735 resultados para Pyrrhulina aff
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Quire structure: 9xIV⁷² + (IV–1)⁷⁹. Text in one column, on (mostly) 26–33 lines, not ruled. Catchwords frequently used at the foot of each page to indicate the next word when a sentence continues on the next page. Not foliated. Gothic Cursive in one saec. XVI² hand. The first initial of the book has been touched with what looks like red pencil. This may be a later addition, as also the green tint to the outer edges of the block. Titles and rubrics distinguished, if at all, through layout only. A note fol. [47]v (see also the main text on fol. [31]v) indicates that the text was copied in 1580. The Anti-Papist poem mentions the Jesuit Antonio Possevino, active in Sweden in 1577–1580 (Kiiskinen ed. 2010, 25, 27). The texts appear to be copies of printed works, with the possible exception of the Anti-Papist poem. The publication of Eric Falck’s Een Tröstbook is known, but apparently no printed copies survive; Laurentius Olai Gestricius’ catechism is otherwise unknown. He was a teacher in Gävle from 1557 or 1558, then curate of Västerås from 1561 and of Stockholm in 1562, where he died in 1565 (Kiiskinen ed. 2010, 15, 349; Collijn ed. 1927–1938, vol. 2, 324).
Arkit: A-B8 C4.
Arkit: A-B8 C4.
Arkit: A-D4 E2 (E2 verso tyhjä).
Arkit: A-B8 C4.
Arkit: A-D4 E2 (E2 verso tyhjä).
Nimeke tekstin alusta.
The genus Astyanax comprises small characin fish of the neotropical region. The so-called `yellow-tailed characins` compose one of the most widely distributed Astyanax groups. A. altiparanae and A. aff. bimaculatus, are evolutionarily closely related and commonly found in several Brazilian hydrographic basins. In the present work, chromosomal data of specimens of A. altiparanae and A. aff. bimaculatus from 4 hydrographic basins in the states of Sao Paulo (Upper Tiete, Paranapanema, Ribeira de Iguape) and Rio de Janeiro (Guapimirim) are shown. All the populations showed 50 chromosomes, with different karyotypic formula. Although only a single Ag-NOR bearing chromosome pair was observed, all populations possess multiple cistrons of 18S rDNA. FISH with the 5S rDNA probe showed single signals at the interstitial position of one metacentric chromosome pair. C-bands are distributed in the terminal and interstitial regions of several chromosomes. However, the As-51 satDNA are frugally located in a few chromosomes of fishes from Upper Tiete, Paranapanema and Guapimirim Rivers, being absent in individuals of A. aff. bimaculatus from Ribeira de Iguape River basin. Beside these 4 populations, molecular phylogeography studies were also performed in individuals from Middle and Lower Tiete River basin and from 2 additional collection sites in the Paranapanema and Ribeira de Iguape River basins. The phylogeographic analysis using 2 mtDNA regions (totalizing 1.314 bp of ND2 and ATPase6/8 genes) of 8 populations of the group of `yellow-tailed characins` from 3 major hydrographic basins showed structuring of populations, suggesting a correlation between chromosomal (nuclear) and molecular (mitochondrial) data. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel
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O objetivo do presente estudo foi reportar a infecção por Trypanosoma sp. em tuviras (Gymnotus aff. inaequilabiatus) oriundas do Pantanal Sul-mato-grossense, Brasil. Dez peixes provenientes do rio Paraguai, Pantanal Sul-mato-grossense, foram avaliados quanto à presença de hemoflagelados. Tripomastigotas de Trypanosoma sp. foram observados nas extensões sanguíneas de três peixes (30% de prevalência), e algumas formas encontravam-se em divisão. Por meio do exame a fresco e da centrifugação do sangue em capilar de hematócrito como métodos para diagnóstico, a taxa de prevalência foi de 80%. Esse é o primeiro relato de Trypanosoma sp. em tuviras no Brasil.
This study investigated the influence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on the feeding ecology and foraging behavior of the whiptail lizard Ameivula aff. ocellifera, a new species widely distributed in the Brazilian Caatinga, and that is in process of description. In attendance to the objectives, the Dissertation was structured in two chapters, which correspond to scientific articles, one already published and the other to be submitted for publication. In Chapter 1 were analyzed the general diet composition, the relationship between lizard size and prey size, and the occurrence of sexual and ontogenetic differences in the diet. Chapter 2 contemplates a seasonal analysis of diet composition during two rainy seasons interspersed with a dry season, and the quantitative analysis of foraging behavior during two distinct periods. The diet composition was determined through stomach analysis of lizards (N = 111) collected monthly by active search, between September 2008 and August 2010, in the Estação Ecológica do Seridó (ESEC Seridó), state of Rio Grande do Norte. Foraging behavior was investigated during a rainy and a dry month of 2012 also in ESEC Seridó, by determining percent of time moving (PTM), number of movements per minute (MPM) and prey capture rate by the lizards (N = 28) during foraging. The main prey category in the diet of Ameivula aff. ocellifera was Insect larvae, followed by Orthoptera, Coleoptera and Araneae. Termites (Isoptera) were important only in numeric terms, having negligible volumetric contribution (<2%) and low frequency of occurrence, an uncommon feature among whiptail lizards. Males and females did not differ neither in diet composition nor in foraging behavior. Adults and juveniles ingested similar prey types, but differed in prey size. Maximum and minimum prey sizes were positively correlated with lizard body size, suggesting that in this population individuals experience an ontogenetic change in diet, eating larger prey items while growing, and at the same time excluding smaller ones. The diet showed significant seasonal differences; during the two rainy seasons (2009 and 2010), the predominant prey in diet were Insect larvae, Coleoptera and Orthoptera, while in the dry season the predominant prey were Insect larvae, Hemiptera, Araneae and Orthoptera. The degree of mobility of consumed prey during the rainy seasons was lower, mainly due to a greater consumption of larvae (highly sedentary prey) during these periods. Population niche breadth was higher in the dry season, confirming the theoretical prediction that when food is scarce, the diets tend to be more generalized. Considering the entire sample, Ameivula aff. ocellifera showed 61,0 ± 15,0% PTM, 2,03 ± 0,30 MPM, and captured 0,13 ± 0,14 per minute. Foraging mode was similar to that found for other whiptail lizards regarding PTM, but MPM was relatively superior. Seasonal differences were verified for PTM, which was significantly higher in the rainy season (66,4 ± 12,1) than in the dry season (51,5 ± 15,6). It is possible that this difference represents a behavioral adjustment in response to seasonal variation in the abundance and types of prey available in the environment in each season
The main purpose of this research was to measure the condition of the fish species Hoplias aff. malabaricus collected in Aguapeu River (black waters) and Branco River (white waters), which belong to Itanhaem River basin, a coastal watershed in São Paulo state, Brazil. Individuals of Hoplias aff. malabaricus were sampled by using gill nets, monthly from March 2001 to February 2002. The Condition Factor was obtained through the length-weight relationship, assuming that the higher the mass for a given length, the better the condition of the fish. The Condition Factor was compared among fishes from both rivers, resulting that Branco River individuals have significantly lower condition. Limnological aspects were studied from May 2001 to November 2002 and some show significant differences between Aguapeu River and Branco River. These were salinity, do and total organic N, which the higher values being observed in Branco River propably due to estuarine waters influence. However, the lower condition of the Branco River fishes should also be an effect of a disturbance due to the sand mining in this river, since this activity cause important alterations to the environment, affecting the whole biota, included aquatic macrophytes, invertebrates and fishes.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)