970 resultados para Post-discharge
Objective: To evaluate the benefits of coordinating community services through the Post-Acute Care (PAC) program in older patients after discharge from hospital. Design: Prospective multicentre, randomised controlled trial with six months of follow-up with blinded outcome measurement. Setting: Four university-affiliated metropolitan general hospitals in Victoria. Participants: All patients aged 65 years and over who were discharged between August 1998 and October 1999 and required community services after discharge. Interventions: Participants were randomly allocated to receive services of a Post-Acute Care (PAC) coordinator (intervention) versus usual discharge planning (control). Main outcome measures: Comparison of quality of life and carer stress at one-month post-discharge, mortality, hospital readmissions, use of community services and community and hospital costs over the six months post-discharge. Results: 654 patients were randomised, and 598 were included in the analysis (311 in the PAC group and 287 in the control group). There was no difference in mortality between the groups (both 6%), but significantly greater overall quality-of-life scores at one-month follow-up in the PAC group. There was no difference in unplanned readmissions, but PAC patients used significantly fewer hospital bed-days in the six months after discharge (mean, 3.0 days; 95% CI, 2.1-3.9) than control patients (5.2 days; 95% CI, 3.8-6.7). Total costs (including hospitalisation, community services and the intervention) were lower in the PAC than the control group (mean difference, $1545; 95% CI, $11-$3078). Conclusions: The PAC program is beneficial in the transition from hospital to the community in older patients.
Nursing discharge planning for elderly medical inpatients is an essential element of care to ensure optimal transition to home and to reduce post-discharge adverse events. The objectives of this cross-sectional study were to investigate the association between nursing discharge planning components in older medical inpatients, patients' readiness for hospital discharge and unplanned health care utilization during the following 30 days. Results indicated that no patients benefited from comprehensive discharge planning but most benefited from less than half of the discharge planning components. The most frequent intervention recorded was coordination, and the least common was patients' participation in decisions regarding discharge. Patients who received more nursing discharge components felt significantly less ready to go home and had significantly more readmissions during the 30-day follow-up period. This study highlights large gaps in the nursing discharge planning process in older medical inpatients and identifies specific areas where improvements are most needed.
Le recours au plasma pour stériliser des dispositifs médicaux (DM) est un domaine de recherche ne datant véritablement que de la fin des années 1990. Les plasmas permettent, dans les conditions adéquates, de réaliser la stérilisation à basse température (≤ 65°C), tel qu’exigé par la présence de polymères dans les DM et ce contrairement aux procédés par chaleur, et aussi de façon non toxique, contrairement aux procédés chimiques comme, par exemple, l’oxyde d’éthylène (OEt). Les laboratoires du Groupe de physique des plasmas à l’Université de Montréal travaillent à l’élaboration d’un stérilisateur consistant plus particulièrement à employer les effluents d’une décharge N2-%O2 basse pression (2-8 Torrs) en flux, formant ce que l’on appelle une post-décharge en flux. Ce sont les atomes N et O de cette décharge qui viendront, dans les conditions appropriées, entrer en collisions dans la chambre de stérilisation pour y créer des molécules excitées NO*, engendrant ainsi l’émission d’une quantité appréciable de photons UV. Ceux-ci constituent, dans le cas présent, l’agent biocide qui va s’attaquer directement au bagage génétique du micro-organisme (bactéries, virus) que l’on souhaite inactiver. L’utilisation d’une lointaine post-décharge évite du même coup la présence des agents érosifs de la décharge, comme les ions et les métastables. L’un des problèmes de cette méthode de stérilisation est la réduction du nombre de molécules NO* créées par suite de la perte des atomes N et O, qui sont des radicaux connus pour interagir avec les surfaces, sur les parois des matériaux des DM que l’on souhaite stériliser. L’objectif principal de notre travail est de déterminer l’influence d’une telle perte en surface, dite aussi réassociation en surface, par l’introduction de matériaux comme le Téflon, l’acier inoxydable, l’aluminium et le cuivre sur le taux d’inactivation des spores bactériennes. Nous nous attendons à ce que la réassociation en surface de ces atomes occasionne ainsi une diminution de