51 resultados para Quasars


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The mechanism by which outflows and plausible jets are driven from black hole systems still remains observationally elusive. This notwithstanding, several observational evidences and deeper theoretical insights reveal that accretion and outflow/jet are strongly correlated. We model an advective disk-outflow coupled dynamics, incorporating explicitly the vertical flux. Inter-connecting dynamics of outflow andaccretion essentially upholds the conservation laws. We investigate the properties of the disk-outflow surface and its strong dependence on the rotation parameter of the black hole. The energetics of the disk outflow strongly depend on the mass, accretion rate, and spin of the black holes. The model clearly shows that the outflow power extracted from the disk increases strongly with the spin of the black hole, inferring that the power of the observed astrophysical jets has a proportional correspondence with the spin of the central object. In the case of blazars (BL Lacs and flat spectrum radio quasars, FSRQs), most of their emission are believed to be originated from their jets. It is observed that BL Lacs are relatively low luminous than FSRQs. The luminosity might be linked to the power of the jet, which in turn reflects that the nuclear regions of the BL Lac objects have a relatively low spinning black hole compared to that in the case of FSRQs. If extreme gravity is the source that powers strong outflows and jets, then the spin of the black hole, perhaps, might be the fundamental parameter to account for the observed astrophysical processes in an accretion powered system.


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A study of radio intensity variations at seven frequencies in the range 0.3 to 90 GHz for compact extragalactic radio sources classified as BL Lacs and high- and low-optical polarization quasars (HPQs and LPQs) is presented. This include the results of flux-density monitoring of 33 compact sources for three years at 327 MHz with the Ooty Synthesis Radio Telescope. The degrees of 'short-term' (tau less than about 1 yr) variability for the three optical types are found to be indistinguishable at low frequencies (less than 1 GHz), pointing to an extrinsic origin for the low-frequency variability. At high frequencies, a distinct dependence on optical type is present, the variability increasing from LPQs, through HPQs to BL Lacs. This trend persists even when only sources with ultra-flat radio spectra (alpha greater than -0.2) are considered. Implications of this for the phenomenon of high-frequency variability and the proposed unification schemes for different optical types of active galactic nuclei are discussed.


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We study change in the polarization of electromagnetic waves due to the stimulated Raman scattering in a plasma. In this process an electromagnetic wave undergoes coherent scattering off an electron plasma wave. It is found that some of the observed polarization properties such as the rapid temporal variations, sense reversal, rotation of the plane of polarization, and change of nature of polarization in the case of pulsars and quasars could be accounted for through stimulated Raman scattering.


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There are three ways in which an electromagnetic wave can undergo scattering in a plasma: (i) when the scattering of radiation occurs by a single electron, it is called Compton Scattering (CS); (ii) if it occurs by a longitudinal electron plasma mode, it is called Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS), and (iii) if it occurs by a highly damped electron plasma mode, it is called Stimulated Compton Scattering (SCS). The non-thermal continuum of quasars is believed to be produced through the combined action of synchrotron and inverse Compton processes, which are essentially single-particle processes. Here, we investigate the role of SRS and SCS in the generation of continuum radiation from these compact objects. It is shown as an example that the complete spectrum of 3C 273 can be reproduced by suitably combining SCS and SRS. The differential contributions of SCS and SRS under different values of the plasma parameters are also calculated.


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We present multifrequency Very Large Array (VLA) observations of two giant quasars, 0437-244 and 1025-229, from the Molonglo Complete Sample. These sources have well-defined FR II radio structure, possible one-sided jets, no significant depolarization between 1365 and 4935 MHz and low rotation measure (\ RM \ < 20 rad m(-2)). The giant sources are defined to be those with overall projected size greater than or equal to 1 Mpc. We have compiled a sample of about 50 known giant radio sources from the literature, and have compared some of their properties with a complete sample of 3CR radio sources of smaller sizes to investigate the evolution of giant sources, and test their consistency with the unified scheme for radio galaxies and quasars. We find an inverse correlation between the degree of core prominence and total radio luminosity, and show that the giant radio sources have similar core strengths to smaller sources of similar total luminosity. Hence their large sizes are unlikely to be caused by stronger nuclear activity. The degree of collinearity of the giant sources is also similar to that of the sample of smaller sources. The luminosity-size diagram shows that the giant sources are less luminous than our sample of smaller sized 3CR sources, consistent with evolutionary scenarios in which the giants have evolved from the smaller sources, losing energy as they expand to these large dimensions. For the smaller sources, radiative losses resulting from synchrotron radiation are more significant while for the giant sources the equipartition magnetic fields are smaller and inverse Compton lass owing to microwave background radiation is the dominant process. The radio properties of the giant radio galaxies and quasars are consistent with the unified scheme.


