863 resultados para Prótese parcial removível


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The association of mandibular distal extension removable partial dentures with an osteointegrated implant is a treatment option at hasn't been fully explored by modern rehabilitation dentistry yet. The objective of this study is to evaluate, by means of the bidimensional method of finite elements, the distribution of tension on the structures supporting the distal extension removable partial denture (DERPD), associated to a 10.0 x 3.75 mm osteointegrated implant with an ERA retention system, in alveolar ridges of different shapes. Eight models were created, representing, from a sagittal perspective: Model A (MA) – a half arch with a horizontal ridge without posterior support, with the presence of the lower left canine, and a conventional DERPD, with metallic support in the incisal aspect of this canine, as replacement for the first and second pre-molars and the first and second molars of the lower left half arch; Model B (MB) – similar to MA, but different because of the presence of a 3.75 x 10.00 mm implant with an associated ERA retention system in the posterior region of the DERPD base; Model C (MC) - similar to MA, however with a distally ascending ridge format; Model D (MD) – similar to MC, but different because there is an implant associated to a retention system; Model E (ME) - similar to MA, however with a distally descending ridge format; Model F (MF) – similar to ME, but ditfferent in the sense that there is an implant with an associated ERA retention system; Model G (MG) – similar to MA, however with a distally descending-ascending ridge format; Model H (MH) – similar to MG, but different in the sense that there is an implant with an associated ERA retention system. The finite element program ANSYS 9.0 was used to load the models with vertical forces of 50 N, on each cuspid tip. The format of distal descending edge (ME and MF) was that presented worse results, so in the models with conventional RPD as in the models with RPD associated to the implant and ERA system of retention, for the structures gingival mucosa and tooth support. 1) the distally descending ridge presented the most significant stress in the model with the conventional RPD (ME) or with a prosthesis associated to an implant (MF) and 2) the horizontal ridge (MB) provided more relief to the support structures, such as the tooth and the spongy bone, when there was an implant associated to an ERA retention system. The incorporation of the implants with the ERA system retention, in the posterior area of the toothless edge, it promotes larger stability and retention to PPREL, improving the patient's masticatory acting and, consequently, its comfort and function.


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A ausência de dentes posteriores inferiores representa dificuldades no planejamento e controle de próteses parciais removíveis, pois o suporte é proporcionado por dentes e mucosa, que apresentam características anatômicas diferentes. O planejamento de próteses parciais removíveis apoiadas sobre implantes na região distal torna a prótese dento-implanto-suportada e não dento-muco-suportada sendo, uma opção aos casos de extremidade livre. Por meio deste relato de caso, um paciente portador de arco classe II de Kennedy foi reabilitado com prótese parcial removível apoiada sobre implante na região distal. A colocação do implante resultou em uma oclusão mais estável, o que melhorou a funcionalidade da prótese e proporcionou maior conforto ao paciente. Observou-se que esta resolução pode ser uma alternativa viável de tratamento, pois apresenta custo reduzido em relação à prótese fixa sobre implantes, entretanto, requer um acompanhamento em longo prazo com uma série de casos para tornar-se um método rotineiro de tratamento.


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A ausência de dentes posteriores inferiores representa dificuldades no planejamento e controle de próteses parciais removíveis, pois o suporte é proporcionado por dentes e mucosa, que apresentam características anatômicas diferentes. O planejamento de próteses parciais removíveis apoiadas sobre implantes na região distal torna a prótese dento-implanto-suportada e não dento-muco-suportada sendo, uma opção aos casos de extremidade livre. Por meio deste relato de caso, um paciente portador de arco classe II de Kennedy foi reabilitado com prótese parcial removível apoiada sobre implante na região distal. A colocação do implante resultou em uma oclusão mais estável, o que melhorou a funcionalidade da prótese e proporcionou maior conforto ao paciente. Observou-se que esta resolução pode ser uma alternativa viável de tratamento, pois apresenta custo reduzido em relação à prótese fixa sobre implantes, entretanto, requer um acompanhamento em longo prazo com uma série de casos para tornar-se um método rotineiro de tratamento.


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Objective: To evaluate the planning and quality of plaster models for fabricati on of removable parti al dentures received from three commercial prosthodonti c laboratories located in the city of João Pessoa, PB, Brazil, which perform the casting procedures in their facilities. Methods: Forty 40 plaster models were photographed per laboratory, totalizing 120 models. The evaluation was performed using two questi onnaires, one designed for the dental prosthesis technicians, and another applied by the investigator for the visual evaluati on of the models. Data were analyzed using the SPSS soft ware version 13.0. Results: Ninety-two (76.7%) models did not present planning. In addition, no model presented references of insertion plane or guide pins. Calculati on of the mouth preparati on index (MPI) to evaluate the distribution of the oclusal and cingulum abutments or rests showed that 86 (71.7%) models were classifi ed as poor, 23 (19.2%) models as good and only 11 (9,.2%) models as acceptable. Defects were found in 102 (85%) models. Conclusion: The prosthodontists are not preparing the mouth of their pati ents, neglecti ng the planning of removable partial dentures, and passing this responsibility to the dental prosthesis technicians. In addition, the quality of the models sent to the laboratories was unsatisfactory.


