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In the past decade, the Finnish agricultural sector has undergone rapid structural changes. The number of farms has decreased and the average farm size has increased when the number of farms transferred to new entrants has decreased. Part of the structural change in agriculture is manifested in early retirement programmes. In studying farmers exit behaviour in different countries, institutional differences, incentive programmes and constraints are found to matter. In Finland, farmers early retirement programmes were first introduced in 1974 and, during the last ten years, they have been carried out within the European Union framework for these programmes. The early retirement benefits are farmer specific and de-pend on the level of pension insurance the farmer has paid over his active farming years. In order to predict the future development of the agricultural sector, farmers have been frequently asked about their future plans and their plans for succession. However, the plans the farmers made for succession have been found to be time inconsistent. This study estimates the value of farmers stated succession plans in predicting revealed succession decisions. A stated succession plan exists when a farmer answers in a survey questionnaire that the farm is going to be transferred to a new entrant within a five-year period. The succession is revealed when the farm is transferred to a suc-cessor. Stated and revealed behaviour was estimated as a recursive Binomial Probit Model, which accounts for the censoring of the decision variables and controls for a potential correlation between the two equations. The results suggest that the succession plans, as stated by elderly farmers in the questionnaires, do not provide information that is significant and valuable in predicting true, com-pleted successions. Therefore, farmer exit should be analysed based on observed behaviour rather than on stated plans and intentions. As farm retirement plays a crucial role in determining the characteristics of structural change in agriculture, it is important to establish the factors which determine an exit from farming among eld-erly farmers and how off-farm income and income losses affect their exit choices. In this study, the observed choice of pension scheme by elderly farmers was analysed by a bivariate probit model. Despite some variations in significance and the effects of each factor, the ages of the farmer and spouse, the age and number of potential successors, farm size, income loss when retiring and the location of the farm together with the production line were found to be the most important determi-nants of early retirement and the transfer or closure of farms. Recently, the labour status of the spouse has been found to contribute significantly to individual retirement decisions. In this study, the effect of spousal retirement and economic incentives related to the timing of a farming couple s early retirement decision were analysed with a duration model. The results suggest that an expected pension in particular advances farm transfers. It was found that on farms operated by a couple, both early retirement and farm succession took place more often than on farms operated by a single person. However, the existence of a spouse delayed the timing of early retirement. Farming couples were found to co-ordinate their early retirement decisions when they both exit through agricultural retirement programmes, but such a co-ordination did not exist when one of the spouses retired under other pension schemes. Besides changes in the agricultural structure, the share and amount of off-farm income of a farm family s total income has also increased. In the study, the effect of off-farm income on farmers retirement decisions, in addition to other financial factors, was analysed. The unknown parameters were first estimated by a switching-type multivariate probit model and then by the simulated maxi-mum likelihood (SML) method, controlling for farmer specific fixed effects and serial correlation of the errors. The results suggest that elderly farmers off-farm income is a significant determinant in a farmer s choice to exit and close down the farm. However, off-farm income only has a short term effect on structural changes in agriculture since it does not significantly contribute to the timing of farm successions.


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Agri-environmental schemes have so far resulted in only minor positive implications for the biodiversity of agricultural environments, in contrast to what has been expected. Land-use intensification has decreased landscape heterogeneity and the amount of semi-natural habitats. Field margins are uncultivated areas of permanent vegetation located adjacent to fields. Since the number of these habitats is high, investing in their quality may result in more diverse agricultural landscapes. Field margins can be considered as multifunctional habitats providing agronomic, environmental and wildlife services. This thesis aimed at examining the plant communities of different types of field margin habitats and the factors affecting their species diversity and composition. The importance of edaphic, spatial and management factors was studied on regional, landscape and habitat scales. Vegetation surveys were conducted on regional and landscape scales and a field experiment on cutting management was conducted on a habitat scale. In field margin plant communities, species appeared to be indicators of high or intermediate soil fertility and moist soil conditions. The plant species diversity found was rather low, compared with most species-rich agricultural habitats in Finland, such as dry meadows. Among regions, land-use history, main production line, natural species and human induced distribution, climate and edaphic factors were elements inducing differences in species composition. The lowest regional species diversity of field margins was related to intensive and long-term cereal production. Management by cutting and removal or grazing had a positive effect on plant species diversity. The positive effect of cutting and removal on species richness was also dependent on the adjacent source of colonizing species. Therefore, in species-poor habitats and landscapes, establishment of margins with diverse seed mixtures can be recommended for enhancing the development of species richness. However, seed mixtures should include only native species preferably local origin. Management by cutting once a year for 5 years did not result in a decline in dominance of a harmful weed species, Elymus repens, showing that E. repens probably needs cutting more frequently than once per year. Agri-environmental schemes should include long-term contracts with farmers for the establishment, and management by cutting and removal or grazing, of field margins that are several metres wide. In such schemes, the timing and frequency of management should be planned so as not to harm other taxa, such as the insects and birds that are dependent on these habitats. All accidental herbicide drifts to field margins should be avoided when spraying the cultivated area to minimize the negative effects of sprayings on vegetation. The harmful effects of herbicides can be avoided by organic farming methods.


