998 resultados para President David Angel


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En los últimos años ha crecido el interés por el uso del hormigón de alta resistencia en la construcción de estructuras resistentes a explosiones y de elementos de protección frente a impactos y explosiones. En el presente trabajo se analiza la capacidad de los modelos numéricos existentes a la hora de reproducir resultados experimentales obtenidos sobre hormigones de alta resistencia sometidos a cargas explosivas y cargas estáticas. Para ello se emplea una campaña experimental desarrollada por la Agencia de Defensa de Suecia sobre vigas de este material. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la capacidad de las herramientas numéricas para reproducir adecuadamente el comportamiento del hormigón si bien, paradójicamente, proporcionan mejores resultados en régimen dinámico que en régimen estático. Las simulaciones numéricas, junto con el análisis de los resultados experimentales, permiten obtener conclusiones acerca del diferente comportamiento de los elementos estructurales sometidos a altas velocidades de deformación frente a su comportamiento en régimen estático.


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The numerical analysis of certain safety related problems presents serious difficulties, since the large number of components present leads to huge finite elementmodels that can only be solved by using large and expensive computers or by making rough approaches to the problem. Tangling, or clashing, in the turbine of a jet engine airplane is an example of such problems. This is caused by the crash and friction between rotor and stator blades in the turbine after an eventual shaft failure. When facing the study of an event through numerical modelling, the accurate simulation of this problem would require the engineer to model all the rotor and stator blades existing in the turbine stage, using a small element size in all pieces. Given that the number of stator and rotor blades is usually around 200, such simulations would require millions of elements. This work presents a new numerical methodology, specifically developed for the accurate modelling of the tangling problem that, depending on the turbine configuration, is able to reduce the number of nodes up to an order of magnitude without losing accuracy. The methodology, which benefits from the cyclic configuration of turbines, is successfully applied to the numerical analysis of a hypothetical tangling event in a turbine, providing valuable data such as the rotating velocity decrease of the turbine, the braking torque and the damage suffered by the blades. The methodology is somewhat general and can be applied to any problem in which damage caused by the interaction between a rotating and static piece is to be analysed.


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Esta investigación presenta un modelo de material para aleaciones de solidificación direccional que poseen un comportamiento mecánico transversalmente isótropo. Se han realizado una serie de ensayos de tracción sobre probetas cilíndricas a varias velocidades de deformación y a varias temperaturas sobre la superaleación de base níquel de solidificación direccional MAR-M 247 con objeto de conocer su comportamiento mecánico. Los ensayos se realizaron sobre probetas cilíndricas cuya dirección longitudinal forma 0º y 90º con la de la orientación de crecimiento de los granos. Para representar el comportamiento plástico anisótropo se ha formulado una función de plastificación de forma no cuadrática basada en la transformación lineal de tensores. Con el propósito de simplificar en todo lo posible el modelo se ha considerado un endurecimiento isótropo. Para probar la validez del modelo propuesto se ha implementado el mismo como modelo de material definido por el usuario en el código no lineal de elementos finitos LS-DYNA. In this research a material model for directionally solidified alloys with transversely isotropic mechanic behavior is presented. In order to characterize the mechanical behavior of the Mar-M 247 directionally solidified nickel based superalloy, tensile tests of axisymmetric smooth specimens were performed at various strain rates and temperatures. The specimens were machined making sure that the longitudinal axis of them was forming 0º and 90º with the grain growth orientation. To represent the plastic flow, a non-quadratic anisotropic function based on linear transformation of tensors has been formulated. For the sake of simplicity isotropic strain hardening of the material has been considered. To prove the validity of the model, a material subroutine has been implemented in LS-DYNA non-linear finite element code as a user defined material model.


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En el presente trabajo se presenta un estudio teórico y experimental de la determinación de la resistencia a tracción de materiales frágiles a partir de la técnica experimental de spalling. Se utilizan diferentes metodologías propuestas por varios autores para determinar la resistencia a tracción por spalling y se lleva a cabo un estudio mediante simulaciones numéricas de las diversas variables que influyen en este tipo de ensayos. Además, se realiza una campaña experimental de ensayos a una alúmina del 99,5% de pureza cuyos resultados son utilizados para la determinación de la resistencia a tracción de este material a partir de tres métodos diferentes propuestos por varios autores. Se expone el estudio y comparación de los resultados experimentales obtenidos de resistencia a tracción de la alúmina empleando técnicas de fotografía a alta velocidad y un sistema de correlación digital de imágenes. Los resultados muestran que la resistencia a tracción obtenida difiere en función de las diferentes metodologías propuestas.A theoretical and experimental study of the tensile strength of brittle materials using the experimental procedure of spalling of long bars is presented in this article. Different methodologies proposed by several authors are used to obtain the tensile strength of Al2O3 monolithic ceramic. The hypotheses needed for the experimental set-up are also checked, and the requirements of the set-up and the variables are also studied by means of numerical simulations. An experimental campaign has been carried out including high speed video and a digital image correlation system to obtain the tensile strength of alumina. Finally, a comparison of the test results provided by three different methods proposed by different authors are presented. The tensile strength obtained from three different methods on the same specimens provides different results.