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Objective: To evaluate the planning and quality of plaster models for fabricati on of removable parti al dentures received from three commercial prosthodonti c laboratories located in the city of João Pessoa, PB, Brazil, which perform the casting procedures in their facilities. Methods: Forty 40 plaster models were photographed per laboratory, totalizing 120 models. The evaluation was performed using two questi onnaires, one designed for the dental prosthesis technicians, and another applied by the investigator for the visual evaluati on of the models. Data were analyzed using the SPSS soft ware version 13.0. Results: Ninety-two (76.7%) models did not present planning. In addition, no model presented references of insertion plane or guide pins. Calculati on of the mouth preparati on index (MPI) to evaluate the distribution of the oclusal and cingulum abutments or rests showed that 86 (71.7%) models were classifi ed as poor, 23 (19.2%) models as good and only 11 (9,.2%) models as acceptable. Defects were found in 102 (85%) models. Conclusion: The prosthodontists are not preparing the mouth of their pati ents, neglecti ng the planning of removable partial dentures, and passing this responsibility to the dental prosthesis technicians. In addition, the quality of the models sent to the laboratories was unsatisfactory.


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An appropriate design of a prosthetic rehabilitation should not impute the restoration of occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) to new prostheses, at the risk of the patient does not adapt to a new condition, since a certain amount of time is often necessary for adaptation to a new OVD. This article performed prosthetic rehabilitation with an overlay provisional removable partial denture prior to definitive treatment because the patient showed a considerable decrease in the OVD. Three techniques for OVD determination were used. It is possible to conclude that the use of interim removable partial dentures is of great importance at the beginning of the rehabilitation treatment in order to adapt the patient to a new occlusal condition.


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An appropriate design of a prosthetic rehabilitation should not impute the restoration of occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) to new prostheses, at the risk of the patient does not adapt to a new condition, since a certain amount of time is often necessary for adaptation to a new OVD. This article performed prosthetic rehabilitation with an overlay provisional removable partial denture prior to definitive treatment because the patient showed a considerable decrease in the OVD. Three techniques for OVD determination were used. It is possible to conclude that the use of interim removable partial dentures is of great importance at the beginning of the rehabilitation treatment in order to adapt the patient to a new occlusal condition.


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Due to properties such as excellent biocompatibility, high resistance to corrosion and low specific weight, titanium has been considered a material of great interest for Dentistry. It has been widely used in implants and orthognathic surgeries. Recently, titanium has been seen as a feasible alternative for the fabrication of removable partial denture frameworks, either in pure titanium (99.75%) or in titanium alloy forms (Ti-6Al-4V; Ti-6A1-7Nb). Based on a review of the literature, this work studied the use of titanium for the fabrication of removable partial denture frameworks, focusing on its advantages and disadvantages as well as its characteristics. It was concluded that the use of titanium is a convenient option for partially edentulous arches rehabilitation with quite satisfactory and promising clinical results. However, the need for highly-equipped laboratories increases the cost, preventing its large scale use.


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Due to properties such as excellent biocompatibility, high resistance to corrosion and low specific weight, titanium has been considered a material of great interest for Dentistry. It has been widely used in implants and orthognathic surgeries. Recently, titanium has been seen as a feasible alternative for the fabrication of removable partial denture frameworks, either in pure titanium (99.75%) or in titanium alloy forms (Ti-6Al-4V; Ti-6A1-7Nb). Based on a review of the literature, this work studied the use of titanium for the fabrication of removable partial denture frameworks, focusing on its advantages and disadvantages as well as its characteristics. It was concluded that the use of titanium is a convenient option for partially edentulous arches rehabilitation with quite satisfactory and promising clinical results. However, the need for highly-equipped laboratories increases the cost, preventing its large scale use.


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A perda de dentes além de afectar a mastigação e a estética, altera também o equilíbrio do sistema estomatognático, observando-se de imediato alterações na posição dos dentes adjacentes e dos dentes oponentes. Torna-se, portanto, imprescindível para a reposição da saúde oral do paciente a reabilitação com recurso a próteses fixas ou removíveis. No que diz respeito às próteses parciais removíveis (PPR´s) estas visam a substituição dos dentes perdidos, sendo facilmente removidas e inseridas pelo paciente, sem qualquer intervenção do médico dentista e, apoiam-se directamente na mucosa e nos dentes. Enquanto as PPR´s acrílicas são suportadas pela mucosa, mediante uma ampla área de contacto, as próteses esqueléticas são suportadas pelos dentes pilares através da colocação de retentores. No caso específico das PPR´s, é fundamental que o profissional de saúde tenha em consideração a importância do planeamento correcto e adequado da reabilitação oral. Para isso, pode e deve utilizar o paralelómetro, determinando assim correctamente a localização dos planos-guia, dos apoios e retentores necessários. Guiando-se por estes princípios fundamentais, qualquer reabilitação com recurso às PPR´s pode ser bem sucedida quer a nível estético quer a nível funcional.


