991 resultados para Quimica experimental


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This work aims to determine a better methodology to help predicting some operational parameters to a new design of mixer-settler on treating wastewater produced by petroleum industry, called MDIF (Misturador-Decantador à Inversão de Fases/ Mixer-Settler based on Phase Inversion MSPI). The data from this research were obtained from the wastewater treatment unit, called MSPI-TU, installed on a wastewater treatment plant (WTP) of PETROBRAS/UO-RNCE. The importance in determining the better methodology to predict the results of separation and extraction efficiency of the equipment, contributes significantly to determine the optimum operating variables for the control of the unit. The study was based on a comparison among the experimental efficiency (E) obtained by operating MSPI-TU, the efficiency obtained by experimental design equation (Eplan) from the software Statistica Experimental Design® (version 7.0), and the other obtained from a modeling equation based on a dimensional analysis (Ecalc). The results shows that the experimental design equation gives a good prediction of the unit efficiencies with better data reliability, regarding to the condition before a run operation. The average deviation between the proposed by statistic planning model equation and experimental data was 0.13%. On the other hand, the efficiency calculated by the equation which represents the dimensional analysis, may result on important relative deviations (up 70%). Thus, the experimental design is confirmed as a reliable tool, with regard the experimental data processing of the MSPI-TU


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Thermogravimetric results are influenced by a series of experimental factors, such as furnace heating rate and atmosphere, velocity of carrier gas, sample mass, etc. In this work a practical evaluation of these parameters are showed for calcium oxalate, with teaching objectives, considering that undergraduate text books discuss but do not show experimental details for these cases.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq


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Water injection in oil reservoirs is a recovery technique widely used for oil recovery. However, the injected water contains suspended particles that can be trapped, causing formation damage and injectivity decline. In such cases, it is necessary to stimulate the damaged formation looking forward to restore the injectivity of the injection wells. Injectivity decline causes a major negative impact to the economy of oil production, which is why, it is important to foresee the injectivity behavior for a good waterflooding management project. Mathematical models for injectivity losses allow studying the effect of the injected water quality, also the well and formation characteristics. Therefore, a mathematical model of injectivity losses for perforated injection wells was developed. The scientific novelty of this work relates to the modeling and prediction of injectivity decline in perforated injection wells, considering deep filtration and the formation of external cake in spheroidal perforations. The classic modeling for deep filtration was rewritten using spheroidal coordinates. The solution to the concentration of suspended particles was obtained analytically and the concentration of the retained particles, which cause formation damage, was solved numerically. The acquisition of the solution to impedance assumed a constant injection rate and the modified Darcy´s Law, defined as being the inverse of the normalized injectivity by the inverse of the initial injectivity. Finally, classic linear flow injectivity tests were performed within Berea sandstone samples, and within perforated samples. The parameters of the model, filtration and formation damage coefficients, obtained from the data, were used to verify the proposed modeling. The simulations showed a good fit to the experimental data, it was observed that the ratio between the particle size and pore has a large influence on the behavior of injectivity decline.