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La fractura de metales dúctiles como el acero suele explicarse a partir de la hipótesis de nucleación, crecimiento y coalescencia de microhuecos. A partir de esta teoría, se han desarrollado diversos modelos numéricos, entre los que el modelo de Gurson y sus variantes son los más extendidos. Dichos modelos reproducen matemáticamente el fenómeno físico de crecimiento de huecos resultando en un desarrollo progresivo del daño en el interior del material durante un ensayo de tracción. En estos modelos, el daño comienza a desarrollarse en fases muy tempranas del ensayo, incluso anteriores a la carga máxima. Ensayos realizados por los autores parecen indicar, sin embargo, que en el caso de barras de acero eutéctico empleado en la fabricación de alambres de pretensado, el daño originado en el interior del material como consecuencia del crecimiento de microhuecos sólo es apreciable en un estado muy avanzado del ensayo, momentos antes de producirse la rotura. Además, desde hace décadas se conoce que la triaxialidad de tensiones tiene una fuerte influencia sobre la rotura de los materiales. En este trabajo se presenta un modelo de rotura para elementos de acero sometidos a tracción, basado en un comportamiento cohesivo del material y que contempla el valor de la triaxialidad de tensiones, diferente en cada punto de la sección crítica de rotura. The fracture of ductile materials, such as steel, is usually explained with the theory of nucleation, growth and coalescence of microvoids. Based on this theory, many numerical models have been developed, with a special mention to Gurson-type models. These models simulate mathematically the physical growth of microvoids, leading to a progressive development of the internal damage that takes place during a tensile test. In these models, the damage starts to develop in very early stages of the test. Tests carried out by the authors seem to point out that, in the case of eutectoid steel bars used for manufacturing prestressing steel wires, the internal damage that takes place as a result of the growth of microvoids is only noticeable in a very advanced state of the test. In addition to this, it is known that the stress triaxiality has a strong influence over the fracture of ductile materials. This work presents a fracture model for steel specimens in a tensile test, based on a cohesive behaviour and taking into account the effect of stress triaxiality, which is different in every point of the fracture plane.


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Prestressed structures are susceptible to relaxation losses which are of significant importance in structural design. After being manufactured, prestressing wires are coiled to make their storage and transportation easier. The possible deleterious effects of this operation on the stress relaxation behavior of prestressing steel wires are usually neglected, though it has been noticed by manufacturers and contractors that when relaxation tests are carried out after a long-time storage, on occasions relaxation losses are higher than those measured a short time after manufacturing. The influence of coiling on the relaxation losses is checked by means of experimental work and confirmed with a simple analytical model. The results show that some factors like initial residual stresses, excessively long-time storage or storage at high temperatures,can trigger or accentuate this damage. However, it is also shown that if the requirements of standards are fulfilled (minimum coiling diameters) these effects can be neglected.


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Spannbetonbauteile sind anfällig für Relaxationsverluste, deren Berücksichtigung für die Tragwerksplanung von signifikanter Bedeutung ist. Spanndrähte werden nach der Herstellung zur Vereinfachung von Lagerung und Transport auf Coils gewickelt. Eventuelle nachteilige Auswirkungen dieser Vorgehensweise auf das Relaxationsverhalten von Spannstahldrähten werden in der Regel vernachlässigt, obwohl Hersteller sowie Bauunternehmer durch Relaxationsversuche nach langen Lagerzeiten festgestellt haben, dass der Relaxationsverlust in einigen Fällen höher ausfiel als kurz nach der Herstellung. Daher wird der Einfluss des Aufwickelns auf den Relaxationsverlust durch eine experimentelle Untersuchung überprüft und durch die Anwendung eines einfachen Analysemodells bestätigt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass einige Faktoren wie die Anfangsspannung, Langzeitlagerung oder Lagerung bei hohen Temperaturen Relaxationsverluste auslösen oder verstärken können. Es wird jedoch auch gezeigt, dass diese Auswirkungen unter Berücksichtigung der Anforderungen der entsprechenden Richtlinien (Mindest durch - messer Coil) vernachlässigt werden können.


