48 resultados para Psychostimulant


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Repeated exposure to stress results in augmentation in the locomotor response to psychostimulant drugs. We investigated the locomotor response to a novel environment or cocaine [ 10 mg/kg, intraperitoneally (i.p.)] and basal corticosterone levels in male adolescent rats exposed to chronic restraint or variable stress. Animals in the chronic restraint group were restrained for 1 hour daily. The chronic variable stress protocol consisted of exposure to different stressors twice a day in random order. Chronic restraint and variable stress regimens began simultaneously on postnatal day (P) 25 and were applied for 10 days. During this period the control group was left undisturbed except for cleaning the cages. Three days after the last exposure to stress, cocaine- and novelty-induced locomotion were recorded in an activity cage. Plasma corticosterone levels were determined in a subset of stress and control animals. Exposure to both chronic restraint and variable stress increased cocaine- induced locomotion and basal corticosterone plasma levels, while no change was observed in the response to a novel environment. Moreover, rats exposed to variable stress displayed the greatest locomotor response following a challenge dose with cocaine when compared to control and chronic restraint stress groups. This observation indicates that the stress regimen is relevant to the degree of stress-induced sensitization to cocaine.


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Exposure to intermittent episodes of social defeat stress can increase drug seeking and leads to intense drug taking in rats.This study investigated the consequences of repeated, intermittent social defeat stress on patterns of drug self-administration in rats with access to heroin, cocaine, or a heroin-cocaine combination (speedball).Male Long-Evans rats were either handled (controls) or subjected to 25-min social defeat stress episodes on days 1, 4, 7, and 10 during confrontations with an aggressive resident. Ten days following the last defeat, rats were assessed for locomotor cross-sensitization in response to heroin or cocaine. Animals were then prepared with intrajugular catheters for drug self-administration. Separate groups of controls and defeated rats were examined for self-administration of heroin (experiment 1), a heroin-cocaine combination (experiment 2), or cocaine (experiment 3). Drug self-administration patterns were evaluated using fixed or progressive ratio schedules of reinforcement during limited access sessions or a 24-h unlimited access binge.Rats with a history of intermittent social defeat stress showed sensitized locomotor behavior when challenged with heroin or cocaine relative to controls. During the 24-h binge session, defeated rats escalated cocaine-taking behavior (ca. 110 mg/kg vs. 66 mg/kg in controls), persisted in self-administering cocaine or the heroin-cocaine mixture for more hours, and showed a tendency for increased heroin-cocaine intake, but no effects on heroin taking.A history of social defeat stress seems to preferentially promote escalated intake of cocaine but not heroin, unless a heroin-cocaine combination is available.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O estudo da dependência de substâncias psicoativas apresentou grandes avanços conceituais nas últimas décadas. A evolução dos conceitos foi paralela às evidências científicas que têm revelado os aspectos comportamentais e os mecanismos neurais envolvidos nesse fenômeno. Contudo, um grande desafio que permanece na pesquisa sobre a dependência de substâncias psicoativas é a identificação de quais fatores são responsáveis pela transição do uso controlado para o uso compulsivo. Está demonstrado que muitas variáveis interagem para influenciar a probabilidade de que qualquer indivíduo inicie o uso abusivo de substâncias psicoativas ou se torne dependente. Nos últimos anos, o estresse tem sido destacado como um fator importante na iniciação, manutenção e recaída da utilização de substâncias psicoativas. Neste trabalho analisamos os conceitos e teorias da farmacodependência e as principais evidências comportamentais pré-clínicas que demonstram a relação entre estresse e a vulnerabilidade ao abuso e dependência de psicoestimulantes.


