificação de cAMP foi efectuada por técnica imunoenzimática (EIA), tendo sido elaboradas curvas de dose-resposta para os efeitos de inibidores, não específicos (IBMX) e específicos para a PDE2 e PDE4 (EHNA, Rolipram e Ro 20-1724), nos níveis de cAMP acumulados, em situações de normóxia (20%O2/5%CO2) e hipóxia (5%O2/5%CO2). A caracterização das PDE no gânglio cervical superior foi aprofundada, utilizando-se a técnica de transferência de energia de ressonância por fluorescência (FRET) em culturas primárias de neurónios, na presença de inibidores não específicos (IBMX) e específicos para a PDE3 e PDE4 (milrinone e rolipram, respetivamente). Foram igualmente estudadas, através de RT-qPCR, as alterações na expressão de PDE3A-B e PDE4A-D, no gânglio cervical superior, em resposta a diferentes percentagens de oxigénio. Na segunda parte do trabalho investigou-se a via de síntese do cAMP no CB em resposta a variações na concentração de HCO3/CO2. Em concreto, o protocolo experimental centrou-se na caracterização da sAC, dado que a sua actividade é regulada por variações de HCO3/CO2. A caracterização da expressão e regulação da sAC, em resposta a variações de HCO3/CO2 ,foi efectuada no CB e em tecidos não quimioreceptores periféricos (e.g. gânglio cervical superior, petroso e nodoso) por qRT-PCR. A actividade deste enzima foi caracterizada indirectamente através da quantificação dos níveis de cAMP (quantificação por EIA), induzidos por diferentes concentrações de HCO3/CO2, na presença de MDL-12,33-A, um inibidore da tmAC. A expressão das isoformas da tmAC no CB e gânglio petroso foi determinada por RT-qPCR. Adicionalmente, estudámos a contribuição relativa da tmAC e sAC no mecanismo de sensibilidade ao CO2 no CB. Para o efeito foram estudadas as alterações: 1) nos níveis de cAMP (quantificado por EIA) na presença de diferentes concentrações de HCO3/CO2 e ao longo do tempo (5-30 min); 2) na ativação da proteína cinase A (PKA, FRET baseado em sensores) em células tipo I do CB; e 3) na frequência de descarga do CSN (registos) na presença e ausência de ativadores e inibidores da sAC,tmAC e PKA. Por último, foi caracterizada a expressão e actividade da sAC nos quimioreceptors centrais (locus ceruleus, rafe e medula ventro-lateral) através de técnicas de RT-qPCR e EIA. A expressão das isoformas da tmAC foi aprofundada no locus coeruleus através de RT-qPCR. Por fim, comparámos a contribuição da tmAC e sAC nos níveis de cAMP no locus coeruleus em condições de normocapnia e hipercapnia.O nosso trabalho teve os seguintes resultados principais: 1) PDE4 está funcional no corpo carotídeo, artérias carótidas e gânglio cervical superior de rato, embora a PDE2 só se encontre funcional neste último; 2) Os efeitos dos inibidores de PDE nos níveis de acumulação de cAMP foram exacerbados em situações de hipóxia aguda no CB e artérias carótidas, mas foram atenuados no gânglio cervical superior; 3) No gânglio cervical superior, diferentes tipos de células apresentaram uma caracterização específica de PDEs, sugerindo uma subpopulação de células neste gânglio com funções fisiológicas distintas; 4) Embora todas as isoformas de PDE4 e PDE3 estivessem presentes no gânglio, a PDE3a, PDE4b e a PDE4d foram as isoformas mais expressas. Por outro lado, incubações de gânglio cervical superior, em diferentes percentagens de oxigénio, não alteraram (não regularam) significativamente a expressão das diferentes isoformas de PDE neste órgão; 5) a sAC encontra-se expressa e funcional no CB e nos quimiorecetores centrais estudados (locus coeruleus, rafe e medula ventrolateral). A sAC apresenta maior expressão no CB comparativamente aos restantes orgãos estudados, exceptuando os testículos, orgão controlo. Variações de HCO3/CO2 de 0/0 para 24/5 aumentaram os níveis de cAMP no CB e quimiorecetores centrais, tendo sido o aumento mais significativo observado no CB. Concentrações acima dos 24mM HCO3/5%CO2 não induziram alterações nos níveis de cAMP, sugerindo que