919 resultados para Quantitative process research


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United Kingdom (UK) and European Union policy is rapidly developing to meet international targets for the sustainable use and protection of the marine environment. To inform this process, research needs to keep pace with these changes and research questions must be focused on providing robust scientific evidence. Thirty four priority research questions within six broad themes were identified by delegates who attended the 1st marine and coastal policy Forum, hosted by the Centre for Marine and Coastal Policy Research at Plymouth University in June 2011. The priority questions formed through this research are timely and reflect the pace and change of marine policy in the UK in response to international, European and national policy drivers. Within the data theme, the majority of questions seek to find improved procedures to manage and use data effectively. Questions related to governance focus on how existing policies should be implemented. The marine conservation questions focus entirely upon implementation and monitoring of existing policy. Questions related to ecosystem services focus on research to support the conceptual links between ecosystem services, ecosystem function, and marine management. Questions relating to marine citizenship are fundamental questions about the nature of societal engagement with the sea. Finally, the marine planning questions focus upon understanding the general approaches to be taken to marine planning rather than its detailed implementation. The questions that have emerged from this process vary in scale, approach and focus. They identify the interdisciplinary science that is currently needed to enable the UK to work towards delivering its European and international commitments to achieve the sustainable use and protection of the marine environment


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This thesis focuses on the processes of narrative change in psychotherapy. Previous reviews of the processes of narrative change in psychotherapy concluded that a general theory that details narrative concepts appropriate to understand psychotherapy processes, explains the dynamic processes between narratives, and how they relate to positive outcomes is needed. This thesis addresses this issue by suggesting a multi-layered model that accounts for transformations in different layers of narrative organization. Accordingly, a model was specified that considers three layers of narrative organization: a micro-layer of narrative innovations that disrupt the clients’ usual way of construct meaning from life situations (innovative moments), a meso-layer of narrative scripts that integrate these narrative innovations in narrative scripts that consolidate its transformative potential (protonarratives), and, finally, a macro-layer of clients’ life story (self-narrative). Globally, the empirical studies provided support for the conceptual plausibility of this model and to the specific hypothesis that were formulated on its basis. Our observations complement previous research that had underlined the integrative processes either by emphasizing thematic coherence or integration, by emphasizing the role of dynamicity and differentiation of narrative contents and processes. Additionally, they also contribute to expand previous accounts of narrative innovation through insights on the processes that characterize narrative innovation development across psychotherapy. These studies also emphasize the role of quantitative procedures in the study of narrative processes of change as they allow us to accommodate the complexity and dynamic properties of narrative processes.


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Organic food is increasingly available in the conventional food retail, where organic products are offered alongside with various other types of products and compete mainly with conventional and the so-called conventional-plus products. The latter are conventional products displaying particular quality attributes on the product packaging, such as ‘no artificial additives’, or ‘from animal welfare husbandry’. Often, these quality attributes also apply to organic products. Occasional organic consumers might prefer such conventional-plus alternatives that are perceived to be ‘between’ organic and conventional products. The overall objective of this PhD thesis was to provide information about the segment of occasional organic consumers. In particular, the thesis focussed on consumer perceptions and attitudes towards the quality of, and preferences for, organic, conventional and conventional-plus products in two countries: Germany and Switzerland. To achieve these objectives, qualitative and quantitative consumer research was combined in order to explore occasional organic consumers’ perceptions and attitudes as well as to observe their preferences and buying behaviour regarding different types of food products: organic, conventional and conventional-plus products. The qualitative research showed that, depending on single criteria, organic production was both positively as well as negatively assessed by consumers. Consumer perception of organic food was found to be highly selective and primarily focussed on the final stage of the particular production process. A major problem is that consumers are still mostly unfamiliar with factors associated with organic production, have a lack of confidence, and often confuse organic with conventional products. Besides this, consumer expectations of organic products are different from the expectations of conventional products. The quantitative research revealed that attitudes strongly determine consumers’ preferences for organic, conventional and conventional-plus products. Consumer attitudes tended to differ more between organic and conventional choices rather than conventional-plus and conventional choices. Furthermore, occasional organic consumers are heterogeneous in their preferences. They can be grouped into two segments: the consumers in one segment were less price sensitive and preferred organic products. The consumers in the other segment were more price sensitive and rather preferred conventional-plus or conventional products. To conclude, given the selective and subjective nature of consumer perception and the strong focus of consumer perception on the final stage of the food production process, specific additional values of organic farming should be communicated in clear and catchy messages. At the same time, these messages should be particularly focussed on the final stage of organic food production. The communication of specific added values in relation with organic products to improve the perceived price-performance-ratio is important since conventional-plus products represent an interesting alternative particularly for price sensitive occasional organic consumers. Besides this, it is important to strengthen affirmative consumer attitudes towards organic production. Therefore, policy support should emphasise on long-term communication campaigns and education programmes to increase the consumer awareness and knowledge of organic food and farming. Since consumers expect that organic food is regionally or at least domestically produced while they less accept organic imports, policy support of domestic and regional producers is a crucial measure to fill the current gap between the increasing consumer demand of organic food and the stagnation of the domestic and regional organic food supply.