l’intensité UV et subséquemment, une réduction du taux d’inactivation. Par spectroscopie optique d’émission (SOE), nous avons déterminé les concentrations perdues de N et de O par la présence des matériaux dans le stérilisateur, ainsi que la diminution de l’émission UV en découlant. Nous avons observé que cette diminution des concentrations atomiques est d’autant plus importante que les surfaces sont catalytiques. Au cours de l’étude du phénomène de pertes sur les parois pour un mélange N2-%O2 nous avons constaté l’existence d’une compétition en surface entre les atomes N et O, dans laquelle les atomes d’oxygènes semblent dominer largement. Cela implique qu’au-delà d’un certain %O2 ajouté à la décharge N2, seuls les atomes O se réassocient en surface. Par ailleurs, l’analyse des courbes de survie bi-phasiques des micro-organismes a permis d’établir une étroite corrélation, par lien de cause à effet, entre la consommation des atomes N et O en surface et la diminution du taux d’inactivation des spores dans la première phase. En revanche, nous avons constaté que notre principal agent biocide (le rayonnement ultraviolet) est moins efficace dans la deuxième phase et, par conséquent, il n’a pas été possible d’établir un lien entre la diminution des concentrations et le taux d’inactivation de cette phase-là.
Discharged psychiatric patients were studied six months post-discharge to determine those demographic, social and clinical characteristics affecting positive or negative adjustment and the degree to which the use of mental health services and medication compliance mediated the effects. With the exception of those with primary or secondary diagnoses of OBS, substance abuse or mental retardation, sixty-three psychiatric subjects between the ages of eighteen and sixty-four were chosen from all admissions into the hospital and interviewed six months after discharge using a specially designed questionnaire.^ The subjects' adjustment to community living was found to be marginal. Although not engaged in destructive activities, over half were living with their family members who supported them financially and emotionally. Most were unemployed and had been so for a long time. Others worked sporadically and frequently changed residences. Most did have substantial social ties with extended family and with friends with whom they interacted regularly, but one-fourth were socially isolated. Almost three-quarters continued to obtain regular mental health services after discharge and followed medication instructions under the supervision of their physician. The use of mental health services after discharge and the use of medication did not appear to affect the subjects' community adaption or their rate of rehospitalization.^ Forty percent of those discharged were rehospitalized by the end of the follow-up period. Four levels of risk of rehospitalization emerged. The highest risk was associated with a history of five or more prior hospitalizations, living alone, and social isolation. One third or more of the subjects expressed a need for more counseling, leisure time activities, case-manager assistance, vocational guidance, supervised housing, and placement into a transitional residential treatment program.^ Recommendations were made to enhance the ability to predict recidivism, to develop interorganizational casework management programs linking the patient and family to the community mental health system and to create computerized tracking and monitoring programs that systematically report patient treatment regimen and progress cross-sectionally and longitudinally. ^
Surgical site infections (SSIs) can affect body tissues, cavities, or organs manipulated in surgery and constitute 14% to 16% of all infections. This study aimed to determine the incidence of SSIs in women following their discharge from a gynecology outpatient clinic, to survey different types of SSIs among women, and to verify the association of SSIs with comorbidities and clinical conditions. Data were collected via analytical observation with a cross-sectional design, and the study was conducted in 1,026 women who underwent gynecological surgery in a teaching hospital in the municipality of Teresina, in the northeast Brazilian State of Piauí, from June 2011 to March 2013. The incidence of SSIs after discharge was 5.8% among the women in the outpatient clinic. The most prevalent surgery among the patients was hysterectomy, while the most prevalent type of SSI was superficial incisional. Comorbidities in women with SSIs included cancer, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension. Surveillance of SSIs during the post-discharge period is critical for infection prevention and control. It is worth reflecting on the planning of surgical procedures for patients who have risk factors for the development of SSIs.
