333 resultados para QTL


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Grain dormancy provides protection against pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) in cereals. Composite interval mapping and association analyses were performed to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) contributing grain dormancy in a doubled haploid (DH) barley population (ND24260 x Flagship) consisting of 321 lines genotyped with DArT markers. Harvest-ripe grain collected from three field experiments was germinated over a 7-day period to determine a weighted germination index for each line. DH lines displaying moderate to high levels of grain dormancy were identified; however, both parental lines were non-dormant and displayed rapid germination within the first two days of testing. Genetic analysis identified two QTL on chromosome 5H that were expressed consistently in each of the three environments. One QTL (donated by Flagship) was located close to the centromeric region of chromosome 5H (qSDFlag), accounting for up to 15% of the phenotypic variation. A second QTL with a larger effect (from ND24260) was detected on chromosome 5HL (qSDND), accounting for up to 35% of the phenotypic variation. qSDFlag and qSDND displayed an epistatic interaction and DH lines that had the highest levels of grain dormancy carried both genes. We demonstrate that qSDND in the ND24260 9 Flagship DH population is positioned proximal and independent to the well-characterised SD2 region that is associated with both high levels of dormancy and inferior malt quality. This indicates that it should be possible to develop cultivars that combine acceptable malting quality and adequate levels of grain dormancy for protection against PHS by utilizing these alternate QTL.


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Barley (Hordeum vulgare) is a major feed source for the intensive livestock industry. Competitiveness against other cereal grains depends largely on the price per unit of expressed feed quality. The traits which contribute to feed quality in barley are largely quantitative in nature but little is known about their genetic control. A study to identify the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with feed quality was performed using a F6-derived recombinant inbred barley population. Samples from each line were incubated in the rumen of fistulated cattle, recovered, washed and dried for determination of in situ dry matter digestibility. Additionally, both pre- and post-digestion samples were analysed to quantify the content of key quality components relating to acid detergent fibre, total starch and protein. The data was used to identify trait-associated QTLs. Genetic analysis identified significant QTLs on chromosomes 2H, 5H and 7H. Genetic markers linked to these QTL should provide an effective tool for the selection and improvement of feed barley in the future.


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Tillering in sorghum can be associated with either the carbon supply–demand (S/D) balance of the plant or an intrinsic propensity to tiller (PTT). Knowledge of the genetic control of tillering could assist breeders in selecting germplasm with tillering characteristics appropriate for their target environments. The aims of this study were to identify QTL for tillering and component traits associated with the S/D balance or PTT, to develop a framework model for the genetic control of tillering in sorghum. Four mapping populations were grown in a number of experiments in south east Queensland, Australia. The QTL analysis suggested that the contribution of traits associated with either the S/D balance or PTT to the genotypic differences in tillering differed among populations. Thirty-four tillering QTL were identified across the populations, of which 15 were novel to this study. Additionally, half of the tillering QTL co-located with QTL for component traits. A comparison of tillering QTL and candidate gene locations identified numerous coincident QTL and gene locations across populations, including the identification of common non-synonymous SNPs in the parental genotypes of two mapping populations in a sorghum homologue of MAX1, a gene involved in the control of tiller bud outgrowth through the production of strigolactones. Combined with a framework for crop physiological processes that underpin genotypic differences in tillering, the co-location of QTL for tillering and component traits and candidate genes allowed the development of a framework QTL model for the genetic control of tillering in sorghum.


