983 resultados para Proteins -- Analysis


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Beta-lactams active against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) must resist penicillinase hydrolysis and bind penicillin-binding protein 2A (PBP 2A). Cefamandole might share these properties. When tested against 2 isogenic pairs of MRSA that produced or did not produce penicillinase, MICs of cefamandole (8-32 mg/L) were not affected by penicillinase, and cefamandole had a > or =40 times greater PBP 2A affinity than did methicillin. In rats, constant serum levels of 100 mg/L cefamandole successfully treated experimental endocarditis due to penicillinase-negative isolates but failed against penicillinase-producing organisms. This suggested that penicillinase produced in infected vegetations might hydrolyze the drug. Indeed, cefamandole was slowly degraded by penicillinase in vitro. Moreover, its efficacy was restored by combination with sulbactam in vivo. Cefamandole also uniformly prevented MRSA endocarditis in prophylaxis experiments, a setting in which bacteria were not yet clustered in the vegetations. Thus, while cefamandole treatment was limited by penicillinase, the drug was still successful for prophylaxis of experimental MRSA endocarditis.


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Oxygen uptake was studied during the establishment of cephalocaudal polarity in the very early chick embryo, i.e., 10 hr before (stage VI) and at laying (stage X). Oxygen fluxes in minute regions of the intact blastoderms were measured in vitro by scanning microspectrophotometry in the presence or absence of glucose. The oxygen consumption of the whole blastoderm remained constant (6 nmol O2 X hr-1) throughout the period studied, although the number of cells increased more than twofold. The regional oxygen fluxes varied from 0.41 to 1.13 nmol O2 X hr-1 X mm-2 at stage VI and from 0.42 to 0.70 nmol O2 X hr-1 X mm-2 at stage X. At stage VI, the oxygen flux in the center of the blastoderm was significantly higher than that in its periphery. This pattern remained evident when the values were corrected for cell number or for cytoplasmic volume. At stage X, there was a tendency for the oxygen fluxes to decrease from the posterior to the anterior regions of the area pellucida. Thus the pattern of oxidative metabolism in the late uterine embryos seems to change from radial to bilateral. This change of symmetry probably reflects the process of formation of the embryonic axis. In addition, the fact that the oxygen uptake was similar in the presence or absence of glucose suggests that early chick embryos metabolize essentially intracellular stores.


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The concept of cellular schwannoma as an unusual benign tumor is well established for peripheral nerves but has never been tested in neurosurgical series. In order to test the validity of this concept in cranial nerves and spinal roots we performed an analysis of the clinical and morphological characteristics of 12 cellular and 166 classical benign schwannomas. Immunohistochemical detection of antigen expression in Schwann cells including proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was also performed. This study shows that cellular schwannomas in neurosurgical series manifest at a lower age than the classical benign variant and occur mainly in the spinal roots. Mitotic activity and sinusoidal vessels appear more frequently in cellular schwannomas and constitute with high cellularity, the most valuable criteria separating both entities. The postoperative course in both types of tumors was free of metastases or sarcomatous changes. Immunoexpression of S-100 protein, vimentin, epithelial membrane antigen and glial fibrillary acidic protein is not statistically different between the two variants. In contrast, PCNA is more highly expressed in cellular schwannomas. These These results confirm the concept that cellular schwannomas are a clinico-pathological variant of benign schwannomas and provide significant support for the introduction of this entity in neurosurgical oncology.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The application of microwave radiation on the sample preparation has been expanding increasingly in areas involving decomposition by wet and dry roads, fusion, extraction, acceleration of chemical reactions, for example. Currently, the use of microwave ovens for analytical purposes are recognized for having excellent performance for organic and inorganic samples. In the international market there are several kinds of microwaves oven which adapt the varied purposes, however yet with elevated prices which incapacitate your use as routine equipment in laboratory. Thus, many researchers have been choosing for developing own projects of microwaves oven production or to use domestic oven for the laboratory, with or without adaptations. For the evaluation of the proposed method was used in the Kjeldahl methodology for determining total nitrogen in samples of crude protein, using a domestic microwave oven and a digester pot made up in TeflonTM and distillation by steam. Were made to adapt and characterization of a domestic microwave oven, the confeccion vessel digester and the metal support for the vessel. The accuracy of the proposed method was confirmed by comparison of two methods, the standard method for conventional heating and by the proposed method, with heating by microwave radiation through the calculated values of relative standard deviation analysis