Objective The objective of the study was to investigate whether depression is a predictor of postdischarge smoking relapse among patients hospitalized for myocardial infarction (MI) or unstable angina (ILIA), in a smoke-free hospital. Methods Current smokers with MI or UA were interviewed while hospitalized; patients classified with major depression (MD) or no humor disorder were reinterviewed 6 months post discharge to ascertain smoking status. Potential predictors of relapse (depression; stress; anxiety; heart disease risk perception; coffee and alcohol consumption; sociodemographic, clinical, and smoking habit characteristics) were compared between those with MD (n = 268) and no humor disorder (n = 135). Results Relapsers (40.4%) were more frequently and more severely depressed, had higher anxiety and lower self-efficacy scale scores, diagnosis of UA, shorter hospitalizations, started smoking younger, made fewer attempts to quit, had a consort less often, and were more frequently at the `precontemplation` stage of change. Multivariate analysis showed relapse-positive predictors to be MD [odds ratio (OR): 2.549; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.519-4.275] (P<0.001); `precontemplation` stage of change (OR: 7.798; 95% CI: 2.442-24.898) (P<0.001); previous coronary bypass graft surgery (OR: 4.062; 95% CI: 1.356-12.169) (P=0.012); and previous anxiolytic use (OR: 2.365; 95% CI: 1.095-5.107) (P=0.028). Negative predictors were diagnosis of MI (OR: 0.575; 95% CI: 0.361-0.916) (P=0.019); duration of hospitalization (OR: 0.935; 95% CI: 0.898-0.973) (P=0.001); smoking onset age (OR: 0.952; 95% CI: 0.910-0.994) (P=0.028); number of attempts to quit smoking (OR: 0.808; 95% CI: 0.678-0.964) (P=0.018); and `action` stage of change (OR: 0.065; 95% CI: 0.008-0.532) (P= 0.010). Conclusion Depression, no motivation, shorter hospitalization, and severity of illness contributed to postdischarge resumption of smoking by patients with acute coronary syndrome, who underwent hospital-initiated smoking cessation.
Aims: To evaluate the risk and predictors of death in a large population of patients with stable coronary disease treated with percutaneous intervention. Methods and results: The study population comprised 1,276 patients with chronic angina or silent ischaemia who underwent elective coronary angioplasty. Baseline and in-hospital mortality data were prospectively collected for all patients during the index hospitalisation. Post-discharge outcome was assessed at out-patient clinic, by review of the patients` records, or direct phone contact. Deaths were classified as cardiac and non-cardiac. Age, peripheral arterial disease, congestive heart failure with NYHA class Ill, triple-vessel disease, and procedural success (i.e. angiographic success for all lesions in the absence of pen-procedural infarction) remained as multivariate independent predictors of death. For the entire population 4-year cumulative all-cause and cardiac mortality were respectively 5.4% and 4.1%. Four-year mortality for patients without any multivariate predictor was 2.4%, while for patients with two or more predictors the death rate was 16.3% after four years. Conclusions: Patients with stable coronary disease undergoing percutaneous treatment have an overall low mortality rate after four years. Nevertheless, stable patients comprise a heterogeneous population in terms of risk profile, ranging from patients at very low risk of late death to individuals with a poor long-term prognosis.
OBJECTIVE: Describe implementation of a successful program to reduce doses (cefazolin 2 to 1 g) used for antimicrobial prophylaxis. METHODS: Evaluation of an intervention program to reduce prophylactic antimicrobial doses. The intervention included weekly staff discussions, automatic dispensation of 1g-vial of cefazolin by the pharmacy unless expressly requested by surgeon and increase in post-discharge surveillance as a strategy to reassure surgeons of the safety of the reduction. In the pre and post intervention periods, a prospective study of antimicrobial consumption and surgical site infections were measured. RESULTS: There were 5,164 and 5,204 deliveries in 2001-2002 and 2003-2004, respectively; 1,524 (29.5%) and 1,363 (26%) were cesarean sections. There was a 45% decrease in cefazolin vials used on average per cesarean section (2.29 to 1.25). Patients evaluated increased from 16% to 67% and the SSI rates in both periods were 3.34% to 2.42%, respectively. CONCLUSION: An ample intervention, including administrative and educational measures, led to high compliance with dose reduction and saved more than US$4,000 in cefazolin, considered important because government reimbursement in Brazil for cesarean section is $80.
