993 resultados para Preoperative planning


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Advances in surgical procedure, prosthesis design, and biomaterials performance have considerably increased the longevity of total joint replacements. Preoperative planning is another step in joint replacement that may have the potential to improve clinical outcome for the individual patient, but has remained relatively consistent for a longtime. One means of advancing this aspect of joint replacement surgery may be to include predictive computer simulation into the planning process. In this article, the potential of patient-specific finite element analysis in preoperative assessment is investigated. Seventeen patient-specific finite element models of cemented Charnley reconstructions were created, of which six were early (


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Le foie est un organe vital ayant une capacité de régénération exceptionnelle et un rôle crucial dans le fonctionnement de l’organisme. L’évaluation du volume du foie est un outil important pouvant être utilisé comme marqueur biologique de sévérité de maladies hépatiques. La volumétrie du foie est indiquée avant les hépatectomies majeures, l’embolisation de la veine porte et la transplantation. La méthode la plus répandue sur la base d'examens de tomodensitométrie (TDM) et d'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) consiste à délimiter le contour du foie sur plusieurs coupes consécutives, un processus appelé la «segmentation». Nous présentons la conception et la stratégie de validation pour une méthode de segmentation semi-automatisée développée à notre institution. Notre méthode représente une approche basée sur un modèle utilisant l’interpolation variationnelle de forme ainsi que l’optimisation de maillages de Laplace. La méthode a été conçue afin d’être compatible avec la TDM ainsi que l' IRM. Nous avons évalué la répétabilité, la fiabilité ainsi que l’efficacité de notre méthode semi-automatisée de segmentation avec deux études transversales conçues rétrospectivement. Les résultats de nos études de validation suggèrent que la méthode de segmentation confère une fiabilité et répétabilité comparables à la segmentation manuelle. De plus, cette méthode diminue de façon significative le temps d’interaction, la rendant ainsi adaptée à la pratique clinique courante. D’autres études pourraient incorporer la volumétrie afin de déterminer des marqueurs biologiques de maladie hépatique basés sur le volume tels que la présence de stéatose, de fer, ou encore la mesure de fibrose par unité de volume.


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Introducción. Las imágenes obtenidas mediante rayos X, determinan una conducta clínica en ortopedia y son analizadas por parte del cirujano en el momento previo a realizar un acto quirúrgico. El planeamiento pre quirúrgico basado en radiografías de cadera, permite predecir el tamaño de los componentes protésicos a utilizar en un reemplazo de cadera. Con el advenimiento de las radiografías digitales, existe la falsa percepción de que estas tienen corregido el factor de magnificación. La corrección de dicho factor requiere un protocolo de calibración de imágenes, aún no implementado en la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá (FSFB). Como consecuencia, las radiografías de cadera actualmente resultan magnificadas. Materiales y métodos. Fueron seleccionados 73 pacientes con reemplazo articular total de la cadera intervenidos en la FSFB. Para cada paciente, se estableció la dimensión de la cabeza protésica en la radiografía de cadera obtenida mediante el sistema de radiología digital (PACS-IMPAX) y su tamaño fue comparado con el de la cabeza femoral implantada. Resultados. La concordancia entre los dos observadores al medir la dimensión radiológica de los componentes protésicos fue excelente y el coeficiente de magnificación promedio de 1.2 (20%). Este será introducido al PACS-IMPAX para ajustar el tamaño definitivo de la radiografía. Conclusión. El ajuste del PACS-IMPAX permite obtener radiografías en las cuales se refleja con mayor precisión el tamaño de los segmentos anatómicos y de los componentes protésicos.


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Introducción: El carcinoma de mama es el tumor maligno más frecuente entre las mujeres y representa una significativa mortalidad en los países en vías de desarrollo. Según datos del Instituto Nacional de Cancerología en el 2010 se reportaron 672 nuevos casos de cáncer de mama, lo que representó el 18% de todos los tumores malignos en mujeres. Durante las últimas 3 décadas las técnicas quirúrgicas para el tratamiento del cáncer de mama han presentado un cambio significativo y proponen disminución de procedimientos agresivos y radicales, intervenciones como: mastectomía radical modificada, cirugía conservadora y la disección de ganglio centinela son ejemplos claros de esta evolución asociado al incremento de la reconstrucción mamaria inmediata. Metodología: Estudio observacional tipo cohorte retrospectivo en el cual se revisó una base de datos de pacientes con cáncer de mama de las cuales 632 fueron sometidas a mastectomía radical con preservación de piel y complejo areola-pezón y mastectomía radical con preservación de piel sin preservación del complejo areola-pezón, los dos procedimientos asociados a reconstrucción mamaria inmediata y se comparó la frecuencia de recaída local entre los dos grupos. Resultados: De las 632 pacientes estudiadas al 30.5% se les realizo preservación del complejo areola pezón. Las mujeres a quienes se les realizó preservación del complejo areola pezón presentaron menor sobrevida a la recaída local a 10 años (80.51%) comparado con las mujeres a quienes no se les preservó el complejo areola pezón (87.40%), sin embargo no se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa para determinar que las probabilidades de sobrevida sean diferentes. Discusión: No se evidenció diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los 2 procedimientos quirúrgicos (con y sin preservación del complejo areola pezón) en relación a la recaída local, estudios retrospectivos no han evidenciado una mayor tasa de recaídas locales en pacientes a quienes se les preserva el complejo areola-pezón, sin embargo hacen falta estudios prospectivos y aleatorizados que puedan otorgar un mayor sustento científico que garantice la seguridad de la preservación del complejo areola-pezón.


