539 resultados para Protozoa.


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The infraciliature and myoneme system of Campanella umbellaria were revealed using the protargol impregnation technique. The main characteristics of the infraciliature are the peristomial ciliary rows (haplokinety and polykineties), which make four and a half turns around the peristomial disc before plunging into the infundibulum, and the aboral infraciliature, which is made up of the aboral ciliary wreath (trochal band) and the scopula. The myoneme system is composed of: 1) longitudinal fibers, which include 60-84 (mean 72.3) short longitudinal fibers, 40-56 (mean 45.8) medium-length longitudinal fibers, and numerous long longitudinal fibers; and 2) circular fibers, which include 8-12 (mean 9.3) peristomial ring fibers, linking fibers, support fibers, and peristomial disc fibers. The various fibers in C. umbellaria are interconnected to form a single myoneme system that may act as a cell skeleton as well as providing the mechanism by which the zooid contracts and relaxes. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The Ludox-QPS method is a newly developed technique, which combines the Ludox HS 40 density centrifugation and quantitative protargol stain, to enumerate marine ciliates with good taxonomic resolution. We tested the method for simultaneous enumeration of diatoms, protozoa and meiobenthos and compared its extraction efficiency for meiobenthos with that of the routine Ludox-TM centrifugation and a modified protocol using Ludox HS 40. We conducted the evaluation with a sample size of 8.3 ml each from sandy, muddy-sand and muddy sediments collected from the intertidal area of the Yellow Sea in summer 2006 and spring 2007. The Ludox-QPS method not only produced high extraction efficiencies of 97 +/- 1.3% for diatoms and 97.6 +/- 0.8% for ciliates, indicating a reliable enumeration for eukaryotic microbenthos, but also produced excellent extraction efficiencies of on average 97.3% for total meiobenthos, 97.9% for nematodes and 97.8% for copepods from sands, muddy sands and mud. By contrast, the routine Ludox-TM centrifugation obtained only about 74% of total meiobenthos abundance with one extraction cycle, and the modified Ludox HS 40 centrifugation yielded on average 93% of total meiobenthos: 89.4 +/- 2.0% from sands, 93 +/- 4.1% from muddy sands and 97.1 +/- 3.0% from mud. Apart from the sediment type, sample volume was another important factor affecting the extraction efficiency for meiobenthos. The extraction rate was increased to about 96.4% when using the same modified Ludox centrifugation for a 4 ml sediment sample. Besides the excellent extraction efficiency, the Ludox-QPS method obtained higher abundances of meiobenthos, in particular nematodes, than the routine Ludox centrifugation, which frequently resulted in an uncertain loss of small meiobenthos during the sieving process. Statistical analyses demonstrated that there were no significant differences between the meiobenthos communities revealed by the Ludox-QPS method and the modified Ludox HS 40 centrifugation, showing the high efficiency of the Ludox-QPS method for simultaneous enumeration of diatom, protozoa and meiobenthos. Moreover, the comparatively high taxonomic resolution of the method, especially for diatoms and ciliates, makes it feasible to investigate microbial ecology at community level.


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We studied the morphology of three rare haptorid ciliates, using live observation and silver impregnation: Apertospathula verruculifera n. sp., Longispatha elegans n. gen., n. sp., and Rhinothrix porculus (Penard, 1922) n. gen., n. comb. Simple ethanol fixation (50-70%, v/v) is recommended to reveal the ciliary pattern of "difficult" ciliates, such as R. porculus, by protargol impregnation. The three genera investigated have a distinct feature in common, viz., a lasso-shaped oral bulge and circumoral kinety, where the right half is slightly to distinctly longer than the left and the circumoral kinety is open ventrally. Thus, they are united in a new spathidiid family, the Apertospathulidae n. fam., which probably evolved from a Bryophyllum-like ancestor by partial reduction of the oral bulge and circumoral kinety. Apertospathula verruculifera has a wart-like process, the palpus dorsalis, at the anterior end of the dorsal brush. The right branch of the circumoral kinety is only slightly longer than the left one. Longispatha elegans has a straight oral bulge and circumoral kinety, the right branch of which extends to the posterior end of the body while the left branch ends in the anterior third of the body. Rhinothrix porculus, a curious ciliate with a snout-like dorsal elongation of the oral bulge, the palpus oralis, has a highly characteristic ciliary pattern: the oral pattern is as in Longispatha, but the bulge and circumoral kinety extend spirally to the posterior end of the body while the somatic kinetics course meridionally. This is achieved by inserting some shortened kinetics in the curves of the oral bulge.


