991 resultados para Post larvae


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An experiment was conducted on induced breeding and fry rearing of shing, Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) in the Department of Aquaculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University for a period of four months from April to July 1994. Hatching rate was calculated at 21.50h and was found to be 45 to 55 % and the survival rate of larvae was 30 to 40 % at 26 to 29°C. Survival rate and growth rate of post larvae were found to be 50 to 60% and 96.6 to 117.2% respectively. Feed-3 (F3) showed the highest survival rate and growth rate of post larvae.


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Macrobrachium rosenbergii post-larvae were produced in 1992 and 1993 using Artemia nauplii and cultured zooplankton Brachionus plicatilis (rotifier), Apocyclops dengizicus (copepod) and Moina sp. (cladoceran) supplemented with chopped Tubifex worms. In 1992 (first trial) two experiments were carried out under water temperature range of 24.5 to 28°C and 26.0 to 28.5 °C respectively and corresponding post-larval production was 5.6% and 86.3%. The duration of experiments was 58 and 40 days. During second trial in 1993 water temperature varied between 25.0 to 27.0°C. At the end of 59 days the post-larvae were found to be 44% of the total number of larvae stocked on the first day.


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Three different types of culture media: (i) 100% brine (B 100 ), (ii) 75% brine and 25% crude salt (B 75 CS 25 ), and 50% brine and 50% crude salt (B 50 CS 50) were tested to evaluate the possible use of brackish water reconstituted from the crude salt for the production of M. rosenbergii post-larvae. The production rate of 25.26±0.20 PI/l with a corresponding survival rate of 84.20±0.66% was significantly higher (P<0.05) for the larvae reared on B100 than that of 22.10±0.57 Pl/l with a corresponding survival rate of 73.68±1.89% on B50CS50. Larvae cultured on B75CS25 did not show any significant difference (P<0.05) in production as well as in survival of post-larvae than that on B100. The result shows that, for rearing of prawn larvae, use of brine can be replaced up to 25% without any undue reduction in production of post-larvae. However, the production as well as survival rate of post-larvae with 50% replacement (B50CS50) is also appreciable. It is assumed that the mineral constituents of natural seawater might have some triggering effects on prawn larvae in closing their larval cycle.


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A study was carried out to determine the effect of tocopherol acetate along with cod liver oil astaxanthin enriched Moina micrura (MC- control, Ml- tocopherol acetate enriched, M2-tocopherol acetate combined with cod liver oil (CLO) enriched and M3- tocopherol acetate combined with astaxanthin enriched) on growth, survival and fatty acid composition of M. rosenbergii (de Man) larvae (TC- unenriched Moina fed larvae, Tl- tocopherol acetate enriched Moina fed larvae, T2- tocopherol acetate + CLO enriched Moina fed larvae to T3 – tocopherol acetate+ astaxanthin enriched Moina fed larvae). Growth was expressed as the time taken in to the settlement of 95% post larvae. Maximum growth i.e., the lowest time taken to the 95% PL settlement (40 days) and the maximum survival percentage (61%) was observed in both T2 and T3 treatments fed with M2 and M3 Moina respectively. Minimum growth and survival was observed in unenriched Moina fed larvae (TC). In larval treatments T2, (larvae fed with (M2) vitamin E + CLO enriched Moina), showed a higher percentage of EPA, DHA and higher HUFA level than other treatments.


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A study was undertaken examining the effect of malachite green on the development and survival of the zoeae, mysis and post-larvae of Penaeus monodon. Sensitivity varied with the different larval stages; the zoeae appeared to be the least tolerant. The prophylactic potentials of malachite green in the control of Lagenidiumand Zoothamnium infesting P. monodon larvae are considered briefly. Toxicity risks may be reduced by application between ecdyses or by the removal of the dye by filtration through activated carbon.


