991 resultados para Quadriceps muscle


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Glycogen is a major substrate in energy metabolism and particularly important to prevent hypoglycemia in pathologies of glucose homeostasis such as type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). (13) C-MRS is increasingly used to determine glycogen in skeletal muscle and liver non-invasively; however, the low signal-to-noise ratio leads to long acquisition times, particularly when glycogen levels are determined before and after interventions. In order to ease the requirements for the subjects and to avoid systematic effects of the lengthy examination, we evaluated if a standardized preparation period would allow us to shift the baseline (pre-intervention) experiments to a preceding day. Based on natural abundance (13) C-MRS on a clinical 3 T MR system the present study investigated the test-retest reliability of glycogen measurements in patients with T1DM and matched controls (n = 10 each group) in quadriceps muscle and liver. Prior to the MR examination, participants followed a standardized diet and avoided strenuous exercise for two days. The average coefficient of variation (CV) of myocellular glycogen levels was 9.7% in patients with T1DM compared with 6.6% in controls after a 2 week period, while hepatic glycogen variability was 13.3% in patients with T1DM and 14.6% in controls. For comparison, a single-session test-retest variability in four healthy volunteers resulted in 9.5% for skeletal muscle and 14.3% for liver. Glycogen levels in muscle and liver were not statistically different between test and retest, except for hepatic glycogen, which decreased in T1DM patients in the retest examination, but without an increase of the group distribution. Since the CVs of glycogen levels determined in a "single session" versus "within weeks" are comparable, we conclude that the major source of uncertainty is the methodological error and that physiological variations can be minimized by a pre-study standardization. For hepatic glycogen examinations, familiarization sessions (MR and potentially strenuous interventions) are recommended. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Purpose: Although the beneficial effects of estrogen use on cardiovascular and cognitive function in postmenopausal women have been recently discredited, controversy remains regarding its usefulness for maintaining skeletal muscle mass or strength. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine whether estrogen use is associated with enhanced muscle composition and, if so, whether this translates into improved strength and physical function. Methods: Cross-sectional analysis of 840 well-functioning community-dwelling white women (current estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) users = 259, nonusers = 581) aged 70-79 yr participating in the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study. Muscle composition of the midthigh by computed tomography included cross-sectional area (CSA) of the quadriceps, hamstrings, intermuscular fat and subcutaneous fat, and muscle attenuation in Hounsfield units (HU) as a measure of muscle density. Isometric hand grip and isokinetic knee extensor strength were assessed by dynamometry. Physical function was assessed using a summary scale that included usual 6-m walk and narrow walk speed, repeated chair stands, and standing balance. Results: In analyses of covariance adjusted for relevant confounders. quadriceps muscle CSA and HU were greater in Current ERT than non-ERT women (P < 0.05). Grip strength was also greater (P < 0.05) in women taking ERT while knee extensor strength approached significance (P < 0.10). However, differences in muscle composition and strength were modest at <= 3.3%. There was no difference by ERT status for the hamstring, muscles. fat CSA. or for physical function. Conclusion: The associations between ERT and muscle composition and strength were minor and did not translate into improved physical function. Initiation of ERT for preservation of muscle composition and function may not be indicated.


