921 resultados para Positive P Representation


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We investigate the nonclassicality of a photon-subtracted Gaussian field, which was produced in a recent experiment, using negativity of the Wigner function and the nonexistence of well-behaved positive P function. We obtain the condition to see negativity of the Wigner function for the case including the mixed Gaussian incoming field, the threshold photodetection and the inefficient homodyne measurement. We show how similar the photon-subtracted state is to a superposition of coherent states.


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<p>Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease of unknown aetiology. Mucosal inflammatory dysregulation is likely important, with increased production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, including tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFα). The chimeric monoclonal antibody, infliximab, inhibits TNFα and promotes intestinal mucosal healing. Despite this, many patients still require surgical intervention. Patients who have undergone colonic resection post-infliximab therapy, show markedly variable morphological response to treatment. FOXP3+ CD4+ regulatory T-cells have been shown to have a protective role in autoimmune/inflammatory diseases and their sequestration to the bowel is found in those treated with infliximab. We examined the immunohistochemical profile of lymphoid aggregates in tissue sections from post-infliximab Crohn's colitis resection specimens, classified as morphological responders or non-responders, defined in relation to the absence/presence of mucosal ulceration and active inflammation, and a control group. Results indicated no significant diffences in CD68-positive cell counts but increased FOXP3-positive (P = 0.02) and CD4-positive (P = 0.05) cell counts in responders versus non-responders. Untreated control scores were similar to non-responders. Although based on small study numbers, our results suggest an association between upregulation of FOXP3+/CD4+ regulatory T-cells and morphological response to infliximab therapy. This represents a possible quantitative methodology for monitoring therapeutic response to infliximab therapy, based on immunohistochemical evaluation of endoscopic biopsy specimens.p>


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The impact of political violence on individuals presenting with an episode of first episode psychosis has not been examined. Individuals were assessed for exposure to political violence in Northern Ireland (the “Troubles”) by asking for a response to 2 questions: one asked about the impact of violence “on your area”; the second about the impact of violence “on you or your family’s life.” The participants were separated into 2 groups (high and low impact) for each question. Symptom profiles and rates of substance misuse were compared across the groups at baseline and at 3-year follow up. Of the 178 individuals included in the study 66 (37.1%) reported a high impact of the “Troubles” on their life and 81 (45.5%) a high impact of the “Troubles” on their area. There were no significant differences in symptom profile or rates of substance misuse between high and low groups at presentation. At 3-year follow-up high impact of the “Troubles” on life was associated with higher Positive and Negative Symptom Scale (PANSS) Total (P = .01), PANSS-Positive (P < .05), and PANSS-General (P < .01) scores and lower global assessment of functioning disability (P < .05) scores, after adjusting for confounding factors. Impact of the “Troubles” on area was not associated with differences in symptom outcomes. This finding adds to the evidence that outcomes in psychosis are significantly impacted by environmental factors and suggests that greater attention should be paid to therapeutic strategies designed to address the impact of trauma.


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Plusieurs articles scientifiques et manuels de référence en médecine comportementale distinguent l'hyperactivité ou hyperkinésie de l’activité excessive en évaluant la réponse physiologique et comportementale des chiens suite à l’administration per os de 0.2 à 1.0 mg/kg de dextroamphétamine. Selon ces références, le chien atteint d’un syndrome hyperactif ou hyperkinésie, répondra de façon paradoxale à cette médication par une diminution de l’activité motrice accompagnée d’une réduction minimale de 15% de la fréquence respiratoire et de la fréquence cardiaque. L’objectif de la présente étude était de mesurer la variation de la température corporelle, de la fréquence cardiaque, de l’activité motrice et de différents comportements spécifiques chez un groupe de Beagles ayant reçu de la dextroamphétamine. La fiabilité d'un accéléromètre comme mesure objective d’activité motrice a aussi été évaluée. Dans le cadre de cette étude croisée contrôlée par placebo, douze Beagles de la colonie de recherche âgés entre 13 et 20 mois ont reçu une dose orale de 0.2 mg/kg de dextroamphétamine. Le moniteur cardiaque Polar® et un accéléromètre Actical® ont été utilisés pour enregistrer la fréquence cardiaque et l’activité motrice avant et après l’administration de la médication. La durée de chacun des comportements spécifiques a été compilée à l’aide du logiciel Noldus® et la température corporelle a été prise par thermomètre rectal. Le modèle équilibré de mesures répétées indique que les sujets ayant reçu la dextroamphétamine montrent une réduction significative (p = 0.044) de leur fréquence cardiaque comparativement aux chiens ayant reçu le placebo. Aucune variation significative n'a été observée concernant la température corporelle, l'activité motrice, et les autres comportements (léchage des babines, halètements, et bâillements) suite à l’administration de la dextroamphétamine. Une corrélation significative, linéaire et positive (p < 0,0001) entre les périodes de mouvements observées (vidéo) et les mesures d’activité enregistrées par l’accéléromètre a été observée. Les résultats de cette étude indiquent que les Beagles peuvent afficher des effets paradoxaux dans les 90 minutes suivant l’administration per os de dextroamphétamine à raison de 0.2 mg/kg.


