79 resultados para Prodrugs


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The treatment of central nervous system (CNS) diseases is a major challenge. The presence of the barrier intended to protect the brain from unwanted molecules also impairs the efficacy of CNS-targeted drugs. The discovery of drug targets for CNS diseases opens a door for the selective treatment of these diseases. However, the physicochemical properties of drugs, including their hydrophilic properties and their peripheral metabolism, as well as the blood-brain barrier, can adversely affect the therapeutic potential of CNS-targeted drugs. Although peptides are often metabolized by enzymes, they are of particular interest for the treatment of CNS diseases or as carriers to deliver drugs to the brain. In this review, we discuss the use of peptides as potential prodrugs for the treatment of CNS diseases.


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In drug discovery and development, the kinetic study of active metabolites plays an important role, helping to define the time course of the drug in the body and its activity or toxicity. After a pharmacokinetics assessment of a drug and its metabolite or a prodrug and its parent-drug, several parameters can be calculated. In some cases, achieving the objective of the study does not require all possible parameters to be calculated. When parameters are calculated, it is essential that their denotations are widely accepted and used. However, some parameters undergo a certain variability of denotation, which may confuse some readers. Thus, this review summarizes the current published data for experimental pharmacokinetic parameters of metabolites and the calculations involved in simple metabolite pharmacokinetic studies. It also evaluates the most common pharmacokinetic parameters in the literature and suggests metabolite parameters that could be determined to help advance metabolite kinetic models.


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The neutral bis ((pivaloyloxy)methyl) (PIV$\sb2\rbrack$ derivatives of FdUMP, ddUMP, and AZTMP were synthesized as potential membrane-permeable prodrugs of FdUMP, ddUMP, and AZTMP. These compounds were designed to enter cells by passive diffusion and revert to the parent nucleotides after removal of the PIV groups by hydrolytic enzymes. These prodrugs were prepared by condensation of FUdR, ddU, and AZT with PIV$\sb2$ phosphate in the presence of triphenylphosphine and diethyl azodicarboxylate (the Mitsunobo reagent). PIV$\sb2$-FdUMP, PIV$\sb2$-ddUMP, and PIV$\sb2$-AZTMP were stable in the pH range 1.0-4.0 (t$\sb{1/2} = {>}$100 h). They were also fairly stable at pH 7.4 (t$\sb{1/2} = {>}$40 h). In 0.05 M NaOH solution, however, they were rapidly degraded (t$\sb{1/2} < 2$ min). In the presence hog liver carboxylate esterase, they were converted quantitatively to the corresponding phosphodiesters, PIV$\sb1$-FdUMP, PIV$\sb1$-ddUMP, and PIV$\sb1$-AZTMP; after 24 h incubation, only trace amounts of FdUMP, ddUMP, and AZTMP (1-5%) were observed indicating that the PIV$\sb1$ compounds were poor substrates for the enzyme. In human plasma, the PIV$\sb2$ compounds were rapidly degraded with half-lives of less than 5 min. The rate of degradation of the PIV$\sb2$ compounds in the presence of phosphodiesterase I was the same as that in buffer controls, indicating that they were not substrates for this enzyme. In the presence of phosphodiesterase I, PIV$\sb1$-FdUMP, PIV$\sb1$-ddUMP, and PIV$\sb1$-AZTMP were converted quantitatively to FdUMP, ddUMP, and AZTMP.^ PIV$\sb2$-ddUMP and PIV$\sb2$-AZTMP were effective at controlling HIV type 1 infection in MT-4 and CEM tk$\sp-$ cells in culture. Mechanistic studies demonstrated that PIV$\sb2$-ddUMP and PIV$\sb2$-AZTMP were taken up by the cells and converted to ddUTP and AZTTP, both potent inhibitors of HIV reverse transcriptase. However, a potential shortcoming of PIV$\sb2$-ddUMP and PIV$\sb2$-AZTMP as clinical therapeutic agents is that they are rapidly degraded (t$\sb{1/2}$ = approx. 4 minutes) in human plasma by carboxylate esterases. To circumvent this limitation, chemically-labile nucleotide prodrugs and liposome-encapsulated nucleotide prodrugs were investigated. In the former approach, the protective groups bis(N, N-(dimethyl)carbamoyloxymethyl) (DM$\sb2$) and bis (N-(piperidino)carbamoyloxymethyl) (DP$\sb2$) were used to synthesize DM$\sb2$-ddUMP and DP$\sb2$-ddUMP, respectively. In aqueous buffers (pH range 1.0-9.0) these compounds were degraded with half-lives of 3 to 4 h. They had similar half-lives in human plasma demonstrating that they were resistant to esterase-mediated cleavage. However, neither compound gave rise to significant concentrations of ddUMP in CEM or CEM tk$\sp-$ cells. In the liposome-encapsulated nucleotide prodrug approach, three different liposomal formulations of PIV$\sb2$-ddUMP (L-PIV$\sb2$-ddUMP) were investigated. The half-lifes of these L-PIV$\sb2$-ddUMP preparations in human plasma were 2 h compared with 4 min for the free drug. The preparations were more effective at controlling HIV-1 infection than free PIV$\sb2$-ddUMP in human T cells in culture. Collectively, these data indicate that PIV$\sb2$-FdUMP, PIV$\sb2$-ddUMP, and PIV$\sb2$-AZTMP are effective membrane-permeable prodrugs of FdUMP, ddUMP, and AZTMP. ^