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Esta tesis avanz? hacia el dise?o de una propuesta program?tica alterna de ense?anza de la qu?mica a nivel universitario, estructurada en objetivos o finalidades, n?cleos tem?ticos, criterios para conectar con otros conocimientos y procesos de justificaci?n o procesos epistemol?gicos. Todos y cada uno de estos elementos adquiri? sentido en la medida que articulaba aspectos como los episodios hist?ricos, la descripci?n experimental, y el dise?o y uso de instrumentos cient?ficos lo cual fue obtenido por medio del uso de la historia y la filosof?a de la experimentaci?n de la qu?mica, y del conocimiento (cient?fico y cotidiano), lenguaje (verbal, gr?fico, de f?rmulas y cotidiano) y experiencia (descripci?n experimental, uso instrumental, describe el funcionamiento de instrumentos e imaginativa) caracterizados en los cuestionarios que fueron aplicados a los profesores en formaci?n inicial de ciencias. Dentro de la revisi?n de la literatura especializada y enfocada a las investigaciones en el campo de la did?ctica de las ciencias en general y de la qu?mica en particular, se logr? identificar retos y necesidades relacionados con la ense?anza del conocimiento de la qu?mica a nivel universitario y espec?ficamente sobre la importancia de asumir la combusti?n como objeto de estudio educativo ?til e ineludible para los profesores en formaci?n inicial de ciencias naturales. Para otorgar una coherencia investigativa con rigurosidad cient?fica, se seleccion? la metodolog?a de investigaci?n cualitativa con un enfoque interpretativo (Flick, 2004; Hern?ndez, Fern?ndez-Collado, & Baptista, 2008). Los datos que se recolectaron provinieron de: 1. Los Textos Cient?fico ? Hist?ricos elaborados por cient?ficos como Boyle, Mayow, Scheele, Prietsley, Cavendish y Lavoisier, a los que se les realiz? un An?lisis Hist?rico Cr?tico para establecer un di?logo que permita identificar aportes ?tiles para la ense?anza de la qu?mica. 2. Estudiantes de un programa de Licenciatura en Educaci?n B?sica en Ciencias Naturales y Educaci?n Ambiental a quienes se les aplic? un cuestionario y se realiz? un an?lisis para caracterizar c?mo el conocimiento, la experiencia y el lenguaje hac?an parte de las respuestas que elaboraron. Al finalizar, se elaboran conclusiones sobre el estudio hist?rico filos?fico de la experimentaci?n, las explicaciones de los profesores en formaci?n inicial en ciencias naturales, la metodolog?a de investigaci?n, el dise?o de una propuesta alterna de programaci?n para la ense?anza de la qu?mica y las perspectivas para investigaci?n futuras.


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Deep bed filtration occurs in several industrial and environmental processes like water filtration and soil contamination. In petroleum industry, deep bed filtration occurs near to injection wells during water injection, causing injectivity reduction. It also takes place during well drilling, sand production control, produced water disposal in aquifers, etc. The particle capture in porous media can be caused by different physical mechanisms (size exclusion, electrical forces, bridging, gravity, etc). A statistical model for filtration in porous media is proposed and analytical solutions for suspended and retained particles are derived. The model, which incorporates particle retention probability, is compared with the classical deep bed filtration model allowing a physical interpretation of the filtration coefficients. Comparison of the obtained analytical solutions for the proposed model with the classical model solutions allows concluding that the larger the particle capture probability, the larger the discrepancy between the proposed and the classical models


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Injectivity decline, which can be caused by particle retention, generally occurs during water injection or reinjection in oil fields. Several mechanisms, including straining, are responsible for particle retention and pore blocking causing formation damage and injectivity decline. Predicting formation damage and injectivity decline is essential in waterflooding projects. The Classic Model (CM), which incorporates filtration coefficients and formation damage functions, has been widely used to predict injectivity decline. However, various authors have reported significant discrepancies between Classical Model and experimental results, motivating the development of deep bed filtration models considering multiple particle retention mechanisms (Santos & Barros, 2010; SBM). In this dissertation, inverse problem solution was studied and a software for experimental data treatment was developed. Finally, experimental data were fitted using both the CM and SBM. The results showed that, depending on the formation damage function, the predictions for injectivity decline using CM and SBM models can be significantly different


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This paper explores a new interpretation of experiments on foil rolling. The assumption that the roll remains convex is relaxed so that the strip profile may become concave, or thicken in the roll gap. However, we conjecture that the concave profile is associated with phenomena which occur after the rolls have stopped. We argue that the yield criterion must be satisfied in a nonconventional manner if such a phenomenon is caused plastically. Finite element analysis on an extrusion problem appears to confirm this conjecture.


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In this present work attempts have been made to study the glass transition temperature of alternative mould materials by using both microwave heating and conventional oven heating. In this present work three epoxy resins, namely R2512, R2515 and R2516, which are commonly used for making injection moulds have been used in combination with two hardeners H2403 and H2409. The magnetron microwave generator used in this research is operating at a frequency of 2.45 GHz with a hollow rectangular waveguide. In order to distinguish the effects between the microwave and conventional heating, a number of experiments were performed to test their mechanical properties such as tensile and flexural strengths. Additionally, differential scanning calorimeter technique was implemented to measure the glass transition temperature on both microwave and conventional heating. This study provided necessary evidences to establish that microwave heated mould materials resulted with higher glass transition temperature than the conventional heating. Finally, attempts were also made to study the microstructure of microwave-cured materials by using a scanning electron microscope in order to analyze the morphology of cured specimens.