a actividade da sAC se encontra saturada em condições fisiológicas (normocapnia) e que este enzima não desempenha qualquer papel na deteção de situações de hipercapnia; 6) No CB, a expressão das isoformas tmAC1, tmAC4, tmAC6 e tmAC9 é mais elevada comparativamente à expressão da sAC; 7) Utilizamos diferentes inibidores da tmAC (MDL 12-330A, 500μM, 2’5’-ddADO, 30-300μM, SQ 22536, 200μM) e da sAC (KH7, 10-100μM) para estudar a contribuição relativa destes enzimas na acumulação do cAMP no CB. Tanto a tmAC como a sAC contribuem para a acumulação dos níveis de cAMP em condições de hipercapnia. Contudo, existe um maior efeito destes inibidores nas condições de 12 mM HCO3/2.5%CO2 do que em condições de normocapnia e hipercapnia, sugerindo um papel relevante destes enzimas na atividade do CB em situações de hipocapnia; 8) Não se observaram variações nos níveis de cAMP em resposta a diferentes concentrações de HCO3/CO2 ao longo do tempo (5-30 min). O efeito inibitório induzido por ddADO e KH7 foi sobreponível após 5 ou 30 minutos de incubação em todas as concentrações de HCO3/CO2 estudadas; 9) Por último, verificou-se um aumento na frequência da descarga do nervo do seio carotídeo entre as condições de normocapnia e hipercapnia acídica. Ao contrário do KH7 (10μM), o 2’5’-ddADO reduziu significativamente a frequência de descarga do nervo, quer em condições de normocapnia quer de hipercapnia acídica. Contudo, não se verificou aumento na frequência de descarga do nervo entre normocapnia e hipercapnia isohídrica, sugerindo que a sensibilidade à hipercapnia no CB é mediada por variações de pH. Em conclusão, os resultados decorrentes deste trabalho permitiram demonstrar que, embora os enzimas que medeiam a via de sinalização do cAMP possam ser bons alvos terapêuticos em condições particulares, a sua actividade não é específica para o CB. Os resultados sugerem ainda que o cAMP não é um mediador específico da transdução à hipercapnia neste orgão. Contudo, os nossos resultados demonstraram que os níveis de cAMP são mais elevados em condições fisiológicas, o que sugere que o cAMP possa ter uma função homeostática neste orgão. Por último, o presente trabalho demonstrou que os aumentos de cAMP descritos por outros em condições de hipercapnia, não são observáveis quando o pH se encontra controlado. ------------------ ABSTRACT: The work presented in this dissertation was aimed to establish how specific is cAMP-signaling pathways in the CB mainly in different CO2 conditions and how O2 concentrations alter/drives the manipulation of cAMP signaling in the CB. The experimental studies included in this thesis sought to investigate the role of cAMP in the rat CB chemotransduction mechanisms and to determine whether the enzymes that participate in cAMP signal transduction in the CB are regulated by O2/CO2. We characterized the enzymes involved in the cAMP-signaling pathway in the CB (sAC, tmAC, PDE) under different O2/CO2 conditions. Our results demonstrated that many of these enzymes are involved in CO2/O2 sensing and while they may be useful in treating conditions with alterations in CO2/O2 sensing,they will not be specific to chemoreception within the CB: 1) PDE4 is ubiquitously expressed in CB and non-chemoreceptor related tissues and their affinity to inhibitors change with O2 tensions in both CB and carotid arteries, and 2) sAC and tmAC are expressed in peripheral and central chemo- and non-chemoreceptor tissues and their effect on cAMP levels do not change between normocapnic and isohydric hypercapnic conditions. Our results provide evidence against a specific role of cAMP as a mediator for O2 and CO2 chemotransduction in the rat CB and emphasized the role of pH in CO2 sensitivity of the CB. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that cAMP levels are maintained higher under physiological conditions, supporting recent finding from our lab, which all together suggests that cAMP has a homeostatic function in this organ.