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Context: After an intense bout of exercise, foam rolling is thought to alleviate muscle fatigue and soreness (ie, delayed-onset muscle soreness [DOMS]) and improve muscular performance. Potentially, foam rolling may be an effective therapeutic modality to reduce DOMS while enhancing the recovery of muscular performance. Objective: To examine the effects of foam rolling as a recovery tool after an intense exercise protocol through assessment of pressure-pain threshold, sprint time, change-of-direction speed, power, and dynamic strength-endurance. Design: Controlled laboratory study. Setting: University laboratory. Patients or Other Participants: A total of 8 healthy, physically active males (age = 22.1 ± 2.5 years, height = 177.0 ± 7.5 cm, mass = 88.4 ± 11.4 kg) participated. Intervention(s): Participants performed 2 conditions, separated by 4 weeks, involving 10 sets of 10 repetitions of back squats at 60% of their 1-repetition maximum, followed by either no foam rolling or 20 minutes of foam rolling immediately, 24, and 48 hours postexercise. Main Outcome Measure(s): Pressure-pain threshold, sprint speed (30-m sprint time), power (broad-jump distance), change-of-direction speed (T-test), and dynamic strength-endurance. Results: Foam rolling substantially improved quadriceps muscle tenderness by a moderate to large amount in the days after fatigue (Cohen d range, 0.59 to 0.84). Substantial effects ranged from small to large in sprint time (Cohen d range, 0.68 to 0.77), power (Cohen d range, 0.48 to 0.87), and dynamic strength-endurance (Cohen d = 0.54). Conclusions: Foam rolling effectively reduced DOMS and associated decrements in most dynamic performance measures.


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BACKGROUND: MiRNAs are essential regulators of skeletal muscle development and homeostasis. To date, the role and regulation of miRNAs in myogenesis have been mostly studied in tissue culture and during embryogenesis. However, little information relating to miRNA regulation during early post-natal skeletal muscle growth in mammals is available. Using a high-throughput miRNA qPCR-based array, followed by stringent statistical and bioinformatics analysis, we describe the expression pattern and putative role of 768 miRNAs in the quadriceps muscle of mice aged 2 days, 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 12 weeks.

RESULTS: Forty-six percent of all measured miRNAs were expressed in mouse quadriceps muscle during the first 12 weeks of life. We report unprecedented changes in miRNA expression levels over time. The expression of a majority of miRNAs significantly decreased with post-natal muscle maturation in vivo. MiRNA clustering identified 2 subsets of miRNAs that are potentially involved in cell proliferation and differentiation, mainly via the regulation of non-muscle specific targets.

CONCLUSION: Collective miRNA expression in mouse quadriceps muscle is subjected to substantial levels of regulation during the first 12 weeks of age. This study identified a new suite of highly conserved miRNAs that are predicted to influence early muscle development. As such it provides novel knowledge pertaining to post-natal myogenesis and muscle regeneration in mammals.


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Objective: To critically appraise the Biodex System 4 isokinetic dynamometer for strength assessment of children. Methods: Appraisal was based on experiences from two independent laboratories involving testing of 213 children. Issues were recorded and the manufacturer was consulted regarding appropriate solutions. Results: The dynamometer had insufficient height adjustment for alignment of the knee for some children, requiring the construction of padding to better fit the child within the dynamometer. Potential for entrapment of the non-testing leg was evident in the passive and eccentric modes and a leg bracket restraint was constructed. Automated gravity correction did not operate when protocols were linked or data was exported to an external device. Conclusions: Limitations were noted, some of which were applicable to knee strength testing in general and others which were specific to use with children. However, most of these obstacles could be overcome, making the Biodex System 4 suitable for assessment of knee strength in children.


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Effective dosages for enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) in Pompe disease are much higher than for other lysosomal storage disorders, which has been attributed to low cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor (CI-MPR) in skeletal muscle. We have previously demonstrated the benefit of increased CI-MPR-mediated uptake of recombinant human acid-α-glucosidase during ERT in mice with Pompe disease following addition of albuterol therapy. Currently we have completed a pilot study of albuterol in patients with late-onset Pompe disease already on ERT for >2 yr, who were not improving further. The 6-min walk test (6MWT) distance increased in all 7 subjects at wk 6 (30±13 m; P=0.002), wk 12 (34±14 m; P=0.004), and wk 24 (42±37 m; P=0.02), in comparison with baseline. Grip strength was improved significantly for both hands at wk 12. Furthermore, individual subjects reported benefits; e.g., a female patient could stand up from sitting on the floor much more easily (time for supine to standing position decreased from 30 to 11 s), and a male patient could readily swing his legs out of his van seat (hip abduction increased from 1 to 2+ on manual muscle testing). Finally, analysis of the quadriceps biopsies suggested increased CI-MPR at wk 12 (P=0.08), compared with baseline. With the exception of 1 patient who succumbed to respiratory complications of Pompe disease in the first week, only mild adverse events have been reported, including tremor, transient difficulty falling asleep, and mild urinary retention (requiring early morning voiding). Therefore, this pilot study revealed initial safety and efficacy in an open label study of adjunctive albuterol therapy in patients with late-onset Pompe disease who had been stable on ERT with no improvements noted over the previous several years.


