1000 resultados para Química da atmosfera


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It was identified and quantified several organic compounds in the atmosphere of a site into Amazon Basin with high impact of biomass burning emission. It was important to know the particulate matter composition with respect to n-alkanes and PAH associated with the particulate matter because they provided indication on the main sources contributing to airborne particles, the contribution of natural vs. man-made emission and the aging of the particles. The main classes of compounds observed were n-alkanes, PAH and nitro-PAH. It was observed the formation of nitro-PAH from photochemical reactions. The aerosol mass concentration is mainly associated with fluoranthene, pyrene and benzo(ghi)perylene. Environmental and direct emissions samples (flaming and smoldering) were collected and analysed.


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In the last two decades, the use of oxygenated fuels, like methanol and ethanol, pure or in mixture with gasoline, has been growing due to benefits introduced into the air quality. In Brasil, the fraction of light duty vehicles powered by pure hydrated ethanol is estimated at about 4 million, while the remaining vehicles actually utilize a mixture (22:78 v/v) of ethanol:gasoline. As a consequence, there's a need for the availability of methods that can provide the evaluation of possible impacts of alcohol emissions in the formation of chemical species in the atmosphere, as ozone, aldehydes, carboxylic acids and so on. In this paper, methanol and ethanol are discussed in their general aspects, as well as their atmospheric sources, chemical reactivity and available methods of analysis.


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A photochemical reaction mechanism for the description of air quality in Brazilian urban regions is described and evaluated by comparison with chamber experiments. The mechanism was developed for use in ozone modeling and application of control strategies. The oxidation of ethanol and methyl-ter-butyl-ether is also considered. Using this chemical model, a trajectory simulation of Brazil Avenue, Rio de Janeiro, was performed. The model predicts that ozone should reach a maximum of 22.4 ppb at 14:57 h. This value is in good agreement with the experimental measurements of 22.5 ppb for 14:00 h and 22.3 ppb for 15:00 h.


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A general overview about the ambient levels of low molecular weight carboxylic acids and their possible emission sources, as well as the implication of them in the atmosphere is presented. Carboxylic acids are considered to be one of the dominant classes of organic compounds found in the atmosphere in a variety of phases, such as in rainwater, snow and ice, on aerosol particles and gas phase. They may be originated from biogenic and anthropogenic direct emissions and by photochemical reaction in situ. Emission sources and formation mechanisms of organic acids in the atmosphere are discussed.


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Macroscopic samples of fullerene nanostructures are obtained in a modified arc furnace using the electric arc method with a Helium atmosphere at low pressures. High purity graphite rods are used as electrodes but, when drilled and the orifices filled with powders of transition metals (Fe, Co, Ni) acting as catalysts, the resulting particles are carbon nanostructures of the fullerene family, known as Single Wall Nanotubes (SWNTs). They have typical diameters of 1.4 nm, lengths up to tenths of microns and they are arranged together in bundles containing several SWNTs. Those samples are observed and analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) techniques.


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Gaseous mercury sampling conditions were optimized and a dynamic flux chamber was used to measure the air/surface exchange of mercury in some areas of the Negro river basin with different vegetal coverings. At the two forest sites (flooding and non-flooding), low mercury fluxes were observed: maximum of 3 pmol m-2 h-1 - day and minimum of -1 pmol m-2 h-1 - night. At the deforested site, the mercury fluxes were higher and always positive: maximum of 26 pmol m-2 h-1 - day and 17 pmol m-2 h-1 - night. Our results showed that deforestation could be responsible for significantly increasing soil Hg emissions, mainly because of the high soil temperatures reached at deforested sites.


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This paper focuses: (i) the development of a measurement technique for the determination of atmospheric C2-C6 hydrocarbons with sampling in canisters and analysis by gas chromatography/flame ionisation detector (GC/FID), (ii) the improvement of an existent adsorption-sampling technique with Tenax TA tubes for the determination of C6-C11 hydrocarbons and analysis by GC/FID after thermal desorption and cryogenic concentration, (iii) the identification of compounds present in ambient air by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) for both canister and Tenax samples, (iv) a program of interlaboratorial comparison for quality control of C2-C11 analyses, and (v) the seasonal characterisation of ambient air C2-C11 hydrocarbons.


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Thermogravimetry was applied to investigate the effects of temperature and atmosphere on conversion of sulfur dioxide (SO2) absorbed by limestone. Ranges of temperature and particle size were studied, typical of fluidized-bed coal combustion. Isothermal experiments were performed at different temperatures (between 750 and 950 ºC) under local atmospheric pressure (~ 697 mmHg) in dynamic atmospheres of air and nitrogen. The maximum conversion was 29% higher in nitrogen atmosphere than in air atmosphere. The optimum conversion temperature was found at 831 ºC in air atmosphere and at 894 ºC in nitrogen atmosphere.


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Increasing natural gas use in Brazil triggered a discussion of its role as a Hg source. We show that Hg emissions to the atmosphere from fossil fuel combustion for power generation in Brazil contribute with 6.2% (4.2 t yr-1) to the total anthropogenic Hg atmospheric emissions, with coal combustion and biomass burning as major sources. Natural gas contributes with 0.04 t yr-1, mostly from electricity generation (88%) and industrial uses (7.6%). Preliminary results on Hg concentrations in natural gas suggest that a large fraction of it is trapped during refining and transport, which may create Hg point sources between extraction and consumption.


