957 resultados para Public agenda issues


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This paper deals with brief overview of the developments of international provisions on IPR related to public health. It discusses flexibilities before and after TRIPS Agreement and difficulties faced by developing countries in implementing TRIPS obligations and protecting public health. Also discussed are the reasons for the Doha Declaration and issues relating to implementation of Para 6 of the Declaration. Discusses the inadequacy in the compulsory licence based approach to solve public health crisis and argues for a more comprehensive approach to find a long term solution to the public health issues


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La cifra de personas que padecen epilepsia en España alcanza, según últimos datos publicados, los 400.000. Si bien cada año se diagnostican 20.000 casos nuevos en nuestro país, la epilepsia es la gran desconocida de las enfermedades por la sociedad. Las personas afectadas y sus familias conviven con una enfermedad que incapacita, en muchas ocasiones, al paciente en su actividad diaria. Es, en este aspecto, donde la morbilidad que rodea a la epilepsia es casi más perjudicial para los enfermos y familiares que la propia enfermedad que ha sido reconocida por la Organización Mundial de la Salud como “un importante problema de salud pública”. El actual trabajo, a partir del análisis de contenido de 159 noticias aparecidas en diferentes soportes on line, presenta cómo tratan la epilepsia los medios de comunicación y su impacto en la agenda de los públicos, así como los temas y el contexto de las noticias sobre la epilepsia en función de la clasificación de públicos que aportamos y que está basada en la Teoría Situacional de Grunig. El logro de estos objetivos, nos ha permitido conocer el grado de sensibilización de la epilepsia a partir del contenido de las noticias por tipo de público y la necesidad de que los medios de comunicación hagan de prescriptores e influenciadores con los actores políticos, para una comunicación afirmativa.


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Young people are major users of public space, White (1990,1998) Loader (1996). * Young people are constructed as ‘problem’ and ‘non citizens’, Brown (1998). * Young people report feeling unconsulted, not part of community life, Measor & Squires (2000), Article 12 (2000), Tyler et al (1998). * Young people and citizenship/participation is a major issue. * Public Space issues affect others also such as the homeless, aged, women, Indigenous people and people of middle eastern appearance.


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The dissertation analyzes Finnish consensual culture in public discussion and journalism in Helsingin Sanomat (HS). The consensual Finnish political culture has evolved and persisted over a long period of time and it has been affected by historical circumstances as well as the dynamics of political and journalistic structures and actors. A historical chronology is drawn in the study regarding the nature and development of consensus culture in 20th century Finland. This political culture is traced by looking at public discussion on globalization at the turn of the millennium. Globalization as a concept has been contested and various societal actors have given different meanings to it. This research looks at how the globalization discussion in HS during the years 1992-2004 constructs consensus. Helsingin Sanomat (and its predecessor Päivälehti) has been an important actor in Finnish journalism and the public sphere almost since its founding 120 years ago. The history of the paper is tightly connected to Finland s general political history and history of the public sphere. Moreover, the paper s connections to the societal elite have always been close. The central question in this research was to see how the globalization discussion in HS evolved in relation to consensus as well as legitimate controversies. As a result it is stated that the globalization question has clearly divided the Finnish societal actors. The most powerful societal elites (government, most civil servants, corporate sector) had a profile of being pro globalization. They communicated their globalization strategy as a national, unified way of thinking. Other elites which have been losing their influence (the president, labor union, part of members of parliament), as well as civil society actors tried to bring forward conflicting views in relation to globalization. The paper did give some room to these elements, but on the other hand it also tried to keep up the consensual discussion culture especially in the editorial section. In line with its traditions Helsingin Sanomat strived to create national unity. At the same time it did not give adequate attention to the changes brought about by globalization to the positions and roles of various elites and civil society actors. In this discussion HS seemed more like a medium of the state than as a critical and independent actor. Journalism has an important role in upholding and also reviving the Finnish political culture and public discussion. From this point of view it is problematic if the area of so called legitimate controversy in broad societal questions like globalization becomes very limited. As the Finnish elites are small and there is no considerable competition between them, journalism should actively bring up controversial issues. This task becomes complicated, however, if the elite circles are closed up and no initiatives come from their ranks. Political decision making as well as democracy can suffer, if issues are not brought to the public agenda.