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Background: Agriculture is facing enormous challenges to feed a growing population in the face of rapidly evolving pests and pathogens. The rusts, in particular, are a major pathogen of cereal crops with the potential to cause large reductions in yield. Improving stable disease resistance is an on-going major and challenging focus for many plant breeding programs, due to the rapidly evolving nature of the pathogen. Sorghum is a major summer cereal crop that is also a host for a rust pathogen which occurs in almost all sorghum growing areas of the world, causing direct and indirect yield losses in sorghum worldwide, however knowledge about its genetic control is still limited. In order to further investigate this issue, QTL and association mapping methods were implemented to study rust resistance in three bi-parental populations and an association mapping set of elite breeding lines in different environments. Results: In total, 64 significant or highly significant QTL and 21 suggestive rust resistance QTL were identified representing 55 unique genomic regions. Comparisons across populations within the current study and with rust QTL identified previously in both sorghum and maize revealed a high degree of correspondence in QTL location. Negative phenotypic correlations were observed between rust, maturity and height, indicating a trend for both early maturing and shorter genotypes to be more susceptible to rust. Conclusions: The significant amount of QTL co-location across traits, in addition to the consistency in the direction of QTL allele effects, has provided evidence to support pleiotropic QTL action across rust, height, maturity and stay-green, supporting the role of carbon stress in susceptibility to rust. Classical rust resistance QTL regions that did not co-locate with height, maturity or stay-green QTL were found to be significantly enriched for the defence-related NBS-encoding gene family, in contrast to the lack of defence-related gene enrichment in multi-trait effect rust resistance QTL. The distinction of disease resistance QTL hot-spots, enriched with defence-related gene families from QTL which impact on development and partitioning, provides plant breeders with knowledge which will allow for fast-tracking varieties with both durable pathogen resistance and appropriate adaptive traits.


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The goal of this research is to understand the function of allelic variation of genes underpinning the stay-green drought adaptation trait in sorghum in order to enhance yield in water-limited environments. Stay-green, a delayed leaf senescence phenotype in sorghum, is primarily an emergent consequence of the improved balance between the supply and demand of water. Positional and functional fine-mapping of candidate genes associated with stay-green in sorghum is the focus of an international research partnership between Australian (UQ/DAFFQ) and US (Texas A&M University) scientists. Stay-green was initially mapped to four chromosomal regions (Stg1, Stg2, Stg3, and Stg4) by a number of research groups in the US and Australia. Physiological dissection of near-isolines containing single introgressions of Stg QTL (Stg1-4) indicate that these QTL reduce water demand before flowering by constricting the size of the canopy, thereby increasing water availability during grain filling and, ultimately, grain yield. Stg and root angle QTL are also co-located and, together with crop water use data, suggest the role of roots in the stay-green phenomenon. Candidate genes have been identified in Stg1-4, including genes from the PIN family of auxin efflux carriers in Stg1 and Stg2, with 10 of 11 PIN genes in sorghum co-locating with Stg QTL. Modified gene expression in some of these PIN candidates in the stay-green compared with the senescent types has been found in preliminary RNA expression profiling studies. Further proof-of-function studies are underway, including comparative genomics, SNP analysis to assess diversity at candidate genes, reverse genetics and transformation.


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Key message We detected seven QTLs for 100-grain weight in sorghum using an F 2 population, and delimited qGW1 to a 101-kb region on the short arm of chromosome 1, which contained 13 putative genes. Abstract Sorghum is one of the most important cereal crops. Breeding high-yielding sorghum varieties will have a profound impact on global food security. Grain weight is an important component of grain yield. It is a quantitative trait controlled by multiple quantitative trait loci (QTLs); however, the genetic basis of grain weight in sorghum is not well understood. In the present study, using an F2 population derived from a cross between the grain sorghum variety SA2313 (Sorghum bicolor) and the Sudan-grass variety Hiro-1 (S. bicolor), we detected seven QTLs for 100-grain weight. One of them, qGW1, was detected consistently over 2 years and contributed between 20 and 40 % of the phenotypic variation across multiple genetic backgrounds. Using extreme recombinants from a fine-mapping F3 population, we delimited qGW1 to a 101-kb region on the short arm of chromosome 1, containing 13 predicted gene models, one of which was found to be under purifying selection during domestication. However, none of the grain size candidate genes shared sequence similarity with previously cloned grain weight-related genes from rice. This study will facilitate isolation of the gene underlying qGW1 and advance our understanding of the regulatory mechanisms of grain weight. SSR markers linked to the qGW1 locus can be used for improving sorghum grain yield through marker-assisted selection.