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La pérdida de tensión por relajación en las armaduras activas afecta de forma importante a las estructuras de hormigón pretensado. Por ello se realizan ensayos de relajación de los alambres y cordones de pretensado tras su fabricación. Después, el material es enrollado y almacenado durante periodos que en ocasiones pueden superar el año de duración. Generalmente se desprecia la influencia que estas operaciones posteriores a la fabricación pueden tener sobre el material. Sin embargo, diversos fabricantes y suministradores han constatado experimentalmente que, en ocasiones, el material almacenado durante un periodo prolongado presenta pérdidas de relajación mayores que inmediatamente tras su fabricación. En este trabajo se realizan ensayos de laboratorio para comprobar la influencia que el radio de enrollamiento y el periodo de almacenamiento tienen sobre las pérdidas de relajación. También se propone un modelo analítico que permite predecir de manera razonablemente aproximada el valor del ensayo de relajación sobre un alambre sometido a un enrollamiento prolongado. Este modelo explica la evolución del perfil de tensiones durante el proceso de enrollamiento- almacenamiento-desenrollamiento, así como la influencia de las tensiones residuales.Stress relaxation losses on active reinforcement have significant impact on prestressed concrete structures. This is why relaxation tests are carried out on prestressing steel wires and strands after being manufactured. Then, these materials are coiled and stored for a long-term period, sometimes in excess of one year. The influence of these operations, carried out after manufacturing, is usually neglected. Nevertheless, some manufacturers and contractors have noticed that, sometimes, when relaxation tests are carried out after a long-term storage, the relaxation losses found are higher than those measured immediately after manufacturing. In this work, lab tests are performed to check the influence of the coiling radius and the period of storage on the relaxation test. In addition to this, an analytical model is presented to predict the results of a relaxation


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A series of quasi-static and dynamic tensile tests at varying temperatures were carried out to determine the mechanical behaviour of Ti-45Al-2Nb-2Mn+0.8vol.% TiB2 XD as-HIPed alloy. The temperature for the tests ranged from room temperature to 850  ∘C. The effect of the temperature on the ultimate tensile strength, as expected, was almost negligible within the selected temperature range. Nevertheless, the plastic flow suffered some softening because of the temperature. This alloy presents a relatively low ductility; thus, a low tensile strain to failure. The dynamic tests were performed in a Split Hopkinson Tension Bar, showing an increase of the ultimate tensile strength due to the strain rate hardening effect. Johnson-Cook constitutive relation was used to model the plastic flow. A post-testing microstructural of the specimens revealed an inhomogeneous structure, consisting of lamellar α2 + γ structure and γ phase equiaxed grains in the centre, and a fully lamellar structure on the rest. The assessment of the duplex-fully lamellar area ratio showed a clear relationship between the microstructure and the fracture behaviour.


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Gran parte de los edificios e infraestructuras que son susceptibles de ser objeto de un atentado terrorista están sustentados por una estructura portante de hormigón armado. El comportamiento de estructuras de hormigón armado está bien caracterizado ante solicitaciones estáticas, por el contrario, existen todavía incertidumbres sobre el comportamiento ante cargas impulsivas como la que provoca una explosión. Por este motivo en este trabajo se estudia un mismo esquema estructural ante dos solicitaciones de distinta velocidad de deformación, con el objeto de comprobar su influencia en el modo de fallo de la estructura. Se parte de una campaña experimental desarrollada por la Agencia de Defensa de Suecia sobre vigas de hormigón armado de alta resistencia, a partir de la cual se desarrollan estudios analíticos y simulaciones numéricas. Se comprueba que ante carga impulsiva las vigas tienen una resistencia mayor que ante carga estática, si bien con cuantías altas de armado pueden presentarse modos de fallo frágiles, lo que debe ser tenido en cuenta en el diseño de estructuras de hormigón armado para que sean seguras ante explosiones.


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This work shows a numerical procedure for bond between indented wires and concrete, and the coupled splitting of the concrete. The bond model is an interface, non-associative, plasticity model. It is coupled with a cohesive fracture model for concrete to take into account the splitting of such concrete. The radial component of the prestressing force, increased by Poisson’s effect, may split the surrounding concrete, decreasing the wire confinement and diminishing the bonding. The combined action of the bond and the splitting is studied with the proposed model. The results of the numerical model are compared with the results of a series of tests, such as those which showed splitting induced by the bond between wire and concrete. Tests with different steel indentation depths were performed. The numerical procedure accurately reproduces the experimental records and improves knowledge of this complex process.