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Introducción: El carcinoma de mama es el tumor maligno más frecuente entre las mujeres y representa una significativa mortalidad en los países en vías de desarrollo. Según datos del Instituto Nacional de Cancerología en el 2010 se reportaron 672 nuevos casos de cáncer de mama, lo que representó el 18% de todos los tumores malignos en mujeres. Durante las últimas 3 décadas las técnicas quirúrgicas para el tratamiento del cáncer de mama han presentado un cambio significativo y proponen disminución de procedimientos agresivos y radicales, intervenciones como: mastectomía radical modificada, cirugía conservadora y la disección de ganglio centinela son ejemplos claros de esta evolución asociado al incremento de la reconstrucción mamaria inmediata. Metodología: Estudio observacional tipo cohorte retrospectivo en el cual se revisó una base de datos de pacientes con cáncer de mama de las cuales 632 fueron sometidas a mastectomía radical con preservación de piel y complejo areola- pezón y mastectomía radical con preservación de piel sin preservación del complejo areola-pezón, los dos procedimientos asociados a reconstrucción mamaria inmediata y se comparó la frecuencia de recaída local entre los dos grupos. Resultados: De las 632 pacientes estudiadas al 30.5% se les realizo preservación del complejo areola pezón. Las mujeres a quienes se les realizó preservación del complejo areola pezón presentaron menor sobrevida a la recaída local a 10 años (80.51%) comparado con las mujeres a quienes no se les preservó el complejo areola pezón (87.40%), sin embargo no se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa para determinar que las probabilidades de sobrevida sean diferentes. Discusión: No se evidenció diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los 2 procedimientos quirúrgicos (con y sin preservación del complejo areola pezón) en relación a la recaída local, estudios retrospectivos no han evidenciado una mayor tasa de recaídas locales en pacientes a quienes se les preserva el complejo areola-pezón, sin embargo hacen falta estudios prospectivos y aleatorizados que puedan otorgar un mayor sustento científico que garantice la seguridad de la preservación del complejo areola-pezón.


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Background: Locally advanced breast cancer (LABC) is still common in developing countries. The association between neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NC) and oncoplastic surgery (OS) might provide an oncological treatment with satisfactory aesthetic results.Purpose: The goal was to demonstrate if oncoplastic surgical techniques can be utilized to treat LABC which was submitted to neoadjuvant chemotherapy.Methods: This prospective clinical trial included breast cancer patients, clinical stage III, who underwent established NC regimen. All patients underwent preoperative planning to control the tumor size and to define the surgical technique. A detailed analysis of the pathological specimen was performed.Results: 50 patients were assessed and surgically treated. Tumor size ranged from 3.0 to 14.0 cm (median 6.5 cm). Pathologic response was rated as stable, progressive, partial response, and complete response in 10%, 8%, 80% and 2% of the cases, respectively. Seventeen (34%) patients were submitted to OS. No patient had positive margins. Skin involvement was presented in 36% of pathologic specimen.Conclusions: Oncoplastic surgical techniques for selected patients decrease the rates of radical surgery despite large tumors. (www.clinicaltrials.gov, NCT00820690). (C) 2012 Surgical Associates Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of virtual three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions of human dry mandibles, produced from two segmentation protocols (outline only and all-boundary lines).Twenty virtual three-dimensional (3D) images were built from computed tomography exam (CT) of 10 dry mandibles, in which linear measurements between anatomical landmarks were obtained and compared to an error probability of 5 %.The results showed no statistically significant difference among the dry mandibles and the virtual 3D reconstructions produced from segmentation protocols tested (p = 0,24).During the designing of a virtual 3D reconstruction, both outline only and all-boundary lines segmentation protocols can be used.Virtual processing of CT images is the most complex stage during the manufacture of the biomodel. Establishing a better protocol during this phase allows the construction of a biomodel with characteristics that are closer to the original anatomical structures. This is essential to ensure a correct preoperative planning and a suitable treatment.


