981 resultados para Pore-size Distributions


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We applied small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and ultra small-angle neutron scattering (USANS) to monitor evolution of the CO2 adsorption in porous silica as a function of CO2 pressure and temperature in pores of different sizes. The range of pressures (0 < P < 345 bar) and temperatures (T=18 OC, 35 OC and 60 OC) corresponded to subcritical, near critical and supercritical conditions of bulk fluid. We observed that the adsorption behavior of CO2 is fundamentally different in large and small pores with the sizes D > 100 Å and D < 30 Å, respectively. Scattering data from large pores indicate formation of a dense adsorbed film of CO2 on pore walls with the liquid-like density (ρCO2)ads≈0.8 g/cm3. The adsorbed film coexists with unadsorbed fluid in the inner pore volume. The density of unadsorbed fluid in large pores is temperature and pressure dependent: it is initially lower than (ρCO2)ads and gradually approaches it with pressure. In small pores compressed CO2 gas completely fills the pore volume. At the lowest pressures of the order of 10 bar and T=18 OC, the fluid density in smallest pores available in the matrix with D ~ 10 Å exceeds bulk fluid density by a factor of ~ 8. As pressure increases, progressively larger pores become filled with the condensed CO2. Fluid densification is only observed in pores with sizes less than ~ 25 – 30 Å. As the density of the invading fluid reaches (ρCO2)bulk~ 0.8 g/cm3, pores of all sizes become uniformly filled with CO2 and the confinement effects disappear. At higher densities the fluid in small pores appears to follow the equation of state of bulk CO2 although there is an indication that the fluid density in the inner volume of large pores may exceed the density of the adsorbed layer. The equivalent internal pressure (Pint) in the smallest pores exceeds the external pressure (Pext) by a factor of ~ 5 for both sub- and supercritical CO2. Pint gradually approaches Pext as D → 25 – 30 Å and is independent of temperature in the studied range of 18 OC ≤ T ≤ 60 OC. The obtained results demonstrate certain similarity as well as differences between adsorption of subcritical and supercritical CO2 in disordered porous silica. High pressure small angle scattering experiments open new opportunities for in situ studies of the fluid adsorption in porous media of interest to CO2 sequestration, energy storage, and heterogeneous catalysis.


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A technique for analysing exhaust emission plumes from unmodified locomotives under real world conditions is described and applied to the task of characterizing plumes from railway trains servicing an Australian shipping port. The method utilizes the simultaneous measurement, downwind of the railway line, of the following pollutants; particle number, PM2.5 mass fraction, SO2, NOx and CO2, with the last of these being used as an indicator of fuel combustion. Emission factors are then derived, in terms of number of particles and mass of pollutant emitted per unit mass of fuel consumed. Particle number size distributions are also presented. The practical advantages of the method are discussed including the capacity to routinely collect emission factor data for passing trains and to thereby build up a comprehensive real world database for a wide range of pollutants. Samples from 56 train movements were collected, analyzed and presented. The quantitative results for emission factors are: EF(N)=(1.7±1)×1016 kg-1, EF(PM2.5)= (1.1±0.5) g·kg-1, EF(NOx)= (28±14) g·kg-1, and EF(SO2 )= (1.4±0.4) g·kg-1. The findings are compared with comparable previously published work. Statistically significant (p<α, α=0.05) correlations within the group of locomotives sampled were found between the emission factors for particle number and both SO2 and NOx.


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This study investigates the use of patterned collectors to increase the pore size of electrospun scaffolds for enhanced cell infiltration. The morphology of the patterned scaffolds was investigated by scanning electron microscopy, which showed that the collector pattern was accurately mimicked by the electrospun fibres. We observed an enlargement in the pore size and in the pore size distribution compared with conventional electrospinning. Mechanical testing revealed that the mechanical properties could be tailored, to some extent, according to the patterning and that the patterned scaffolds were softer than standard electrospun scaffolds. When NIH 3T3 fibroblasts were seeded onto patterned collectors improved cell infiltration was observed. Cells were able to penetrate up to 250 μm into the scaffolds, compared with 30 μm for the standard scaffolds. This increase in the depth of infiltration occurred as early as 24 h post-seeding and remained constant over 7 days.