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Hemeoxygenase-2 (HO-2) is an antioxidant enzyme that can modulate recombinant maxi-K(+) channels and has been proposed to be the acute O(2) sensor in the carotid body (CB). We have tested the physiological contribution of this enzyme to O(2) sensing using HO-2 null mice. HO-2 deficiency leads to a CB phenotype characterized by organ growth and alteration in the expression of stress-dependent genes, including the maxi-K(+) channel alpha-subunit. However, sensitivity to hypoxia of CB is remarkably similar in HO-2 null animals and their control littermates. Moreover, the response to hypoxia in mouse and rat CB cells was maintained after blockade of maxi-K(+) channels with iberiotoxin. Hypoxia responsiveness of the adrenal medulla (AM) (another acutely responding O(2)-sensitive organ) was also unaltered by HO-2 deficiency. Our data suggest that redox disregulation resulting from HO-2 deficiency affects maxi-K(+) channel gene expression but it does not alter the intrinsic O(2) sensitivity of CB or AM cells. Therefore, HO-2 is not a universally used acute O(2) sensor.


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Carotid bodies are chemoreceptors sensitive to a fall of partial oxygen pressure in blood (hypoxia). The morphological alterations of these organs in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and in people living at high altitude are well known. However, it is not known whether the histological profile of human carotid bodies is changed in acute clinical conditions such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The objective of the present study was to perform a quantitative analysis of the histology of carotid bodies collected from patients who died of ARDS. A morphometric study of carotid bodies collected during routine autopsies was carried out on three groups: patients that died of non-respiratory diseases (controls, N = 8), patients that presented COPD and died of its complications or associated diseases (N = 7), and patients that died of ARDS (N = 7). Morphometric measurements of the volume fraction of clusters of chief cells were performed in five fields on each slide at 40X magnification. The numerical proportion of the four main histological cell types (light, dark, progenitor and sustentacular cells) was determined analyzing 10 fields on each slide at 400X magnification. The proportion of dark cells was 0.22 in ARDS patients, 0.12 in controls (P<0.001), and 0.08 in the COPD group. The proportion of light cells was 0.33 (ARDS), 0.44 (controls) (P<0.001), and 0.36 (COPD). These findings suggest that chronic and acute hypoxia have different effects on the histology of glomic tissue.


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We investigated the effects of doxazosin (Dox), an alpha-adrenoceptor antagonist used clinically for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), on the rat prostatic complex by assessing structural parameters, collagen fiber content, cell proliferation, and apoptosis. Adult Wistar rats were treated with Dox (25 mg/kg per day), and the ventral (VP), dorsolateral, and anterior prostate (AP) regions of the prostate complex were excised at 3, 7, and 30 days after treatment. At 24 h before being killed, the rats were injected once with 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU; thymidine analog) to label mitotically active cells. The prostates were weighed and processed for histochemistry, morphometry-stereology, immunohistochemistry for BrdU, Western blotting for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), and the TUNEL reaction for apoptosis. Dox-treated prostate lobes at day 3 presented increased weight, an enlarged ductal lumen, low cubical epithelial cells, reduced epithelial folds, and stretched smooth muscle cells. However, at day 30, the prostates exhibited a weight reduction of ∼20% and an increased area of collagen and reticular fibers in the stromal space. Dox also reduced epithelial cell proliferation and increased apoptosis in the three prostatic lobes. Western blotting for PCNA confirmed the reduction of cell proliferation by Dox, with the AP and VP being more affected than the dorsal prostate. Thus, Dox treatment alters epithelial cell behavior and prostatic tissue mechanical demand, inducing tissue remodeling in which collagen fibers assume a major role. © 2007 Springer-Verlag.