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Clinical trials have shown temozolomide to be an effective agent for treatment of malignant melanoma. In order to investigate its suitability for delivery via the skin, a series of temozolomide esters was synthesized as prodrugs. In vitro assays demonstrated temozolomide, temozolomide acid and the hexyl ester equi-effective against selected cancer cell lines. The susceptibility of the esters to enzyme hydrolysis and their effectiveness for application to the skin were investigated. The esters effectively diffuse through rat skin and the hexyl ester demonstrated profound potency for penetrating through skin. Topical application of 5% (w/v) hexyl ester in DMSO solution on a mouse model demonstrated a significant inhibition of tumor growth. These results suggest that temozolomide esters could be an effective alternative to temozolomide in the treatment of skin cancer. © 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Phosphonoformate and phosphonoacetate are effective antiviral agents, however they are charged at physiological pH and as such penetration into cells and diffusion across the blood-brain bamer is limited. In an attempt to increase the lipophilicity and improve the transport properties of these molecules, prodrugs were synthesised and their stabilities and reconversion to the parent compound subsequently investigated by the techniques of 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and high performance liquid Chromatography. A series of 4-substituted dibenzyl (methoxycarbonyl)phosphonates were prepared and found to be hydrolytically unstable giving predominantly the diesters, benzyl (methoxycarbonyl)phosphonates. This instability arose from the electron-withdrawing effect of the carbonyl group promoting nucleophilic attack at phosphorus. It was possible to influence the mechanism and, to some extent, the rate of hydrolysis of the phosphonoformate triesters to the diesters by varying the electronic nature of the substituent in the 4-position of the aromatic ring. Strongly electron-withdrawing groups increased the sensitivity of phosphorus to nucleophilic attack, thus promoting P-O .bond cleavage and rapid hydrolysis. Conversely, weakly electron-withdrawing substituents encouraged C-O bond fission, presumably through resonance stabilisation of the benzyl carbonium ion. The loss of the protecting group on phosphorus was in competition with nucleophilic attack at the carbonyl group, resulting in P-C bond cleavage with dibenzyl phosphite formation. The high instability and P-C bond fission make triesters unsuitable prodrug forms of phosphonoformate. A range of chemically stable triesters of phosphonoacetate were synthesised and their bioactivation investigated. Di(benzoyloxymethyl) (methoxycarbonylmethyl)phosphonates degraded to the relevant benzoyloxymethyl (methoxycarbonylmethyl)phosphonate in the presence of esterase. The enzymatic activation was restricted to the removal of only one protecting group from phosphorus, most likely due to the close proximity of the benzoyloxy ester function to the anionic charge on the diester. However, in similar systems di(4-alkanoyloxybenzyl) (methoxycarbonylmethyl)phosphonates degraded in the presence of esterase with the loss of both protecting groups on phosphorus to give the monoester, (methoxycarbonylmethyl)phosphonate, via the intermediary of the unstable 4-hydroxy benzyl esters. The methoxycarbonyl function remained intact. The rate of enzymatic hydrolysis and subsequent removal of the protecting groups on phosphorus was dependent on the nature of the alkanoyl group and was most rapid for the 4-nbutanoyloxybenzyl and 4-iso-butanoyloxybenzyl esters of phosphonoacetate. This provides a strategy for the design of a prodrug with sufficient stability in plasma to reach the central nervous system in high concentration, wherein rapid metabolism to the active drug by brain-associated enzymes occurs.