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Spirulina is a filamentous cyanobacteria with many applications in food and drug industries, as a food in human, aquaculture, vet and poultry industries… . Semi and mass culture of Spirulina carries out in different countries. This study was carried out in five phases in order to produce this microalga in Iran. The first phase, Spirulina pure stock was imported from Indonesia. After identification of species, it was cultured in laboratory until we took 20 liters of biomass. The semi-mass culture was carried out in green house. Cell concentration and size of Spirulina were recorded during culture daily and their growth rates were calculated. After two weeks, when the size of Spirulina was suitable, biomass of Spirulina was harvested then accumulated Spirulina weighted and dried in 24 hours in laboratory. In order to microbiological study, the samples of Spirulina (dry and fresh) were cultured on blood agar medium and coliforms were counted. The chemical composition of produced Spirulina was measured by standard methods. Fatty acid and amino acid profiles were acquired by GC and HPLC instruments, respectively. The amount of chlorophyll in Spirulina was determined by spectroscopy method. Also astaxanthin pigment as an important carotenoid was measured by HPLC in Spirulina and Penaeus semisulcatus larvae fed on Spirulina. At final phase of this project, larva fed on produced Spirulina (biomass and dry powder) was compared to Z plus, microencapsulated Spirulina (M.C.F) and Chaetoceros algae as control. This experiment was carried from zoa to early post larvae stage then survival and growth rate of larvae were recorded. The growth rate of larvae was evaluated with ANOVA test and survival rate of treatments was assessed by Log Rank (Mantel –Cox) test. Also during larvae stage, two parameters of water such as nitrate and nitrite were measured in zoa, mysis and post larvae stages. The results of this study were shown that colifom counts were 1.85×106 and 92.3×105 coliform per ml in fresh and dry spirulina, respectively. Protein percent of dry spirulina was 50.93 % (dry weight) and the amount of astaxanthin in spirulina and larvae fed on spirulina were 0.21 and 0.01 mg/kg, respectively. The most survival rate of larvae were observed in zoa III (88.8%) with Z plus supplement treatment, in mysis III (76.5%) combination of Z plus and dry spirulina in comparative between treatments. Larvae growth (4.5mm) of control in early post larvae was the best.


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A study was carried out with three replicates to determine the effects of feeding Moina micrura enriched with astaxanthin alone (M1) or astaxanthin in combination with either vitamin E (M2), vitamin D (M3) or Cod Liver oil (M4) on the growth, survival and fatty acid composition of giant fresh water prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) larvae. Growth rate was expressed as the time taken to the settlement of 95% post larvae. Maximum growth, the lowest time taken to the 95% PL settlement (38.5±0.50 days), was observed in larvae fed with M3 Moina. The highest survival rate (66.0±1.00%) was observed in those fed with M4 Moina and the second highest survival (61.0±1.00%) and growth rates (40.0±0.00 days) were shown with M2 Moina. The minimum values for both growth (42.5±0.50 days) and survival (33.0±1.50%) were observed in the group fed un-enriched Moina. Results also showed that the survival of prawn larvae increased as the quantities of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) increased in the dietary Moina. The highest levels of EPA (5.57±0.21%), DHA (3.50±0.21%) and highest total Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acids (HUFA) (13.87±0.68%) were seen in the Moina fed on astaxanthin and Cod Liver Oil (CLO). The results of the study showed that the nutritive quality of Moina, with respect to important fatty acids, can be increased by enrichment and will influence the growth, survival and the fatty acid composition of fresh water prawn larvae fed on them.


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A modelling scheme is described which uses satellite retrieved sea-surface temperature and chlorophyll-a to derive monthly zooplankton biomass estimates in the eastern North Atlantic; this forms part of a bio-physical model of inter-annual variations in the growth and survival of larvae and post-larvae of mackerel (Scomber scombrus). The temperature and chlorophyll data are incorporated first to model copepod (Calanus) egg production rates. Egg production is then converted to available food using distribution data from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey, observed population biomass per unit daily egg production and the proportion of the larval mackerel diet comprising Calanus. Results are validated in comparison with field observations of zooplankton biomass. The principal benefit of the modelling scheme is the ability to use the combination of broad scale coverage and fine scale temporal and spatial variability of satellite data as driving forces in the model; weaknesses are the simplicity of the egg production model and the broad-scale generalizations assumed in the raising factors to convert egg production to biomass.