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Cette thèse vise à répondre à trois questions fondamentales: 1) La diminution de l’excitabilité corticospinale et le manque d’inhibition intracorticale observés suite à la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne (SMT) du cortex moteur de la main atteinte de sujets hémiparétiques sont-ils aussi présents suite à la SMT du cortex moteur de la jambe atteinte? 2) Est-ce que les altérations dans l’excitabilité corticomotrice sont corrélées aux déficits et incapacités motrices des personnes ayant subi un accident vasculaire cérébral depuis plus de 6 mois? 3) La vibration musculaire, étant la source d’une forte afférence sensorielle, peut-elle moduler l’excitabilité corticomotrice et améliorer la performance motrice de ces personnes? Premièrement, afin d’appuyer notre choix d’intervention et d’évaluer le potentiel de la vibration mécanique locale pour favoriser la réadaptation des personnes ayant une atteinte neurologique, nous avons réalisé une révision en profondeur de ses applications et intérêts cliniques à partir d’informations trouvées dans la littérature scientifique (article 1). La quantité importante d’information sur les effets physiologiques de la vibration contraste avec la pauvreté des études qui ont évalué son effet thérapeutique. Nous avons trouvé que, malgré le manque d’études, les résultats sur son utilisation sont encourageants et positifs et aucun effet adverse n’a été rapporté. Dans les trois autres articles qui composent cette thèse, l’excitabilité des circuits corticospinaux et intracorticaux a été étudiée chez 27 sujets hémiparétiques et 20 sujets sains sans atteintes neurologiques. Les fonctions sensorimotrices ont aussi été évaluées par des tests cliniques valides et fidèles. Tel qu’observé à la main chez les sujets hémiparétiques, nous avons trouvé, par rapport aux sujets sains, une diminution de l’excitabilité corticospinale ainsi qu’un manque d’inhibition intracorticale suite à la SMT du cortex moteur de la jambe atteinte (article 2). Les sujets hémiparétiques ont également montré un manque de focus de la commande motrice lors de l’activation volontaire des fléchisseurs plantaires. Ceci était caractérisé par une augmentation de l’excitabilité nerveuse des muscles agonistes, mais aussi généralisée aux synergistes et même aux antagonistes. De plus, ces altérations ont été corrélées aux déficits moteurs au membre parétique. Le but principal de cette thèse était de tester les effets potentiels de la vibration des muscles de la main (article 3) et de la cuisse (article 4) sur les mécanismes neuronaux qui contrôlent ces muscles. Nous avons trouvé que la vibration augmente l’amplitude de la réponse motrice des muscles vibrés, même chez des personnes n’ayant pas de réponse motrice au repos ou lors d’une contraction volontaire. La vibration a également diminué l’inhibition intracorticale enregistrée au quadriceps parétique (muscle vibré). La diminution n’a cependant pas été significative au niveau de la main. Finalement, lors d’un devis d’investigation croisé, la vibration de la main ou de la jambe parétique a résulté en une amélioration spécifique de la dextérité manuelle ou de la coordination de la jambe, respectivement. Au membre inférieur, la vibration du quadriceps a également diminuée la spasticité des patients. Les résultats obtenus dans cette thèse sont très prometteurs pour la rééducation de la personne hémiparétique car avec une seule séance de vibration, nous avons obtenu des améliorations neurophysiologiques et cliniques.