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AIDS dementia complex is a common neurological syndrome thought to result from the invasion of the CNS by HIV. Phosphonoformate has anti-HIV activity but due to its charged nature is excluded from the CNS by the blood-brain barrier. Lipophilic triesters of phosphonoformate designed to improve transport properties are unsuitable prodrugs due to their rapid and complicated hydrolysis, involving competitive P-O and P-C bond cleavage. Diesters, though hydrolytically stable, are considered too polar to passively diffuse into the CNS. Hydrophilic drugs mimicking endogenous nutrients are known to be actively transported across the blood-brain barrier. In this thesis the possibility that diesters of phosphonoformate may be actively transported is investigated. Triesters of phosphonoformate with labile aryl carboxyl esterrs were synthesised and their hydrolysis followed by 31P NMR spectroscopy. The triesters were found to undergo rapid hydrolysis via P-C bond cleavage to the phosphite. Phosphonoformate diesters designed to be analogues of actively transported -keto acids have been synthesised and fully characterised. Tyrosine-phosphonoformate and lipid-phosphonoformate conjugates have also been synthesised and characterised. An in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier utilising confluent monolayers of porcine brain microvessel endothelial cells grown on a permeable support has been established. The presence of enzyme and antigen markers specific to the blood-brain barrier has been demonstrated for the endothelial cells and the diffusional properties of the model investigated with hydrophilic and lipophilic compounds. Active transport systems for -keto acids and large amino acids have been identified in the endothelial cell monolayers using 14C-pyruvate and 3H-L-tyrosine respectively. Temperature and concentration dependence of the two systems have been demonstrated and transport constants calculated. Competition with 14C-pyruvate transport was shown with other monocarboxylic acids including the anti-epileptic drug valproate. Stereospecificity was shown in that L-lactate inhibited pyruvate transport while D-lactate did not. Sodium methyl methoxycarbonylphosphonate, a phosphonoformate diester was shown not to compete for 14C-pyruvate transport indicating that this compound has no affinity for the carrier. Competition with 3H-L-tyrosine transport was shown with other large amino acids, including the anti-Parkinsonian agent L-dopa. Stereospecificity was shown using L- and D-tyrosine and L- and D-dopa. The tyrosine-phosphonoformate conjugate, which was stable under the experimental conditions, was shown to compete with 3H-Ltyrosine transport indicating that it may be actively transported at the blood-brain barrier. Thirty two triesters, diesters and monoesters of phosphonoformate, showed no activity in an anti-HIV screen above that attributable to hydrolysis to the parent compound.