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Background: Epsilon-protein kinase C (epsilon PKC) protects the heart from ischemic injury. However, the mechanism(s) of epsilon PKC cardioprotection is still unclear. Identification of the epsilon PKC targets may aid in elucidating the epsilon PKC-mediated cardioprotective mechanisms. Previous studies, using epsilon PKC transgenic mice and difference in gel electrophoresis, identified proteins involved in glucose metabolism, the expression of which was modified by epsilon PKC. Those studies were accompanied by metabolomic analysis, suggesting that increased glucose oxidation may be responsible for the cardioprotective effect of epsilon PKC. Whether these epsilon PKC-mediated alterations were because of differences in protein expression or phosphorylation was not determined. Methods and Results: In the present study, we used an epsilon PKC -specific activator peptide, psi epsilon RACK, combined with phosphoproteomics, to find epsilon PKC targets, and identified that the proteins whose phosphorylation was altered by selective activation of epsilon PKC were mostly mitochondrial proteins. Analysis of the mitochondrial phosphoproteome led to the identification of 55 spots, corresponding to 37 individual proteins, exclusively phosphorylated, in the presence of psi epsilon RACK. The majority of the proteins identified were involved in glucose and lipid metabolism, components of the respiratory chain as well as mitochondrial heat shock proteins. Conclusions: The protective effect of epsilon PKC during ischemia involves phosphorylation of several mitochondrial proteins involved in glucose and lipid metabolism and oxidative phosphorylation. Regulation of these metabolic pathways by epsilon PKC phosphorylation may lead to epsilon PKC-mediated cardioprotection induced by psi epsilon RACK. (Circ J 2012; 76: 1476-1485)


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The placenta is the site of synthesis of various peptide and steroid hormones related to pregnancy. Human placental lactogen (hPL) is the predominant peptide hormone secreted by term placenta and its synthesis is tissue-specific and coupled to placenta development. The objective of this work was to study the structure and expression of the hPL.^ Poly(A('+))RNA from human term placenta was translated in a mouse-derived cell-free system. A major band corresponding to pre-hPL and a minor band comigrating with mature hPL, represent (TURN)15% of the total radioactively labeled proteins. Analysis of the poly(A('+))RNA showed a prominent band at approximately 860 nucleotides. A corresponding band was observed in Northern blots of total RNA, hybridized with {('32)P}-labeled recombinant plasmid containing a portion of hPL cDNA. Similar analyses of nuclear RNA showed at least four additional bands at 990, 1200, 1460 and 1760 nucleotides, respectively, which are likely precursors of hPL mRNA. Poly(A('+))RNA was used to construct a cDNA library, of which approximately 5% of the clones were found to hybridize to hPL DNA sequences. Heteroduplexes constructed between a clone containing a 815 bp hPL cDNA insert and a hPL genomic DNA clone revealed four small intervening sequences which can account for the lengths observed in hnRNA molecules.^ Recombinant plasmid HCS-pBR322 containing a 550 bp insert of a cDNA transcript of human placental lactogen (hPL) mRNA was ('3)H-labeled an hybridized in situ to human chromosome preparations. These experiments allowed assignment of the hPL and growth hormone (hGH) genes, which have over 90% nucleotide homology in their coding sequences, to band q22-24 of chromosome 17. A gene copy number experiment showed that both genes are present in (TURN)3 copies per haploid genome.^ Experiments were designed to determine if all members of the hPL gene cluster, consisting of four non-allelic genes, are transcribed in term placenta. Advantage was taken of differences in restriction endonuclease sites in the coding portions of the different hPL genes, to distinguish the putative cDNAs of the transcriptionally active genes. Two genes were found to be represented in the cDNA library and their cDNA transcripts were isolated and characterized. Three independent methods showed that their corresponding mRNAs are about equally represented in the hPL mRNA population. The two cDNAs code for prehPL proteins which differ at a single amino acid position. However the secreted hPLs have identical amino acid sequences. A tetramer insertion duplication was found in a palindrome area of the 3' untranslated region of one of the hPL mRNAs. ^


