919 resultados para QD Chemistry


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cis-[PtCl2(15NH3)(c-C6H11NH2)] is an active metabolite of the oral platinum(IV) anticancer drug cis,trans,cis-[PtCl2(CH3CO2)2(NH2)(c-C6H11NH2)]. Since it is likely that guanine bases on DNA are targets for this drug, we have analysed the kinetics of reaction of this platinum(II) metabolite with guanosine 5′-monophosphate (5′-GMP) at 310 K, pH 7, using [1H, 15N] n.m.r. methods. Reactions of the trans isomer are reported for comparison. The reactions proceed via aquated intermediates, and, for the cis isomer, the rates of aquation and substitution of H2O by 5′-GMP are 2-5 times faster trans to the amine ligand (c-C6H11NH2) compared to trans to NH3 for both the first and second steps. For the trans complex, the first aquation step is c. 3 times faster than for the cis complex, as expected from the higher trans influence of Cl¯, whereas the rate of the second aquation step (trans to N7 of 5′-GMP) is comparable to that trans to NH3. These findings have implications for the courses of reactions with DNA.


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Allylic sulfonyl halides can be generated by halogenolysis of the corresponding triorganotin sulfinates. Allylic sulfonyl bromides and iodides undergo a first order, thermal desulfination with allylic rearrangement to yield the corresponding allylic halides. The desulfination of a cyclic allylic sulfonyl bromide is stereospecific, proceeding with T-syn bromine migration.


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The recovery of platinum group metals (PGMs) from catalytic converters of spent exhaust systems is considered in this paper. To be cost-effective, recovery processes must be well over 90% efficient and so the optimisation of their operation is vital. Effective optimisation requires a sound understanding of the operation and the underlying process mechanisms. This paper focuses on pyrometallurgical recovery operations used and typified by the Johnson–Matthey process. Analysis of this process reveals that it cannot be simply explained by the gravity model that is normally assumed. The analysis reveals that the affinity of PGM particles for the melted collector metal is a key factor in the behaviour of the process. A rational explanation of the key issues that govern the process behaviour is proposed and shown to be consistent with available operational data. The results generated would be applicable to other similar processes.


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This paper presents the computational modelling of welding phenomena within a versatile numerical framework. The framework embraces models from both the fields of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and computational solid mechanics (CSM). With regard to the CFD modelling of the weld pool fluid dynamics, heat transfer and phase change, cell-centred finite volume (FV) methods are employed. Additionally, novel vertex-based FV methods are employed with regard to the elasto-plastic deformation associated with the CSM. The FV methods are included within an integrated modelling framework, PHYSICA, which can be readily applied to unstructured meshes. The modelling techniques are validated against a variety of reference solutions.


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Removing zinc by distillation can leave the lead bullion virtually free of zinc and also produces pure zinc crystals. Batch distillation is considered in a hemispherical kettle with water-cooled lid, under high vacuum (50 Pa or less). Sufficient zinc concentration at the evaporating surface is achieved by means of a mechanical stirrer. The numerical model is based on the multiphysics simulation package PHYSICA. The fluid flow module of the code is used to simulate the action of the stirring impeller and to determine the temperature and concentration fields throughout the liquid volume including the evaporating surface. The rate of zinc evaporation and condensation is then modelled using Langmuir’s equations. Diffusion of the zinc vapour through the residual air in the vacuum gap is also taken into account. Computed results show that the mixing is sufficient and the rate-limiting step of the process is the surface evaporation driven by the difference of the equilibrium vapour pressure and the actual partial pressure of zinc vapour. However, at higher zinc concentrations, the heat transfer through the growing zinc crystal crust towards the cold steel lid may become the limiting factor because the crystallization front may reach the melting point. The computational model can be very useful in optimising the process within its safe limits.


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A numerical scheme for coupling temperature and concentration fields in a general solidification model is presented. A key feature of this scheme is an explicit time stepping used in solving the governing thermal and solute conservation equations. This explicit approach results in a local point-by-point coupling scheme for the temperature and concentration and avoids the multi-level iteration required by implicit time stepping schemes. The proposed scheme is validated by predicting the concentration field in a benchmark solidification problem. Results compare well with an available similarity solution. The simplicity of the proposed explicit scheme allows for the incorporation of complex microscale models into a general solidification model. This is demonstrated by investigating the role of dendrite coarsening on the concentration field in the solidification benchmark problem.