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La prise optimale d’un traitement antirétroviral est la clé du succès de ces traitements. Cette prise devrait être d’au moins 95 % des médicaments antirétroviraux prescrits afin de supprimer à long terme la réplication virale et donc de restaurer et de préserver la fonction immunologique. Cependant, les personnes vivant avec le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine (PVVIH) éprouvent des difficultés à adopter et à maintenir ce niveau de prise dans le temps. Bien que certaines interventions aient démontré leur capacité à faciliter ce comportement, au Québec il n’y a pas d’intervention systématique pour soutenir ces personnes dans la prise quotidienne de ces traitements. Le but de cette étude était donc de développer et d’évaluer une intervention pour faciliter le comportement de prise optimale d’un traitement antirétroviral chez des personnes vivant avec le VIH. Pour guider le développement de l’intervention, la démarche appelée « intervention mapping » a été suivie. Le cadre théorique proposé par Godin et ses collègues (2005) qui inclut le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle et les attitudes positives face à la prise optimale d’un traitement antirétroviral a été ainsi utilisé non seulement pour prédire et expliquer le comportement de prise, mais aussi pour élaborer l’intervention. Selon ce modèle, le soutien social, la satisfaction envers les professionnels et le fait de ne pas ressentir d’effets indésirables sont autant de facteurs modifiables associés au sentiment d’efficacité personnelle et aux attitudes positives. L’intervention développée visait l’acquisition et la mobilisation des habiletés nécessaires pour influencer ces facteurs en vue de rehausser le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle et les attitudes positives ainsi que pour faciliter ce comportement. Cette intervention comportait quatre rencontres d’une durée de 45 à 75 minutes, s’échelonnant sur 12 semaines, avec une infirmière iii possédant une expertise en VIH. L’évaluation de l’effet de cette intervention sur le comportement et les variables explicatives a été effectuée à l’aide d’un essai clinique avec répartition aléatoire. La principale variable résultat a été mesurée à l’aide d’un questionnaire autoadministré, de la charge virale et du nombre de CD4. Autant la variable résultat principale que les variables explicatives ont été mesurées avant l’intervention et après celle-ci, soit à 12 et 24 semaines. L’échantillon était constitué de 51, personnes vivant avec le VIH et suivies dans une clinique à Montréal : 23 dans le groupe contrôle et 28 dans le groupe expérimental. Des analyses de variance (ANOVA) à mesures répétées ont été réalisées afin d’analyser l’effet de l’intervention sur la prise optimale d’un traitement antirétroviral et les autres variables intermédiaires dans le temps. Les résultats montrent une tendance positive (p = 0,056) quant à l’obtention d’une charge virale indétectable dans le groupe intervention. Ainsi, 43,8 % plus de personnes du groupe expérimental comparativement au groupe contrôle (78,6 % versus 34,8 %) avaient une charge virale indétectable à 12 semaines et 32,8 % de plus à 24 semaines (89,3 % versus 56,5 %). Bien qu’aucun effet significatif ait été trouvé en regard des variables explicatives, probablement à cause d’un manque de puissance statistique, les légères augmentations observées dans le groupe expérimental sont cohérentes avec le modèle théorique utilisé (Godin & al., 2005). Cette étude contribue à l’avancement des connaissances en proposant une intervention pour faciliter la prise optimale d’un traitement antirétroviral chez des personnes vivant avec le VIH.