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Thermoanalytical behavior of sodium and potassium salts of pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate (pyr), piperidineditiocarbamate (pip), morpholinedithiocarbamate (mor), hexametileneiminedithiocarbamate (hex), were investigated. In a first step the salts were synthesized and characterized by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), ¹H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and elementar analysis. Finally, thermal analytical (TG/DTG and DSC) studies were performed in order to evaluate the thermal stability, as well as the pathways of the thermal decomposition based in the intermediate and final decomposition products.


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Samplings of atmospheric particulate matter (PM) were carried out between the months of March and April of 2007, simultaneously in two areas of Londrina, an urban (Historical Museum) and other rural (Farm School-UEL). PM was collected using the cascade impactor consisting of four impaction stages (0.25 to 10 μm). The results indicated that the fine fraction (PM2.5) represented a significant portion of the mass of PM10 (70 and 67% in the urban and rural places, respectively). Cl-, NO3- and SO4(2-) were determined by ion chromatography and the size distribution is presented. Natural and anthropogenic sources were suggested to the ionic components in the fine and coarse mode of PM.


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The seasonal behavior of NO2 concentration shows a maximum occurring during sugarcane crop and this suggests that the biomass burning is significant source of emission at this time of the year. Along the day, the variation of the NO2 showed a decrease during the increased sunlight and an increase thereafter, caused by occurrence of photochemical reactions. Measurements of NO2 were done inside of residential and industrial kitchens and also inside of a parking garage located in the underground of a supermarket building. The indoor concentrations of NO2 were significantly higher than the concentrations of the external atmosphere and it shows the importance of the sources of internal emissions.


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Os peixes são uma fonte rica em ácidos graxos poliinsaturados ômega 3 e esses ácidos fornecem benefícios para a saúde humana além da nutrição básica. Por essa razão muitos estudos têm sido feitos enfocando a análise do teor das substâncias que compõem os alimentos e também aos efeitos dos processamentos a que esses alimentos são submetidos. Esses estudos têm se estendido aos recursos pesqueiros. Vários estudos sobre a estabilidade térmica e/ou oxidativa e sobre o comportamento cinético de óleos vegetais têm sido realizados por Termogravimetria (TG), Análise Térmica Diferencial (DTA) e Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC). No entanto, ainda são escassos os estudos sobre o comportamento térmico de óleos e gorduras de origem animal. Assim, avaliou-se a estabilidade térmica de cinco espécies de peixes do rio Araguaia (Goiás - Brasil) em atmosfera de nitrogênio por TG/DTG. Os resultados mostraram perdas de massa entre 235°C e 490°C e apontaram uma equivalência de comportamento termogravimétrico entre os óleos das cinco espécies e também entre esses óleos e alguns óleos vegetais, tais como, os óleos de araticum, buriti e dendê.


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O presente trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade química e física de berinjelas submetidas a diferentes tratamentos pós-colheita. Berinjelas (Solanum melongena L.), cultivar Ciça, foram colhidas em campos de produção comercial em Brasília-DF e submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos: atmosfera modificada; CaCl2 (2%) + atmosfera modificada; aplicação de 1-MCP (500nL.L-1); aplicação de 1-MCP (500nL.L-1) + CaCl (2%); e controle. Após os tratamentos, os frutos foram armazenados por 10 dias (12±1°C/UR 85 - 90%) e avaliados a cada dois dias para perda de massa, firmeza, coloração externa e teor de sólidos solúveis totais (°Brix). Observou-se que ao final do experimento os frutos do tratamento controle apresentavam perda de massa ao redor de 14%. No décimo dia de armazenamento os frutos tratados com cloreto de cálcio associado à atmosfera modificada e aqueles armazenados sob atmosfera modificada apresentavam firmeza 2,5 vezes maior do que o tratamento controle. Ao final do experimento os frutos armazenados sob atmosfera modificada possuíam brilho, que era cerca de 20% maior do que o dos frutos do tratamento controle. Berinjelas do tratamento controle possuíam Brix cerca de 20% maior do que dos frutos armazenados sob atmosfera modificada ao final do experimento.


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A utilização de embalagens constitui uma ferramenta importante no armazenamento de frutas. Neste trabalho foi avaliado o efeito dos filmes plásticos, Xtend® e PEBD, sobre a conservação do mamão. Frutos de mamoeiro "Golden", apresentando de 10 a 15% de coloração amarela na casca, após passarem por tratamentos térmicos e químicos, foram embalados individualmente e armazenados por 32 dias a 10 °C (90-95% UR). Frutos sem embalagem serviram de controle. Durante o período de armazenamento foram avaliadas as características de perda de massa, firmeza, sólidos solúveis totais, acidez titulável, pH, a razão SST/AT e a quantidade relativa de CO2 no interior das embalagens. Os resultados mostraram que os frutos embalados com o filme Xtend® apresentaram menor acúmulo de CO2 do que os frutos embalados com PEBD. Entretanto, a perda de massa foi minimizada pelo filme de PEBD, evitando o enrugamento da superfície durante os 32 dias de estocagem a 10 °C. Os dois tipos de filmes suprimiram o aumento de SST nos frutos ao final da estocagem, minimizando também a concentração de ácidos orgânicos. Os frutos embalados com o filme Xtend® apresentaram os maiores valores da razão SST/AT devido ao menor conteúdo final de acidez e de sólidos solúveis totais.