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The porosity and pore size distribution of coals determine many of their properties, from gas release to their behavior on carbonization, and yet most methods of determining pore size distribution can only examine a restricted size range. Even then, only accessible pores can be investigated with these methods. Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and ultra small-angle neutron scattering (USANS) are increasingly used to characterize the size distribution of all of the pores non-destructively. Here we have used USANS/SANS to examine 24 well-characterized bituminous and subbituminous coals: three from the eastern US, two from Poland, one from New Zealand and the rest from the Sydney and Bowen Basins in Eastern Australia, and determined the relationships of the scattering intensity corresponding to different pore sizes with other coal properties. The range of pore radii examinable with these techniques is 2.5nm to 7μm. We confirm that there is a wide range of pore sizes in coal. The pore size distribution was found to be strongly affected by both rank and type (expressed as either hydrogen or vitrinite content) in the size range 250nm to 7μm and 5 to 10nm, but weakly in intermediate regions. The results suggest that different mechanisms control coal porosity on different scales. Contrast-matching USANS and SANS were also used to determine the size distribution of the fraction of the pores in these coals that are inaccessible to deuterated methane, CD4, at ambient temperature. In some coals most of the small (~10nm) pores were found to be inaccessible to CD4 on the time scale of the measurement (~30min–16h). This inaccessibility suggests that in these coals a considerable fraction of inherent methane may be trapped for extended periods of time, thus reducing the effectiveness of methane release from (or sorption by) these coals. Although the number of small pores was less in higher rank coals, the fraction of total pores that was inaccessible was not rank dependent. In the Australian coals, at the 10nm to 50nm size scales the pores in inertinites appeared to be completely accessible to CD4, whereas the pores in the vitrinite were about 75% inaccessible. Unlike the results for total porosity that showed no regional effects on relationships between porosity and coal properties, clear regional differences in the relationships between fraction of closed porosity and coal properties were found. The 10 to 50nm-sized pores of inertinites of the US and Polish coals examined appeared less accessible to methane than those of the inertinites of Australian coals. This difference in pore accessibility in inertinites may explain why empirical relationships between fluidity and coking properties developed using Carboniferous coals do not apply to Australian coals.


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The issue of using informative priors for estimation of mixtures at multiple time points is examined. Several different informative priors and an independent prior are compared using samples of actual and simulated aerosol particle size distribution (PSD) data. Measurements of aerosol PSDs refer to the concentration of aerosol particles in terms of their size, which is typically multimodal in nature and collected at frequent time intervals. The use of informative priors is found to better identify component parameters at each time point and more clearly establish patterns in the parameters over time. Some caveats to this finding are discussed.


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The preparation of macroporous methacrylate monolithic material with controlled pore structures can be carried out in an unstirred mould through careful and precise control of the polymerisation kinetics and parameters. Contemporary synthesis conditions of methacrylate monolithic polymers are based on existing polymerisation schemes without an in-depth understanding of the dynamics of pore structure and formation. This leads to poor performance in polymer usage thereby affecting final product recovery and purity, retention time, productivity and process economics. The unique porosity of methacrylate monolithic polymer which propels its usage in many industrial applications can be controlled easily during its preparation. Control of the kinetics of the overall process through changes in reaction time, temperature and overall composition such as cross-linker and initiator contents allow the fine tuning of the macroporous structure and provide an understanding of the mechanism of pore formation within the unstirred mould. The significant effect of temperature of the reaction kinetics serves as an effectual means to control and optimise the pore structure and allows the preparation of polymers with different pore size distributions from the same composition of the polymerisation mixture. Increasing the concentration of the cross-linking monomer affects the composition of the final monoliths and also decreases the average pore size as a result of pre-mature formation of highly cross-linked globules with a reduced propensity to coalesce. The choice and concentration of porogen solvent is also imperative. Different porogens and porogen mixtures present different pore structure output. Example, larger pores are obtained in a poor solvent due to early phase separation.