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The present study evaluated the effects of climate variability on maize (Zea mays L.) yield in Sri Lanka at different spatial scales. Biophysical data from the Department of Agriculture (DOA) in Sri Lanka for six major maize-growing districts (Ampara, Anuradhapura, Badulla, Hambantota, Moneragala, and Kurunegala) from 1990 to 2010 were analyzed. Simple linear regression models were fitted to observed climate data and detrended maize yield to identify significant correlations. The correlation between first differences of maize yield and climate (r) was further investigated at 0.50° grid scale using interpolated climate data. After 2003, significantly positive (p < 0.01) yield trends varied from 154 kg ha–1 yr–1 to 360 kg ha–1 yr–1. The correlations between maize yield and climate reported that five out of six districts were significant at 10% level. Rainfall had a consistent significant (p < 0.10) positive impact on maize yield in Anuradhapura, Hambantota, and Moneragala, where seasonal total rainfall together with high temperature (“hot-dry”) are the key limitations. Further, the seasonal mean temperature had a negative impact on maize yield in Moneragala (“hot-dry”), the only district that showed high temperatures. Badulla district (“cold-dry”) reported a significant (r = 0.38) positive correlation with mean seasonal temperature, indicating higher potential toward increasing temperatures. Each 1°C rise in seasonal mean temperature reduced maize yield by about 5% from 1990 to 2010. Overall, there was a reasonable correlation between district maize yield and seasonal climate in most of the districts within the maize belt of Sri Lanka.


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A study of phosphorus (P) metabolism was carried out using 12 month old Brasileiro de Hipismo breed of horses to determine the P bioavailability available from feeds commonly fed to horses in Brazil. Five different diets were formulated to contain approximately equivalent levels of crude protein and digestible energy, as well as to supply at least 22 g P/horse/day (NRC, 1989). All 5 diets contained 40% Bermuda coastal hay plus 60% concentrate. The 5 different concentrates contained: C1 (corn+ cottonseed meal) C2 (corn grain+soybean meal) C3 (corn+sugarcane yeast), C4 (oat+cottonseed meal), and C5 (oat+soybean meal). The radioisotope (32)p was injected with 30 NIB. Blood, feces and urine were collected for 7 days to evaluate endogenous fecal P and true absorption. Analysis of variance of P intake showed differences due to dietary effects (P < 0.05). Concentrate C3 had the lowest intake (79.68 mg/ kg BW). All of the diets produced positive P retention. Absolute values for P concentrations in plasma, urine, feces and endogenous feces did not vary between diets. Values for endogenous fecal P were independent of the level of P intake, so the correlation between P intake and P endogenous was not significant. P bioavailability values were 50.75; 40.98; 43.50; 51.03 and 57.68% for diets C1 through C5, respectively. However, differences in P bioavailability were found (P < 0.05) between diets. Diets C2 and C3 had lower P bioavailability than the other diets. The P bioavailability of all dietary treatments in this study exceeded NRC (1989) postulations of 35% true P absorption in diets not supplemented with inorganic P. The results of this study indicate that inorganic P supplementation is not needed for growing yearlings fed common Brazilian feeds. Considering the high cost of P supplementation and the risk of environmental P contamination, inorganic phosphorus supplementation for growing yearlings may not be required. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study was performed to standardize parasite egg counting in feces of sheep by TF-Test, in addition to compare this test to the Gordon & Whitlock technique (G&W). Twenty-four lambs were artificially infected with Haemonchus contortus throughout 12 weeks. At the end of this time, faecal samples were taken and animals were slaughtered for worm identification and counting. G&W and TF-Test methods were carried out on each fecal sample. Both tests showed Haemonchus eggs in 95.8% of the samples (P>0.05). The correlation coefficients (r) between fecal egg counts (FEC) using G&W × Total Worm Count (TWC) were r=0.52 (not transformed data) and r=0.85 (transformed data); between FEC by TF-Test × TWC were r=0.51 (not transformed data) and r=0.87 (transformed data). Other 100 fecal samples were taken from naturally infected sheep. In these animals, the G&W and TF-Test methods showed 85% and 86% of fecal samples positive for Strongylidea eggs, respectively (P>0.05). Also in those animals, Eimeria oocysts were found in 33% of fecal samples by TF-Test, whereas in the G&W only 12% were positive (P<0.001). For Strongyloides spp., TF-Test showed 15% of positive fecal samples, whereas G&W showed 5% (P<0.05). In conclusion, both methods were efficient to diagnose gastrointestinal nematodes and TF-Test was superior to diagnose oocysts of Eimeria spp. and eggs of Strongyloides spp; conversely, Strongylidea eggs counting using TF-Test was underestimated.


