867 resultados para Profit-sharing
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This paper analyses the mechanisms through which profit-sharing schemes may induce debt constrained firms to improve technical efficiency over time to guarantee positive profits. This hypothesis is first formalised in a partial equilibrium framework and then is tested on a sample of Italian traditional and cooperative firms. Technical efficiency change indexes are computed by DEA. These are regressed on a measure of finance constraints to analyse their impact on firms’ efficiency growth. The results support the hypothesis that a restriction in the availability of financial resources can affect positively the growth in efficiency in firms with profit-sharing schemes.
The adaptation of profit sharing creates a fundamental change in employee compensation by making a portion of total compensation directly dependent upon the total profits of the firm and the performance of the employee. The major goal of this study is to test for and measure the impact of the independent variable, a profit sharing plan implemented at Shahvand Industrial Company, upon communication behaviour, communication outcomes, and organisational outcomes as dependent variables. A quasi-experimental non-equivalent control group design with pre and posttest was the research design used to test the effects of profit sharing participation on permanent-part-time operative employees implemented by SIC. Several conclusions were reached as a result of the statistical analysis of the data collected in this study. Overall, few of the hypothesised effects of profit sharing participation appeared to have been realised according to the empirical results of this study. The finding that certain communication behaviours were more favourable for profit sharing participants than for non-participants support the general hypothesis of the integrated profit sharing model. The observed changes in communication behaviours indicate that information sharing and idea generation are important components of the profit sharing process. The results of this study did not reveal any changes in either communication or organisational outcomes. A significant finding of this study is that the implementation of profit sharing plans require a relatively long period of time. Patience is required to achieve high levels of success and management must make long-term commitment to profit sharing. Findings of this study should be interpreted with caution, taking into consideration that most of the previo.us researches on profit sharing have been conducted in Western European or American countries, while the current study was based on data collected from an organisation in a developing country. This implies that the findings reported in this thesis may not be comparable in certain respects to results derived from companies in major industrialised economies.
The notion of sovereignty is central to any international tax issue. While a nation is free to design its tax laws as it sees fit and raise revenue in accordance with the needs of its citizens, it is not possible to undertake such a task in isolation. Tax interactions between sovereign states cannot be avoided. Ultimately, the interactions mean that a nation must decide whether or engage in both collaboration and co ordination with other nations and supranational bodies alike or maintain a unilateral stance in relation to its tax policy. This article considers a modern conceptualisation of sovereignty to argue that a move towards a more unified approach to addressing international base erosion and profit sharing may be the ultimate exercise of national fiscal sovereignty.
Neste trabalho, estudamos o regime de partilha de produção brasileiro, instituí do pela Lei No 12.351, para exploração de petróleo através de uma abordagem te orica. Desenvolvemos um modelo de partilha de produção a fim de capturar algumas características do modelo de partilha brasileiro como, por exemplo, a participação obrigatória da Petrobras, assimetria de informação e a presença de participantes estratégicos. Através de solução numérica, fazemos uma análise das estratégias dos participantes e dos ganhos esperados. Além disso, desenvolvemos um modelo de custos heterogêneos para estudar as regras de conteúdo local.
This dissertation consists of an introductory section and three essays investigating the effects of economic integration on labour demand by using theoretical models and by empirical analysis. The essays adopt an intra-industry trade approach to specify a theoretical framework of estimation for determining the effects of economic integration on employment. In all the essays the empirical aim is to explore the labour demand consequences of European integration. The first essay analyzes how labour-demand elasticities with own price have changed during the process of economic integration. As a theoretical result, intensified trade competition increases labour-demand elasticity, whereas better advantage of economies of scale decreases labour-demand elasticity by decreasing the elasticity of substitution between differentiated products. Furthermore, if integration gives rise to an increase in input-substitutability and/or outsourcing activities, labour demand will become more elastic. Using data from the manufacturing sector from 1975 to 2002, the empirical results provide support for the hypothesis that European integration has contributed to increased elasticities of total labour demand in Finland. The second essay analyzes how economic integration affects the impact of welfare poli-cies on employment. The essay considers the viability of financing the public sector, i.e. public consumption and social security expenses, by general labour taxation in an economy which has become more integrated into international product markets. The theoretical results of the second essay indicate that, as increased trade competition crowds out better economies of scale, it becomes more costly to maintain welfare systems financed by labour taxation. Using data from European countries for the years 1975 to 2004, the empirical results provide inconsistent evidence for the hypothesis that economic integration has contributed to the distortion effects of welfare policies on employment. The third essay analyzes the impact of profit sharing on employment as a way to introduce wage flexibility into the process of economic integration. The results of the essay suggest that, in theory, the effects of economic integration on the impact of profit sharing on employment clearly depend on a trade-off between intensified competition and better advantage of economies of scale. If product market competition increases, the ability of profit sharing to improve employment through economic integration increases with moderated wages. While, the economic integration associating with market power in turn decrease the possibilities of profit sharing with higher wages to improve employment. Using data from the manufacturing sector for the years 1996 to 2004, the empirical results show that profit-sharing has a positive impact on employment during the process of European integration, but can have ambiguous effects on the stability of employment in Finland.