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The spectral index-luminosity relationship for steep-spectrum cores in galaxies and quasars has been investigated, and it is found that the sample of galaxies supports earlier suggestions of a strong correlation, while there is weak evidence for a similar relationship for the quasars. It is shown that a strong spectral index-luminosity correlation can be used to set an upper limit to the velocities of the radio-emitting material which is expelled from the nucleus in the form of collimated beams or jets having relativistic bulk velocities. The data on cores in galaxies indicate that the Lorentz factors of the radiating material are less than about 2.


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Active galactic nucleus (AGN) jets carry more than sufficient energy to stave off catastrophic cooling of the intracluster medium (ICM) in the cores of cool-core clusters. However, in order to prevent catastrophic cooling, the ICM must be heated in a near-isotropic fashion and narrow bipolar jets with P-jet = 10(44-45) erg s(-1), typical of radio AGNs at cluster centers, are inefficient in heating the gas in the transverse direction to the jets. We argue that due to existent conditions in cluster cores, the supermassive black holes (SMBHs) will, in addition to accreting gas via radiatively inefficient flows, experience short stochastic episodes of enhanced accretion via thin disks. In general, the orientation of these accretion disks will be misaligned with the spin axis of the black holes (BHs) and the ensuing torques will cause the BH's spin axis (and therefore the jet axis) to slew and rapidly change direction. This model not only explains recent observations showing successive generations of jet-lobes-bubbles in individual cool-core clusters that are offset from each other in the angular direction with respect to the cluster center, but also shows that AGN jets can heat the cluster core nearly isotropically on the gas cooling timescale. Our model does require that the SMBHs at the centers of cool-core clusters be spinning relatively slowly. Torques from individual misaligned disks are ineffective at tilting rapidly spinning BHs by more than a few degrees. Additionally, since SMBHs that host thin accretion disks will manifest as quasars, we predict that roughly 1-2 rich clusters within z < 0.5 should have quasars at their centers.


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We present multi- frequency radio observational results of the quasar 3C 48. The observations were carried out with the Very Large Array ( VLA) at five frequencies, 0.33, 1.5, 4.8, 8.4, and 22.5 GHz, and with the Multi- Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network ( MERLIN) at the two frequencies of 1.6 and 5 GHz. The source shows a one- sided jet to the north within 1", which then extends to the northeast and becomes diffuse. Two bright components ( N2 and N3), containing most of the flux density, are present in the northern jet. The spectral index of the two components is alpha(N2) similar to -0.99 +/- 0.12 and alpha(N3) similar to - 0.84 +/- 0.23 ( S proportional to nu(alpha)). Our images show the presence of an extended structure surrounding component N2, suggestive of strong interaction between the jet and the interstellar medium ( ISM) of the host galaxy. A steep- spectrum component, labelled S, located 0.25 " southwest to the flat- spectrum component which could be the core of 3C 48, is detected at a significance of > 15 sigma. Both the location and the steepness of the spectrum of component S suggest the presence of a counter- jet in 3C 48.