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Objectives Our main objectives were to investigate the affinity properties of endothelial and muscular α1D-adrenoceptors and to characterize the cross-talk between endothelial α1D- adrenoceptors and β2-adrenoceptors in rat carotid. Methods Relaxation and contraction concentration-response curves for phenylephrine (α1-adrenergic agonist) were obtained in carotid rings in absence or presence of increasing concentrations of BMY7378 (α 1D-adrenergic antagonist), combined or not with increasing concentration of ICI-118,551 (β2-adrenergic antagonist). Schild analysis was used to estimate the affinity constant from pA2 values of BMY7378. Key Findings BMY7378 produced an unsurmountable antagonism on phenylephrine-induced relaxation but a surmountable antagonism on phenylephrine-induced contraction. BMY7378 potency was higher in inhibiting the relaxation than the contraction induced by phenylephrine because the rightward shifts induced by BMY7378 were greater in the relaxation. The apparent pA 2 value for BMY7378 in phenylephrine-induced relaxation was greater than in contraction. When combined with ICI-118,551, BMY7378 yielded a surmountable antagonism on phenylephrine-induced relaxation and presented a pA2 value similar to that obtained in phenylephrine-induced contraction. Conclusions Endothelial α1D-adrenoceptors, which mediates rat carotid relaxation, present high ligand affinity because of the cross-talk with β2-adrenoceptors, which explains the higher potency of phenylephrine in inducing relaxation than contraction and the atypical unsurmountable antagonism produced by BMY7378 on phenylephrine-induced relaxation. © 2013 Royal Pharmaceutical Society.


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Sequential studies of osteopenic bone disease in small animals require the availability of non-invasive, accurate and precise methods to assess bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD). Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), which is currently used in humans for this purpose, can also be applied to small animals by means of adapted software. Precision and accuracy of DXA was evaluated in 10 rats weighing 50-265 g. The rats were anesthetized with a mixture of ketamine-xylazine administrated intraperitoneally. Each rat was scanned six times consecutively in the antero-posterior incidence after repositioning using the rat whole-body software for determination of whole-body BMC and BMD (Hologic QDR 1000, software version 5.52). Scan duration was 10-20 min depending on rat size. After the last measurement, rats were sacrificed and soft tissues were removed by dermestid beetles. Skeletons were then scanned in vitro (ultra high resolution software, version 4.47). Bones were subsequently ashed and dissolved in hydrochloric acid and total body calcium directly assayed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (TBCa[chem]). Total body calcium was also calculated from the DXA whole-body in vivo measurement (TBCa[DXA]) and from the ultra high resolution measurement (TBCa[UH]) under the assumption that calcium accounts for 40.5% of the BMC expressed as hydroxyapatite. Precision error for whole-body BMC and BMD (mean +/- S.D.) was 1.3% and 1.5%, respectively. Simple regression analysis between TBCa[DXA] or TBCa[UH] and TBCa[chem] revealed tight correlations (n = 0.991 and 0.996, respectively), with slopes and intercepts which were significantly different from 1 and 0, respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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Dopamine (DA) is a neuromodulator in the brainstem involved with the generation and modulation of the autonomic and respiratory activities. Here we evaluated the effect of microinjection of DA intracistema magna (icm) or into the caudal nucleus tractus solitarii (cNTS) on the baseline cardiovascular and respiratory parameters and on the cardiovascular and respiratory responses to chemoreflex activation in awake rats. Guide cannulas were implanted