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Soldering technologies continue to evolve to meet the demands of the continuous miniaturisation of electronic products, particularly in the area of solder paste formulations used in the reflow soldering of surface mount devices. Stencil printing continues to be a leading process used for the deposition of solder paste onto printed circuit boards (PCBs) in the volume production of electronic assemblies, despite problems in achieving a consistent print quality at an ultra-fine pitch. In order to eliminate these defects a good understanding of the processes involved in printing is important. Computational simulations may complement experimental print trials and paste characterisation studies, and provide an extra dimension to the understanding of the process. The characteristics and flow properties of solder pastes depend primarily on their chemical and physical composition and good material property data is essential for meaningful results to be obtained by computational simulation.This paper describes paste characterisation and computational simulation studies that have been undertaken through the collaboration of the School of Aeronautical, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at Salford University and the Centre for Numerical Modelling and Process Analysis at the University of Greenwich. The rheological profile of two different paste formulations (lead and lead-free) for sub 100 micron flip-chip devices are tested and applied to computational simulations of their flow behaviour during the printing process.


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The high-intensity, high-resolution x-ray source at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) has been used in x-ray diffraction (XRD) experiments to detect intermetallic compounds (IMCs) in lead-free solder bumps. The IMCs found in 95.5Sn3.8Ag0.7Cu solder bumps on Cu pads with electroplated-nickel immersion-gold (ENIG) surface finish are consistent with results based on traditional destructive methods. Moreover, after positive identification of the IMCs from the diffraction data, spatial distribution plots over the entire bump were obtained. These spatial distributions for selected intermetallic phases display the layer thickness and confirm the locations of the IMCs. For isothermally aged solder samples, results have shown that much thicker layers of IMCs have grown from the pad interface into the bulk of the solder. Additionally, the XRD technique has also been used in a temperature-resolved mode to observe the formation of IMCs, in situ, during the solidification of the solder joint. The results demonstrate that the XRD technique is very attractive as it allows for nondestructive investigations to be performed on expensive state-of-the-art electronic components, thereby allowing new, lead-free materials to be fully characterized.


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As part of a comprehensive effort to predict the development of caking in granular materials, a mathematical model is introduced to model simultaneous heat and moisture transfer with phase change in porous media when undergoing temperature oscillations/cycling. The resulting model partial differential equations were solved using finite-volume procedures in the context of the PHYSICA framework and then applied to the analysis of sugar in storage. The influence of temperature on absorption/desorption and diffusion coefficients is coupled into the transport equations. The temperature profile, the depth of penetration of the temperature oscillation into the bulk solid, and the solids moisture content distribution were first calculated, and these proved to be in good agreement with experimental data. Then, the influence of temperature oscillation on absolute humidity, moisture concentration, and moisture migration for different parameters and boundary conditions was examined. As expected, the results show that moisture near boundary regions responds faster than farther away from them with surface temperature changes. The moisture absorption and desorption in materials occurs mainly near boundary regions (where interactions with the environment are more pronounced). Small amounts of solids moisture content, driven by both temperature and vapour concentration gradients, migrate between boundary and center with oscillating temperature.


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The cold crucible, or induction skull melting process as is otherwise known, has the potential to produce high purity melts of a range of difficult to melt materials, including Ti–Al and Ti6Al4V alloys for Aerospace, Ti–Ta and other biocompatible materials for surgical implants, silicon for photovoltaic and electronic applications, etc. A water cooled AC coil surrounds the crucible causing induction currents to melt the alloy and partially suspend it against gravity away from water-cooled surfaces. Strong stirring takes place in the melt due to the induced electromagnetic Lorentz forces and very high temperatures are attainable under the right conditions (i.e., provided contact with water cooled walls is minimised). In a joint numerical and experimental research programme, various aspects of the design and operation of this process are investigated to increase our understanding of the physical mechanisms involved and to maximise process efficiency. A combination of FV and Spectral CFD techniques are used at Greenwich to tackle this problem numerically, with the experimental work taking place at Birmingham University. Results of this study, presented here, highlight the influence of turbulence and free surface behaviour on attained superheat and also discuss coil design variations and dual frequency options that may lead to winning crucible designs.