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We present radio images of NRAO 530 on scales ranging from pc to kpc. The observations include the EVN at 5 GHz, the VLBA at 1.6, 8.6 and 15 GHz, the MERLIN at 1.6 and 5 GHz, and the VLA at 5, 8.4, 15, 22, and 43 GHz. The VLBI images show a core-jet structure with an oscillating trajectory on a scale of about 30 mas north of the strongest compact component (core). Superluminal motions are detected in five of the jet components with apparent velocities in the range of 13.6 to 25.2c. A new component is detected at 15 GHz with the VLBA observations, which appears to be associated with the outburst in 2002. Significant polarized emission is detected around the core with the VLBA observations at 15 GHz. Rapid variations of the polarization intensity and angle are found between the epochs in 2002 and 2004. On the kpc-scale, a distant component (labelled as WL) located 11 aresec west (PA=-86 degrees) of the core is detected beyond the core-jet structure which extended to several hundreds of mas in the north-west direction (-50 degrees). A significant emission between the core-jet structure and the WL is revealed. A clump of diffuse emission (labelled EL, 12 arcsec long) at PA 70 degrees to the core, is also detected in the VLA observations, suggesting the presence of double lobes in the source. The core component shows a flat spectrum, while the distant components WL and EL have steep spectra. The steep spectra of the distant components and the detection of the arched emission suggest that the distant components are lobes or hot-spots powered by the core of NRAO 530. The morphologies from pc- to kpc-scales and the bending of jets are investigated. The observed radio morphology from pc to kcp appears to favor the model in which precession or wobbling of the nuclear disk drives the helical motion of the radio plasma and produces the S-shaped structure on kpc scale.


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Electron–positron (e–p) plasmas are widely thought to be emitted, in the form of ultra-relativistic winds or collimated jets, by some of the most energetic or powerful objects in the Universe, such as black-holes, pulsars, and quasars. These phenomena represent an unmatched astrophysical laboratory to test physics at its limit and, given their immense distance from Earth (some even farther than several billion light years), they also provide a unique window on the very early stages of our Universe. However, due to such gigantic distances, their properties are only inferred from the indirect interpretation of their radiative signatures and from matching numerical models: their generation mechanism and dynamics still pose complicated enigmas to the scientific community. Small-scale reproductions in the laboratory would represent a fundamental step towards a deeper understanding of this exotic state of matter. Here we present recent experimental results concerning the laser-driven production of ultra-relativistic e–p beams. In particular, we focus on the possibility of generating beams that present charge neutrality and that allow for collective effects in their dynamics, necessary ingredients for the testing pair-plasma physics in the laboratory. A brief discussion of the analytical and numerical modelling of the dynamics of these plasmas is also presented in order to provide a summary of the novel plasma physics that can be accessed with these objects. Finally, general considerations on the scalability of laboratory plasmas up to astrophysical scenarios are given.


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Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) can be continuously tracked through a large portion of the inner heliosphere by direct imaging in visible and radio wavebands. White light (WL) signatures of solar wind transients, such as CMEs, result from Thomson scattering of sunlight by free electrons and therefore depend on both viewing geometry and electron density. The Faraday rotation (FR) of radio waves from extragalactic pulsars and quasars, which arises due to the presence of such solar wind features, depends on the line-of-sight magnetic field component B ∥ and the electron density. To understand coordinated WL and FR observations of CMEs, we perform forward magnetohydrodynamic modeling of an Earth-directed shock and synthesize the signatures that would be remotely sensed at a number of widely distributed vantage points in the inner heliosphere. Removal of the background solar wind contribution reveals the shock-associated enhancements in WL and FR. While the efficiency of Thomson scattering depends on scattering angle, WL radiance I decreases with heliocentric distance r roughly according to the expression Ir –3. The sheath region downstream of the Earth-directed shock is well viewed from the L4 and L5 Lagrangian points, demonstrating the benefits of these points in terms of space weather forecasting. The spatial position of the main scattering site r sheath and the mass of plasma at that position M sheath can be inferred from the polarization of the shock-associated enhancement in WL radiance. From the FR measurements, the local B ∥sheath at r sheath can then be estimated. Simultaneous observations in polarized WL and FR can not only be used to detect CMEs, but also to diagnose their plasma and magnetic field properties.