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In this paper, we examine approaches to estimate a Bayesian mixture model at both single and multiple time points for a sample of actual and simulated aerosol particle size distribution (PSD) data. For estimation of a mixture model at a single time point, we use Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo (RJMCMC) to estimate mixture model parameters including the number of components which is assumed to be unknown. We compare the results of this approach to a commonly used estimation method in the aerosol physics literature. As PSD data is often measured over time, often at small time intervals, we also examine the use of an informative prior for estimation of the mixture parameters which takes into account the correlated nature of the parameters. The Bayesian mixture model offers a promising approach, providing advantages both in estimation and inference.


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The growth and dissolution dynamics of nonequilibrium crystal size distributions (CSDs) can be determined by solving the governing population balance equations (PBEs) representing reversible addition or dissociation. New PBEs are considered that intrinsically incorporate growth dispersion and yield complete CSDs. We present two approaches to solving the PBEs, a moment method and a numerical scheme. The results of the numerical scheme agree with the moment technique, which can be solved exactly when powers on mass-dependent growth and dissolution rate coefficients are either zero or one. The numerical scheme is more general and can be applied when the powers of the rate coefficients are non-integers or greater than unity. The influence of the size dependent rates on the time variation of the CSDs indicates that as equilibrium is approached, the CSDs become narrow when the exponent on the growth rate is less than the exponent on the dissolution rate. If the exponent on the growth rate is greater than the exponent on the dissolution rate, then the polydispersity continues to broaden. The computation method applies for crystals large enough that interfacial stability issues, such as ripening, can be neglected. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We demonstrate here that mesoporous tin dioxide (abbreviated M-SnO2) with a broad pore size distribution can be a prospective anode in lithium-ion batteries. M-SnO2 with pore size ranging between 2 and 7.5 nm was synthesized using a hydrothermal procedure involving two different surfactants of slightly different sizes, and characterized. The irreversible capacity loss that occurs during the first discharge and charge cycle is 890 mAh g(-1), which is smaller than the 1,010-mAh g(-1) loss recorded for mesoporous SnO2 (abbreviated S-SnO2) synthesized using a single surfactant. After 50 cycles, the discharge capacity of M-SnO2 (504 mAh g(-1)) is higher than that of S-SnO2 (401 mAh g(-1)) and solid nanoparticles of SnO2 (abbreviated nano-SnO2 < 4 mAh g(-1)) and nano-SnO2. Transmission electron microscopy revealed higher disorder in the pore arrangement in M-SnO2. This, in turn imparts lower stiffness to M-SnO2 (elastic modulus, E (R) a parts per thousand aEuro parts per thousand 14.5 GPa) vis-a-vis S-SnO2 (E (R) a parts per thousand aEuro parts per thousand 20.5 GPa), as obtained using the nanoindentation technique. Thus, the superior battery performance of M-SnO2 is attributed to its intrinsic material mechanical property. The fluidity of the internal microstructure of M-SnO2 resulted in a lower degree of aggregation of Sn particles compared to S-SnO2 and nano-SnO2 structural stabilization and long-term cyclability.


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The permeability of asphalt concrete has been the subject of much study by pavement engineers over the last decade. The work undertaken has tended to focus on high air voids as the primary indicator of permeable asphalt concrete. This paper presents a simple approach for understanding the parameters that affect permeability. Principles explained by Taylor in 1956 in channel theory work for soils are used to derive a new parameter-representative pore size. Representative pore size is related to the air voids in the compacted mix and the D75 of the asphalt mix grading curve. Collected Superpave permeability data from published literature and data collected by the writers at the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads is shown to be better correlated with representative pore size than air voids, reducing the scatter considerably. Using the database of collected field and laboratory permeability values an equation is proposed that pavement engineers can use to estimate the permeability of in-place pavements. © 2011 ASCE.