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A Prótese Parcial Removível esquelética na reabilitação de pacientes edêntulos parciais tem sido uma opção acessível, rápida e viável de restabelecer a função estética e fonética dos dentes perdidos, porém a grande problemática em torno deste tipo de reabilitação está nos casos de extremos livres uni e bilaterais que dependem do rebordo residual para sustentação, devido à falta de pilar posterior que pode comprometer a retenção e principalmente a estabilidade da prótese que estará sujeita a deslocamentos constantes durante a dinâmica dos movimentos funcionais. Na literatura é relatado que todos os conhecimentos devem ser observados a quando da confecção deste tipo de prótese, as explicações e orientações como se comporta este tipo de prótese e os cuidados que o paciente tem que ter, e principalmente as condições biológicas dos tecidos de suporte são da responsabilidade do Médico Dentista o qual ao ter em conta e transmitir estes conhecimentos no momento do planeamento consegue assim minimizar os riscos de fracasso. A impressão funcional é de extrema importância para o sucesso da reabilitação com este tipo de prótese, mais especificamente a técnica do modelo modificado, que o objeto deste trabalho é realçar a sua utilização. Sendo de especial interesse para a Medicina Dentária pela necessidade e demanda do tratamento clínico, quanto para o ensino nas universidades. Dessa forma este trabalho visa mostrar a importância da impressão funcional na Prótese Parcial Removível esquelética de extremo livre, em especial o modelo modificado, pois ela visa obter melhor estabilidade, suporte e retenção para conseguir um melhor conforto para o paciente, mantendo a integridade do periodonto e dos dentes de apoio, obtendo assim um bom prognóstico e sucesso no procedimento realizado, como forma de fazer com que este procedimento responda tanto a expectativa do paciente como da equipe que a confecciona.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The literature has suggested that the association of removable partial dentures with dental implants can improve the quality of life of patients. Thus, the purpose of this study was to present a case report. This case report describes the development of a removable partial denture associated with dental implants bilaterally been monitored for 12 years, and the efficacy of the proposed treatment. The radiographic controls demonstrated no changes on bone tissue. The maxillary arch was rehabilitated with metal-free crowns. The patient was fully satisfied with this technique providing stability, esthetics, and proper function. It was concluded that the technique of using removable partial dentures associated with dental implants is viable and show the advantages of improved function, aesthetics and cost reductions in rehabilitation treatment.


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The maintenance of masticatory function is especially important for patients who wear complete dentures due to the limitations of this type of prosthesis. Thus, the bilateral balanced occlusion (BBO) is used to achieve, besides other advantages, greater masticatory efficiency. However, analyzing critically the literature, it is observed that there is not enough scientific evidence that support the BBO as the most appropriate occlusal concept in complete dentures. This way, the purpose of the present study was to verify if complete dentures wearers with BBO present better masticatory efficiency and capacity than those with canine guidance (CG). A double-blind controlled crossover clinical trial was conducted. The sample was made of 24 completely edentulous patients. The subjects wore sets of complete dentures with both occlusal concepts for equal periods of 3 months. Objective data were collected through the masticatory efficiency test, performed by the colorimetric method, in which capsules of a synthetic material enclosing fuchsine- containing granules were used. Subjective data were recorded by patient´s ratings of their chewing function, which is the masticatory ability. No significant statistical difference was found for masticatory efficiency (p=0,0952) and masticatory ability (x2=0,5711/ p=0,4498) between the two occlusal concepts studied, as well as there was no correlation between these two variables (p=0,2985). Based on these results, it seems reasonable to use CG for the setup of complete dentures, since it is an easier and quicker technical procedure, until that future researches can come to complement this question


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There is a lack of clinical studies evaluating techniques of functional impression for partially edentulous arches. The aim of this double-blind non-randomized controlled clinical trial was to compare the efficacy of altered cast impression (ACI) and direct functional impression (DFI) techniques. The efficacy was evaluated regarding the number of occlusal units on denture teeth, mucosa integrity at 24-hour follow-up and denture base extension. The sample included 51 patients (female and male) with mean age of 58.96 years treated at Dental Department of UFRN. The patients, exhibiting edentulous maxilla and mandibular Kennedy class I, were divided into two groups (group ACI, n=29; group DFI, n=22). Clinical evaluation was based on the number of occlusal units on natural and/or artificial teeth, mucosa integrity at 24-hour follow-up, and denture base extension. Statistical analysis was conducted using the software SPSS 17.0® (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois). Student T-test was used to reveal association between number of occlusal units and impression technique while chi-square test showed association between mucosa integrity and impression technique. Fischer s exact test was applied for association between denture base extension and impression technique at 95% level of significance. No significant difference was observed between the groups regarding number of occlusal units, mucosa integrity and denture base extension. The altered cast technique did not provide significant improvement in comparison to the direct technique when the number of occlusal units, mucosa integrity and denture base extension