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Evidence of jet precession in many galactic and extragalactic sources has been reported in the literature. Much of this evidence is based on studies of the kinematics of the jet knots, which depends on the correct identification of the components to determine their respective proper motions and position angles on the plane of the sky. Identification problems related to fitting procedures, as well as observations poorly sampled in time, may influence the follow-up of the components in time, which consequently might contribute to a misinterpretation of the data. In order to deal with these limitations, we introduce a very powerful statistical tool to analyse jet precession: the cross-entropy method for continuous multi-extremal optimization. Only based on the raw data of the jet components (right ascension and declination offsets from the core), the cross-entropy method searches for the precession model parameters that better represent the data. In this work we present a large number of tests to validate this technique, using synthetic precessing jets built from a given set of precession parameters. With the aim of recovering these parameters, we applied the cross-entropy method to our precession model, varying exhaustively the quantities associated with the method. Our results have shown that even in the most challenging tests, the cross-entropy method was able to find the correct parameters within a 1 per cent level. Even for a non-precessing jet, our optimization method could point out successfully the lack of precession.


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We present a new technique for obtaining model fittings to very long baseline interferometric images of astrophysical jets. The method minimizes a performance function proportional to the sum of the squared difference between the model and observed images. The model image is constructed by summing N(s) elliptical Gaussian sources characterized by six parameters: two-dimensional peak position, peak intensity, eccentricity, amplitude, and orientation angle of the major axis. We present results for the fitting of two main benchmark jets: the first constructed from three individual Gaussian sources, the second formed by five Gaussian sources. Both jets were analyzed by our cross-entropy technique in finite and infinite signal-to-noise regimes, the background noise chosen to mimic that found in interferometric radio maps. Those images were constructed to simulate most of the conditions encountered in interferometric images of active galactic nuclei. We show that the cross-entropy technique is capable of recovering the parameters of the sources with a similar accuracy to that obtained from the very traditional Astronomical Image Processing System Package task IMFIT when the image is relatively simple (e. g., few components). For more complex interferometric maps, our method displays superior performance in recovering the parameters of the jet components. Our methodology is also able to show quantitatively the number of individual components present in an image. An additional application of the cross-entropy technique to a real image of a BL Lac object is shown and discussed. Our results indicate that our cross-entropy model-fitting technique must be used in situations involving the analysis of complex emission regions having more than three sources, even though it is substantially slower than current model-fitting tasks (at least 10,000 times slower for a single processor, depending on the number of sources to be optimized). As in the case of any model fitting performed in the image plane, caution is required in analyzing images constructed from a poorly sampled (u, v) plane.


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The highest energy cosmic ray event reported by the Auger Observatory has an energy of 148 EeV. It does not correlate with any nearby (z<0.024) object capable of originating such a high energy event. Intrigued by the fact that the highest energy event ever recorded (by the Fly`s Eye collaboration) points to a faraway quasar with very high radio luminosity and large Faraday rotation measurement, we have searched for a similar source for the Auger event. We find that the Auger highest energy event points to a quasar with similar characteristics to the one correlated to the Fly`s Eye event. We also find the same kind of correlation for one of the highest energy AGASA events. We conclude that so far these types of quasars are the best source candidates for both Auger and Fly`s Eye highest energy events. We discuss a few exotic candidates that could reach us from gigaparsec distances.


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Abstract. Interplanetary scintillation observations of 48 of the 55 Augusto et al. (1998) flat spectrum radio sources were carried out at 111 MHz using the interplanetary scintillation method on the Large Phased Array (LPA) in Russia. Due to the large size of the LPA beam (1◦ × 0.5◦) a careful inspection of all possible confusion sources was made using extant large radio surveys: 37 of the 48 sources are not confused. We were able to estimate the scintillating flux densities of 13 sources, getting upper limits for the remaining 35. Gathering more or improving extant VLBI data on these sources might significantly improve our results. This proof-of-concept project tells us that compact (<1 ) flat spectrum radio sources show strong enough scintillations at 111 MHz to establish/constrain their spectra (low-frequency end). Key words. galaxies: general – galaxies: active – galaxies: quasars: general