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Purpose: This study evaluated the relationship between anxiety levels and severity degrees of chronic orofacial pain of temporomandibular disorder in brazilian university students. Methods: 150 volunteers (117 men and 33 women), with age ranging from 17 to 30 years, were subjects to this study. Spielberger's trait-state anxiety inventory was used to evaluate trait and state anxiety of the students, while examination for chronic orofacial pain was performed in accordance with the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD). Association between anxiety levels and severity degrees of chronic orofacial pain was tested using the Chi-square test. The significance level was set at p<.05. Results: The results showed that 32.7% (n = 49) of the subjects exhibited TMD, and the intensity of chronic orofacial pain was classified as degree 1 in 85.7% (n = 42) and as degree 2 in 14.3% (n = 7) of them. Based on the results of the Spielberger's trait-state anxiety inventory, the majority of the students had moderate anxiety (48.6% and 48.1%, respectively). The correlation between trait-anxiety levels and chronic orofacial pain degrees was significant and positive (p<.05). However, no significant correlation was found to state-anxiety levels and chronic orofacial pain degrees (p>.05). Conclusion: It was concluded that chronic orofacial pain of TMD could be present in university students and anxiety may be related. © 2010 Japan Prosthodontic Society. Published by Elsevier Ireland. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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We recently identified the transcription factor (TF) islet 1 gene product (ISL1) as a marker for well-differentiated pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (P-NETs). In order to better understand the expression of the four TFs, ISL1, pancreatico-duodenal homeobox 1 gene product (PDX1), neurogenin 3 gene product (NGN3), and CDX-2 homeobox gene product (CDX2), that mainly govern the development and differentiation of the pancreas and duodenum, we studied their expression in hormonally defined P-NETs and duodenal (D-) NETs. Thirty-six P-NETs and 14 D-NETs were immunostained with antibodies against the four pancreatic hormones, gastrin, serotonin, calcitonin, ISL1, PDX1, NGN3, and CDX2. The TF expression pattern of each case was correlated with the tumor's hormonal profile. Insulin-positive NETs expressed only ISL1 (10/10) and PDX1 (9/10). Glucagon-positive tumors expressed ISL1 (7/7) and were almost negative for the other TFs. Gastrin-positive NETs, whether of duodenal or pancreatic origin, frequently expressed PDX1 (17/18), ISL1 (14/18), and NGN3 (14/18). CDX2 was mainly found in the gastrin-positive P-NETs (5/8) and rarely in the D-NETs (1/10). Somatostatin-positive NETs, whether duodenal or pancreatic in origin, expressed ISL1 (9/9), PDX1 (3/9), and NGN3 (3/9). The remaining tumors showed labeling for ISL1 in addition to NGN3. There was no association between a particular TF pattern and NET features such as grade, size, location, presence of metastases, and functional activity. We conclude from our data that there is a correlation between TF expression patterns and certain hormonally defined P-NET and D-NET types, suggesting that most of the tumor types originate from embryologically determined precursor cells. The observed TF signatures do not allow us to distinguish P-NETs from D-NETs.


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BACKGROUND Recurrent urticaria (RU) is a common skin disease of horses, but little is known about its pathogenesis. HYPOTHESIS/OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to characterize the inflammatory cell infiltrate and cytokine expression pattern in the skin of horses with RU. ANIMALS   Biopsies of lesional and nonlesional skin of horses with RU (n = 8) and of skin from healthy control horses (n = 8) were evaluated. METHODS The inflammatory cell infiltrate was analysed by routine histology. Immunohistochemistry was used to identify T cells (CD3), B  ells (CD79), macrophages (MAC387) and mast cells (tryptase). Expression of T-helper 2 cytokines (interleukins IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13), a T-helper 1 cytokine (interferon-γ), IL-4 receptor α and thymic stromal lymphopoietin was assessed by quantitative RT-PCR. Results -  In subepidermal lesional skin of RU-affected horses, increased numbers of eosinophils (P ≤ 0.01), CD79-positive (P ≤ 0.01), MAC387-positive (P ≤ 0.01) and tryptase-positive cells (P ≤ 0.05) were found compared with healthy horses. Subepidermal lesional skin of RU-affected horses contained more eosinophils (P ≤ 0.05) and tryptase-positive cells (P ≤ 0.05) compared with nonlesional skin. There was no significant difference in infiltrating cells between nonlesional skin and skin of healthy horses. Expression of IL-4 (P ≤ 0.01), IL-13 (P ≤ 0.05), thymic stromal lymphopoietin (P ≤ 0.05) and IL-4 receptor α (P ≤ 0.05) was increased in lesional skin of RU-affected horses compared with control horses. Expression of IL-4 was higher (P ≤ 0.05) in lesional compared with nonlesional RU skin. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE Analysis of cytokine expression and inflammatory infiltrate suggests that T-helper 2 cytokines, eosinophils, mast cells and presumptive macrophages play a role in the pathogenesis of equine RU.