992 resultados para Quebec contemporary novel


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Scopo del lavoro è quello di tracciare un parallelismo tra la narrativa giapponese e angloamericana contemporanea, viste come parte di un sistema di significati che trascende la dimensione nazionale e si installa invece in una dinamica di tipo globale. Le opere letterarie prese in considerazione sono alcune fra quelle ambientate nelle due vere e proprie capitali culturali dei paesi, rispettivamente New York per gli Stati Uniti e Tōkyō per il Giappone. Spunto di partenza dell’analisi è stato il concetto di “global city”, formulato dalla studiosa e sociologa Saskia Sassen, che permette di mettere in relazione dal punto di vista economico, strutturale ma anche sociale le città di New York e Tōkyō. Tale formulazione consente infatti di ragionare in maniera motivata sull’esistenza di un rapporto di flussi di scambio di tipo culturale e, parallelamente, sull’acquisizione di una dimensione di tipo transnazionale di soggetti e tematiche della letteratura. In questo senso, il rapporto tra economia e globalizzazione evidenziato da Sassen può essere paragonato a quello che intercorre tra la letteratura e la globalizzazione. Punto di snodo metodologico del lavoro è rappresentato dall’analisi dello spazio urbano, esaminato sia in chiave urbanistico-architettonica che più specificamente letteraria.


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This dissertation intends to present and analyse the translation from English into Italian of the first twenty-five chapters of Habibi, a teenager and young adult’s novel written by the Palestinian-American author Naomi Shihab Nye. It has been necessary to present the theoretical approach to the literary translation studies, in order to focus the attention on the translation problems and provide suitable solutions and strategies. The first chapter gives an historical perspective on children’s literature from the end of the Nineteenth century till today, distinguishing the Italian and the American contexts. The description of the evolution process of this literary genre, which developed to satisfy the needs of the educational system, is its central issue. At the end of the chapter, we outline the main traits characterizing children’s literature and the image of the ideal reader. The second chapter provides an overview on Palestinian literature, especially on the features of the contemporary novel and the Diaspora literature. Afterwards, we present the author Naomi Shihab Nye and the book Habibi. In the third chapter we analyze the novel, focusing the attention on the rhythm of the narration, on the linguistic registers and the textual peculiarities found during the reading stage, according to the features of the children’s literature. The fourth chapter consists of the translation of the first twenty-five chapters of the novel. The fifth chapter begins with a section about the translation theory, the literary translation studies, focusing on the translation of children’s literature. Finally, there is the translation analysis. Here we present the strategies and the choices of the translation process, along with some practical examples with reference to theoretical studies. Special attention is paid to culture-specific items, lexicon and syntax.The source text can be found in appendix.


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Este trabajo se propone contrastar tres novelas escritas durante la década del noventa (El palomo cojo de Eduardo Mendicutti, Luna lunera de Rosa Regàs y La hija del caníbal de Rosa Montero), en las que se aborda el pasado reciente español (la Guerra civil y el franquismo) y en las que se observa una preocupación por delimitar aspectos relacionados con la problemática del género sexual y de las identidades no hegemónicas, con la narrativa sobre la memoria del periodo. La hipótesis principal sostiene que en las tres novelas ocurren procesos de configuración de subjetividades abyectas y subalternas, auxiliados por mecanismos que subvierten las formas literarias convencionales elegidas, y que se oponen visiblemente a la construcción de un yo intelectual, cívico y ejemplar que ocurre en la narrativa más amplia comprometida con el rescate del pasado


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Este trabajo se propone contrastar tres novelas escritas durante la década del noventa (El palomo cojo de Eduardo Mendicutti, Luna lunera de Rosa Regàs y La hija del caníbal de Rosa Montero), en las que se aborda el pasado reciente español (la Guerra civil y el franquismo) y en las que se observa una preocupación por delimitar aspectos relacionados con la problemática del género sexual y de las identidades no hegemónicas, con la narrativa sobre la memoria del periodo. La hipótesis principal sostiene que en las tres novelas ocurren procesos de configuración de subjetividades abyectas y subalternas, auxiliados por mecanismos que subvierten las formas literarias convencionales elegidas, y que se oponen visiblemente a la construcción de un yo intelectual, cívico y ejemplar que ocurre en la narrativa más amplia comprometida con el rescate del pasado


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Este trabajo se propone contrastar tres novelas escritas durante la década del noventa (El palomo cojo de Eduardo Mendicutti, Luna lunera de Rosa Regàs y La hija del caníbal de Rosa Montero), en las que se aborda el pasado reciente español (la Guerra civil y el franquismo) y en las que se observa una preocupación por delimitar aspectos relacionados con la problemática del género sexual y de las identidades no hegemónicas, con la narrativa sobre la memoria del periodo. La hipótesis principal sostiene que en las tres novelas ocurren procesos de configuración de subjetividades abyectas y subalternas, auxiliados por mecanismos que subvierten las formas literarias convencionales elegidas, y que se oponen visiblemente a la construcción de un yo intelectual, cívico y ejemplar que ocurre en la narrativa más amplia comprometida con el rescate del pasado


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These essays originally appeared in various periodicals.


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Homero Aridjis (b. 1940) is a major Mexican poet, novelist, essayist and ecological activist whose prolific body of work, ranging over forty years and including more than eleven volumes of poetry and thirteen novels, has yet to be studied as a coherent literary corpus in the context of recent Latin American fiction. The purpose of this dissertation was to analyze the narrative works of this author as both illustrative of the changes that have occurred in Latin American fiction since the 1960s when it first burst onto the world scene, as well as to study the uniqueness of this particular author's view of literature as it relates to historical discourse, apocalypticism. and social commitment. ^ Research showed that in the case of the narrative style of Aridjis, major trends in the contemporary Latin American novel were present in such a profuse and model manner as to confirm this author's importance as a prime example of what is commonly known as “Post-Boom” fiction. However, beyond the mere presence of literary elements, this study showed that the author's unique approach to narrative style has altered and expanded the aesthetic and thematic possibilities of the contemporary novel. The area where this is most clearly seen is in his experimentation with the historical genre. By manipulating the referential techniques of what has lately come to be known as the “new historical novel,” Aridjis has written both a cycle of purely historical novels and a cycle of futuristic ones that attempt to transcend the temporal limits traditionally imposed by these narrative forms, fusing them into one constant questioning of the nature of love, hate and identity. In this manner, he has developed a “simultaneist” narrative approach where distinct historical and imagined periods, places, people, things, and texts coexist and interact, widening almost to delirium the interpretative possibilities of the work. ^ This unique view of time and narrative, together with the author's political activism and millenarian view of history, make the novels of Homero Aridjis an important element in understanding the continuing development and evolution of Latin American fiction at the turn of the century. ^


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En el realismo de finales del XIX se consolida el desarrollo de los personajes novelescos, pero muy poco tiempo después se produce un giro en la narrativa hacia la abstracción que induce a Ortega y Gasset a reflexionar sobre cuáles son las características que definen un personaje literario. En Meditaciones del Quijote (1914), La deshumanización del arte e Ideas sobre la novela (ambos de 1925) hace un análisis histórico que concluye ofreciendo un diagnóstico de la literatura contemporánea. Muchos de los narradores vanguardistas, formados a su sombra, tienen en cuenta sus escritos y experimentan con sus propuestas. En este proceso el mito juega un papel principal, como sustancia de lo poético y como sustrato cultural de muchos de los protagonistas de la novela experimental de los años 20.