996 resultados para Post-Accident Hazards.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Higher initial levels of pain and disability, older age, cold hyperalgesia, impaired sympathetic vasoconstriction and moderate post-traumatic stress symptoms have been shown to be associated with poor outcome 6 months following whiplash injury. This study prospectively investigated the predictive capacity of these variables at a long-term follow-up. Sixty-five of an initial cohort of 76 acutely injured whiplash participants were followed to 2-3 years post-accident. Motor function (ROM; kinaesthetic sense; activity of the superficial neck flexors (EMG) during cranio-cervical flexion), quantitative sensory testing (pressure, thermal pain thresholds and brachial plexus provocation test), sympathetic vasoconstrictor responses and psychological distress (GHQ-28, TSK and IES) were measured. The outcome measure was Neck Disability Index (NDI) scores. Participants with ongoing moderate/severe symptoms at 2-3 years continued to manifest decreased ROM, increased EMG during cranio-cervical flexion, sensory hypersensitivity and elevated levels of psychological distress when compared to recovered participants and those with milder symptoms. The latter two groups showed only persistent deficits in cervical muscle recruitment patterns. Higher initial NDI scores (OR 1.00-1.1), older age (OR 1.00-1.13), cold hyperalgesia (OR 1.1-1.13) and post-traumatic stress symptoms (OR 1.03-1.2) remained significant predictors of poor outcome at long-term follow-up (r(2) = 0.56). The robustness of these physical and psychological factors suggests that their assessment in the acute stage following whiplash injury will be important. (c) 2006 International Association for the Study of Pain. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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La douleur neuropathique centrale post accident vasculaire cérébral est une condition débilitante dont le traitement s’avère souvent délicat et infructueux. Le but de ce projet était de reproduire cette condition chez le rat en injectant par stéréotaxie une solution de collagènase produisant une hémorragie localisée dans le noyau ventropostérolatéral du thalamus. Des tests comportementaux évaluant la coordination motrice, la sensibilité mécanique, au chaud et au froid étaient réalisés régulièrement afin d’établir la présence de douleur neuropathique puis les effets de l’administration de kétamine, d’amitriptyline, de gabapentine, et de carbamazepine étaient évalués. L’induction d’une hémorragie intrathalamique conduit à l’apparition d’allodynie mécanique bilatérale persistante ainsi que d’allodynie au froid transitoire chez certains sujets et ce sans modification de la coordination motrice. L’administration de kétamine à forte dose renverse l’allodynie mécanique mais est associée à une altération de la motricité. L’administration de gabapentine renverse également cette allodynie mécanique sans effet notable sur la coordination motrice. Les autres médicaments n’ont pas démontré d’effet significatif. L’évaluation histopathologique des cerveaux montre une lésion bien localisée dans la zone d’intérêt. Ces résultats montrent que l’injection intrathalamique de collagénase peut être utilisée comme un modèle fiable de douleur neuropathique centrale. Si la kétamine semble capable de soulager ce type de douleur, elle est associée à des effets indésirables. En revanche, la gabapentine serait une molécule prometteuse pour le traitement de cette condition. Le rôle des récepteurs NMDA et des canaux calciques voltage dépendants, cibles respectives de la kétamine et de la gabapentine dans le maintien de cette douleur mérite d’être précisé.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a intervenção profissional do Assistente Social na Prevenção de Acidente de Trabalho na Comissão de Aeroportos da Região Amazônica – COMARA, no período de 2007 a 2009, na perspectiva de contribuir para a prevenção de acidentes de trabalho, o que constitui uma nova demanda posta para a profissão nesse espaço sócioocupacional. Teve como aporte teórico-metodológico a teoria marxista a qual possibilitou desvendar as condições objetivas de trabalho e de vida dos pesquisados, assim como, compreender as demandas postas ao serviço social, particularmente, àqueles relacionados ao acidente de trabalho. Os dados utilizados na pesquisa foram do tipo primário e secundário. Os primários foram coletados através de documentos da instituição, tais como: relatórios do serviço social, planos de ação do serviço social e com entrevistas realizadas com os funcionários, encarregados, gerentes, equipe interdisciplinar e profissionais dos recursos humanos; os secundários tiveram como fonte: a sistematização dos atendimentos realizados durante esse período. Os resultados da pesquisa evidenciaram que o serviço social, a partir de 2007, na COMARA como uma área de saber e uma profissão que contribui para a prevenção de acidente de trabalho, a medida que a intervenção profissional do assistente social não é mais caracterizada pela atuação somente no Pós-acidente de trabalho e, sim, na prevenção de acidente de trabalho, o que impacta na redução dos acidentes de trabalho, nessa organização.