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Recent studies with prawns indicate that their growth, metamorphosis, maturation and moulting are affected by the typo and level of lipids supplied in the diets. Despite the recognition of the importance of lipids in the diets of prawns there is no information on the essentiality and quantitative lipid requirements of Indian penaeid prawns. Therefore during the present study about 24 laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the essentiality and dietary requirements of total lipids, phoapholipida, fatty acids cholestrol, and to ascertain the nutritional value of natural lipid sources for the larvae, post-larvae tad juveniles of one of the most suitable cultivable species of panaeid prans. All the experiments were conducted in the laboratory following standard procedures, using isonitrogen and approaximately isocaloric purified diets. Changes were made in tha ingridients as required for specific requirements. For the larvae diets of particle size < 37) were fed, For the postlarvae and juveniles pellet feed was given. while data on survival and growth of larvae and pout-larvae 1-10 were recorded, data were collected on the survival, growth, food conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio and biochemical composition at the body for post-larva 11-25 and juveniles. The influence ot fatty acid pattern of dietary lipid sources on the fatty acids profile of prawns were also studied in the case of juvenile prawns. Analysis of variance andleast significant differences test were employed to determine the significant differences between treatments in the observed parameters with the help of a newlett Packard master computer.


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Giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man), is an important commercial species with considerable export value, ideal for cultivation under low saline conditions and in freshwater zones (Kurup 1994). However, despite more than a decade of research on its larval production systems, vibriosis still hampers seed production resulting in high mortality rates. Among the different species of vibrios, Vibrio alginolyticus has been isolated frequently from diseased shrimp as the aetiological agent of vibriosis and has been described as a principal pathogen of both penaeids and nonpenaeids (Lightner 1988; Baticados, Cruz-Lacierda, de la Cruz, Duremdez-Fernandez, Gacutan, Lavilla- Pitogo & Lio-Po 1990; Mohney, Lightner & Bell 1994; Lee, Yu, Chen, Yang & Liu 1996). Vibrio fluvialis, V. alginolyticus, V. cholerae non-O1 (Fujioka & Greco 1984), Aeromonas liquifaciens and V. anguillarum (Colorni 1985) have been isolated from the larvae of M. rosenbergii. A profound relationship between the abundance of members of the family Vibrionaceae and larval mortality (Singh 1990) and the predominance of Vibrio in eggs, larvae and post-larvae of M. rosenbergii (Hameed, Rahaman, Alagan & Yoganandhan 2003) was reported. The present paper reports the isolation, characterization, pathogenicity and antibiotic sensitivity of V. alginolyticus associated with M. rosenbergii larvae during an occurrence of severe mass mortality at the ninth larval stage.


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O desenvolvimento da estrutura do estômago e da função digestiva foi examinada em larvas e pós-larvas de Litopenaeus vannamei, Sesarma rectum e Callichirus major. O estômago do protozoea de L. vannamei é muito simples, sem válvula cárdiopilórica e apresenta um filtro pilórico rudimentar. Em mysis, o filtro pilórico parece ser mais desenvolvido. No juvenil I surgem calhas e dentes laterais pouco desenvolvidos. Os estômagos dos zoeae de S. rectum possuem a válvula cárdiopilórica e o filtro pilórico funcionais. Nos estágios megalopa e juvenil I o moinho gástrico é complexo. Em C. major, os estômagos dos zoeae se mostram especializados exibindo algumas estruturas rígidas, mas não apresentam moinho gástrico. Esta estrutura surge no megalopa e juvenil I. Os resultados suportam suposições anteriores que o comportamento alimentar de larvas e pós-larvas está diretamente relacionado com as características morfológicas dos estômagos.


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In the present study, the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) genotoxicity was investigated in a one-step predator-prey relationship with the trophic-related marine species. Florida pompanos were fed for 5 and 10 days with pink shrimp post larvae previously exposed to benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) concentrations. Parent BaP body burden was measured in samples of Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis. BaP metabolites were determined in bile samples of Trachinotus carolinus and DNA damage was assessed through the comet and erythrocyte nuclear abnormalities (ENAs) assays in fish erythrocytes. BaP body burden increased significantly with the PAH concentration in pink shrimp PLs as well as the fish bile BaP metabolites. Both, comet and ENAs assays indicated significant increase on erythrocyte DNA damage of Florida pompanos fed with BaP-exposed pink shrimp on both feeding periods. The trophic route of BaP genotoxicity is discussed as well as the PAH biotransformation as the inducing mechanism for the DNA damages observed.