The by-law reads: "A by-law to amend by-law no. 79 of the company by restricting the distribution of monies set aside for profit sharing to officers and employees regularly employed at the company's plant. Be it therefore enacted as a by-law of Barnes Wines, Limited as follows: That Schedule 'A' to By-Law no. 79 of the Company enacted on the 2nd day of February, 1953, be and the same is hereby amended by adding after the word "Company" in the last line of paragraph I thereof, the following: 'regularly employed at the Company's plant,' Enacted this 9th day of February, 1966. Witness the Corporate Seal of the Company. Unanimously confirmed by all the Shareholders of the Company at a Special General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company held on the 21st day of February, 1966."
Ce mémoire a pour objectif de comprendre l’impact de la satisfaction envers les régimes de rémunération variable sur l’engagement organisationnel des travailleurs. Pour étudier cette question, nous avons utilisé trois hypothèses basées sur la théorie des attentes ainsi que sur la théorie de l’agence. La première hypothèse stipule que la satisfaction envers les régimes de bonis fait augmenter le niveau d’engagement organisationnel des travailleurs. La deuxième hypothèse est que la satisfaction envers les régimes de partage des bénéfices fait augmenter le niveau d’engagement organisationnel des travailleurs. La troisième hypothèse stipule que la satisfaction envers les régimes d’actionnariat fait augmenter le niveau d’engagement organisationnel des travailleurs. Nous avons utilisé une base de données provenant d’une enquête plus large portant sur « les liens entre la rémunération, la formation et le développement des compétences et l’attraction et la rétention d’employés clés ». L’entreprise où les données ont été collectées œuvre dans le secteur des technologies de l’information et des communications (TIC). Les nouveaux employés embauchés dans cette entreprise établie à Montréal ont été interrogés. Nos résultats nous permettent de confirmer deux de nos hypothèses, soit celle qui concerne les régimes de bonis et celle qui concerne les régimes d’actionnariat. Nos résultats indiquent que les individus satisfaits à l’égard des régimes de rémunération variable, plus précisément envers les régimes de bonis et les régimes d’actionnariat, présentent de plus hauts niveaux d’engagement organisationnel. Le soutien organisationnel perçu est également un facteur important dans le développement de l’engagement organisationnel. Finalement, nous concluons ce mémoire avec l’implication de nos résultats pour les différents acteurs en relations industrielles.
Esta dissertação é um estudo de caso exploratório sobre a atuação do Departamento de Coordenação e Governança das Empresas Estatais (DEST), vinculado à Secretaria-Executiva do Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão, na análise e na aprovação das propostas de participação nos lucros ou resultados (PLR) dos empregados das empresas estatais em que a União é acionista majoritária. Quatro empresas estatais que apresentaram propostas de PLR para o exercício de 2008 foram selecionadas qualitativamente. As informações coletadas a partir das propostas das empresas, de documentos oficiais do DEST se manifestando sobre o assunto, do marco legal existente e das entrevistas com representantes do órgão foram analisadas criticamente com base na teoria da agência, da literatura sobre mensuração de desempenho no setor público, das reformas administrativas no Brasil e dos pressupostos do novo institucionalismo. Com isso, foi possível: (i) analisar o DEST e o marco legal da PLR enquanto as instituições intermediando o processo entre as propostas e as aprovações; (ii) caracterizar as preferências do DEST em relação aos programas de PLR; (iii) caracterizar as propostas de PLR das empresas estatais; (iv) caracterizar os resultados que as instituições em consideração estão produzindo; (v) analisar os fatores limitantes e/ou facilitadores para o funcionamento das instituições; e (vi) levantar as percepções de ex- e atuais envolvidos no processo de análise e aprovação das propostas no DEST acerca da PLR nas empresas estatais enquanto instrumento de incentivo à produtividade. Como resultado, verificou-se (i) que as aprovações do DEST refletem apenas parcialmente as preferências do órgão com relação ao formato dos programas e (ii) que a atuação do DEST varia de intensidade entre os eixos que compõem os programas (seleção de indicadores, estabelecimento de metas, definição do montante e forma de sua distribuição).