No momento da alta existe grande prevalência de restrição de crescimento extrauterino em crianças nascidas pré-termo, pelo défice reservas aquando do nascimento associado à dificuldade na administração de nutrientes em quantidade suficiente por via parentérica e entérica durante o internamento. De acordo com as recomendações da ESPGHAN (JPGN 2006;42:596), quando a criança atinge as 40 semanas (porventura 52 semanas) de idade corrigida: 1) se a evolução ponderal for adequada, está indicada a amamentação exclusiva, ou, se esta não for suficiente, suplementação com Fórmula para Lactente enriquecida em ácidos gordos polinsaturados de cadeia longa; 2) se a evolução ponderal for deficitária, será necessário fortificar o leite materno, ou introduzir Fórmula para Após Alta (post-discharge formula – PDF), mais rica em energia e nutrientes. Quanto aos micronutrientes, de acordo com as recomendações ESPGHAN (JPGN 2010;50:1), está indicada a dose diária de 800-1000 UI de vitamina D até aos 12-18 meses e de 2-3 mg/Kg de ferro das 2-6 semanas aos 6-12 meses de idade. Embora possa haver a necessidade de suplementação com outras vitaminas e oligoelementos nesta população, não existem recomendações disponíveis emanadas por sociedades científicas.
RESUMO: O planeamento da alta hospitalar representa um momento crucial no internamento de pessoas idosas, que muitas vezes regressam ao domicílio com necessidades complexas ao nível dos cuidados. No entanto, não existe um planeamento de alta universal, tornando prioritário o desenvolvimento de estratégias nesse sentido. Após revisão de literatura foi formulado um modelo de análise, com as dimensões e indicadores críticos para a problemática em estudo. Objectivo: Este estudo teve como objectivo analisar as repercussões que um planeamento de alta hospitalar integrado pode ter na satisfação e no bem-estar dos doentes e famílias, tendo impacto ao nível da redução das reincidências hospitalares. Métodos: Foi seleccionada uma amostra no Serviço de Medicina 1B do Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, dividida aleatoriamente em dois grupos. O grupo controlo teve um planeamento de alta de acordo com os padrões habituais, enquanto o grupo experimental foi alvo de um planeamento de alta integrado, com enfoque na informação e clarificação nos cuidados pós alta, e com recurso à entrega de um documento de orientação para a alta. Foi realizado um contacto telefónico de follow-up um mês após a alta, para realização de um questionário telefónico. Resultados: Os participantes do grupo experimental revelaram ter tendência para estar mais bem preparados para a alta hospitalar e regresso ao domicílio, valorizando de forma mais positiva o processo de internamento e alta, bem como a auto-percepção de bem-estar. Conclusões: Apesar da limitação da dimensão da amostra, os resultados apontam no sentido de que os procedimentos do planeamento integrado de alta hospitalar têm um impacto positivo ao nível da satisfação e sentimento de bem-estar global dos idosos no regresso ao domicílio, influenciando na redução das reincidências hospitalares.------------ ABSTRACT: The hospital discharge planning represents a crucial moment in the hospitalization of the elderly, whom very often return home with very complex caring needs. However, there is no universal discharge planning as such, thus becoming mandatory to develop planning strategies. Upon review of reference literature, an investigational model was developed, that features the key indicators and dimensions of the subject matter. Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze how hospital discharge planning promotes the satisfaction and well-being of patients and their families, reducing the number of hospital readmissions. Methods: A sample population was selected from the 1B Internal Medicine Service of Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, which was divided in two random groups. The control group experienced a standard discharge, whereas the experimental group underwent a planned integrated discharge, which focused on the clarification of the post-discharge caring needs. A discharge guidance document was produced and handed to the patients. One month after discharge, a follow-up telephone call was made. Results: The experimental group turned out to be better prepared for hospital discharge and to return home, positively valuing hospitalization and hospital discharge, as well as their perception of their own well-being. Conclusions: The integrated hospital discharge planning had a positive impact on patient satisfaction and global well-being upon their return, and effectively reduced the number of hospital readmissions.
