35 resultados para Porcelia macrocarpa
土壤养分的持续供应是生态系统可持续性发展的基础,尤其在土壤贫瘠地区。土壤磷素被认为是干旱区生态系统的潜在限制性养分因子,但目前半干旱区土壤磷素的深入研究很少。针对半干旱区生态系统恢复方式、人工防护林可持续性经营等关键问题,本论文旨在弄清处于半干旱区的科尔沁沙地东南部沙地人工林土壤磷素转化的主导过程及影响因素,并从土壤磷素可持续供应的角度来评价研究区生态系统的可持续发展。 以处于无人为干扰下、立地条件基本一致的科尔沁沙地东南部的有代表性的生态系统为研究对象,包括原生植被榆树(Ulmus macrocarpa)疏林草地,退化草地,油松(Pinus tubulaeformis Carr.)人工林、樟子松(Pinus svlvestris var. mongolica)人工林和小叶杨(Populus simonii)人工林。系统全面的研究了土壤磷素状况及其季节变化,并深入探讨了樟子松人工林土壤磷素转化及其影响因素(林龄、密度、土壤冻融)。主要结论如下: (1)研究区风沙土表层0~20 cm全磷(<0.2 g kg-1)和活性无机磷含量(<3 mg kg-1)都极低,有机磷占全磷的50%以上,是土壤磷的主要组分。凋落物分解、有机磷矿化和微生物周转是有效磷的主要来源,与这些过程有关的土壤的生物过程控制着土壤磷素转化。Ca-P(钙结合的磷酸盐)的溶解也是速效磷的次要来源,而Al-P(铝结合的磷酸盐)和Fe-P(铁结合的磷酸盐)是活性无机磷库。凋落物分解对有效磷供应起首要作用(尤其在人工林中),凋落物分解的年磷归还量是10 cm层矿质土壤有效磷供应量的1.7~3.4倍。 (2)土壤含水量是影响土壤磷素供应的关键环境因子,而冻融作用对土壤微生物磷和活性无机磷含量无显著影响。 (3)与各人工林相比,榆树疏林草地具有高效的养分循环和较强的土壤磷素保持能力,其退化大幅度降低了土壤持水能力和肥力。而在退化草地上营造以针叶树种为主的人工纯林及针阔混交林进一步降低了土壤全磷含量。从土壤磷素可持续供应的角度来看,在干旱贫瘠地区不宜营造高密度的人工林。研究区的植被恢复,应该选取磷素利用效率高,而养分周转较快的植被类型。这样,不需要集中的人为管理,就能使生态系统达到一种自我维持的良性循环状态。 (4)樟子松的生长受到土壤磷素供应的限制,当年生叶片无机磷浓度比全磷浓度能更准确、直接地反映土壤供磷水平的变化。为满足林分的需求,樟子松的根系活动能够增强根际微生物和磷酸酶活性以促进有机磷的矿化,同时能降低根际土壤pH值以促进Ca-P的溶解。随着林分的发展,活性无机磷含量无显著变化,但土壤磷库(主要是总有机磷)逐渐耗竭,有机磷的矿化潜力也逐渐降低。这表明,随着林分发展,磷素对樟子松人工林的限制性逐渐增强。 (5)为保证已有人工林的可持续发展,必须通过间伐、保护地被物、施肥来调节养分需求与归还之间的平衡,维持地力,保证土壤养分的持续供应。其中保护林下凋落物尤为重要。为防止地力衰退,该地区樟子松林的最大密度(以每公顷胸高断面积为密度指标)应保持在24.1~26.6 m2 ha-1。
Dimensiosis des galbules et/ou teneur en prodelphinidine des aiguilles permettent trés généralement de déterminer les sous-espéces oxycedrus et macrocarpa, respectivement septentrionale-continentale et méridionale-insulaire, du Genévrier oxyeédre Juniperus oxycedrus L. Parcontre, la sous-espéce nord-africaine rufescens (en montagne) ne parah pas distinguable à ces titres de la sous-espéce type. Mais l’étude biochimique plus approfondie d’une (méta)population languedocienne montre l’existence d’un polymorphisme proanthocyanique indépendant de la taille des galbules. Les deux sous-espéces classiquement reconnues pourraient donc n’étre que les formes extremes, homozygotes pour le caractére chimique considéré, d’un méme génóme spécifique. Si les spécimens littoraux (Corse, Majorque, Maghreb) correspondent bien à la pleine expression (= prodelphinidine forte) de ce polymorphisme, certains échantillons «péri-littoraux» (Baléares et Languedoc) trahissent une introgression (actuelle ou ancienne) ayee appartion d’individus hétérozygotes, aux teneurs intermédiaires: des génes «macrocarpa» sont done bien presents au nord de la Méditerranée, méme si le phénoméne n’est pas morphologiquement décelable, et ne mérite pas d’étre formalisé en termes systématiques.