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Cold crucible furnace is widely used for melting reactive metals for high quality castings. Although the water cooled copper crucible avoids contamination, it produces a low superheat of the melt. Experimental and theoretical investigations of the process showed that the increase of the supplied power to the furnace leads to a saturation in the temperature rise of the melt, and no significant increase of the melt superheat can be obtained. The computer model of theprocess has been developed to simulate the time dependent turbulent flow, heat transfer with phase change, and AC and DC magnetohydrodynamics in a time varying liquid metal envelope. The model predicts that the supermimposition of a strong DC field on top of the normal AC field reduces the level of turbulience and stirring in the liquid metal, thereby reducing the heat loss through the base of the crucible and increasing the superheat. The direct measurements of the temperature in the commercial size cold crucbile has confirmed the computer redictions and showed that the addition of a DC field increased the superheat in molten TiAl from ~45C (AC field only) to ~81C (DC+AC fields). The present paper reports further predictions of the effect of a dDC field on top of the AC field and compares these with experimental data.


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A method of droplet generation based on applying a modulated AC high frequency magnetic field in the localized region of capillary breakup is considered as ans alternative to traditional methods for high temperature liquid melt droplet serial production by pressure variation. The method is based on a pseudo-spectral approximation with a coordinate transformation adaptin to the developing free surface. The electromagnetic field is recomputed continuously with the domain shape change. Practical application cases for liquid silicon droplets of 0.5 - 2 mm diameter are considered in detail.


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The dissolution of thin film under-bump-metallization (UBM) by molten solder has been one of the most serious processing problems in electronic packaging technology. Due to a higher melting temperature and a greater Sn content, a molten lead-free solder such as eutectic SnAg has a faster dissolution rate of thin film UBM than the eutectic SnPb. The work presented in this paper focuses on the role of 0.5 wt % Cu in the base Sn–3.5%Ag solder to reduce the dissolution of the Cu bond pad in ball grid array applications. We found that after 0.5 wt % Cu addition, the rate of dissolution of Cu in the molten Sn–3.5%Ag solder slows down dramatically. Systematic experimental work was carried out to understand the dissolution behavior of Cu by the molten Sn–3.5%Ag and Sn–3.5%Ag–0.5%Cu solders at 230–250 °C, for different time periods ranging from 1 to 10 min. From the curves of consumed Cu thickness, it was concluded that 0.5 wt % Cu addition actually reduces the concentration gradient at the Cu metallization/molten solder interface which reduces the driving force of dissolution. During the dissolution, excess Cu was found to precipitate out due to heterogeneous nucleation and growth of Cu6Sn5 at the solder melt/oxide interface. In turn, more Cu can be dissolved again. This process continues with time and leads to more dissolution of Cu from the bond pad than the amount expected from the solubility limit, but it occurs at a slower rate for the molten Sn–3.5%Ag–0.5%Cu solder. © 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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Copper (Cu) has been widely used in the under bump metallurgy of chip and substrate metallization for chip packaging. However, due to the rapid formation of Cu–Sn intermetallic compound (IMC) at the tin-based solder/Cu interface during solder reaction, the reliability of this type of solder joint is a serious concern. In this work, electroless nickel–phosphorous (Ni–P) layer was deposited on the Cu pad of the flexible substrate as a diffusion barrier between Cu and the solder materials. The deposition was carried out in a commercial acidic sodium hypophosphite bath at 85 °C for different pH values. It was found that for the same deposition time period, higher pH bath composition (mild acidic) yields thicker Ni–P layer with lower phosphorous content. Solder balls having composition 62%Sn–36%Pb–2%Ag were reflowed at 240 °C for 1 to 180 min on three types of electroless Ni–P layers deposited at the pH value of 4, 4.8 and 6, respectively. Thermal stability of the electroless Ni–P barrier layer against the Sn–36%Pb–2%Ag solder reflowed for different time periods was examined by scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersed X-ray. Solder ball shear test was performed in order to find out the relationship between the mechanical strength of solder joints and the characteristics of the electroless Ni–P layer deposited. The layer deposited in the pH 4 acidic bath showed the weak barrier against reflow soldering whereas layer deposited in pH 6 acidic bath showed better barrier against reflow soldering. Mechanical strength of the joints were deteriorated quickly in the layer deposited at pH 4 acidic bath, which was found to be thin and has a high phosphorous content. From the cross-sectional studies and fracture surface analyses, it was found that the appearance of the dark crystalline phosphorous-rich Ni layer weakened the interface and hence lower solder ball shear strength. Ni–Sn IMC formed at the interfaces was found to be more stable at the low phosphorous content (∼14 at.%) layer. Electroless Ni–P deposited at mild acidic bath resulting phosphorous content of around 14 at.% is suggested as the best barrier layer for Sn–36%Pb–2%Ag solder.