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Carbon thin films are very important as protective coatings for a wide range of applications such as magnetic storage devices. The key parameter of interest is the sp3 fraction, since it controls the mechanical properties of the film. Visible Raman spectroscopy is a very popular technique to determine the carbon bonding. However, the visible Raman spectra mainly depend on the configuration and clustering of the sp2 sites. This can result in the Raman spectra of different samples looking similar albeit having a different structure. Thus, visible Raman alone cannot be used to derive the sp3 content. Here we monitor the carbon bonding by using a combined study of Raman spectra taken at two wavelengths (514 and 244 nm). We show how the G peak dispersion is a very useful parameter to investigate the carbon samples and we endorse it as a production-line characterisation tool. The dispersion is proportional to the degree of disorder, thus making it possible to distinguish between graphitic and diamond-like carbon. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Resumen: En el contexto dinámico de producción de los procesos de manufactura modernos, los eventos críticos, que ocasionan inconvenientes, deben ser contemplados en el marco de la planificación y control de producción. Simular el impacto sobre la productividad ocasionado por un evento crítico, capturando la totalidad de los detalles operativos, se vuelve impráctico como herramienta de solución en tiempo real. Esta tarea se simplifica haciendo abstracciones operacionales del proceso mediante funciones analíticas, con lo cual se construye un metamodelo. Este trabajo propone una aplicación del metamodelo que describe el impacto operacional del evento parada de una máquina “clave” (máquina de control numérico computarizado, CNC) que afecta a la performance/productividad de la línea de producción en forma directa al número de partes demoradas e indirecta a las variables de respuesta dinámica. La incorporación de estos metamodelos en la toma de decisiones demuestra aportar una considerable mejora en la planificación del proceso de producción.


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During the last years FOPI has developed a new ToF system as an upgrade of the existing detector based on Multi-strip Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chambers (MMRPCs). The intention is to increase the charged Kaon identification up to a laboratory momentum of 1 GeV/c and to enhance the azimuthal detector granularity. The new ToF barrel has an active area of 5 m(2) with 2400 individual strips (900 x 1.6 mm(2)) [A. Schuttauf, et al., Nucl. Phys. B 158 (2006) 52] which are read out on both sides by a custom designed electronics [M. Ciobanu, et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-54 (4) (2007) 1201; K. Koch, et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-52(3) (2005) 745]. To reach the envisaged goal a time resolution of 100 ps is needed, at a flight path of 1-1.3 m. Due to the rare production of the K- at SIS energies the efficiency of the MMRPCs has to be above 95%. We report on measurements with the detectors and electronics from the mass production line. For this purpose we used a proton beam at 2.0 and 1.25 GeV, at rates between 0.1 and 5 kHz/cm(2) to determine the timing, efficiency and rate capability of the MMRPCs


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本文针对冷轧机薄板生产线的生产特点 ,以鞍钢冷轧机薄板厂为具体背景 ,讨论了CIMS环境下三种为同生产驱动方式的优化经营决策方法 .(1)订单方式驱动 ;(2 )市场预测方式驱动 ;(3)订单和市场预测混合方式驱动 .对于企业的冷轧厂来说 ,非常有实用价值 .


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Summary form only given. Currently the vast majority of adhesive materials in electronic products are bonded using convection heating or infra-red as well as UV-curing. These thermal processing steps can take several hours to perform, slowing throughput and contributing a significant portion of the cost of manufacturing. With the demand for lighter, faster, and smaller electronic devices, there is a need for innovative material processing techniques and control methodologies. The increasing demand for smaller and cheaper devices pose engineering challenges in designing a curing systems that minimize the time required between the curing of devices in a production line, allowing access to the components during curing for alignment and testing. Microwave radiation exhibits several favorable characteristics and over the past few years has attracted increased academic and industrial attention as an alternative solution to curing of flip-chip underfills, bumps, glob top and potting cure, structural bonding, die attach, wafer processing, opto-electronics assembly as well as RF-ID tag bonding. Microwave energy fundamentally accelerates the cure kinetics of polymer adhesives. It provides a route to focus heat into the polymer materials penetrating the substrates that typically remain transparent. Therefore microwave energy can be used to minimise the temperature increase in the surrounding materials. The short path between the energy source and the cured material ensures a rapid heating rate and an overall low thermal budget. In this keynote talk, we will review the principles of microwave curing of materials for high density packing. Emphasis will be placed on recent advances within ongoing research in the UK on the realization of "open-oven" cavities, tailored to address existing challenges. Open-ovens do not require positioning of the device into the cavity through a movable door, hence being more suitable for fully automated processing. Further potential advantages of op- - en-oven curing include the possibility for simultaneous fine placement and curing of the device into a larger assembly. These capabilities promise productivity gains by combining assembly, placement and bonding into a single processing step. Moreover, the proposed design allows for selective heating within a large substrate, which can be useful particularly when the latter includes parts sensitive to increased temperatures.