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Ticagrelor is an orally active ADP P2Y12 receptor antagonist in development by AstraZeneca plc for the reduction of recurrent ischemic events in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Prior to the development of ticagrelor, thienopyridine compounds, such as clopidogrel, were the focus of research into therapies for ACS. Although the thienopyridines are effective platelet aggregation inhibitors, they are prodrugs and, consequently, exert a slow onset of action. In addition, the variability in inter-individual metabolism of thienopyridine prodrugs has been associated with reduced efficacy in some patients. Ticagrelor is not a prodrug and exhibits a more rapid onset of action than the thienopyridine prodrugs. In clinical trials conducted to date, ticagrelor was a potent inhibitor of ADP-induced platelet aggregation and demonstrated effects that were comparable to clopidogrel. In a phase II, short-term trial, the bleeding profile of participants treated with ticagrelor was similar to that obtained with clopidogrel; however, an increased incidence of dyspnea was observed - an effect that has not been reported with the thienopyridines. Considering the occurrence of dyspnea, and the apparent non-superiority of ticagrelor to clopidogrel, it is difficult to justify a clear benefit to the continued development of ticagrelor. Outcomes from an ongoing phase III trial comparing ticagrelor with clopidogrel in 18,000 patients with ACS are likely to impact on the future development of ticagrelor.


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Purpose: Although oral fluoropyrimidine pro-drugs are increasingly being administered in preference to intravenous nucleoside analogues in cancer chemotherapy, their activation in malignant liver tissue may be insufficient. OGT 719 (1-galactopyranosyl-5-fluorouracil) is a novel nucleoside analogue, preferentially localized in hepatocytes and hepatoma cells via the asialoglycoprotein receptor. The aim of this study was to assess the systemic bioavailability of this rationally designed drug in 16 patients with advanced solid cancers. Method: Crossover pharmacokinetic study of oral (400 or 800 mg) and intravenous (250 mg/m 2) OGT 719. Results: Linear pharmacokinetics and oral bioavailability of approximately 25% were observed at the dose levels used in this study. Like other 5-FU prodrugs, considerable interpatient variability was observed in bioavailability following oral dosing. The mean half-life for oral doses was 4 h. OGT 719 was well tolerated. No objective tumour responses were demonstrated. Conclusion: The systemic bioavailability and half-life of oral OGT 719 are sufficient to merit dose escalation studies with frequent daily dosing. Subsequent efficacy studies should be performed in patients with primary and secondary liver malignancies.


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Purpose: Although oral fluoropyrimidine pro-drugs are increasingly being administered in preference to intravenous nucleoside analogues in cancer chemotherapy, their activation in malignant liver tissue may be insufficient. OGT 719 (1-galactopyranosyl-5-fluorouracil) is a novel nucleoside analogue, preferentially localized in hepatocytes and hepatoma cells via the asialoglycoprotein receptor. The aim of this study was to assess the systemic bioavailability of this rationally designed drug in 16 patients with advanced solid cancers. Method: Crossover pharmacokinetic study of oral (400 or 800 mg) and intravenous (250 mg/m 2) OGT 719. Results: Linear pharmacokinetics and oral bioavailability of approximately 25% were observed at the dose levels used in this study. Like other 5-FU prodrugs, considerable interpatient variability was observed in bioavailability following oral dosing. The mean half-life for oral doses was 4 h. OGT 719 was well tolerated. No objective tumour responses were demonstrated. Conclusion: The systemic bioavailability and half-life of oral OGT 719 are sufficient to merit dose escalation studies with frequent daily dosing. Subsequent efficacy studies should be performed in patients with primary and secondary liver malignancies.