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The isoprenoid pathway in FRTL-5 thyroid cells was found to be deeply altered on transformation with v-K-ras. A dramatic overall reduction of protein prenylation was found in v-K-ras-transformed cells in comparison with the parent FRTL-5 cells, as shown by labeling cells with [3H]mevalonic acid. This phenomenon was accompanied by a relative increase of p21ras farnesylation and by a decrease of the ratio between the amounts of geranylgeraniol and farnesol bound to prenylated proteins. Analysis of protein prenylation in FRTL-5 cells transformed by a temperature-sensitive mutant of the v-K-ras oncogene indicated that these variations represent an early and specific marker of active K-ras. Conversely, FRTL-5 cells transformed with Harvey-ras showed a pattern of [3H]-mevalonate (MVA)-labeled proteins similar to that of nontransformed cells. The K-ras oncogene activation also resulted in an overall decrease of [3H]-MVA incorporation into isopentenyl-tRNA together with an increase of unprocessed [3H]-MVA and no alteration in [3H]-MVA uptake. The effects of v-K-ras on protein prenylation could be mimicked in FRTL-5 cells by lowering the concentration of exogenous [3H]-MVA whereas increasing the [3H]-MVA concentration did not revert the alterations observed in transformed cells. Accordingly, v-K-ras expression was found to: (i) down-regulate mevalonate kinase; (ii) induce farnesyl-pyrophosphate synthase expression; and (iii) augment protein farnesyltransferase but not protein geranylgeranyl-transferase-I activity. Among these events, mevalonate kinase down-regulation appeared to be related strictly to differential protein prenylation. This study represents an example of how expression of the v-K-ras oncogene, through multiple interferences with the isoprenoid metabolic pathway, may result in the preferential farnesylation of the ras oncogene product p21ras.


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Using the yeast two-hybrid system we have identified a human protein, GAIP (G Alpha Interacting Protein), that specifically interacts with the heterotrimeric GTP-binding protein G alpha i3. Interaction was verified by specific binding of in vitro-translated G alpha i3 with a GAIP-glutathione S-transferase fusion protein. GAIP is a small protein (217 amino acids, 24 kDa) that contains two potential phosphorylation sites for protein kinase C and seven for casein kinase 2. GAIP shows high homology to two previously identified human proteins, GOS8 and 1R20, two Caenorhabditis elegans proteins, CO5B5.7 and C29H12.3, and the FLBA gene product in Aspergillus nidulans--all of unknown function. Significant homology was also found to the SST2 gene product in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is known to interact with a yeast G alpha subunit (Gpa1). A highly conserved core domain of 125 amino acids characterizes this family of proteins. Analysis of deletion mutants demonstrated that the core domain is the site of GAIP's interaction with G alpha i3. GAIP is likely to be an early inducible phosphoprotein, as its cDNA contains the TTTTGT sequence characteristic of early response genes in its 3'-untranslated region. By Northern analysis GAIP's 1.6-kb mRNA is most abundant in lung, heart, placenta, and liver and is very low in brain, skeletal muscle, pancreas, and kidney. GAIP appears to interact exclusively with G alpha i3, as it did not interact with G alpha i2 and G alpha q. The fact that GAIP and Sst2 interact with G alpha subunits and share a common domain suggests that other members of the GAIP family also interact with G alpha subunits through the 125-amino-acid core domain.