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Two marine urostylid ciliates, Holosticha hamulata n. sp. and Holosticha heterofoissneri Hu and Song, 2001, were investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation. Both species were isolated from Korean intertidal sediments of the Yellow Sea. Holosticha hamulata measures about 150 x 25 pro in vivo, and is characterized by a tripartite body shape with a narrow head, an inflated trunk, and a tail that distally projects ventrally forming a hook-like structure. It is the characteristic body shape that distinguishes H. hamulata distinctly from congeners. Holosticha hamulata differs from H. heterofoissneri, possibly the nearest relative, also by the location of the contractile vacuole (ahead of mid-body versus near posterior body third) and the configuration of the macronucleus (on average, 33 scattered nodules assuming a Y-shape versus 17 nodules that may form a U shape). The average number of the macronuclear nodules is a pronounced feature showing great consistency in populations of each species. However, their arrangement is variable in H. heterofoissneri where the nodules are basically scattered or connected by fine fibers forming an elongate U-shape. The location of the contractile vacuole as a taxonomic feature is discussed and a dichotomous key to the species of Holosticha sensu stricto is provided.


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The morphology and infraciliature of two ectoparasitic ciliates, Trichodina caecellae n. sp. and T. ruditapicis Xu, Song & Warren, 2000, parasitising the gills of marine molluscs from the Shandong coast of the Yellow Sea, China, were investigated following wet silver nitrate and protargol impregnation. T. caecellae was found on the small marine sand clam Caecella chinensis Deshayes and is distinguished mainly by the acute triangle-like blade, the very delicate central part and the needle-shaped ray. T. ruditapicis was studied based on four populations from three clams: two populations from Ruditapes philippinarum (Adams) and one each from Saxidomus purpuratus (Sowerby) and Solen grandis Dunker. All four populations fell within the range of morphometry and agreed closely in the overall appearance of the adhesive disc. However, variability was found in the denticle structure, especially in populations from different host clams. Our observations suggest that denticle morphology may be more or less variable between and within populations, and that such minor differences should not be overestimated. It should be emphasised that, except for the denticle morphology, the bright granules or circles in the centre of the adhesive disc represent another important feature facilitating the identification of this trichodinid species.


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Background: Interactions between Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) and free-living protozoa in water are likely to occur in nature. The potential impact of ingestion of Map by two naturally occurring Acanthamoeba spp. on this pathogen's survival and chlorine resistance was investigated. Results: Between 4.6 and 9.1% of spiked populations of three Map strains (NCTC 8578, B2 and ATCC 19698), which had been added at a multiplicity of infection of 10: 1, were ingested by Acanthamoeba castellanii CCAP 1501/1B and A. polyphaga CCAP 1501/3B during co-culture for 3 h at 25 C. Map cells were observed to be present within the vacuoles of the amoebae by acid-fast staining. During extended co-culture of Map NCTC 8578 at 25 degrees C for 24 d with both A. castellanii and A. polyphaga Map numbers did not change significantly during the first 7 days of incubation, however a 1-1.5 log(10) increase in Map numbers was observed between days 7 and 24 within both Acanthamoeba spp. Ingested Map cells were shown to be more resistant to chlorine inactivation than free Map. Exposure to 2 mu g/ml chlorine for 30 min resulted in a log(10) reduction of 0.94 in ingested Map but a log(10) reduction of 1.73 in free Map (p <0.001). Conclusion: This study demonstrated that ingestion of Map by and survival and multiplication of Map within Acanthamoeba spp. is possible, and that Map cells ingested by amoebae are more resistant to inactivation by chlorine than free Map cells. These findings have implications with respect to the efficacy of chlorination applied to Map infected surface waters.


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Se ha estudiado la composición, abundancia y distribución de las especies de Tintinida (Protozoa: Ciliata) en relación con las condiciones ambientales, entre 1982 y 1985. Se han identificado 54 especies pertenecientes a 30 géneros y 12 familias. Se utilizaron 901 muestras colectadas con red estándar de fitoplancton en 15 cruceros realizados por el Instituto del Mar del Perú, entre la primavera de 1982 y el verano de 1985, a lo largo del litoral peruano, entre Puerto Pizarro (04' S) e llo (18°S). Además se estudiaron 216 muestras de agua obtenidas con botellas Niskin en 7 estaciones distribuidas a lo largo del perfil Callao (12° S) y a profundidades de 0, 10, 25 y 50 m. Las mayores densidades se presentaron en el verano de 1985, por las especies: Eutintinnus tubulosus, Hellicostomella longa y H. subulata, época considerada como normal de acuerdo a las condiciones oceanográficas. La composición por especies cambia con la distancia de la costa. Dentro de las 30 mn predominaron H. longa y H. subulata; y en la región oceánica: Eutintinnus similis, Oadayiella ganymedes y X ystonella treforti, especies de aguas subtropicales superficia­les. En la distribución vertical, las mayores concentraciones se encontraron entre los O y 25 m de profundidad, muy cerca de la costa.