192 resultados para QL


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Quasi-likelihood (QL) methods are often used to account for overdispersion in categorical data. This paper proposes a new way of constructing a QL function that stems from the conditional mean-variance relationship. Unlike traditional QL approaches to categorical data, this QL function is, in general, not a scaled version of the ordinary log-likelihood function. A simulation study is carried out to examine the performance of the proposed QL method. Fish mortality data from quantal response experiments are used for illustration.


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A Ni-B coating was prepared with EN using potassium borohydride reducing agent. The as-plated micro-structure of the coating was confirmed from XRD to be a mixture of amorphous and supersaturated solid solution. Three kinds of phase transformation were observed from the DSC curve. Different from the previous works, the formation of Ni4B3 and Ni2B was found during some transformation processes. The key factors which influence the variation of micro-hardness and micro-structure in deposits are the formation, the size and amount of Ni3B, Ni4B3 and Ni2B. Aging of the deposits treated under some heat treatment conditions occurred at room temperature. Changes of the micro-hardness indicated aging phenomena evidently. the natural aging phenomena are concerned with various kinds of decomposition of borides, especially with Ni4B3 phase. The extent of natural aging depends on the formation and the quantity of Ni(4)B3 and Ni2B.


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This paper deals with an experimental study of air staging in a 1 MW (heat input power) tangentially fired pulverized coal furnace. The influences of several variables associated with air staging on NOx reduction efficiency and unburned carbon in fly ash were investigated, and these variables included the air stoichiometric ratio of primary combustion zone (SR1), the locations of over-fire air nozzles along furnace height, and the ratio of coal concentration of the fuel-rich stream to that of the fuel-lean one (RRL) in primary air nozzle. The experimental results indicate that SR1 and RRL have optimum values for NOx reduction, and the two optimum values are 0.85 and 3:1, respectively. NO, reduction efficiency monotonically increases with the increase of OFA nozzle location along furnace height. On the optimized operating conditions of air staging, NOx reduction efficiency can attain 47%. Although air staging can effectively reduce NOx emission, the increase of unburned carbon in fly ash should be noticed. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The furnace temperature and heat flux distributions of 1 MW tangentially fired furnace were studied during coal-over-coal reburn, and the influences of the position of reburn nozzle and reburn fuel fraction on furnace temperature and heat flux distributions were investigated. Compared with the baseline, the flue gas temperature is 70–90 C lower in primary combustion and 130–150 C higher at furnace exit, and the variations of the flue gas temperature distributions along furnace height are slower. The temperature distribution along the width of furnace wall decreases with the increase of the relative furnace height. In the primary combustion zone and the reburn zone, the temperature and heat flux distributions of furnace wall are much non-uniform and asymmetric along the width of furnace wall, those of furnace wall in the burnout zone are relatively uniform, and the temperature non-uniformity coefficients of the primary combustion zone, the reburn zone and the burnout zone are 0.290, 0.100 and 0.031, respectively.


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The dynamics of the plasma ions in the wake fields of short, ultraintense laser pulses in underdense plasmas are investigated analytically and numerically. Owing to the large ion-to-electron mass ratio, the motion of plasma ions in-such wake fields has often been assumed to be neglectable. It is shown that when the laser intensity exceeds 10(20) W/cm(2), the ion motion can no longer be ignored. In this case, ion momentum peaks appear behind the laser pulse, which correspond with the ion density peaks. The laser-excited wake field appears to be effective for ion acceleration, in particular to ions with high-charge numbers. The dependence of ion acceleration on the laser intensity, pulse width, and background plasma density is discussed. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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We investigate polarization-dependent properties of the supercontinuum emission generated from filaments produced by intense femtosecond laser pulses propagating through air over a long distance. The conversion efficiency from the 800-nm fundamental to white light is observed to be higher for circular polarization than for linear polarization when the laser intensity exceeds the threshold of the breakdown of air. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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It is the first time in China that the phase variations and phase shift of microwave cavity in a miniature Rb fountain frequency standard are studied, considering the effect of imperfect metallic walls. Wall losses in the microwave cavity lead to small traveling wave components that deliver power from the cavity feed to the walls of cavity. The small traveling wave components produce a microradian distribution of phase throughout the cavity ity, and therefore distributed cavity phase shifts need to be considered. The microwave cavity is a TE011 circular cylinder copper cavity, with round cut-hole of end plates (14mm in diameter) for access for the atomic flux and two small apertures in the center of the side wall for coupling in microwave power. After attenuation alpha is calculated, field variations in cavity are solved. The field variations of the cavity are given. At the same time, the influences of loaded quality factor QL and diameter/height (2a/d) of the microwave cavity on the phase variations and phase shift are considered. According to the phase variation and phase shift of microwave cavity we select the parameters of cavity, diameter 2a = 69.2mm, height d = 34.6mm, QL = 5000, which will result in an uncertainty delta(Delta f / f0 ) < 4.7 x 10(-17) and meets the requirement for the miniature Rb fountain frequency standard with accuracy 10(-15).