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BACKGROUND: There are several techniques for screw insertion in upper cervical spine surgery, and the use of the 3.5-mm screw is usually the standard. However, there is no consensus regarding the feasibility of using these screws in the pediatric population. OBJECTIVE: To determine the measurement of the lamina angle, lamina and pedicle length and thickness, and lateral mass length of the topographic axial view of the axis vertebra of 2- to 10-year-old children to guide the use of surgical screws. METHODS: Seventy-five computed tomography scans from 24- to 120-month-old patients were studied. Measurements were taken in an axial view of C2 and correlated with 2 age groups and both sexes. Statistical analysis was performed with the Student t test. RESULTS: In the 24- to 48-month age group, only 5.5% of the lamina and 8.3% of the pedicles had thicknesses < 3.5 mm. In the 49- to 120-month age group, there were no lamina thickness values < 3.5 mm, and 1.2% of pedicle thicknesses were < 3.5 mm. Both age groups had no lamina and pedicle lengths < 12 mm and no lateral mass lengths > 12 mm. CONCLUSION: In the majority of cases, the use of 3.5-mm lamina and pedicle screws in children is feasible. A base value of 45 degrees for the spinolaminar angle can be adopted as a reference for insertion of screws in the C2 lamina. This information can be particularly useful for decision making during preoperative planning for C1-C2 or craniocervical arthrodesis in children.


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As part of the primary survey, polytrauma patients in our emergency department are examined using the new 'Lodox Statscan' (LS) digital low-radiation imaging device. The LS provides full-body anterior and lateral views based on enhanced linear slot-scanning technology, in accordance with the recommended Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Guidelines. This study's objectives were to establish whether LS appropriately rules out peripheral bone injuries and to examine whether LS imaging provides adequate information for the preoperative planning of such lesions.


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Detailed knowledge of cervical canal and transverse foramens' morphometry is critical for understanding the pathology of certain diseases and for proper preoperative planning. Lateral x-rays do not provide the necessary accuracy. A retrospective morphometric study of the cervical canal was performed at the authors' institution to measure mean dimensions of sagittal canal diameter (SCD), right and left transverse foramens' sagittal (SFD) and transverse (TFD) diameters and minimum distance between spinal canal and transverse foramens (dSC-TF) for each level of the cervical spine from C1-C7, using computerized tomographic scans, in 100 patients from the archives of the Emergency Room.


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BACKGROUND: Calcaneonavicular coalitions (CNC) have been reported to be associated with anatomical aberrations of either the calcaneus and/or navicular bones. These morphological abnormalities may complicate accurate surgical resection. Three-dimensional analysis of spatial orientation and morphological characteristics may help in preoperative planning of resection. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixteen feet with a diagnosis of CNC were evaluated by means of 3-D CT modeling. Three angles were defined that were expressed in relation to one reproducible landmark (lateral border of the calcaneus): the dorsoplantar inclination, anteroposterior inclination, and socket angle. The depth and width of the coalitions were measured and calculated to obtain the estimated contact surface. Three-dimensional reconstructions of the calcanei served to evaluate the presence, distortion or absence of the anterior calcaneal facet and presence of a navicular beak. The interrater correlations were assessed in order to obtain values for the accuracy of the measurement methods. Sixteen normal feet were used as controls for comparison of the socket angle; anatomy of the anterior calcaneal facet and navicular beak as well. RESULTS: The dorsoplantar inclination angle averaged 50 degrees (+/-17), the anteroposterior inclination angle 64 degrees (+/-15), and the pathologic socket angle 98 degrees (+/-11). The average contact area was 156 mm(2). Ninety-four percent of all patients in the CNC group revealed a plantar navicular beak. In 50% of those patients the anterior calcaneal facet was replaced by the navicular portion and in 44% the facet was totally missing. In contrast, the socket angle in the control group averaged 77 degrees (+/-18), which was found to be statistically different than the CNC group (p = 0.0004). Only 25% of the patients in the control group had a plantar navicular beak. High, statistically significant interrater correlations were found for all measured angles. CONCLUSION: Computer-aided CT analysis and reconstructions help to determine the spatial orientations of CNC in space and provide useful information in order to anticipate morphological abnormalities of the calcaneus and navicular.


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During endoscopic surgery, it is difficult to ascertain the anatomical landmarks once the anatomy is fiddled with or if the operating area is filled with blood. An augmented reality system will enhance the endoscopic view and further enable surgeons to view hidden critical structures or the results of preoperative planning.