Introduction Surgical site infections (SSIs) can affect body tissues, cavities, or organs manipulated in surgery and constitute 14% to 16% of all infections. This study aimed to determine the incidence of SSIs in women following their discharge from a gynecology outpatient clinic, to survey different types of SSIs among women, and to verify the association of SSIs with comorbidities and clinical conditions. Methods Data were collected via analytical observation with a cross-sectional design, and the study was conducted in 1,026 women who underwent gynecological surgery in a teaching hospital in the municipality of Teresina, in the northeast Brazilian State of Piauí, from June 2011 to March 2013. Results The incidence of SSIs after discharge was 5.8% among the women in the outpatient clinic. The most prevalent surgery among the patients was hysterectomy, while the most prevalent type of SSI was superficial incisional. Comorbidities in women with SSIs included cancer, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension. Conclusions Surveillance of SSIs during the post-discharge period is critical for infection prevention and control. It is worth reflecting on the planning of surgical procedures for patients who have risk factors for the development of SSIs.
C.difficle surveillance report quarter July-September 2015 .pdf C.difficle surveillance report quarter April-June 2015.pdf C.difficle surveillance report quarter January - March 2015.pdf C.difficle surveillance report quarter ending Oct - Dec 2014.pdf C.difficle surveillance report quarter ending July - Sept 2014.pdf C.difficle sureillance report quarter ending April - June 2014.pdf C.difficle surveillance report quarter endin January - March 2014.pdf C.difficle surveillance report quarter ending October to December 2013.pdf C.difficle surveillance report quarter ending 1st July 2013 to 30th September 2013.pdf C.difficle surveillance report quarter ending 1 April 2013 to 30 June 2013.pdf C.difficle Surveillance Report Quarter Ending 31st March 2013.pdf.pdf C.difficle Surveillance Report Quarter Ending 31st December 2012.pdf C.difficile Surveillance Report quarter ending 30 September 2012.pdf.pdf� C.difficile Surveillance Report quarter ending 30 June 2012.pdf C.difficile Surveillance Report quarter ending March 2012 C.difficile Surveillance Report quarter ending December 2011 C.difficile Surveillance Report quarter ending September 2011.pdf C. difficle Surveillance Report quarter ending June 2011.pdf C. difficile Surveillance Report quarter ending March 2011 (930KB).pdf CDI_Report Oct-Dec 2010_2.pdf Staphylococcus aureus S.aureus bacteraemia surveillance quart July-September 2015.pdf S.aureus surveillance report quarter April-June 2015.pdf S.aureus surveillance report quarter January - March 2015.pdf S.aureus surveillance report quarter Oct - Dec 2014.pdf S.aureus sureveillance report quarter July - Sept 2014.pdf S.aureus surveillance report quarter April - June 2014.pdf S. aureus surveillance report quarter January - March 2014.pdf S. aureus surveillance report quarter ending October to December 2013.pdf S. aureus surveillance report quarter ending 1st July 2013 to 30th September 2013.pdf S. aureus surveillance report quarter ending 1 April 2013 to 30 June 2013 S.aureus Surveillance Report Quarter Ending 31st March 2013.pdf.pdf S.aureus Surveillance Report Quarter Ending 31st December 2012.pdf S.aureus Surveillance Report quarter ending 30 September 2012.pdf.pdf S.aureus Surveillance Report quarter ending 30 June 2012.pdf S.aureus Surveillance Report quarter ending March 2012 S.aureus Surveillance Report quarter ending�December 2011 S.aureus Surveillance Report quarter ending September 2011.pdf S.aureus Surveillance Report quarter ending June 2011.pdf S.aureus Surveillance Report quarter ending March 2011 (999KB).pdf Surgical site infectionCumulative incidence of SSI within 30 days after Caesarean section, Reporting Year 2009 (post-discharge excluded) Cumulative incidence of SSI within 30 days after hip prosthesis, Reporting Year 2009 (post-discharge excluded) Cumulative incidence of SSI within 30 days after knee prosthesis, Reporting Year 2009 (post-discharge excluded) � �
BACKGROUND: Surveillance is an essential element of surgical site infection (SSI) prevention. Few studies have evaluated the long-term effect of these programmes. AIM: To present data from a 13-year multicentre SSI surveillance programme from western and southern Switzerland. METHODS: Surveillance with post-discharge follow-up was performed according to the US National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance (NNIS) system methods. SSI rates were calculated for each surveyed type of surgery, overall and by year of participation in the programme. Risk factors for SSI and the effect of surveillance time on SSI rates were analysed by multiple logistic regression. FINDINGS: Overall SSI rates were 18.2% after 7411 colectomies, 6.4% after 6383 appendicectomies, 2.3% after 7411 cholecystectomies, 1.7% after 9933 herniorrhaphies, 1.6% after 6341 hip arthroplasties, and 1.3% after 3667 knee arthroplasties. The frequency of SSI detected after discharge varied between 21% for colectomy and 94% for knee arthroplasty. Independent risk factors for SSI differed between operations. The NNIS risk index was predictive of SSI in gastrointestinal surgery only. Laparoscopic technique was protective overall, but associated with higher rates of organ-space infections after appendicectomy. The duration of participation in the surveillance programme was not associated with a decreased SSI rate for any of the included procedure. CONCLUSION: These data confirm the effect of post-discharge surveillance on SSI rates and the protective effect of laparoscopy. There is a need to establish alternative case-mix adjustment methods. In contrast to other European programmes, no positive impact of surveillance duration on SSI rates was observed.
