998 resultados para Queueing Theory


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Exam questions and solutions in PDF


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Exam questions and solutions in LaTex


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In this work we construct the stationary measure of the N species totally asymmetric simple exclusion process in a matrix product formulation. We make the connection between the matrix product formulation and the queueing theory picture of Ferrari and Martin. In particular, in the standard representation, the matrices act on the space of queue lengths. For N > 2 the matrices in fact become tensor products of elements of quadratic algebras. This enables us to give a purely algebraic proof of the stationary measure which we present for N=3.


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Cloud is becoming a dominant computing platform. Naturally, a question that arises is whether we can beat notorious DDoS attacks in a cloud environment. Researchers have demonstrated that the essential issue of DDoS attack and defense is resource competition between defenders and attackers. A cloud usually possesses profound resources and has full control and dynamic allocation capability of its resources. Therefore, cloud offers us the potential to overcome DDoS attacks. However, individual cloud hosted servers are still vulnerable to DDoS attacks if they still run in the traditional way. In this paper, we propose a dynamic resource allocation strategy to counter DDoS attacks against individual cloud customers. When a DDoS attack occurs, we employ the idle resources of the cloud to clone sufficient intrusion prevention servers for the victim in order to quickly filter out attack packets and guarantee the quality of the service for benign users simultaneously. We establish a mathematical model to approximate the needs of our resource investment based on queueing theory. Through careful system analysis and real-world data set experiments, we conclude that we can defeat DDoS attacks in a cloud environment. © 2013 IEEE.


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O objetivo principal deste trabalho consiste na exploração de parâmetros de variáveis organizacionais e psico-sociais relacionadas aos acidentes de trabalho de uma indústria de construção naval do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, através da aplicação de modelos matemáticos inspirados na Teoria das filas. A primeira parte compreende uma revisão das principais pesquisas 8 estudos relacionando diversas variáveis psicológicas, sociais sociológicas, fisiológicas físicas e organizacionais a ocorrência de acidentas de trabalho. A segunda parte do trabalho consiste na análise de 9.657 acidentes ocorri dos em uma indústria de construção naval no ano de 1974 quando são evidenciados os parâmetros que regem as distribuições do numero de acidentes sofridos por operário e do intervalo entre acidentes consecutivos são ainda propostas as equações que deveriam ser empregadas para a previsão das duas variáveis dependentes consideradas. Ao final são apresentadas algumas sugestões e conclusões onde a mais importante refere-se à invariância dos parâmetros quando se consideram diferentes características pessoais dos sujeitos. Tal fato é interpretado como produto do grau de periculosidade muito e levado da organização que esconde ria as influências das variáveis pessoais na ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho.


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The paper describes two new transport layer (TCP) options and an expanded transport layer queuing strategy that facilitate three functions that are fundamental to the dispatching-based clustered service. A transport layer option has been developed to facilitate. the use of client wait time data within the service request processing of the cluster. A second transport layer option has been developed to facilitate the redirection of service requests by the cluster dispatcher to the cluster processing member. An expanded transport layer service request queuing strategy facilitates the trust based filtering of incoming service requests so that a graceful degradation of service delivery may be achieved during periods of overload - most dramatically evidenced by distributed denial of service attacks against the clustered service. We describe how these new options and queues have been implemented and successfully tested within the transport layer of the Linux kernel.


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Queueing theory is an effective tool in the analysis of canputer camrunication systems. Many results in queueing analysis have teen derived in the form of Laplace and z-transform expressions. Accurate inversion of these transforms is very important in the study of computer systems, but the inversion is very often difficult. In this thesis, methods for solving some of these queueing problems, by use of digital signal processing techniques, are presented. The z-transform of the queue length distribution for the Mj GY jl system is derived. Two numerical methods for the inversion of the transfom, together with the standard numerical technique for solving transforms with multiple queue-state dependence, are presented. Bilinear and Poisson transform sequences are presented as useful ways of representing continuous-time functions in numerical computations.


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This is a review of methodology for the algorithmic study of some useful models in point process and queueing theory, as discussed in three lectures at the Summer Institute at Sozopol, Bulgaria. We provide references to sources where the extensive details of this work are found. For future investigation, some open problems and new methodological approaches are proposed.