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Dystrophin, the protein product of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) gene, was studied in needle biopsy samples taken from the quadriceps muscle of 15 asymptomatic carriers of DMD (13 adults and 2 young girls) and one symptomatic adult carrier. Antibodies to N- and C-terminal regions of dystrophin were used for both Western blot analysis and immunocytochemistry and a monoclonal antibody to beta-spectrin used to assess membrane integrity. All asymptomatic adult carriers showed some abnormality in dystrophin immunostaining but very few negative fibres were present. A clear mosaic of dystrophin positive and negative fibres was seen only in the adult symptomatic carrier and the two young girls. On a Western blot, all carriers studied had dystrophin of normal molecular weight, but most had reduced abundance. In adult carriers, the amount of dystrophin relative to normal controls varied, but it was unrelated to age, serum creatine kinase (CK) levels or to the degree of pathology. Carriers with normal CK showed abnormalities in dystrophin expression. The dystrophin immunoblotting profile of the 2 young girls was very similar to that of their mothers, but the mosaic pattern of immunostaining was not apparent in the older carriers. In conclusion, dystrophin immunostaining and Western blot analysis of biopsy samples from asymptomatic carriers is often abnormal and they may be useful additional aids for establishing carrier status, particularly in younger girls.


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Skeletal muscle atrophy is a severe consequence of ageing, neurological disorders and chronic disease. Identifying the intracellular signalling pathways controlling changes in skeletal muscle size and function is vital for the future development of potential therapeutic interventions. Striated activator of Rho signalling (STARS), an actin-binding protein, has been implicated in rodent cardiac hypertrophy; however its role in human skeletal muscle has not been determined. This study aimed to establish if STARS, as well as its downstream signalling targets, RhoA, myocardin-related transcription factors A and B (MRTF-A/B) and serum response factor (SRF), were increased and decreased respectively, in human quadriceps muscle biopsies taken after 8 weeks of both hypertrophy-stimulating resistance training and atrophy-stimulating de-training. The mRNA levels of the SRF target genes involved in muscle structure, function and growth, such as α-actin, myosin heavy chain IIa (MHCIIa) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), were also measured. Following resistance training, STARS, MRTF-A, MRTF-B, SRF, α-actin, MHCIIa and IGF-1 mRNA, as well as RhoA and nuclear SRF protein levels were all significantly increased by between 1.25- and 3.6-fold. Following the de-training period all measured targets, except for RhoA, which remained elevated, returned to base-line. Our results show that the STARS signalling pathway is responsive to changes in skeletal muscle loading and appears to play a role in both human skeletal muscle hypertrophy and atrophy.


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Background : Caloric restriction is known to extend the lifespan of all organisms in which it has been tested. Consequently, current research is investigating the role of various foods to improve health and lifespan. The role of various diets has received less attention however, and in some cases may have more capacity to improve health and longevity than specific foods alone. We examined the benefits to longevity of a low glycaemic index (GI) diet in aged Balb/c mice and examined markers of oxidative stress and subsequent effects on telomere dynamics.

Results :
In an aged population of mice, a low GI diet extended average lifespan by 12%, improved glucose tolerance and had impressive effects on amelioration of oxidative damage to DNA in white blood cells. Telomere length in quadriceps muscle showed no improvement in the dieted group, nor was telomerase reactivated.

Conclusion : The beneficial effects of a low GI diet are evident from the current study and although the impact to telomere dynamics late in life is minimal, we expect that earlier intervention with a low GI diet would provide significant improvement in health and longevity with associated effects to telomere homeostasis.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of low laser power on the performance of anaerobic endurance of the quadriceps muscle in young subjects. Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) appears to decrease some indices of muscle fatigue. Most of these effects may be due to the influence of the laser on the muscles predominantly aerobic. Animal studies and clinical trials have already shown that the laser can improve the efficiency of mitochondrial metabolism for the resynthesis of adenosine triphosphate and thus slow down - or minimize, the deleterious effects of muscle fatigue. This research was characterized as an experimental study of the controlled clinical trial, randomized, blinded, attended by 93 volunteers, military, with ages between 18 and 19 years. The subjects were randomly allocated into three groups: Control (G1), Placebo (G2) and Laser (G3). All volunteers underwent an anthropometric assessment and a protocol Fatigue. This protocol was applied to an initial assessment (AV-1) for the collection of baseline data, and a final evaluation (AV-2). As the study variables, we used the blood lactate concentrations and indices of muscle power, as average power and peak velocity. The fatigue protocol consisted of a test of speed with twenty repetitions, performed on an exercise machine leg press 45º . In conclusion, it was found that, in this study, LLLT caused a significant increase in the Average of the Averages Powers, phase eccentric exercise in leg press 45º performed by young individuals