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5-氟尿嘧啶(5-Fluorouracil, 5-FU)是一种抗代谢药物,广泛用于临床治疗结直肠癌、胃癌、乳腺癌等多种癌症,但其首过代谢显著、亲脂性较低,选择性差、毒副作用大。为克服这些缺点人们对5-FU进行了大量的修饰工作,包括小分子修饰以及与各种载体形成微球、微囊、纳米粒、共价前药等。 环糊精(Cyclodextrin,简称CD),可被结肠中的糖苷酶特异性地降解成小分子糖,而胃和小肠中由于缺乏相应的酶而使环糊精不被降解,这一特性在结肠药物的靶向输送及释放中有重要应用价值。环糊精中含有丰富的羟基,易进行化学修饰,将药物与环糊精通过共价键结合制成前药,使其在胃和小肠中不降解,而在盲结肠中被特异性的酶降解释出药物,达到结肠靶向释药的目的。研究表明,环糊精作为一种前药载体为结肠靶向释药和缓释、控释系统提供了一种有效的手段。 本工作选择5-氟尿嘧啶为模型药物、β-环糊精作为载体,通过中间体5-FU羧酸衍生物的制备及其与β-环糊精的偶联,合成了系列5-FU-β-CD前体药物,并利用紫外、红外、质谱、核磁、元素分析、热分析等手段对其进行结构表征。同时,还研究了前体药物的体外释药性质。具体内容包括: 1. 含有羧基的5-FU衍生物中间体的合成:(5-氟尿嘧啶-1-基)-乙酸(FUAC)、3-(5-氟尿嘧啶-1-基)-丙酸(FUPC)、5-(5-氟尿嘧啶-1-基)-戊酸(FUVC)的合成。 2. 中间体5-FU的羧酸衍生物与β-CD的偶联:分别通过以6-OTs-β-CD为中间体的取代法和活化酯法,合成了第一面取代和第二面取代的5-FU-β-CD大分子前体药物。在二面取代的前体药物制备中,通过改变原料的比例,合成了系列不同取代度(DS)的2-[(5-氟尿嘧啶-1-基)-乙酰基] -β-环糊精结合物。 3. 对上述前体药物进行体外释放研究:分别考察了前体药物在不同pH缓冲溶液中的水解行为及其在小鼠胃肠道人工体液中的酶解行为,并通过UV-Vis及HPLC对前体药物释放情况进行检测分析。 5-Fluorouracil(5-Fu), commonly known as a broad-spectrum antineoplastic drug, has been widely used in the treatment of various kinds of cancer including colon cancer for 40 years. However, this antitumor agent exhibits serious adverse effects, such as their marrow toxicity, gastrointestinal reaction and low selectivity in their clinical use. In order to improve its antitumor activity and reduce its toxicity, the compound was modified in various ways, including the formation of conjugated prodrugs with kinds of carrier, microsphere and nanoparticles etc. Cyclodextrins(CDs) are known to be barely capable of being hydrolyzed and only slightly absorbed in passing through the stomach and small intestine; however they are fermented into small saccharides by colonic microflora and thus absorbed as small saccharides in the large intestine. This biodegradation property of CDs may be useful as a colon-targeting carrier, and thus CD prodrugs may serve as a source of site-specific delivery of drugs to colon. It was demonstrated that prodrugs of CDs can provide a versatile means for construction of not only colon targeted delivery systems, but also delayed release systems. 5-Fluorouracil was taken as a model drug and β-CD as the carrier in this study. Series prodrugs of 5-FU was prepared through the preparation of reactive 5-FU derivatives containing carboxyl group and coupling to hydroxyl groups of CD. The structures of the conjugates were charactered by using IR, UV–vis, ESI-MS, 1H, 13C-NMR spectra, elemental analyses, and thermal analysis. In vitro hydrolysis behavior in aqueous solution and in rat gastrointestinal tract contents of the conjugates were also investigated. The main content of this dissertation includes following aspects: 1. The preparation of 5-FU derivatives containing carboxyl group: 5-Fluorouracil- acetic acid(FUAC)、3-(5-FU-1)-propionic acid (FUPC)、and 5-(5-FU-1)-valeric acid(FUVC). 2. The coupling of 5-FU derivatives to β-CD: 5-FU was selectively conjugated onto the primary or secondary hydroxyl groups of β-CD through an ester linkage, by the substitution of 6-OTs-β-CD and the activated ester method respectively. For the secondary face conjugation, the degree of substitution(DS) can be controlled by changing the mole ratio of the starting materials(FUAC and β-CD). 3. In vitro release behavior of the conjugates in aqueous solution and in rat gastro- intestinal tract contents of the conjugates were investigated, and the reaction was monitored and analyzed by using UV-Vis and HPLC methods.