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Queueing Theory is the mathematical study of queues or waiting lines. Queues abound in every day life - in computer networks, in tra c islands, in communication of electro-magnetic signals, in telephone exchange, in bank counters, in super market checkouts, in doctor's clinics, in petrol pumps, in o ces where paper works to be processed and many other places. Originated with the published work of A. K. Erlang in 1909 [16] on congestion in telephone tra c, Queueing Theory has grown tremendously in a century. Its wide range applications includes Operations Research, Computer Science, Telecommunications, Tra c Engineering, Reliability Theory, etc.


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Queueing theory is the mathematical study of ‘queue’ or ‘waiting lines’ where an item from inventory is provided to the customer on completion of service. A typical queueing system consists of a queue and a server. Customers arrive in the system from outside and join the queue in a certain way. The server picks up customers and serves them according to certain service discipline. Customers leave the system immediately after their service is completed. For queueing systems, queue length, waiting time and busy period are of primary interest to applications. The theory permits the derivation and calculation of several performance measures including the average waiting time in the queue or the system, mean queue length, traffic intensity, the expected number waiting or receiving service, mean busy period, distribution of queue length, and the probability of encountering the system in certain states, such as empty, full, having an available server or having to wait a certain time to be served.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Queueing theory provides models, structural insights, problem solutions and algorithms to many application areas. Due to its practical applicability to production, manufacturing, home automation, communications technology, etc, more and more complex systems requires more elaborated models, tech- niques, algorithm, etc. need to be developed. Discrete-time models are very suitable in many situations and a feature that makes the analysis of discrete time systems technically more involved than its continuous time counterparts. In this paper we consider a discrete-time queueing system were failures in the server can occur as-well as priority messages. The possibility of failures of the server with general life time distribution is considered. We carry out an extensive study of the system by computing generating functions for the steady-state distribution of the number of messages in the queue and in the system. We also obtain generating functions for the stationary distribution of the busy period and sojourn times of a message in the server and in the system. Performance measures of the system are also provided.


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The aim of this letter is to propose an analytical model to study the performance of Software-Defined Network (SDN) switches. Here, SDN switch performance is defined as the time that an SDN switch needs to process packet without the interaction of controller. We exploit the capabilities of queueing theory based M/Geo/1 model to analyze the key factors, flowtable size, packet arrival rate, number of rules, and position of rules. The analytical model is validated using extensive simulations. Our study reveals that these factors have significant influence on the performance of an SDN switch.


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Este análisis muestra detalladamente la línea de producción de la planta de Volkswagen, ubicada en México en el estado de Puebla. Se describe la capacidad operativa utilizada para satisfacer la demanda de la planta de producción de automóviles más grande de Latinoamérica, siendo clave para mantenerse en el mercado con estándares de calidad altos y contribuir al desarrollo de la economía del país. Asimismo, a nivel regional, esta planta se abastece de proveedores estratégicos ubicados en una zona cercana, ayudando a disminuir costos de transporte de piezas y tiempos de respuesta. Inicialmente se realiza una breve descripción del entorno económico de la empresa a nivel regional y del sector a nivel global para hacer énfasis en lo competitivo que es el mercado de la producción de automóviles. Posteriormente se describe la finalidad que tiene esta misión empresarial soportada por la Universidad del Rosario, donde se afianzan conocimientos importantes sobre un mercado de talla mundial. El siguiente aspecto es un diagnóstico de la empresa, donde se dan a conocer las marcas que hacen parte del grupo Volkswagen y la situación financiera que refleja la marca desde el 2012, revelando los ingresos obtenidos durante el período 2012-2014, gastos operacionales y factores que no se destacan positivamente como un flujo de caja negativo para el 2014. Posteriormente se plasman los conceptos teóricos necesarios para que el lector comprenda las variables inmersas en una planta de producción, destacando la teoría de colas y el diseño del layout de la empresa. Finalmente, se da una descripción detallada del proceso de producción en esta planta, donde se muestra la línea de producción, el ensamble y la importancia de un sistema operativo interno que depende principalmente de una alta inversión de tecnología e ingeniería que permite obtener un mayor beneficio en cada etapa del proceso.


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In this thesis we attempt to make a probabilistic analysis of some physically realizable, though complex, storage and queueing models. It is essentially a mathematical study of the stochastic processes underlying these models. Our aim is to have an improved understanding of the behaviour of such models, that may widen their applicability. Different inventory systems with randon1 lead times, vacation to the server, bulk demands, varying ordering levels, etc. are considered. Also we study some finite and infinite capacity queueing systems with bulk service and vacation to the server and obtain the transient solution in certain cases. Each chapter in the thesis is provided with self introduction and some important references