30 resultados para Predicação


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O estudo trata do valor polissêmico dos verbos modais em português. Os licenciamentos de interpretação conferidos pela predicação modalizada com verbos modais são estudados tendo em vista, particularmente, a tarefa de elaboração de dicionários.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This dissertation aims to identify and describe the phenomenon of discursive representation of victim and defendant in court judgment genre. Researchis part of general theoretical framework of text linguistics and more specifically in textual discourse analysis (ATD) theory developed by Jean-Michel Adam ([2008] 2011). Discursive representation notion proposed by ATD is one of the most important aspects of semantic dimension of the text, being complemented in the work of Grize (1990, 1996) from schematization notion. In this perspective, this work is guided by studies of text linguistics with Koch (2012, 2005, 2004), Marcuschi (2012, 2008, 2005), Rodrigues, Passeggi and Silva Neto (2010, 2012, 2014), with genre Bazerman (2005), Bakhtin (1992) and the juridical discourse with Capez (2012), Pimenta (2007), Lourenço (2013) and Gomes (2013) . Methodologically, is a documentary research, presenting qualitative and descriptive characters and is guided by the inductivedeductive method. Corpus consists of a judicial sentence, criminal, collected electronically from Court of Justice of São Paulo - Judiciary website in consultation Judged1st Degree, with the theme of violence against women. Analysis procedures use semantic categories of discursive representation, such as referencing, predication, modification and the spatial and temporal location. Results are focused on the construction of discursive representation of (victim and defendant) from PdV distinct enunciators, which may approach or distance themselves according to argumentative text orientation. Thus, considering social importance of forensic text and, in particular, court judgment in the lives of citizens, it was possible to realize the importance of developing research that addresses the study of text semantic dimension, especially in construction of representations of discourse objects


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This piece of research aims to address the issue on the construction and reconstruction of Câmara Cascudo´s discursive representations in Mário de Andrade´s discourse. In order to describe, analyze and interpret these representations, we recur to some semantic categories from the Discourse Textual Analysis (DTA) by articulating them with other categories, notably, Grize´s Logic (1996,1997), Text Linguistics and Semantics. Therefore, the purpose is to analyze how these representations are constructed discursively, in written letters, by means of semantic categories such as referentiation, predication, modification, connection and spatial and temporal locations. In the theoretical foundation, proposals of Textual Analysis of Discourses, conceived by the linguist Jean-Michel Adam (1990, 2008a, 2011a), Text Linguistics, Semantics and Logic, focusing, especially, on the phenomenon of discursive representations, are articulated. The research approach is of qualitative nature supported by some quantitative data (OLIVEIRA, 2012); option which makes the analysis richer and comprehensive. As a hypothesis, it is presented the fact that these categories used by Mário de Andrade, in his discourse, do not only enable the (re)construction of the interlocutor´s images, discursively constructed, but they also provide a multiplicity of information and viewpoints about the RN writer´s personality. The study corpus is constituted of 20 texts written by Mário de Andrade and sent to Câmara Cascudo between 1924 and 1944, of which 35 fragments were selected and analyzed. However, it can be verified that, in the analyzed corpus, a set of discursive representations is constructed for Câmara Cascudo, from semantic categories proposed for analysis and used in Mário de Andrade´s discourse. These categories enable to construct and reconstruct the representations that emerge in the texts. Therefore, the analysis points out the construction of a set of different representations, highlighting the representation of the writer, the intellectual and the friend.


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Cette recherche décrit la représentation discursive que la présidente Dilma Rousseff fait de soi-même, dans son discours devant le Congrès National, lors de la journée d’investiture, le 1/1/2011. Notre travail se situe dans le domaine théorique et méthodologique de la linguistique du texte et, plus spécialement, dans la perspective de l’Analyse Textuelle des Discours – ATD (ADAM, 2011 [2008a]), qui se définit comme « une théorie de la production co(n)textuelle de sens qui doit se fonder sur l’analyse de textes concrets ». Elle nous fournit la notion théorique et analytique de « représentation discursive », qui se focalise sur la dimension sémantique du texte. Nous nous appuyons, aussi, sur des travaux récents sur les représentations discursives, réalisés dans la recherche brésilienne sur l’ATD (RODRIGUES, PASSEGGI, SILVA NETO, 2010, 2012; RAMOS, 2011; OLIVEIRA, 2013; QUEIROZ, 2013; ZAMBLANO-OLIVEIRA, PASSEGGI, 2013). Les principales opérations sémantiques de construction de la représentation discursive utilisées dans notre travail sont la Référenciation et la Prédication. L’approche méthodologique est, en même temps, qualitative et quantitative, priorisant l’identification des occurrences, ainsi que la description détaillée de leurs valeurs sémantiques et textuelles. Les résultats de la recherche sont de trois ordres : méthodologique, théorique et descriptif-interprétatif. Méthodologique : nous proposons une approche que nous désignons comme « marquage textuel » (ou « mappage textuel ») qui permet de marquer (étiqueter) les valeurs sémantiques des formes linguistiques, permettant leur identification dans le flux textuel, c.-à-d., dans la dimension séquentiellecompositionnelle du texte. Théorique : nous introduisons la notion de « domaines de la représentation discursive » qui organisent et articulent les différents éléments qui composent la représentation discursive de la présidente. Quant aux résultats descriptifsinterprétatifs du discours de l’investiture, ils indiquent que la représentation discursive de la présidente se configure au moyen de différents domaines conceptuels, explicités par les référenciations et les prédications. Ils mettent en relief les désignations et les actions / états, aussi bien de la femme – domaine du genre – que de la présidente – domaine du rôle politique et institutionnel. La présidente se représente explicitement et avec emphase comme l’agent responsable par les actions exprimées par les prédications verbales (verbes d’action), consciente de l’importance de son rôle politique et social. Les prédications nominales signalent clairement une représentation discursive qui englobe les domaines conceptuels politique, moral, éthique, comportemental et émotionnel (forte, accueillante, pionnière, consolidatrice, infatigable, humble, engagée, démocrate, victorieuse et courageuse). Le discours d’investiture réalise, donc, des désignations positives de la présidente, lesquelles se situent dans un temps présent et prospectif – avec des perspectives de futur – comme leader politique du Brésil, avec une participation active dans la transformation du pays, tenant compte aussi de son histoire de vie, sa biographie de luttes. Ainsi, la description empirique et l’interprétation de ce discours particulier contribue à l’analyse textuelle des représentations discursives dans le discours politique brésilien contemporain. Elle soulève, aussi, des questions théoriques et méthodologiques qui nous semblent pertinentes pour le développement de cette aproche.