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Paclitaxel-loaded poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(L-lactide (LA)) (PEG-PLA) micelles were prepared by two methods. One is physical encapsulation of paclitaxel in micelles composed of a PEG-PLA block copolymer and the other is based on a PEG-PLA-paclitaxel conjugate, abbreviated as "conjugate micelles" Their physicochemical characteristics, e.g. critical micelle concentration (CMC), morphology, and micelle size distribution were then evaluated by means of fluorescence spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and dynamic light scattering (DLS). The results show that the CMC of PEG-PLA-paclitaxel and PEG-PLA are 6.31 x 10(4) and 1.78 x 10(-3) g L-1, respectively. Both micelles assume a spherical shape with comparable diameters and have unimodal size distribution. Moreover, in vitro drug delivery behavior was studied by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The antitumor activity of the paclitaxel-loaded micelles against human liver cancer H7402 cells was evaluated by 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) method.


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A paclitaxel/MPEG-PLA block copolymer conjugate was prepared in three steps: (1) hydroxyl-terminated diblock copolymer of monomethoxy-poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(lactide) (MPEG-PLA) was synthesized by ring-opening polymerization of L-lactide using MPEG as a maroinitiator, (2) it was converted to carboxyl-terminated MPEG-PLA by reacting with mono-i-butyl ester of diglycolic acid and subsequent deprotecting the t-butyl group with TFA; (3) the latter was reacted with paclitaxel in the presence of dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and dimethylaminopyridine. Structures of the polymers synthesized were confirmed by H-1 NMR, and their molecular weights were determined by gel permeation chromatography. The antitumor activity of the conjugate against human liver cancer H7402 cells was evaluated by MTT method. The results showed that paclitaxel can be released from the conjugate without losing cytotoxicity.


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An innovative bioadhesive patch intended primarily as a vulval drug delivery system and, specifically, as a means to deliver photosensitisers, or their prodrugs, for photodynamic purposes is described. The patch was formulated with a copolymer of methyl vinyl ether and maleic anhydride (PMVE/MA) as a bioadhesive matrix and poly(vinyl chloride) as a drug-impervious backing layer. Adhesive strength to neonate porcine skin, as a model substrate, was evaluated using peel and tensile testing measurements. Acceptabilities of non-drug loaded patches were appraised using human volunteers and visual-analogue scoring devices. An optimal formulation, with water uptake and peel strengths appropriate for vulval drug delivery, was cast from a 20% (w/w) PMVE/MA solution and adhered with a strength of approximately 1.7 N cm-2. Patient evaluation demonstrated comfort and firm attachment for up to 4 h in mobile patients. Aminolevulinic acid, a commonly used photosensitiser, was formulated into the candidate formulation and applied to vulval intraepithelial neoplastic lesions. Fluorescence under ultraviolet illumination revealed protoporphyrin synthesis. The patch achieves the extended application times obligatory in topical photodynamic therapy of vulval lesions, thereby contributing to potential methods for the eradication of neoplastic lesions in the lower female reproductive tract.