in cisterna magna or cNTS and femoral artery and vein were catheterized. Respiratory frequency (f(R)) was measured by whole-body plethysmography. Chemoreflex was activated with KCN (iv) before and after microinjection of DA icm or into the cNTS bilaterally while mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR) and f(R) were recorded. Microinjection of DA icm (n = 13), but not into the cNTS (n = 8) produced a significant decrease in baseline MAP (-15 +/- 1 vs 1 +/- 1 mm Hg) and HR (-55 +/- 11 vs -11 +/- 17 bpm) in relation to control (saline with ascorbic acid, n = 9) but no significant changes in baseline f(R). Microinjection of DA icm or into the cNTS produced no significant changes in the pressor, bradycardic and tachypneic responses to chemoreflex activation. These data show that a) DA icm affects baseline cardiovascular regulation, but not baseline f(R) and autonomic and respiratory components of chemoreflex and b) DA into the cNTS does not affect either the autonomic activity to the cardiovascular system or the autonomic and respiratory responses of chemoreflex activation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present study we evaluated the role of ionotropic glutamate receptors and purinergic P2 receptors in the caudal commissural NTS (cNTS) on the modulation of the baseline respiratory frequency (fR), and on the tachypneic response to chemoreflex activation in awake rats. The selective antagonism of ionotropic glutamate receptors with kynurenic acid (2 nmol/50 nl) in the cNTS produced a significant increase in the baseline fR but no changes in the tachypneic response to chemoreflex activation. The selective antagonism of purinergic P2 receptors by PPADS (0.25 nmol/50 nl) in the cNTS produced no changes in the baseline fR or in the tachypneic response to chemoreflex activation. The data indicate that glutamate acting on ionotropic receptors in the cNTS plays a inhibitory role on the modulation of the baseline fR but had no effect on the tachypneic response to chemoreflex activation, while ATP acting on P2 receptors in the cNTS plays no major role in the modulation of the baseline fR or in the tachypneic response to chemoreflex activation. We suggest that neurotransmitters other than L-glutamate and ATP are involved in the processing of the tachypneic response of the chemoreflex at the cNTS level. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Serotonergic (5-HT) neurons in the nucleus raphe obscurus (ROb) are involved in the respiratory control network. However, it is not known whether ROb 5-HT neurons play a role in the functional interdependence between central and peripheral chemoreceptors. Therefore, we investigated the role of ROb 5-HT neurons in the ventilatory responses to CO(2) and their putative involvement in the central-peripheral CO(2) chemoreceptor interaction in unanaesthetised rats. We used a chemical lesion specific for 5-HT neurons (anti-SERT-SAP) of the ROb in animals with the carotid body (CB) intact or removed (CBR). Pulmonary ventilation (V (E)), body temperature and the arterial blood gases were measured before, during and after a hypercapnic challenge (7% CO(2)). The lesion of ROb 5-HT neurons alone (CB intact) or the lesion of 5-HT neurons of ROb+CBR did not affect baseline V (E) during normocapnic condition. Killing ROb 5-HT neurons (CB intact) significantly decreased the ventilatory response to hypercapnia (p < 0.05). The reduction in CO(2) sensitivity was approximately 15%. When ROb 5-HT neurons lesion was combined with CBR (anti-SERT-SAP+CBR), the V (E) response to hypercapnia was further decreased (-31.2%) compared to the control group. The attenuation of CO(2) sensitivity was approximately 30%, and it was more pronounced than the sum of the individual effects of central (ROb lesion; -12.3%) or peripheral (CBR; -5.5%) treatments. Our data indicate that ROb 5-HT neurons play an important role in the CO(2) drive to breathing and may act as an important element in the central-peripheral chemoreception interaction to CO(2) responsiveness.