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Drug testing is used by employers to detect drug use by employees or job candidates. It can identify recent use of alcohol, prescription drugs, and illicit drugs as a screening tool for potential health and safety and performance issues. Urine is the most commonly used sample for illicit drugs. It detects the use of a drug within the last few days and as such is evidence of recent use; but a positive test does not necessarily mean that the individual was impaired at the time of the test. Abstention from use for three days will often produce a negative test result. Analysis of hair provides a much longer window of detection, typically 1 to 3 months. Hence the likelihood of a falsely negative test using hair is very much less than with a urine test. Conversely, a negative hair test is a substantially stronger indicator of a non-drug user than a negative urine test. Oral fluid (saliva) is also easy to collect. Drugs remain in oral fluid for a similar time as in blood. The method is a good way of detecting current use and is more likely to reflect current impairment. It offers promise as a test in post-accident, for cause, and on-duty situations. Studies have shown that within the same industrial settings, hair testing can detect twice as many drug users as urine testing. Copyright (C) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Natural hazards affecting industrial installations could directly or indirectly cause an accident or series of accidents with serious consequences for the environment and for human health. Accidents initiated by a natural hazard or disaster which result in the release of hazardous materials are commonly referred to as Natech (Natural Hazard Triggering a Technological Disaster) accidents. The conditions brought about by these kinds of events are particularly problematic, the presence of the natural event increases the probability of exposition and causes consequences more serious than standard technological accidents. Despite a growing body of research and more stringent regulations for the design and operation of industrial activities, Natech accidents remain a threat. This is partly due to the absence of data and dedicated risk-assessment methodologies and tools. Even the Seveso Directives for the control of risks due to major accident hazards do not include any specific impositions regarding the management of Natech risks in the process industries. Among the few available tools there is the European Standard EN 62305, which addresses generic industrial sites, requiring to take into account the possibility of lightning and to select the appropriate protection measures. Since it is intended for generic industrial installations, this tool set the requirements for the design, the construction and the modification of structures, and is thus mainly oriented towards conventional civil building. A first purpose of this project is to study the effects and the consequences on industrial sites of lightning, which is the most common adverse natural phenomenon in Europe. Lightning is the cause of several industrial accidents initiated by natural causes. The industrial sectors most susceptible to accidents triggered by lightning is the petrochemical one, due to the presence of atmospheric tanks (especially floating roof tanks) containing flammable vapors which could be easily ignited by a lightning strike or by lightning secondary effects (as electrostatic and electromagnetic pulses or ground currents). A second purpose of this work is to implement the procedure proposed by the European Standard on a specific kind of industrial plant, i.e. on a chemical factory, in order to highlight the critical aspects of this implementation. A case-study plant handling flammable liquids was selected. The application of the European Standard allowed to estimate the incidence of lightning activity on the total value of the default release frequency suggested by guidelines for atmospheric storage tanks. Though it has become evident that the European Standard does not introduce any parameters explicitly pointing out the amount of dangerous substances which could be ignited or released. Furthermore the parameters that are proposed to describe the characteristics of the structures potentially subjected to lightning strikes are insufficient to take into account the specific features of different chemical equipment commonly present in chemical plants.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Statistics on employees returned to duty and results of return-to-duty tests and follow-up tests are presented separately from results of the other four test types because return-to-duty tests and follow-up tests represent a different segment of the test population and not all employers offer rehabilitation.


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Transportation Department, Secretary of Transportation, Washington, D.C.


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Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Transportation Department, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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France, Ministere des Transports, Paris


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.