Diversity in the chloroplast genome of 171 accessions representing the Brassica 'C' (n = 9) genome, including domesticated and wild B. oleracea and nine inter-fertile related wild species, was investigated using six chloroplast SSR (microsatellite) markers. The lack of diversity detected among 105 cultivated and wild accessions of B. oleracea contrasted starkly with that found within its wild relatives. The vast majority of B. oleracea accessions shared a single haplotype, whereas as many as six haplotypes were detected in two wild species, B. villosa Biv. and B. cretica Lam.. The SSRs proved to be highly polymorphic across haplotypes, with calculated genetic diversity values (H) of 0.23-0.87. In total, 23 different haplotypes were detected in C genome species, with an additional five haplotypes detected in B. rapa L. (A genome n = 10) and another in B. nigra L. (B genome, n = 8). The low chloroplast diversity of B. oleracea is not suggestive of multiple domestication events. The predominant B. oleracea haplotype was also common in B. incana Ten. and present in low frequencies in B. villosa, B. macrocarpa Guss, B. rupestris Raf. and B. cretica. The chloroplast SSRs reveal a wealth of diversity within wild Brassica species that will facilitate further evolutionary and phylogeographic studies of this important crop genus.
The Bryaceae are a large cosmopolitan family of mosses containing genera of considerable taxonomic difficulty. Phylogenetic relationships within the family were inferred using data from chloroplast DNA sequences (rps4 and trnL-trnF region). Parsimony and maximum likelihood optimality criteria, and Bayesian phylogenetic inference procedures were employed to reconstruct relationships. The genera Bryum and Brachymenium are not monophyletic groups. A clade comprising Plagiobryum, Acidodontium, Mielichhoferia macrocarpa, Bryum sects. Bryum, Apalodictyon, Limbata, Leucodontium, Caespiticia, Capillaria (in part: sect. Capillaria), and Brachymenium sect. Dicranobryum, is well supported in all analyses and represents a major lineage within the family. Section Dicranobryum of Brachymenium is more closely related to section Bryum than to the other sections of Brachymenium, as are Mielichhoferia macrocarpa and M. himalayana. Species of Acidodontium form a clade with Anomobryum julaceum. The grouping of species with a rosulate gametophytic growth form suggests the presence of a 'rosulate' clade similar in circumscription to the genus Rosulabryum. Mielichhoferia macrocarpa and M. himalayana are transferred to Bryum as B. porsildii and B. caucasicum, respectively.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Objetivou-se estudar em laboratório a biologia de Dione juno juno (Cramer), determinando-se os efeitos da densidade larval e da alimentação das larvas com folhas de nove genótipos de maracujazeiro. Foram analisados a duração, o peso e a viabilidade das fases larval e pupal e a longevidade dos adultos sem alimento. Verificou-se que a densidade de cinco lagartas por recipiente proporcionou melhor desenvolvimento do inseto do que uma e dez lagartas. Passiflora alata e P. setacea apresentaram resistência do tipo não-preferência para alimentação e/ou antibiose, enquanto o híbrido P. alata2 x P. macrocarpa apresentou não-preferência para alimentação, possivelmente associada à presença de compostos químicos com alto grau de repelência a D. juno juno ou a supressores de alimentação.