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Seed dormancy is a key domestication trait for major crops, which is acquired in long-term systems development processes and enables the survival of plants in adverse natural conditions. It is a complex trait under polygenic control and is affected by endogenous and environmental factors. In the present study, a major seed dormancy QTL in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), qDor7, detected previously, was fine mapped using a large, multi-generational population. The qDor7 locus was delimited to a 96-kb region which contains 16 predicted gene models. These results lay a solid foundation for cloning qDor7. In addition, the functional markers tightly linked to the seed dormancy QTL may be used in marker-assisted selection for seed dormancy in sorghum.


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In Laminaria japonica Aresch breeding practice, two quantitative traits, frond length (FL) and frond width (FW), are the most important phenotypic selection index. In order to increase the breeding efficiency by integrating phenotypic selection and marker-assisted selection, the first set of QTL controlling the two traits were determined in F-2 family using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Two prominent L. japonicas inbred lines, one with "broad and thin blade" characteristics and another with "long and narrow blade" characteristics, were applied in the hybridization to yield the F-2 mapping population with 92 individuals. A total of 287 AFLP markers and 11 SSR markers were used to construct a L. japonica genetic map. The yielded map was consisted of 28 linkage groups (LG) named LG1 to LG28, spanning 1,811.1 cM with an average interval of 6.7 cM and covering the 82.8% of the estimated genome 2,186.7 cM. While three genome-wide significant QTL were detected on LG1 (two QTL) and LG4 for "FL," explaining in total 42.36% of the phenotypic variance, two QTL were identified on LG3 and LG5 for the trait "FW," accounting for the total of 36.39% of the phenotypic variance. The gene action of these QTL was additive and partially dominant. The yielded linkage map and the detected QTL can provide a tool for further genetic analysis of two traits and be potential for maker-assisted selection in L. japonica breeding.


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本研究利用AFLP和微卫星标记,以海湾扇贝杂交F1为作图群体,构建了海湾扇贝的遗传连锁图谱,并对壳色决定基因和与生长性状相关的QTL进行了定位。 共用55对AFLP引物组合对亲本和88个子代个体进行扩增,共得到了2424个位点,多态性位点为392个,占所有标记的16.17%。其中,母本标记121个,父本标记196个,共有标记75个。经卡方检验,共有331个标记(84.4%)符合孟德尔分离比,61个标记(15.6%)出现偏分离现象。偏分离标记中,36个(59%)为纯合子缺失。从35对微卫星引物中筛选出了10对多态性引物,得到了5个母本标记和6个父本标记。另外,将表现为质量性状的壳色标记作为形态标记一同进行连锁图谱构建。 分别利用母本和父本标记构建了海湾扇贝雌性和雄性连锁图谱。其中,共有包括109个AFLP标记、5个微卫星标记和1个壳色标记组成了雌性图谱的框架图,分布于16个连锁群。图谱总长度为338.8cM,平均间隔为5.29cM,图谱覆盖率为65.82%。雄性连锁图谱框架图共定位了186个标记,包括181个AFLP标记、5个微卫星标记,壳色标记未实现定位。图谱包括17个连锁群,总长度为780.3cM,平均间隔为6.56cM,图谱覆盖率为78.11%。通过SSR12位点的定位结果,可以将雌性图谱第7连锁群与雄性图谱17连锁群对应起来。 壳色标记定位在了雌性图谱第九连锁群上,说明橙色基因位点为杂合。我们将壳色基因命名为Orange1,两个标记——F1f335和D8f420与这一基因之间图距为0。在家系和群体中初步验证,这两个标记与壳色基因紧密或完全连锁。 共定位了16个与生长相关的QTL,它们分布于雌性图谱的2、3、5连锁群和雄性图谱的4、5、6、7、8连锁群上。每个QTL均发现了与其图距非常接近的分子标记(0.01-2.51%)。其中壳长、壳高、壳宽三个长度指标QTL成簇分布或部分重叠,可一同作为选择性指标,壳重和全湿重QTL位点也比较相近。只有软体部重位点单独分布,可能具有相对独立的遗传基础。