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A great deal of effort has been devoted to elucidating the psychopharmacology underlying addiction and relapse. Long-term neuroadaptations in glutamate transmission seem to be of great relevance for relapse to stimulant abuse. In this study, we investigated amphetamine-induced conditioned place preference during adolescence and the reinstatement of the conditioned behavior following a priming injection of the drug 1 day (adolescence), 30 days (early adulthood) and 60 days (adulthood) after the extinction test. The nucleus accumbens was dissected immediately after the reinstatement test to examine alterations in GluR1 and NR1 subunits of glutamatergic receptors. Our results showed that a priming injection of amphetamine was able to reinstate the CPP 1 and 30 days after extinction. However, it failed to reinstate the conditioned response after 60 days. GluR1 levels were decreased on days 1 and 30 but not on day 60 while NR1 levels were unaltered in the reinstatement test. Using a relapse model we found that reinstatement of amphetamine-induced conditioning place preference during adolescence is long lasting and persists through early adulthood. Decreased levels of GluR1 in the nucleus accumbens might be related to the reinstatement of amphetamine-induced conditioning place preference. (C) 2008 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The caffeine is a mild psychostimulant that has positive cognitive effects at low doses, while promotes detrimental effects on these processes at higher doses. The episodic-like memory can be evaluated in rodents through hippocampus-dependent tasks. The dentate gyrus is a hippocampal subregion in which neurogenesis occurs in adults, and it is believed that this process is related to the function of patterns separation, such as the identification of spatial and temporal patterns when discriminating events. Furthermore, neurogenesis is influenced spatial and contextual learning tasks. Our goal was to evaluate the performance of male Wistar rats in episodic-like tasks after acute or chronic caffeine treatment (15mg/kg or 30mg/kg). Moreover, we assessed the chronic effect of the caffeine treatment, as well as the influence of the hippocampus-dependent learning tasks, on the survival of new-born neurons at the beginning of treatment. For this purpose, we used BrdU to label the new cells generated in the dentate gyrus. Regarding the acute treatment, we found that the saline group presented a tendency to have better spatial and temporal discrimination than caffeine groups. The chronic caffeine group 15 mg/kg (low dose) showed the best discrimination of the temporal aspect of episodic-like memory, whereas the chronic caffeine group 30mg/kg (high dose) was able to discriminate temporal order, only in a condition of greater difficulty. Assessment of neurogenesis using immunohistochemistry for evaluating survival of new-born neurons generated in the dentate gyrus revealed no difference among groups of chronic treatment. Thus, the positive mnemonic effects of the chronic caffeine treatment were not related to neuronal survival. However, another plastic mechanism could explain the positive mnemonic effect, given that there was no improvement in the acute caffeine groups


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Caffeine is considered the most consumed psychostimulant in the world, presenting several central and peripheral effects. In the Central Nervous System the major effect occur by its antagonistic activity at the A1 and A2a subtypes of the adenosine receptors. These receptors are responsible for the slow-wave sleep induction, and their binding, caused by the consumption of foods and beverages that contain caffeine, cause behaviors like increase of alertness, mood and locomotion. The effects of caffeine on memory are still discussed because of the diversity of experimental protocols. Also, it does not have the same effects on all stages of the processing of memory - acquisition, consolidation and recall. Thus, using the marmoset (Callitrhix jacchus) as subject, we aim to evaluate the effects of caffeine on the memory of this primate through the conditioned place preference paradigm, where the animal selects a context by presence of food. This cognitive task consists of five phases. The first phase was two sessions of pre-exposure, in which they were evaluated for preference for any compartment of the apparatus. Then, we proceeded the training, conditioning the animals to the food-present context for 8 days. Then, there was administration of caffeine or placebo (10mg/kg) for 8 consecutive days, during the pre-sleep phase, where the 20 animals were distributed in two groups: placebo and repeated. The forth phase was one day of retraining, a re-exposure of the apparatus to the marmosets followed by the administration of caffeine (for the repeated group and a new group called abstinence) or placebo (for placebo and abstinence groups). Finally, was the test where we evaluated if the subjects learned where the food was present. Moreover, in this work we evaluate the existence of differences between females and males on the task, and the locomotor activity for the experimental groups. The results showed that in the pre-exposure phase the animals were habituated on the apparatus and did not present differences for any contexts. In training, they were able to learn the conditioning task, independent of gender. For the retraining, the two groups exhibited more interactions in rewarded context than that in non-rewarded context. Nevertheless, in the locomotor activity, the repeated group moved similarly in contact with the apparatus and outside of it. In the other hand, the animals of the placebo group moved more when in contact with the apparatus. In the test phase, the marmosets under influence of caffeine presented an increase in the locomotor activity when compared with the placebo group, corroborating works that show this increase in locomotion. In the learning evaluation, the continuous and abstinence groups had a bad performance in the task in relation to the placebo and acute groups. This suggests that the prolonged administration of caffeine disrupts the memories because it affected sleep, which is largely responsible offline processing of memories