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The application of implant-borne rehabilitations in residual alveolar ridges may be restricted by various anatomic conditions, as available bone height and characteristics. Here we report the clinical outcome of implants placed in severely resorbed posterior ridges, in addition to various implant-supported treatment modalities. Extra Oral implants (Straumann, Basel, Switzerland) with the intraosseous length of 2.5–5mm were installed in the posterior alveolar ridges. Following the healing period of 4–6 months, implants were exposed and included in the distal extensions of fixed and removable prosthesis. At recall appointments were collected surgical, clinical and radiological variables, including the evidence of adverse effects. An 8-years life table analysis was calculated. The treatment protocol was applied in thirty-five patients, presenting 31 removable and 4 fixed complete implant-supported dentures. A total of 61 Extra Oral implants were placed posterior to the distal implants, at the mean distance of 29.8mm (range 15.6–62.7mm). Three implants failed during the osteointegration phase, yielding an 8-year cumulative success rate of 92.24%. Following the osteointegration period, no major bone loss or other adverse events were found. The clinical results indicated that the Extra Oral implants may be successfully used in addition to the other, longer implants. Thus, a relatively long extension in the posterior region may be employed. With careful preoperative planning, this technique offers a simple and beneficial complementary treatment option for removable and fixed complete dentures.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the precision of central hip arthroscopy in the assessment and treatment of pincer-type femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) avoiding the posterolateral portal, with its close proximity to the main arterial blood supply of the femoral head, the medial circumflex femoral artery. METHODS: Seven human cadaveric hips underwent arthroscopic trimming of the acetabular labrum and rim along a preoperatively defined 105 degrees arc of resection for treatment of a presumed pincer-type lesion. After the arthroscopic procedure, all specimens were dissected and measured for evaluation of the location, quantity, and quality of the area undergoing resection. RESULTS: The difference between the actual and planned arc of resection was 18.7 degrees +/- 4.7 degrees (range, 2 degrees to 34 degrees). This was mainly because of a lack of accuracy in the presumed posterior starting point (PSP), with a mean deviation of 19 degrees +/- 3.4 degrees (range, 10 degrees to 36 degrees). Correlation analysis showed that variance in the arc of resection was mainly dependent on the PSP (r = 0.739, P = .058). CONCLUSIONS: Central hip arthroscopy is a feasible option in treating anterosuperior pincer-type FAI by use of the anterior and anterolateral portals only. This cadaveric study showed that there is a significant risk of underestimating the actual arc of resection compared with the planned arc of resection for posterosuperior pincer-type lesions because of the modest accuracy in determining the PSP of the resection. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Accurate preoperative planning and arthroscopic identification of anatomic landmarks at the acetabular side are crucial for the definition of the appropriate starting and ending points in the treatment of pincer-type FAI. Whereas anterosuperior pincer-type lesions can be addressed very precisely with our technique, the actual resection of posterosuperior lesions averaged 19 degrees less than the planned resection, which may have clinical implications.


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Das Additive Manufacturing gewinnt im Bereich der Medizintechnik zur Herstellung von Prototypen bis hin zu Endprodukten zunehmend an Bedeutung. Ein großes Hemmnis stellen allerdings die relativ hohen Fertigungskosten dar. Hier bietet der verstärkte Einsatz der 3D-Drucktechnologie (3D Printing) ein erhebliches Potential zur Reduktion der Kosten. Aus dieser Motivation heraus wurde ein 3D-Druckverfahren zur Herstellung biokompatibler, sterilisierbarer Kunststoffmodelle entwickelt. Beim 3D-Druck-Verfahren handelt es sich um einen pulverbasierten Prozess zur schichtweisen Herstellung von Modellen direkt aus Computerdaten. Dabei werden dünne Schichten eines Pulvers auf eine Grundplatte aufgebracht, die dann durch gezielte Binderzugabe entsprechend des aktuellen Bauteilquerschnitts verfestigt werden. Ausgangsmaterial für diesen Prozess ist ein Granulatgemisch auf Basis von PMMA (Polymethylmethacrylat). Als Binderflüssigkeit wird ein Lösungsmittel eingesetzt. Die 3D gedruckten Modelle werden nach einer entsprechenden Trocknungszeit im Pulverbett entpackt und warmgelagert, um das Abdampfen des Lösungsmittels zu beschleunigen. Der Nachweis der Biokompatibilität der hergestellten Modelle erfolgte durch einen Test nach DIN EN ISO 10993-5. In Kooperation mit Anwendern wurden verschiedene Anwendungsbeispiele wie Bohrschablonen, Otoplastiken, Gebissmodelle und Modelle für die präoperative Planung realisiert und charakterisiert.