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Dans ma thèse, je me sers de modèles de recherche solides pour répondre à des questions importantes de politique publique. Mon premier chapitre évalue l’impact causal de l’allégeance partisane (républicain ou démocrate) des gouverneurs américains sur le marché du travail. Dans ce chapitre, je combine les élections des gouverneurs avec les données du March CPS pour les années fiscales 1977 à 2008. En utilisant un modèle de régression par discontinuité, je trouve que les gouverneurs démocrates sont associés à de plus faibles revenus individuels moyens. Je mets en évidence que cela est entrainée par un changement dans la composition de la main-d’oeuvre à la suite d’une augmentation de l’emploi des travailleurs à revenus faibles et moyens. Je trouve que les gouverneurs démocrates provoquent une augmentation de l’emploi des noirs et de leurs heures travaillées. Ces résultats conduisent à une réduction de l’écart salarial entre les travailleurs noir et blanc. Mon deuxième chapitre étudie l’impact causal des fusillades qui se produisent dans les écoles secondaires américaines sur les performances des éléves et les résultats des écoles tels que les effectifs et le nombre d’enseignants recruté, a l’aide d’une stratégie de différence-en-différence. Le chapitre est coécrit avec Dongwoo Kim. Nous constatons que les fusillades dans les écoles réduisent significativement l’effectif des élèves de 9e année, la proportion d’élèves ayant un niveau adéquat en anglais et en mathématiques. Nous examinons aussi l’effet hétérogene des tueries dans les écoles secondaires entre les crimes et les suicides. Nous trouvons que les fusillades de natures criminelles provoquent la diminution du nombre d’inscriptions et de la proportion d’élèves adéquats en anglais et mathématiques. En utilisant des données sur les élèves en Californie, nous confirmons qu’une partie de l’effet sur la performance des élèves provient des étudiants inscrits et ce n’est pas uniquement un effet de composition. Mon troisième chapitre étudie l’impact des cellulaires sur la performance scolaire des élèves. Le chapitre est coécrit avec Richard Murphy. Dans ce chapitre, nous combinons une base de données unique contenant les politiques de téléphonie mobile des écoles obtenues à partir d’une enquète auprès des écoles dans quatre villes en Angleterre avec des données administratives sur la performance scolaire des éleves. Nous étudions ainsi l’impact de l’introduction d’une interdiction de téléphonie mobile sur le rendement des éleves. Nos résultats indiquent qu’il y a une augmentation du rendement des éleves après l’instauration de l’interdiction des cellulaires à l’école, ce qui suggère que les téléphones mobiles sont sources de distraction pour l’apprentissage et l’introduction d’une interdiction à l’école limite ce problème.


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El tema del narcotráfico ha sido ampliamente tratado, así como el caso de las drogas en Colombia, pero la afectación de dicho problema no ha sido analizada desde la República Dominicana y mucho menos desde la relación bilateral entre esta y Colombia. Aunque el tema es de gran relevancia en la agenda internacional, así como en la agenda interna de cada uno de estos Estados, no es el tema principal en la relación bilateral, donde los asuntos comerciales tienen mayor importancia, aún cuando hay ciertos mecanismos que buscan eliminar el tráfico ilegal de estupefacientes. En esta investigación, se busca dar un diagnóstico de las relaciones bilaterales y de aquellos instrumentos existentes, específicamente aquellos implementados desde la acogida internacional del término responsabilidad compartida en el año 1998 hasta el año 2010, para determinar la efectividad de los mismos y de aquellos factores que no son precisamente resultantes de las relaciones bilaterales pero que sí afectan de una u otra manera el tráfico de drogas ilegales entre estos dos países. Así, se buscará encontrar las debilidades, en los instrumentos bilaterales entre Colombia y República Dominicana y hacer recomendaciones para hacerlos más efectivos.


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Esta investigación tiene el propósito de analizar los aspectos jurídicos de los desastres naturales y del reasentamiento poblacional. Se presentan las distintas tipologías del reasentamiento poblacional desde la óptica estatal para señalar su importancia en las actividades de las autoridades administrativas. En el trabajo se muestra la vulnerabilidad del Estado Colombiano frente a la ocurrencia de desastres naturales, por la falta de planeación efectiva y la poca importancia de la reducción del riesgo en la agenda pública. Desarrolla igualmente, el fundamento de la responsabilidad de la administración frente a desastres de la naturaleza y su papel ante la protección de los derechos humanos. Además, desarrolla el reasentamiento poblacional como mecanismo de atención y prevención de desastres naturales, y la normatividad nacional y de la región andina en la cual está contenido. Establece estrategias de acción estatal para la atención práctica de los desastres naturales, el planteamiento del reasentamiento poblacional como política pública y herramientas de protección de la población vulnerable. Por último, plantea la importancia de la reducción de los riesgos de la población ante desastres de la naturaleza y la necesidad de protección del Estado de las poblaciones vulnerables para mejorar sus condiciones de vida.


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The objective of this paper is to integrate mobility as across component of the management of specific public actions. The case of study concerns the public health services in Argentina, and mother’s mobility conditions in the suburban of the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area. In terms of methodology, the paper working on the concept of access trying to identify, measure and evaluate the relationship between mobility conditions and maternal health care. Access is weighted according to the realization of health services, and not according to the arrival at the places where they are offers. The result is innovative empirical evidence, useful as an indicator to make more relevant the role of mobility within the public agenda of transport and others specific sectors, asa basic social right behind the access that requires coordinated actions and cross-sectoral approaches.