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The fracture of ductile materials, such as metals, is usually explained with the theory of nucleation, growth and coalescence of microvoids. Based on this theory, many numerical models have been developed, with a special mention to Gurson-type models. These models simulate mathematically the physical growth of microvoids, leading to a progressive development of the internal damage that takes place during a tensile test. In these models, the damage starts to develop in very early stages of the test. Tests carried out by the authors suggest that, in the case of some eutectoid steels such as those used for manufacturing prestressing steel wires, the internal damage that takes place as a result of the growth of microvoids is only noticeable in very late stages of the tensile test. In the authors’ opinion, using a cohesive model as a failure criterion may be interesting in this case; a cohesive model only requires two parameters to be defined, with the fracture energy being one of them, which can be obtained experimentally. In addition to this, given that it is known that the stress triaxiality has a strong influence on the fracture of ductile materials, a cohesive model whose parameters are affected by the value of the stress triaxiality can be considered. This work presents a fracture model for steel specimens in a tensile test, based on a cohesive behaviour and taking into account the effect of stress triaxiality, which is different at each point of the fracture plane.


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La fractura de metales dúctiles como el acero suele explicarse a partir de la hipótesis de nucleación, crecimiento y coalescencia de microhuecos. A partir de esta teoría, se han desarrollado diversos modelos numéricos, entre los que el modelo de Gurson y sus variantes son los más extendidos. Dichos modelos reproducen matemáticamente el fenómeno físico de crecimiento de huecos resultando en un desarrollo progresivo del daño en el interior del material durante un ensayo de tracción. En estos modelos, el daño comienza a desarrollarse en fases muy tempranas del ensayo, incluso anteriores a la carga máxima. Ensayos realizados por los autores parecen indicar, sin embargo, que en el caso de barras de acero eutéctico empleado en la fabricación de alambres de pretensado, el daño originado en el interior del material como consecuencia del crecimiento de microhuecos sólo es apreciable en un estado muy avanzado del ensayo, momentos antes de producirse la rotura. Además, desde hace décadas se conoce que la triaxialidad de tensiones tiene una fuerte influencia sobre la rotura de los materiales. En este trabajo se presenta un modelo de rotura para elementos de acero sometidos a tracción, basado en un comportamiento cohesivo del material y que contempla el valor de la triaxialidad de tensiones, diferente en cada punto de la sección crítica de rotura. The fracture of ductile materials, such as steel, is usually explained with the theory of nucleation, growth and coalescence of microvoids. Based on this theory, many numerical models have been developed, with a special mention to Gurson-type models. These models simulate mathematically the physical growth of microvoids, leading to a progressive development of the internal damage that takes place during a tensile test. In these models, the damage starts to develop in very early stages of the test. Tests carried out by the authors seem to point out that, in the case of eutectoid steel bars used for manufacturing prestressing steel wires, the internal damage that takes place as a result of the growth of microvoids is only noticeable in a very advanced state of the test. In addition to this, it is known that the stress triaxiality has a strong influence over the fracture of ductile materials. This work presents a fracture model for steel specimens in a tensile test, based on a cohesive behaviour and taking into account the effect of stress triaxiality, which is different in every point of the fracture plane.


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This paper presents seventy new experimental results from PMMA notched specimens tested under torsion at 60 C. The notch root radius ranges from 0.025 to 7.0 mm. At this temperature the non-linear effects previously observed on specimens of the same material tested at room temperature strongly reduce. The averaged value of the strain energy density over a control volume is used to assess the critical loads to failure. The radius of the control volume and the critical strain energy density are evaluated a priori by using in combination the mode III critical stress intensity factor from cracked-like specimens and the critical stress to failure detected from semicircular notches with a large notch root radius


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This paper presents a numerical implementation of the cohesive crack model for the anal-ysis of quasibrittle materials based on the strong discontinuity approach in the framework of the finite element method. A simple central force model is used for the stress versus crack opening curve. The additional degrees of freedom defining the crack opening are determined at the crack level, thus avoiding the need for performing a static condensation at the element level. The need for a tracking algorithm is avoided by using a consistent pro-cedure for the selection of the separated nodes. Such a model is then implemented into a commercial program by means of a user subroutine, consequently being contrasted with the experimental results. The model takes into account the anisotropy of the material. Numerical simulations of well-known experiments are presented to show the ability of the proposed model to simulate the fracture of quasibrittle materials such as mortar, concrete and masonry.