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The aim of this study was to analyze the reproducibility of the electromyography signal's parameters (EMG) in the frequency domain used in the characterization of localized muscle fatigue. Fifteen male subjects underwent a fatigue test based on isometric knee extension, being held at three different times at intervals of seven days. To assess the reproducibility of data between the tests we calculated the correlation coefficient (ICC) for the median frequency (MF) in total exercise time (MFT), MF obtained for every 10% of exercise time (MF10%) and the powers of the frequency bands obtained by dividing the power spectrum at windows of 20 Hz. The results showed: (1) excellent reproducibility for MFT, (2) good reproducibility for MF10%, and (3) greater variation in the signal EMG bands from 20 to 120 Hz, especially at the bands of 20-40 Hz and 40-60 Hz, which showed greater sensitivity to the process of muscle fatigue. We conclude that the MF is a variable that shows good reproducibility and that the fragmented analysis of the power spectrum, by means of frequency bands, showed that significant variations occur in the EMG signal during the installation of the fatigue process, having potential to become a new method for the characterization of localized muscle fatigue.


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To analyze the effects of electrical stimulation at two frequencies on the EMG parameters (EMG) and dynamometer, in muscles with different typing. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a controlled clinical trial, randomized and double blind. Sixty healthy volunteers (23.6 ± 4.2anos; 54.2 ± 7.7kg, 1.62 ± 0.009 cm) of both sexes were divided randomly into three groups: control group (CG), experimental group 1 (SG1) with application of the current Russian 30 HZ and experimental group 2 (EG2) at 70 Hz The volunteers performed an initial assessment (AV1) on the isokinetic dynamometer with three repetitions maximum voluntary isometric (MVC) for knee extension concomitant uptake of EMG for the VM muscle, VL and RF. Later, after application of NMES, they underwent an experimental protocol of isometric fatigue using 70% of MVIC, ending with the completion of a final assessment (AV2) in the same manner as the AV1. RESULTS: By analyzing the profile of the 60 subjects in three broad, VM showed a higher value of RMS behavior when the VL and RF (p = 0.03 and p = 0.02). With respect to Fmed the RF muscle (p = 0.001) showed a higher value for the VM. The VM muscle showed significant increases of Fmed (p = 0.05) after electrical stimulation at 70 Hz when compared the AV1 AV2 and RF showed significant decreases (p = 0.009) after stimulation at 30 Hz during the fatigue showed an increase RMS in the VM and VL, with a reduction in RF. For the variable Fmed was observed in three broad decline during fatigue. CONCLUSION: Our findings provide evidence that the muscles VM, VL and RF fiber typing are different besides indicating that the frequency of NMES tend to relate to the muscle stimulated. Finally suggests the surface EMG as a noninvasive method for characterizing muscle