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Microstructure optical fibers with flat-top fundamental mode are first proposed by introducing a low-index inner core into the core of index-guiding microstructure optical fibers. The design guidelines and characteristics of beam-shaping microstructure optical fibers are demonstrated. The interrelationships of inner-core index with laser wavelength, air hole diameter and size of inner core are investigated. The influence of the relative size of inner core on the spatial profile of the fundamental mode is demonstrated. Moreover, sensitivity of the flat-top fundamental mode profile from the slight change of the optimum inner-core index value is studied. Starting from these results we deduce that it is possible to fabricate beam-shaping microstructure fibers with nowadays technique. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aborda-se a consulta de enfermagem como estratégia de pesquisa, visando identificar necessidades de autocuidado (AC) em clientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço em tratamento paliativo ambulatorial. Tem-se como objetivos: identificar o perfil sociodemográfico e nosológico dos clientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço atendidos no ambulatório para cuidados paliativos; identificar a qualidade de vida (QV) dessas pessoas através da consulta de enfermagem; avaliar as mudanças no sistema de autocuidado, considerando a intervenção de enfermagem. O estudo fundamenta-se nos conceitos, protocolos e instrumentos específicos da temática escolhida, e na Teoria do Déficit de Autocuidado de Orem. Escolheu-se o método quantitativo, descritivo, com delineamento pré-experimental tempo-série anterior e posterior em grupo único, que recebeu orientações para o autocuidado na consulta de enfermagem (CE). Foram sujeitos do estudo 77 clientes cadastrados no ambulatório especializado em tratamento paliativo, do INCA do Rio de Janeiro, no período de março a agosto de 2011. Variáveis sociodemográficas e nosológicas compõem o instrumento de produção de dados; enquanto as etapas da sistematização da assistência de enfermagem compõem o formulário para a implementação da CE. Para avaliar a QV aplicou-se o formulário QLQ30-H&N45, sendo os dados produzidos tratados mediante a estatística descritiva. Constatou-se, que a maioria dos 77 (100%) sujeitos do estudo é do sexo masculino e situam-se na faixa etária de 50 a 60 anos. Predominam os residentes na Baixada Fluminense, com ensino fundamental e aposentados. Têm união estável, cuidador informal e referem pouca realização de lazer. A maioria possuía hábito de tabagismo e alcoolismo. Quanto ao perfil nosológico, a maioria possui lesão tumoral inodora, sendo a cavidade oral o sítio mais acometido por câncer, e a metástase local a mais frequente. Quanto à capacidade para AC, a maioria se alimenta, se veste e se locomove sem auxilio. Ressalte-se que, na avaliação da QV, os escores predominantes apontam indicativos de controle de sintomas e funcionalidade. Foram formulados 33 diagnósticos de enfermagem, destacando-se nos domínios: físico, a deglutição prejudicada; no psicológico, a baixa autoestima crônica; no social, a interação social prejudicada; no cognitivo, conhecimento deficiente da doença. Concluiu-se que os objetivos da pesquisa foram alcançados, identificando-se que os clientes com câncer de cabeça e pescoço, em tratamento paliativo, possuem diferentes necessidades de autocuidado, sendo o enfermeiro o profissional responsável pela sua educação em saúde e consequente identificação de demandas para outros profissionais da equipe multiprofissional.