BACKGROUND: Smoking contributes to reasons for hospitalisation, and the period of hospitalisation may be a good time to provide help with quitting. OBJECTIVES: To determine the effectiveness of interventions for smoking cessation that are initiated for hospitalised patients. SEARCH METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group register which includes papers identified from CENTRAL, MEDLINE, EMBASE and PsycINFO in December 2011 for studies of interventions for smoking cessation in hospitalised patients, using terms including (hospital and patient*) or hospitali* or inpatient* or admission* or admitted. SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomized and quasi-randomized trials of behavioural, pharmacological or multicomponent interventions to help patients stop smoking, conducted with hospitalised patients who were current smokers or recent quitters (defined as having quit more than one month before hospital admission). The intervention had to start in the hospital but could continue after hospital discharge. We excluded studies of patients admitted to facilities that primarily treat psychiatric disorders or substance abuse, studies that did not report abstinence rates and studies with follow-up of less than six months. Both acute care hospitals and rehabilitation hospitals were included in this update, with separate analyses done for each type of hospital. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two authors extracted data independently for each paper, with disagreements resolved by consensus. MAIN RESULTS: Fifty trials met the inclusion criteria. Intensive counselling interventions that began during the hospital stay and continued with supportive contacts for at least one month after discharge increased smoking cessation rates after discharge (risk ratio (RR) 1.37, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.27 to 1.48; 25 trials). A specific benefit for post-discharge contact compared with usual care was found in a subset of trials in which all participants received a counselling intervention in the hospital and were randomly assigned to post-discharge contact or usual care. No statistically significant benefit was found for less intensive counselling interventions. Adding nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) to an intensive counselling intervention increased smoking cessation rates compared with intensive counselling alone (RR 1.54, 95% CI 1.34 to 1.79, six trials). Adding varenicline to intensive counselling had a non-significant effect in two trials (RR 1.28, 95% CI 0.95 to 1.74). Adding bupropion did not produce a statistically significant increase in cessation over intensive counselling alone (RR 1.04, 95% CI 0.75 to 1.45, three trials). A similar pattern of results was observed in a subgroup of smokers admitted to hospital because of cardiovascular disease (CVD). In this subgroup, intensive intervention with follow-up support increased the rate of smoking cessation (RR 1.42, 95% CI 1.29 to 1.56), but less intensive interventions did not. One trial of intensive intervention including counselling and pharmacotherapy for smokers admitted with CVD assessed clinical and health care utilization endpoints, and found significant reductions in all-cause mortality and hospital readmission rates over a two-year follow-up period. These trials were all conducted in acute care hospitals. A comparable increase in smoking cessation rates was observed in a separate pooled analysis of intensive counselling interventions in rehabilitation hospitals (RR 1.71, 95% CI 1.37 to 2.14, three trials). AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: High intensity behavioural interventions that begin during a hospital stay and include at least one month of supportive contact after discharge promote smoking cessation among hospitalised patients. The effect of these interventions was independent of the patient's admitting diagnosis and was found in rehabilitation settings as well as acute care hospitals. There was no evidence of effect for interventions of lower intensity or shorter duration. This update found that adding NRT to intensive counselling significantly increases cessation rates over counselling alone. There is insufficient direct evidence to conclude that adding bupropion or varenicline to intensive counselling increases cessation rates over what is achieved by counselling alone.