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notes for class discussion and exercise


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Preliminary research into the critical factors associated with software development/implementation identified three dimensions for successful implementation based on alignment of the requirements engineering process with business needs, change management process and quality of the implementation process. Research results demonstrate the link between the conceptual model for process quality and the process management attributes determined during the research.


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Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are critical to strategic initiatives in an economy; however, their contribution to foreign trade is not as significant. SMEs are one of the principal driving forces in economic development. One of the greatest challenges is the internationalization process for longevity rather than seeing the process as initial market entry. The internationalization process research has typically involved four key constructs: market selection, decision to enter, entry modes and factors affecting entry modes. Past research has focused on large manufacturing firms. The export of architectural, engineering and construction (AEC) firms has undergone growth, yet there is still significant opportunity for further growth. The majority of AEC firms are SMEs. Notwithstanding assistance provided through international trade missions, organized export firm support networks and information packages by a burgeoning number of government agencies, there are still perceived barriers to market entry and long-term economic sustainability for SMEs. There are a number of problems faced by SMEs acting in foreign trade. This investigation explores the successful initial internationalization process constructs and identifies unique project-oriented sector characteristics. The study identified similarities and differences between two firms that have been exporting to various localities, including Eastern Europe, Africa, Middle East, UK, Asia and South America, for more than two decades. The similarities and differences were identified within eight major constructs: purpose, firm type, market image and design philosophy, entry mode strategy, institutional arrangement, factors affecting mode of entry, market selection and firm strategy in relation to project selection. The primary reasons for internationalization were associated with the firms' motivations related to growth and financial viability. This article discusses the various internationalization processes and strategies intrinsic to each case study and establishes a detailed set of empirical observations from which to develop further a grounded theoretical model of reflexive capability for the internationalization process. This study contributes to the body of knowledge around the SME AEC design service firm's internationalization process, as a dynamic, evolving and continuously adaptable construct for project-based sectors.


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The Expansion Plan of the Federal Network of Vocational Education foresees the construction of 860 new units of instruction until 2020, representing a strong growth against the 140 existing units prior to its disclosure by Federal Government of Brazil, in 2005. The Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology have been performing the expansion while experiencing the shortcomings and challenges of units still in development, created in previous phases of the Plan. The quality of the services of these institutions has been evaluated by the control bodies, which require the submission of performance indicators in annual management reports of institutions under their jurisdiction. In this context of expansion process, particularly, is desirable to identify possible changes in quality standards. Thus, this research was motivated by the following problem: there was difference in the performance of the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology after the inauguration of the first units of phase II of the Expansion Plan of the Federal Network of Vocational Education? This is an exploratory-descriptive, ex-post-facto, quantitative approach research, which aims to contribute to the knowledge of the impact of the expansion of the Federal Network. The data were collected from 12 indicators presented in management reports of 38 Federal Institutes through years 2007 to 2011 to evaluate the performances using descriptive statistical techniques. The indicators were analyzed in both consolidated and open manners by the following perspectives: country region, growth of instruction units and institutions origin. Was also performed a multivariate analysis of clusters in order to identify excellence groups of Institutes. The results showed differences in the expansion plan s development among Brazilian regions, both in terms of infrastructure and academic indicators, with better results in the Midwest and South, and that there are differentiated profiles of institutes as its origin, where the best quality indicators occur in those originated by integration of different educational institutions. Still, were identified two excellence groups, with emphasis on academic management, human resources and expansion