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Background-In vivo methods to evaluate the size and composition of atherosclerotic lesions in animal models of atherosclerosis would assist in the testing of antiatherosclerotic drugs. We have developed an MRI method of detecting atherosclerotic plaque in the major vessels at the base of the heart in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-knockout (LDLR-/-) mice on a high-fat diet. Methods and Results-Three-dimensional fast spin-echo magnetic resonance images were acquired at 7 T by use of cardiac and respiratory triggering, with approximate to140-mum isotropic resolution, over 30 minutes. Comparison of normal and fat-suppressed images from female LDLR-/- mice I week before and 8 and 12 weeks after the transfer to a high-fat diet allowed visualization and quantification of plaque development in the innominate artery in vivo. Plaque mean cross-sectional area was significantly greater at week 12 in the LDLR-/- mice (0.14+/-0.086 mm(2) [mean+/-SD]) than in wild-type control mice on a normal diet (0.017+/-0.031 mm(2), p


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Resumo: O corpo carotídeo gera o quimiorreflexo à hipoxia, tendo por objectivo principal a homeostase dos gases do sangue. Esta tese testou a hipótese da função destes quimiossensores não se deteriorar ao longo da idade. In vivo, em ratos anestesiados, foram estudados os efeitos da idade nas respostas cardiorespiratórias a dois tipos de estímulos diferentes: a isquemia carotídea e a manipulação farmacológica de dois neurotransmissores com efeitos opostos nos quimiorreceptores, a adenosina e a dopamina. O modelo de isquemia carotídea corresponde à oclusão bilateral da artéria carótida comum, durante períodos de 5 a 15 s, o que determina um efeito excitatório na ventilação que é abolido pela secção bilateral dos nervos do seio carotídeo. No estudo farmacológico foram analisadas as respostas cardio-respiratórias à adenosina e à dopamina exógenas na presença e na ausência de antagonistas selectivos para os receptores A2A e D2, respectivamente. In vitro, no corpo carotídeo, foi quantificado o efeito de diferentes concentrações de oxigénio no conteúdo do segundo mensageiro comum à activação dos receptores A2A e D2, o cAMP. Em conjunto, estes resultados demonstraram que no rato o controlo da ventilação pelo corpo carotídeo se mantém inalterado ao longo da idade.--------------------- ABSTRACT: The carotid body initiates reflexes aimed principally at the homeostatic maintenance of blood gas tensions. This thesis tested the hypothesis of the function of these quimiossensores not deteriorate through age. In vivo, in anesthetized rats, we studied the effects of age on cardiorespiratory responses to two different types of stimuli: carotid ischemia and pharmacological manipulation of neurotransmitters with two opposite effects on chemoreceptors, adenosine and dopamine. The model of carotid ischemia corresponded to bilateral occlusion of common carotid artery, during periods of 5 to 15 s, which determines an excitatory effect on ventilation that is abolished by bilateral section of carotid sinus nerve. The pharmacological study analyzed the cardiorespiratory responses to exogenous adenosine and dopamine in the presence and absence of selective antagonists for the A2A and D2 receptors, respectively. In vitro, at the carotid body, it was quantified the effect of different concentrations of oxygen in the content of the common second messenger for the activation of A2A and D2 receptors, the cAMP. Together, these results showed that in rats the control of ventilation by carotid body remains unchanged through age.


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INTRODUCTION: Carotid body tumours (CBT) are neoplasms that develop from paragangionic cells of this structure. They are rare, with an estimated incidence of 1:30000 and can be associated with other neuro-endocrine neoplasia. The authors report their experience in the management of the disease, in the last 10 years. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Eight patients (with eight tumours) were treated, all submitted to tumour resection. 75% were female and the mean age was 56 years. We report a 12,5% incidence of neurological sequelae from surgery, and no mortality. In the follow-up (which varied between 1 and 10 years), no local or contralateral recurrence or metastasis were registered. Also, we did not found family cases of this disease. CONCLUSIONS: The authors noticed an unusually high proportion of female patients. The tumour resection was curative in all patients, with a rate of neurological complications inferior to that reported in other published series. These neurological sequelae were reported in patients with large tumours, thus reinforcing the outmost importance of an early diagnosis. Pre-operative selective embolization of these tumours can be helpful in the resection of large tumours, allowing a potential reduction in neurological complications.


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