Neste trabalho discutimos a evolução recente do mercado de previdência privada complementar aberta no Brasil, e os principais fatores motivadores dessa evolução. Concentramo-nos na participação dos chamados planos tradicionais de previdência complementar, com mínimos garantidos e reversão de excedentes financeiros. Mostramos que essa modalidade de plano possui um conjunto de opções embutidas que representam direitos do participante, ou cliente, sobre o capital da seguradora ou entidade aberta de previdência complementar (EAPC). Essas opções representam riscos adicionais no balanço da EAPC que não estão necessariamente neutralizados. Para tentar neutralizar esses riscos a gestão dos ativos garantidores dos passivos dos planos tradicionais precisa levar em consideração as características desses passivos. Apresentamos cinco critérios comuns, alguns detalhadamente descritos na literatura de finanças, para escolha e alocação de carteiras de ativos em EAPCs, considerando as especificidades dos planos tradicionais e as suas opções embutidas. Testamos carteiras selecionadas com base nesses critérios para o passado recente e procuramos avaliar o impacto dos resultados na geração de receita esperada por essa modalidade de produto. Os resultados indicam que, quanto mais correlacionada for à performance da carteira de ativos com o perfil de evolução dos passivos, mais eficiente será a neutralização dos riscos representados pelas opções emitidas pela EAPC, e menos volátil será o fluxo de receita gerado por essa modalidade de produto.
In this thesis, we investigate some aspects of the interplay between economic regulation and the risk of the regulated firm. In the first chapter, the main goal is to understand the implications a mainstream regulatory model (Laffont and Tirole, 1993) have on the systematic risk of the firm. We generalize the model in order to incorporate aggregate risk, and find that the optimal regulatory contract must be severely constrained in order to reproduce real-world systematic risk levels. We also consider the optimal profit-sharing mechanism, with an endogenous sharing rate, to explore the relationship between contract power and beta. We find results compatible with the available evidence that high-powered regimes impose more risk to the firm. In the second chapter, a joint work with Daniel Lima from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), we start from the observation that regulated firms are subject to some regulatory practices that potentially affect the symmetry of the distribution of their future profits. If these practices are anticipated by investors in the stock market, the pattern of asymmetry in the empirical distribution of stock returns may differ among regulated and non-regulated companies. We review some recently proposed asymmetry measures that are robust to the empirical regularities of return data and use them to investigate whether there are meaningful differences in the distribution of asymmetry between these two groups of companies. In the third and last chapter, three different approaches to the capital asset pricing model of Kraus and Litzenberger (1976) are tested with recent Brazilian data and estimated using the generalized method of moments (GMM) as a unifying procedure. We find that ex-post stock returns generally exhibit statistically significant coskewness with the market portfolio, and hence are sensitive to squared market returns. However, while the theoretical ground for the preference for skewness is well established and fairly intuitive, we did not find supporting evidence that investors require a premium for supporting this risk factor in Brazil.
O trabalho tem como objeto o estudo de temas específicos relacionados à Participação dos trabalhadores nos Lucros ou Resultados (PLR) empresariais, tais como a periodicidade do pagamento, do pagamento de PLR a somente algumas áreas da empresa e das regras claras e objetivas sobre a forma do acordo celebrado entre empregado e empregador. A matéria será introduzida por meio do exame da controvérsia constitucional acerca da auto aplicabilidade do art. 7°, XI, da Constituição Federal de 1988, questão que é objeto do Recurso Extraordinário n° 569.441-RS, cuja repercussão geral foi recentemente reconhecida pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) e que ainda está pendente de julgamento. Após breve histórico sobre a legislação que regulamenta a PLR, por meio da análise prática da jurisprudência do Conselho Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais (CARF), será apresentado o entendimento do tribunal acerca de temas controvertidos existentes na legislação (Lei n 10.101/2000) que regulamenta a matéria.