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Neste estudo objetivou-se realizar um mapeamento que revelasse as produções científicas das/os pesquisadoras/es vinculadas/os a grupos de pesquisa situados na Universidade Federal do Pará, visando analisar como a temática gênero ganhava evidência em pesquisas realizadas no cenário acadêmico-científico daquela instituição, no período de 1995-2006. Nesse sentido, foram levantados os seguintes questionamentos: 1) O que se tem discutido, no campo acadêmico, em tomo das questões de gênero? 2) Como está evidenciada a produção científica generificada na base de dados dos grupos de pesquisa cadastrados no CNPq durante o período 1995 a 2006? 3) Como se apresenta a produção generificada das/os pesquisadoras/es, nos grupos de pesquisa, a partir dos indicadores estatísticos no Campus da UFPA de Belém? Os dados foram analisados quanti/qualitativamente por meio do cruzamento dos indicadores de produtividade científica - disponíveis no site do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (http://www.cnpq.br) - com os referenciais teóricos balizadores da temática gênero - Louro (2001) e Rosemberg (2001) -, aspecto que permitiu fazer uma radiografia da produção generificada no cenário nacional para posterior incursão na produção dos grupos de pesquisa da UFP A. Constatou-se que grande parte das pesquisas em tomo do gênero tem abordado principalmente questões alusivas à mulher e que aquelas pesquisas refutam as explicações de cunho biologicista na composição de femininos e masculinos, bem como asseveram que culturalmente há relações de poder entre os sexos; além disso, o estudo revelou que no panorama nacional o gênero encontrou guarida principalmente nos grupos de pesquisa na área das Ciências Humanas; no tocante à participação feminina na Ciência, observou-se um parâmetro androcêntrico na estrutura do fazer científico, aspecto esse que ressoa no quantitativo das produções acadêmicas de autoria feminina, posto que elas ainda precisam conciliar a carreira profissional com as exigências do mundo privado; mas, apesar do domínio masculino nas produções científicas, os estudos sobre gênero ganham envergadura nas pesquisas desenvolvidas por mulheres, tanto em nível nacional como local. No que tange especificamente aos indicadores da UFP A, o gênero ganhou lugar de destaque na produção paraense e essas/es intelectuais têm se esmerado naquele campo exibindo uma produção freqüente em um período de 11 anos, embora tenham que assumir um acréscimo incomensurável de trabalho em conseqüência de a maioria fazer parte dos quadros docentes em programas de pós- graduação vigentes na UFP A. Com isso, reafirma-se que os grupos de pesquisa da Instituição em destaque, ainda que com menor expressão quantitativa em relação ao cenário nacional, são de grande relevância para a fertilização dos estudos de gênero na região Norte e para a projeção dessa Universidade como lugar institucional em que se produzem pesquisas que garantem a ela destaque nacional.


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A presente dissertação objetiva analisar as mediações entendidas como mecanismos e ações propostas pela SEDUC/MA, a partir da LDB - Lei nº 9.394/96, das DCNEM, dos PCNEM e das Diretrizes e Estratégias para a Política Educacional do Estado do Maranhão, que orientaram a reestruturação do ensino médio. Explicita os fundamentos e os princípios da reforma do ensino médio levando em consideração o contexto socioeconômico e político que influenciaram a definição de políticas e diretrizes educacionais desde os anos de 1990; analisa as diretrizes e estratégias definidoras da política educacional no Estado e verifica a implementação das mediações adotadas pela SEDUC/MA para concretização dessa política. É uma pesquisa documental de cunho qualitativo, fundamentada no materialismo histórico dialético, tendo como procedimentos a revisão da literatura, a análise documental e a análise dos mecanismos e ações que foram adotas pela Secretaria para a implementação de sua política de ensino médio. No percurso do estudo, ficou evidenciada a influência do contexto global de mundialização do capital e de reestruturação produtiva, bem como as políticas educacionais em nível nacional sobre a política educacional maranhense. Tais influências foram explicitadas nos diplomas legais que indicaram os princípios e as diretrizes que orientaram a organização administrativa e pedagógica dos sistemas de ensino e das escolas, com destaque para a interdisciplinaridade, a contextualização e a formação de competências. O estudo demonstrou, ainda, que as diretrizes e estratégias que nortearam a política educacional do Estado do Maranhão e os mecanismos implementados para a sua efetivação - os Referenciais Curriculares do Ensino Médio, as Diretrizes para a Avaliação da Aprendizagem e o Plano de Formação -, apresentaram fragilidades em suas concepções e em seu processo de implementação com reflexo nos indicadores de desempenho escolar. Também revelou que estas estratégias não produziram a qualificação do ensino médio no Estado.