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We determined the effects of moxonidine and rilmenidine 20 mol (alpha(2)-adrenergic and imidazoline receptor agonists) injected into the medial septal area (MSA) on the pilocarpine-induced salivation, when injected intraperitoneally (i.p.), of male Holtzman rats weighing 250300 g, with stainless-steel cannula implanted into the MSA. The rats were anesthetized with zoletil 50 mg kg(-1) b.wt. (tiletamine chloridrate 125.0 mg and zolazepan chloridrate 125.0 mg) into quadriceps muscle intramuscularly (IM), saliva was collected using pre-weighed small cotton balls inserted in the animal's mouth. The pre-treatment with moxonidine injected into the MSA reduced the salivation induced by pilocarpine (1 mg kg(-1)) injected i.p. (12 +/- 3 mg min(-1)) vs. control (99 +/- 9 mg min(-1)). The pre-treatment with rilmenidine 40 nmol also reduced the salivation induce by pilocarpine injected i.p. (20 +/- 5 mg min(-1)) vs. control (94 +/- 7 mg min(-1)). Idazoxan 40 nmol (imidazoline receptor antagonist) injected into the MSA previous to moxonidine and rilmenidine partially blocked the effect of moxonidine and totally blocked the rilmenidine effect in pilocarpine-induced salivation injected i.p. (60 +/- 8 and 95 +/- 10 mg min(-1), respectively). Yohimbine 40 nmol (alpha(2)-adrenergic receptor antagonist) injected into the MSA previously to moxonidine and rilmenidine partially blocked the moxonidine effect but produced no change on the rilmenidine effect on i.p. pilocarpine-induced salivation (70 +/- 6 and 24 +/- 6 mg min(-1), respectively). Injection of these alpha(2)-adrenergic and imidazoline agonists and antagonists agents i.p. produced no change on i.p. pilocarpine-induced salivation. These results show that central, but not peripheral, injection of alpha(2)-adrenergic and imidazoline agonists' agents inhibit pilocarpine-induced salivation. Idazoxan, an imidazoline receptor antagonist, totally inhibits the rilmenidine effect and partially inhibits the moxonidine effect on pilocarpine-induced salivation. Yohimbine produced no change on rilmenidine effect but partially inhibited the moxonidine effect. Both of these antagonists when injected into the MSA previous to pilocarpine i.p. potentiated the sialogogue effect of pilocarpine. The results suggest that alpha(2)-adrenergic/imidazoline receptor of the MSA when stimulated blocked pilocarpine-induced salivation in rats when injected intraperitonially These receptors of the medial septal area have an inhibitory mechanism on salivary secretion. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Male Holtzman rats weighting 200-250 g were anesthetized with zoletil 50 mg/Kg (tiletamine chloridrate 125.0 mg and zolazepan chloridrate 125.0 mg) into quadriceps muscle and stainless steel cannulas were implanted into their supraoptic nucleus (SON). We investigated the effects of the injection into the supraoptic nucleus (SON) of FK 409, a nitric oxide donor, and N(W-)nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (NOS), on the salivary secretion, arterial blood pressure, sodium excretion and urinary volume induced by pilocarpine, which was injected into SON. The drugs were injected in 0.5 mul volume over 30-60 s. Controls was injected with a similar volume of 0.15 M NaCl. FK 409 and L-NAME were injected at doses of 20 mug/0.5 mul and 40 mug/0.5 mul. respectively. The amount of saliva secretion was studied over a five-minute period after injection of pilocarpine into SON. Injection of pilocarpine (10, 20, 40, 80, 160 mug/mul) into SON produced a dose-dependent increase in salivary secretion. L-NAME was injected into SON prior to the injection of pilocarpine into SON, producing an increase in salivary secretion due to the effect of pilocarpine. FK 409 injected into SON attenuating the increase in salivary secretion induced by pilocarpine. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) increase after injections of pilocarpine into the SON. L-NAME injected into the SON prior to injection of pilocarpine into SON increased the MAP. FK 409 injected into the SON prior to pilocarpine attenuated the effect of pilocarpine on MAP. Pilocarpine (0.5 mumol/0.5 mul) injected into the SON induced an increase in sodium and urinary excretion. L-NAME injected prior to pilocarpine into the SON increased the urinary sodium excretion and urinary volume induced by pilocarpine. FK 409 injected prior to pilocarpine into the SON decreased the sodium excretion and urinary volume induced by pilocarpine. All these roles of pilocarpine depend on the release of nitric oxide into the SON. In summary the present results show: a) SON is involved in pilocarpine-induced salivation; b) that mechanism involves increase in MAP, sodium excretion and urinary volume. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.