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Aminolaevulinic acid (ALA) is known to poorly penetrate into thick lesions, such as nodular basal cell carcinomas Short chain ALA esters, possessing increased lipophilicity relative to their hydrophilic parent, have previously been shown to be highly efficient at inducing protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) production in cell culture, at equimolar concentrations. In contrast, in vitro skin permeation and in vivo animal studies, which up to now have compared prodrugs on a % w/vv basis, have failed to demonstrate such benefits For the first time, equimolar concentrations of ALA, methyl-ALA (m-ALA) and hexyl-ALA (h-ALA) have been incorporated into an o/w cream preparation. In vitro penetration studies into excised porcine skin revealed that increased levels of h-ALA, compared to ALA and m-ALA were found in the upper skin layers, at all drug loadings studied. Topical application of the formulations to nude murine skin in vivo, revealed that creams containing h-ALA induced significantly higher levels of peak PpIX fluorescence (F-max = 289.0) at low concentrations compared to m-ALA (F-max = 159.2) and ALA (F-max = 191 9). Importantly, this study indicates that when compared on an equimolar basis, h-ALA has improved skin penetration, leading to enhanced PpIX production compared to the parent drug and m-ALA (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 99 3486-3498, 2010


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An ideal cancer chemotherapeutic prodrug is completely inactive until metabolized by a tumour-specific enzyme, or by an enzyme that is only metabolically competent towards the prodrug under physiological conditions unique to the tumour. Human cancers, including colon, breast, lung, liver, kidney and prostate, are known to express cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoforms including 3A and 1A subfamily members. This raises the possibility that tumour CYP isoforms could be a focus for tumour-specific prodrug activation. Several approaches are reviewed, including identification of prodrugs activated by tumour-specific polymorphic CYPs, use of CYP-gene directed enzyme prodrug therapy and CYPs acting as reductases in hypoxic tumour regions. The last approach is best exemplified by AQ4N, a chemotherapeutic prodrug that is bioreductively activated by CYP3A. This study shows that freshly isolated murine T50/80 mammary carcinoma and RIF-1 fibrosarcoma 4-electron reduces AQ4N to its cytotoxic metabolite, AQ4 (T50/80 K-m = 26.7 mu M, V-max = 0.43 mu M/mg protein/min; RIF-1 K-m = 33.5 mu M, V-max = 0.42 mu M/mg protein/min) via AQM, a mono-N-oxide intermediate (T50/80 K-m = 37.5 mu M; V-max = 1.4 mu M/mg protein/min; RIF-1 K-m = 37.5 mu M; V-max = 1.2 mu M/mg protein/min). The prodrug conversion was dependent on NADPH and inhibited by air or carbon monoxide. Cyp3A mRNA and protein were both present in T50/80 carcinoma grown in vivo (RIF-1 not measured). Exposure of isolated tumour cells to anoxia (2 h) immediately after tumour excision increased cyp3A protein 2-3-fold over a 12 h period, after which time the cyp protein levels returned to the level found under aerobic conditions. Conversely, cyp3A mRNA expression showed an initial 3-fold decrease under both oxic and anoxic conditions; this returned to near basal levels after 8-24 h. These results suggest that cyp3A protein is stabilized in the absence of air, despite a decrease in cyp3A mRNA. Such a 'stabilization factor' may decrease cyp3A protein turnover without affecting the translation efficiency of cyp3A mRNA. Confirmation of the CYP activation of AQ4N bioreduction was shown with human lymphoblastoid cell microsomes transfected with CYP3A4, but not those transfected with CYP2B6 or cytochrome P450 reductase. AQ4N is also reduced to AQ4 in NADPH-fortified human renal cell carcinoma (K-m = 4 mu M, V-max = 3.5 pmol/mg protein/min) and normal kidney (K-m = 4 mu M, V-max = 4.0 pmol/mg protein/min), both previously shown to express CYP3A. Germane to the clinical potential of AQ4N is that although both normal and tumour cells are capable of reducing AQ4N to its cytotoxic species, the process requires low oxygen conditions. Hence, AQ4N metabolism should be restricted to hypoxic tumour cells. The isoform selectivity of AQ4N reduction, in addition to its air sensitivity, indicates that AQ4N haem coordination and subsequent oxygen atom transfer from the active-site-bound AQ4N is the likely mechanism of N-oxide reduction. The apparent increase in CYP3A expression under hypoxia makes this a particularly interesting application of CYPs for tumour-specific prodrug activation.