Foram avaliadas as variações genéticas através de marcadores moleculares RAPD, as seguintes espécies de maracujá: Passiflora amethystina, P. caerulea, P. cincinnata, P. coccinea, P. serrato digitata, P. foetida, P. maliformis, P. alata, P. giberti, P. laurifolia, P. macrocarpa, P. nitida, P. setacea, P. suberosa, P. ligularis, P. capsularis, P. edulis Sims e sua variedade botânica P. edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg. Neste estudo, a análise dos produtos da amplificação ao acaso do DNA polimórfico (RAPD) foi usada para estimar a diversidade genética e as relações taxonômicas entre as espécies. Foram utilizados 21 primers, que produziram um total de 270 bandas polimórficas. Verificou-se que as espécies de Passiflora apresentaram uma média de similaridade de 17,3%, e entre Passiflora edulis Sims e Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa, de 34,35%. Pode-se perceber que o valor de similaridade dentro da espécie edulis é baixo, ilustrando a grande variação entre a forma amarela e a roxa de Passiflora edulis.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A palmeira jarina (Phytelephas macrocarpa) é endêmica da Amazônia, onde se desenvolve sobre antigas planícies de inundação, cujos sedimentos são constituídos por quartzo, minerais de argila 2:1 e feldspatos, constituindo solos férteis e pouco ácidos a neutros. As sementes dessa palmeira são incluídas entre as gemas orgânicas raras. Devido a sua cor e brilho, as sementes são comparadas ao marfim animal, apesar da baixa dureza e baixa densidade, sendo empregadas na manufatura de biojóias e artefatos. Esses produtos são bem aceitos comercialmente devido às sementes serem susceptíveis a mudança de coloração e outros melhoramentos. Infelizmente, as jóias não apresentam vida longa, pois as sementes podem sofrer ataque de microorganismos entre 5 e 10 anos. Se houver uma política adequada para cadeia produtiva das sementes de jarina, a mesma poderá se tornar de grande importância para o desenvolvimento da região Amazônica, ao criar novas oportunidades de trabalho e agregação de valor aos produtos. No entanto faz-se necessário um especial cuidado para evitar exploração inadequada das sementes para assegurar a preservação da espécie.
The purpose of this paper is to provide quantitative fire history information for a geographically unique region, the Loess Hills of northwest Missouri. We sampled 33 bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa Michx.), chinkapin oak (Q. muehlenbergii Engelm.), and black oak (Q. velutina Lam.) trees from the Brickyard Hill Conservation Area in northwest Missouri. The period of tree-ring record ranged in calendar years from 1671 to 2004 and fire-scar dates (n = 97) ranged from 1672 to 1980. Fire intervals for individual trees ranged from 1 to 87 years. The mean fire interval was 6.6 years for the pre-Euro-American settlement period (1672-1820), and 5.2 years for the entire record (1672-1980). A period of more frequent fire (mean fire interval = 1.6 for 1825 to 1850) coincided with Euro-American settlement of the area. The average percentage of trees scarred at the site was 16.8%, or about 1 in 7 trees sampled per fire. No significant relationship between fire years and drought conditions was found; however, events prior to 1820 may have been associated with wet to dry mode transitions.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi (AMF) and rhizobium on rooting, growth and nutrition of seedlings of angico-red (Anadenanthera macrocarpa (Benth) Brenan) propagated by minicutting. Six progenies were used, of which were prepared cuttings with a pair of complete leaves. It was used a 55 cm(3)container filled with commercial substrate Bioplant (R). Four treatments were tested: 8 kg m-3 of superphosphate (SS) added to substrate; 4 kg m-3 SS added to substrate; 4 kg m-3 SS added to substrate and adition of a suspension solution containing rhizobium; 4 kg m-3 SS and suspension solution containing rhizobium plus 5 g of soil contaminated by AMF spores. There was no interaction among treatments for survival rate of cuttings and roots observed at bottom of the container, evaluated in the greenhouse exit (30 days) and the shade house exit (40 days), probably because the root system was still in formation. There were differences among the progeny for survival rate of the shoots, the percentage of cuttings with roots observed at bottom of the container, height, stem diameter and shoot dry weight. The evaluations of the growth characteristics of the cuttings in, particularly with respect to survival at full sun (140 days), demonstrate the efficiency of rhizobium and AMF on seedling production of this species. We conclude that the symbiotic association with rhizobium and / or FMA favors the production of seedlings of A. macrocarpa by minicutting.