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Neuropeptide S (NPS) is an endogenous 20-aminoacid peptide which binds a G protein-coupled receptor named NPSR. This peptidergic system is involved in the modulation of several biological functions, such as locomotion, anxiety, nociception, food intake and motivational behaviors. Studies have shown the participation of NPSR receptors in mediating the hyperlocomotor effects of NPS. A growing body of evidence suggests the participation of adenosinergic, dopaminergic and CRF systems on the hyperlocomotor effects of NPS. Considering that little is known about the role of dopaminergic system in mediating NPS-induced hyperlocomotion, the present study aims to investigate the locomotor actions of intracerebroventricular (icv) NPS in mice pretreated with α-metil-p-tirosine (AMPT, inhibitor of dopamine synthesis), reserpine (inhibitor of dopamine vesicle storage) or sulpiride (D2 receptor antagonist) in the open field test. A distinct group of animals received the same pretreatments described above (AMPT, reserpine or sulpiride) and the hyperlocomotor effects of methylphenidate (dopamine reuptake inhibitor) were investigated in the open field. NPS and methylphenidate increased the mouse locomotor activity. AMPT per se did not change the locomotion of the animals, but it partially reduced the hyperlocomotion of methylphenidate. The pretreatment with AMPT did not affect the psychostimulant effects of NPS. Both reserpine and sulpiride inhibited the stimulatory actions of NPS and methylphenidate. These findings show that the hyperlocomotor effects of methylphenidate, but not NPS, were affected by the pretreatment with AMPT. Furthermore, methylphenidate- and NPS-induced hyperlocomotion was impaired by reserpine and sulpiride pretreatments. Together, data suggests that NPS can increase locomotion even when the synthesis of catecholamines was impaired. Additionally, the hyperlocomotor effects of NPS and methylphenidate depend on monoamines vesicular storaged, mainly dopamine, and on the activation of D2 receptors. The psychostimulant effects of NPS via activation of dopaminergic system display clinical significance on the treatment of diseases which involves dopaminergic pathways, such as Parkinson s disease and drug addiction


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Fencamfamine (FCF) is a psychostimulant drug classified as an indirect dopamine agonist. In the present study we evaluated the daily variation in plasma FCF concentration and in striatal dopamine receptors. Adult male Wistar rats (250-300 g) maintained on a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle (lights on at 07:00 h) were used. Rats received FCF (10.0 mg/kg, ip) at 09:00, 15:00, 21:00 or 03:00 h and blood samples were collected 30 (N = 6) or 60 (N = 6) min after the injections. Plasma FCF was measured by gas chromatography using an electron capture detector. Two-way ANOVA showed significant differences in FCF concentration when blood samples were collected 30 min after the injection, and the highest value was obtained following injection 21:00 h. Moreover, at 15:00, 21:00 and 03:00h, plasma FCF levels were significantly lower 60 min after injection when compared to the 30-min interval. Two other groups of rats (N = 6) were decapitated at 09:00 or 21:00 h and the striata were dissected for the binding assays. The Bmax for [H-3]-spiroperidol binding to striatal membranes was higher at 21:00 h, without changes in affinity constant (Kd). In conclusion, plasma FCF levels and dopamine receptors undergo daily variation,a phenomenon that should be considered to explain the circadian time-dependent effects of FCF.


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1. In the present study, we evaluated the role of repeated administration on conditioning place preference (CPP) induced by fencamfamine (FCF) in male rats.2. Repeated FCF (3.5 mg/kg) or saline once or daily for ten consecutive days enhanced sniffing du ration and decreased locomotion and rearing duration.3. At the 3.5 mg/kg dose, FCF produced a significant place-preference effect.4. Repeated exposures to FCF intensified its reinforcing properties.5. These results suggest that repeated FCF administration sensitizes its rewarding effects, as with other addictive substances. GEN PHARMAC 29;2:265-261, 1997. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V.


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1. The effects produced by discontinuation of long-term treatment with fencamfamine (FCF) were evaluated recording behavioral and body weight changes.2. 48 hr after withdrawal of FCF rats shelved a significant decrease in exploratory behavior when compared to saline-treated ones.3. Discontinuation of treatment with FCF resulted in a significant increase in body weight on days of drug withdrawal.4. These results suggest that FCF caused signs of withdrawal similar to other psychostimulant drugs.


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Fencamfamine (FCF) is a psychostimulant classified as an indirect dopamine agonist. The conditioning place preference (CPP) paradigm was used to investigate the reinforcing properties of FCF. After initial preferences had been determined, animals were conditioned with FCF (1.75, 3.5, or 7.0 mg/kg; IP). Only at the dose of 3.5 mg/kg FCF produced a significant place preference. Pretreatment with SCH23390 (0.05 mg/kg, SC) or naloxone (1.0 mg/kg SC) 10 min before FCF (3.5 mg/kg; IP) blocked both FCF-induced hyperactivity and CPP. Pretreatment with metoclopramide (10.0 mg/kg; IP) or pimozide (1.0 mg/kg, IP), respectively, 30 min or 4 h before FCF (3.5 mg/kg; IP), which blocked the FCF-induced locomotor activity, failed to influence place conditioning produced by FCF. In conclusion, the present study suggests that dopamine D 1 and opioid receptors are related to FCF reinforcing effect, while dopamine D 2 subtype receptor was ineffective in modifying FCF-induced CPP.