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This doctoral dissertation proposes to analyze the discursive representations of Lula, as they appear on the covers of the magazines, Época and Veja, targeting the verbo visual elements that comprise the genre, magazine covers. In this way, we seek to describe and interpret the discursive representations (Drs), using a theoretical framework based on the Textual Discourse Analysis –TDA, developed by Jean Michel Adam (2011a), focusing on the semantic level of the text, that is, on the dimension that allows for the comprehension of Drs present in a text. For a discussion about the Drs and their categories of analysis referencing, predication, modification, relation and spatial localization and time we use as a starting point, the study by Brize about the logical discursive operations (1990, 1996), and continue through the studies that discuss linguistic, textual, and discursive operations in concrete utterances, such as Castilho (2010), Rodrigues; Passeggi; Silva Neto (2010), Neves (2011), Rodrigues et al. (2012), Passeggi (2001; 2012), Queiroz (2013), among others. In addition, we rely on Multimodal Discourse for the verbo visual aspects present on magazine covers (KRESS; van LEEUWEN, 2006; DIONISIO, 2011; DIONISIO; VASCONCELOS, 2013). Using aresearch approach that is qualitative with quantitative support, and which is documental, and based on deductive inductive methods, we describe and interpret a corpus (SEVERINO, 2007; CHIZZOTTI, 2010; OLIVEIRA, M., 2013), aiming to reconstruct Lula’s Drs. The cor pusis comprised of forty one magazine covers sixteen from Época and twenty four from Veja. The covers date from the election period in which the candidate, Lula, was elected President of Brazil in 2002, the last mandate after his reelection in 2006, and in the year 2010 a period of 9 years. Based on the analysis carried out, we can affirm that the magazines, Época and Veja, construct diverse Drs by Lula, such as: candidate; elected candidate; governing member and member of a political party; reelected president; politics; workers party acronym PT; international governments as allies; accomplices and participants in scandals of corruption; friend, brother, cousin, nephew, father, parent and man; among others that unfold throughout these by the mediation of the modifiers of the referents and processes, and by the very processes and connections, and analogies made on the object of discourse, Lula. Nonetheless, the reconstruction of these is derived from the description and interpretation of the textual linguistic and discursive choices that the magazines make to produce the proposition utterances, as well as by the choices of images and other visual resources, all operating as co(n)textually articulated to produce the magazine’s desired effect. In conclusion, the Drs verified demand the reflection, description and interpretation of the referencing, prediction, the relationship and spatial temporal localization, which was only possible through the textual discursive analysis of the verbo visual arrangements that comprise texts in the genre magazine cover.


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In this doctoral thesis analyzed the discursive representations of the bandit Lampião, the Lantern and his bandits gang in news mossoroenses newspapers published in the twenties of the last century (1927), when the gang invasion of the city of Mossoro in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, on June 13 of that year. To this end, we take as basis the theoretical assumptions of linguistics Textual, especially the narrower context of what is known today as Textual Analysis of the Discourses (ADT), theoretical and descriptive approach to linguistic studies of the text proposed by the French linguist Jean-Michel Adam. In this approach, we are interested in, specifically, the semantic level of the text, highlighting the notion of discursive representation, studied based on benchmarking operations, predication, modification, spatial location and temporal connection and analogy (ADAM, 2011; CASTILHO, 2010; KOCH, 2002, 2006; MARCUSCHI, 1998, 2008; NEVES, 2007; RODRIGUES, PASSEGGI & SILVA NETO, 2010). The corpus of this research consists of three reports in the twenties of the last century in newspapers The Mossoroense, Correio do Povo and the Northeast, and reconstituted through the collection held in the Municipal Museum Lauro Scotland files, Memorial Resistance Mossoro, both located in Natal, and in the news collection of Lampião newspapers in Natal, north of Rio Grande Raimundo Nonato historian. The discursive representations are built from the use of semantic analysis operations. Lampião to, the following representations are built: bandit, head of bandits, briber, defeated, Captain and Lord. To the outlaws of Lampião bunch of the following discursive representations were built: group, gang, gangsters, mates, bloodthirsty pack, brigands, bandits, criminals, burglar horde, and wild beasts. These representations reveal mainly the views of the newspapers of that time, which represented mainly the interests of traders, politicians, the government itself and generally Mossoró population.


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One of the main activities in the petroleum engineering is to estimate the oil production in the existing oil reserves. The calculation of these reserves is crucial to determine the economical feasibility of your explotation. Currently, the petroleum industry is facing problems to analyze production due to the exponentially increasing amount of data provided by the production facilities. Conventional reservoir modeling techniques like numerical reservoir simulation and visualization were well developed and are available. This work proposes intelligent methods, like artificial neural networks, to predict the oil production and compare the results with the ones obtained by the numerical simulation, method quite a lot used in the practice to realization of the oil production prediction behavior. The artificial neural networks will be used due your learning, adaptation and interpolation capabilities