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In this research project, I have integrated two research streams on international strategic decisions making in international firms: upper echelons or top management teams (TMT) internationalization research and international strategic decision making process research. Both research streams in international business literature have evolved independently, but there is a potential in combining these two streams of research. The first empirical paper “TMT internationalization and international strategic decision making process: a decision level analysis of rationality, speed, and performance” explores the influence of TMT internationalization on strategic decision rationality and speed and, subsequently, their effect on international strategic decision effectiveness (performance). The results show that the internationalization of TMT is positively related to decision effectiveness and this relationship is mediated by decision rationality while the hypotheses regarding the association between TMT internationalization and decision speed, and the mediating effect of speed were not supported. The second paper “TMT internationalization and international strategic decision rationality: the mediating role of international information” of my thesis is a simple but logical extension of first paper. The first paper showed that TMT Internationalization has a significant positive effect on international strategic decision rationality. The second paper explicitly showed that TMT internationalization affect on international strategic decision rationality comes from two sources: international experience (personal international knowledge and information) and international information collected from managerial international contacts. For this research project, I have collected data from international software firms in Pakistan. My research contributes to the literature on upper echelons theory and strategic decision making in context of international business and international firms by explicitly examining the link between TMT internationalization and characteristics of strategic decisions making process (i.e. rationality and speed) in international firms and their possible mediating effect on performance.


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To promote the range of interventions for building family/general practice (family medicine) research capacity, we describe successful international examples. Such examples of interventions that build research capacity focus on diseases and illness research, as well as process research; monitor the output of research in family/general practice (family medicine); increase the number of family medicine research journals; encourage and enable research skills acquisition (including making it part of professional training); strengthen the academic base; and promote research networks and collaborations. The responsibility for these interventions lies with the government, colleges and academies, and universities. There are exciting and varied methods of building research capacity in family medicine.


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This Dialog responds to a growing debate about the relevance of business schools generally and the value of strategy theory and research for strategic management practice. The authors propose that academic theory and management practice can be better connected through management education. The academy researches practice, derives theory, and returns it to practice through the development of teaching materials and the teaching of current and future practitioners. The three articles in this Dialog examine how different approaches to strategy research inform strategy teaching and its application to practice. Joseph Bower explains the rise of business policy and the process research approach that informed that teaching tradition at Harvard Business School. Robert Grant responds by emphasizing the economic theory underpinnings of strategic management research and its impact on teaching. Paula Jarzabkowski and Richard Whittington conclude by proposing a strategyas-practice perspective and suggesting ways to better incorporate strategy-as-practice research into strategy teaching.


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Purpose – There appears to be an ever-insatiable demand from markets for organisations to improve their products and services. To meet this, there is a need to provide business process improvement (BPI) methodologies that are holistic, structured and procedural. Therefore, this paper describes research that has formed and tested a generic and practical methodology termed model-based and integrated process improvement (MIPI) to support the implementation of BPI; and to validate its effectiveness in organisations. This methodology has been created as an aid for practitioners within organisations. Design/methodology/approach – The research objectives were achieved by: reviewing and analysing current methodologies, and selecting a few frameworks against key performance indicators. Using a refined Delphi approach and semi-structured interview with the “experts” in the field. Intervention, case study and process research approach to evaluating a methodology. Findings – The BPI methodology was successfully formed and applied by the researcher and directly by the companies involved against the criteria of feasibility, usability and usefulness. Research limitations/implications – The paper has demonstrated a new knowledge on how to systematically assess a BPI methodology in practice. Practical implications – Model-based and integrated process improvement methodology (MIPI) methodology offers the practitioner (experienced and novice) a set of step-by-step aids necessary to make informed, consistent and efficient changes to business processes. Originality/value – The novelty of this research work is the creation of a holistic workbook-based methodology with relevant tools and techniques. It extends the capabilities of existing methodologies.