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[EN] Diatom cell quantity and their biochemical composition vary among species and are greatly affected by harvest stage or culture conditions. Biometric parameters, growth, attachment capacity and variations in biochemical composition of four species of benthic diatoms (Amphora sp., Navicula incerta, Nitzschia sp. and Proschkinia sp.) were studied. For biochemical analysis the diatoms were harvested at different stages, in log and stationary phase of growth. The culture conditions were identical for all the experiments, benthic diatoms were cultured during 7 days in F/2 medium at 28.5 ± 1.4 ºC, at different original inoculating densities (50000, 100000, and 250000 cell mL-1), under continuous light of 5403 ± 649 Lux provided by cool white fluorescent lighting. The cultures were neither aerated nor agitated. These results show that the specific density of 10000 cell mL-1 was the best for weekly production: Proschkinia sp. reached the highest cell density of 5.81 x 106 cells mL-1 and Amphora sp. had the highest cell attachment capacity with 12000 cell mm-2, in stationary phase of growth. Protein and lipid content were higher in log phase than in stationary phase for the four diatoms. Amphora sp. in log phase of growth had the highest lipid content of 9.74% dry weight (DW). Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content ranged from 23.25% to 38.62% of the total fatty acids (TFA), and the four diatoms tested were richer in n-3 PUFA than in n-6 PUFA. All the diatoms had significant quantities of 20:5n-3 (EPA) ranging between 12.69% and 17.68% of TFA. Benthic diatoms play an important and critical role in abalone culture as they are the principal food source of abalone post-larvae. Therefore, it is necessary to improve diatom quantity and quality to optimize post-larval nutrition and the consistency of production, resulting in an increase in growth and survival of abalones.


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The aim of this study was to determine biofloc contributions to the antioxidant status and lipid nutrition of broodstock of Litopenaeus stylirostris in relationship with their reproductive performance and the health of larvae produced. Shrimp broodstock reared with Biofloc technology (BFT) compared to Clear water (CW) exhibited a higher health status with (i) a better final survival rate during the reproduction period (52.6% in CW against 79.8% in BFT); (ii) higher glutathione level (GSH) and total antioxidant status (TAS), reduced oxidized/reduced glutathione ratio and a higher spawning rate and frequency as well as higher gonado-somatic index and number of spawned eggs. Finally, larvae from broodstock from BFT exhibited higher survival rates at the Zoe 2 (+ 37%) and Post Larvae 1 (+ 51%) stages when compared with those from females from CW treatment. The improved reproductive performance of the broodstock and higher larvae survival rate resulting from BFT treatment may be linked to the dietary supplement obtained by the shrimp from natural productivity during BFT rearing. Indeed, our study confirms that biofloc particulates represent a potential source of dietary glutathione and a significant source of lipids, particularly essential phospholipids and n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) for shrimps. Thus, broodstock from BFT treatment accumulated phospholipids, n-3 HUFA and arachidonic acid, which are necessary for vitellogenesis, embryogenesis and pre-feeding larval development. The predominant essential fatty acids, arachidonic acid (ARA), eicopentaeonic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), had levels in the eggs that were, respectively, 2.5, 2.8 and 3 fold higher for BFT compared to the CW treatment. Statement of Relevance Today, the influence of biofloc technology on shrimp broodstock is not enough described and no information was available on the larvae quality. Moreover, two key pieces of new information emerge from the present study. Firstly, biofloc is a source of further dietary lipids that can act as energetic substrates, but also as a source of phospholipids and essential fatty acids necessary to sustain reproduction, embryonic and larval development. Second, improving the reproduction of the broodstock also leads to an improvement in the quality of the larvae. We think that our research is new and important to increase knowledge on biofloc topic. We believe the paper will contribute to the development of more efficient and therefore more sustainable systems.


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Details are given of pond trials conducted in Bangladesh regarding the culture of freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii ). Integrated rice and prawn farming systems were also experimented and results indicated that the prawn could be a suitable species for such integration. Such systems, pond or integrated, are suggested to be best practiced in the southeastern and southwestern areas of the country where there is tidal water exchange and post-larvae are naturally available.