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The purpose of this commentary is to consider the extent to which food regulatory systems protect public health, and how a better job could be done. There are fundamental questions about the role of food regulations in responding to changes in food systems and to food-related public health issues. What is meant by the objective ‘to protect public health and safety’ in the context of food regulation? Are current systems well balanced between promoting trade and protecting health? What is the role of nutrition in food regulation? Should food regulation be used to promote as well as to protect public health? Should laws and regulations be used to intervene in the formulation and marketing of foods, or should ‘the market’ merely provide more choices and information for shoppers and consumers to select healthy diets?


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The thesis is an explanation of the development of pre-school children's services (infant welfare, kindergartens and child care) at local government level in Victoria. The critical framework of analysis focuses on three dimensions of public policy: 1) the socio-historical environment; 2) the political processes involved in the development of the specific children's service; and 3) the major individuals and groups that exerted pressure for children's service, The argument is threefold. Firstly it is argued that the political environment of children's services has been dominated by the practice of separate spheres of public and private, in which the care of children is primarily the role of women. Secondly, it is argued that the political processes surrounding the development of local children's services have involved all levels of government in what is termed a local state. Thirdly, it is argued that the development of these children's services in local government has resulted mainly from the work of women both individually and collectively. Since the three services of infant welfare, kindergartens and child care all became a normal function of children's services at different times, the circumstances that surrounded each development exhibited different aspects of the three major arguments. The periodisation is broken into four phases: 1) the establishment of local government with no children's services in the nineteenth century; 2) the establishment of infant welfare services in local government in the early part of the twentieth century; 3) the incorporation of kindergartens into local government after the second world war; and 4) the incorporation of child care into local government in the 1970s and 1980s. The thesis concludes by arguing that the existence of children's services in local government in Victoria is testimony to the remarkable work of those women who have pursued the issue both individually and collectively. It has been the identification of children's services as a women's issue in Australian politics that has enabled women's groups at different times to influence the policy makers in diverse ways. However, while the establishment of children's services as a legitimate political concern brings the matter onto the public agenda, the separate spheres still remains a contested issue in the public policies of children's services.


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Installation art involves using everyday objects and spaces in an unusual way to gain attention and encourage interaction. While arts-based projects have the ability to inform and provoke interest, few have focused on public health. Oddsocks was conceived as a public health installation as part of the annual Melbourne Fringe Festival, with a primary aim to raise awareness concerning the importance of exercise and foot health. Promoting such underserved public health issues creates specific challenges which have been typically under-reported. This methods paper focuses on how these challenges can be met through arts-based initiatives and arts-based inquiry.


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Industry-wide crises emanating from legislative proposals are rare in Australia, and can be classed as once in a generation events, and so merit consideration and research. Currently, there is one such debate over the Mineral Resources Rent Tax, proposed by Prime Minister’s Julia Gillard’s government. Prior to this, the closest comparable event was the 1974 proposal for the establishment of a universal health insurance scheme. The 1947 proposal, by the Ben Chifley-led Labor Government, aimed to nationalise Australia’s banks, and it brought a crisis of massive proportions to Australia’s conservative financial service industry. Although the High Court of Australia finally found Chifley’s proposed legislation unconstitutional, the banks realised they must win in the court of public opinion, generate press coverage in favour of their position, and help defeat the Labor Government at the 1949 election. At the time, and for some decades to come, this was the most expensive and largest public relations campaign waged in Australia. After such a campaign there could be few Australians who could claim that they had not been exposed to the powers of public relations in a modern world. This paper looks at what can be learned from the banks’ collective response to the proposed nationalisation. It does so by applying contemporary issues management evaluation techniques.


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This article discusses how qualitative vignettes were combined with interviews to explore a complex public health issue; that is, promoting unhealthy foods and beverages to children and adolescents. It outlines how the technique was applied in practice and the combination of vignette-based interviews with a broader approach involving Gadamerian hermeneutics. Twenty-one participants from the public health community and the marketing and food and beverage industries took part in vignette-based interviews between March and September 2012. Overall, the qualitative vignette method afforded an efficient, generally well-received technique that effectively explored the issue of promoting unhealthy foods and beverages to children and adolescents. The vignette provided structure to interviews but allowed certain responses to be investigated in greater depth. Through this research, we argue that qualitative vignettes allow researchers to explore complex public health issues. This article also provides a valuable resource for researchers seeking to explore this technique.


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Este texto busca descrever e analisar, ainda muito incipientemente, de que forma o tema do monitoramento, a partir de indicadores sociais, e do controle social da gestão pública local por meio do estabelecimento de Planos de Metas para a gestão pública entra na agenda pública de muitos municípios brasileiros a partir de 2008. Buscar-se-á, também, analisar de que forma os Planos de Metas apresentam oportunidades e desafios que podem alterar a cultura de gestão nesses municípios, principalmente por parte do poder executivo, no que diz respeito à adoção de um diagnóstico municipal que efetivamente oriente a tomada de decisão e a formulação de políticas públicas no âmbito local. Palavras-chave: programas de metas, gestão local, planejamento, monitoramento, indicadores 


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Includes bibliography