De nombreuses études ont démontré que les adolescents qui subissent une chirurgie correctrice de scoliose éprouvent des douleurs postopératoires intenses et cela pendant plusieurs jours après leur chirurgie. L’originalité de cette étude de type quasi-expérimental, consistait à réaliser un DVD sur une technique d’imagerie guidée et de relaxation combinée à une intervention éducative (gestion de la douleur) sur la douleur, l’anxiété, le coping et le retour aux activités d’adolescents ayant subi une chirurgie correctrice de scoliose. Prenant appui sur la théorie du portillon (Melzack & Casey, 1968) et sur la théorie transactionnelle du stress et coping (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984), quatre hypothèses ont été retenues en vue de vérifier l’effet de cette intervention. Trente et un adolescents, âgés entre 13 et 19 ans ont été répartis en deux groupes de façon aléatoire. Les participantes du groupe expérimental devaient visionner un DVD sur une technique d’imagerie guidée et de relaxation combinée à de l’information sur la gestion de la douleur en période préopératoire, au moment du congé de l’hôpital et ce, au moins trois fois par semaine sur une période d’un mois post congé. De plus, ce groupe continuait à recevoir les soins usuels. Les participants du groupe contrôle ne recevaient que les soins usuels. Les instruments de mesure utilisés furent le questionnaire concis de la douleur (QCD) (Larue F, Colleau, Brasseur, & Cleeland, 1995), l’inventaire d’anxiété situationnelle et de trait d’anxiété (IASTA-Y) (Gauthier & Bouchard, 1993) et l’inventaire du coping face à la douleur pédiatrique (Spicher, 2003). Quatre temps de mesure ont été planifiés, soit la journée avant la chirurgie, au congé de l’hôpital, au 14ième jour post congé et lors de la visite à la clinique d’orthopédie à un mois post congé. Les résultats montraient que les deux groupes étaient équivalents en ce qui concernait les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et les variables dépendantes. Les participants du groupe expérimental présentaient une douleur générale ressentie dans le dernier 24 heures plus basse au 14ième jour (p = 0,012) et un mois après leur congé de l’hôpital (p = 0,049). Certaines activités quotidiennes ont démontré une différence significative au 14ième jour soit : les activités scolaires ou de travail (p = 0,046), et les activités de soutien vital (manger, dormir) (p = 0,024), Par contre, nous n’avons pas observé de différence significative au niveau de l’anxiété situationnelle et des stratégies adaptatives de coping entre les deux groupes. L’auteur conclut que le niveau de douleur postopératoire des adolescents qui ont subi une chirurgie correctrice de scoliose peut être réduit par un visionnement d’un DVD sur une technique d’imagerie guidée et de relaxation combinée à une intervention éducative (information sur la douleur). De plus, ceci semble avoir un effet positif sur le retour plus rapide de certaines activités quotidiennes.