997 resultados para Pope Sixtus V (1521-1590)


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I. Sendbrief an Kaiser Karl v. (1521)--II. Sendbrief an Franz v. Sickingen (1521)--III. Sendbrief an Walther von Cronberg (1521)--IV. Drei (vier) christliche Schriften: A. An Papst Leo X. (1521) B. An die Einwohner von Cronberg (1522) C. An die Bettelorden (1522) D. An Jakob Köbel in Oppenheim (1522)--V. Antwort auf Luthers Missive und die Bestallung. (1522)--VI. Statuten der Himmlischen (Cronbergischen) brüderschaft (1522)--VII. Die schriftstücke aus Cronbergs streit mit Peter Meyer (1522)--VIII. Treue vermahnung an alle stände und gesandten auf dem Reichstag zu Nürnberg (1522)--IX. Vermahnung an die Eldgenossen (1522)--X. An meister und rat zu Strassburg (1523)--XI. Sendbrief an Hadrian VI. (1523)--XII. Sendbrief an die Böhmen (1523)--XIII. Christliche schrift und vermahnung an alle stände (1523)--XIV. Persönliches vorbringen vor dem kaiserlichen regiment zu Nürnberg (1523)--XV. Ernstliche schrift an alle stände (1524)--XVI. Sendbrief an Spalatin (1525).


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The present work evaluated low-cost protocols for timed artificial insemination (TAI) in beef cattle. In Experiment 1, cycling nonlactating Nelore cows (Bos indicus, n=98) were assigned to the following groups: GnRH-PGF (GP) and GnRH-PGF-GnRH (GPG), whereas cycling (n=328, Experiment 2) or anestrus (n = 225, Experiment 3) lactating (L) cows were divided into 3 groups: GP-L, GPG-L and GnRH-PCF-Estradiol benzoate (GPE-L). In Experiment 4, lactating cows (n=201) were separated into 3 groups: GP-L, GPE-L and G 1/2PE-L. Animals from Experiment 1, 3 and 4 were treated (Day 0), at random stages of the estrous cycle, with 8 mug of buserelin acetate (GnRH agonist) intramuscularly (im), whereas in Experiment 2 half of the cows received 8 and the other half 12 mug of GnRH (im). Seven days later (D 7) all animals were treated with 25 mg of dinoprost trometamine (PGF2 alpha, im) except those cows from the G 1/2PE-L group which received only 1/2 dose of PGF2 alpha (12.5 mg) via intravulvo-submucosa (ivsm). Alter PGF2 alpha injection the animals from the control groups (GP and GP-L) were observed twice daily to detect estrus and Al was performed 12 h afterwards. The cows from the other groups received a second GnRH injection (D 8 in GPG-L and d9 in GPG groups) or one injection of estradiol benzoate (EB, 1.0 mg, D 8 in GPE-L group). All cows from GPG and GPG-L or GPE-L groups were AI 20 to 24 or 30 to 34 h, respectively, after the last hormonal injection. Pregnancy was determined by ultrasonography or rectal palpation 30 to 50 days after AI. In the control groups (GP and GP-L) percentage of animals detected in heat (44.5 to 70.3%) and pregnancy rate (20 to 42%) varied according to the number of animals with corpus luteum (CL) at the beginning of treatment. The administration of a second dose of GnRH either 24 (Experiment 2) or 48 h (Experiment 1) after PGF2 alpha resulted in 47.7 and 44.9% pregnancy rates, respectively, after TAI in cycling animals. However, in anestrus cows the GPG treatment induced a much lower pregnancy rate (14.9%) after TAI. The replacement of the second dose of GnRH by EB (GPE-L) resulted in a pregnancy rate (43.3%) comparable to that obtained after GnRH treatment (GPG-L, 47.7%, Experiment 2). Furthermore, the use of 1/2 dose of PGF2 alpha (12.5 mg ivms, Experiment 4) resulted in pregnancy rate (43.5%) similar to that observed with the full dose (im). Both protocols GPG and GPE were effective in synchronizing ovulation in cycling Nelore cows and allowed approximately a 45% pregnancy rate after TAI. Additionally, the GPE treatment is a promising alternative to the use of GPG in timed Al of beef cattle, due to the low cost of EB when compared to GnRH agonists. (C) 2001 by Elsevier B.V.


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La VI regio augustea di Roma rappresenta uno dei settori urbani maggiormente investiti dalle modifiche radicali compiute dall’uomo nel processo di urbanizzazione della città che ne hanno modificato profondamente la situazione altimetrica e la conformazione originaria. Questi notevoli cambiamenti ebbero origine sin dall’età antica, ma si intensificarono profondamente soprattutto nel periodo rinascimentale quando a partire da Pio IV e soprattutto con Sisto V, attivo in tante altre zone della città, si svilupparono numerose opere di rinnovamento urbanistico che incisero notevolmente sul volto e sulle caratteristiche della zona in esame. A partire dal Rinascimento fino ad arrivare ai grandi scavi della fine del 1800 tutto il quartiere incominciò a “popolarsi” di numerosi edifici di grande mole che andarono ad intaccare completamente le vestigia del periodo antico: la costruzione del Palazzo del Quirinale e dei vari palazzi nobiliari ma soprattutto la costruzione dei numerosi ministeri e della prima stazione Termini alla fine dell’800 comportarono numerosi sventramenti senza la produzione di una adeguata documentazione delle indagini di scavo. Questa ricerca intende ricostruire, in un’ottica diacronica, la topografia di uno dei quartieri centrali della Roma antica attraverso l’analisi dei principali fenomeni che contraddistinguono l’evoluzione del tessuto urbano sia per quanto riguarda le strutture pubbliche che in particolar modo quelle private. Infatti, il dato principale che emerge da questa ricerca è che questa regio si configura, a partire già dal periodo tardo-repubblicano, come un quartiere a vocazione prevalentemente residenziale, abitato soprattutto dall’alta aristocrazia appartenente alle più alte cariche dello Stato romano; oltre a domus ed insulae, sul Quirinale, vennero costruiti lungo il corso di tutta l’età repubblicana alcuni tra i più antichi templi della città che con la loro mole occuparono parte dello spazio collinare fino all’età tardoantica, rappresentando così una macroscopica e costante presenza nell’ingombro dello spazio edificato.


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Original French edition published Paris, 1860-77, v. 5-6 being edited by Aure lien de Courson.


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The master's thesis concerns the decisions of the imperial policy-makers in their Danish foreign policy during the crisis that culminated in the dissolution of the Nordic union of Kalmar during the years 1521-24. The sources consist of printed sources that mainly are collections of letters and diplomas, and additionally, acquaintance has been made with studies treating the subject. The aim of the study was to clarify the objectives, means and execution of the imperial policy and what priorizations did they make between the different objectives. Also, the part played by Denmark in the imperial foreign policy in general was to be assessed. Particularly, the aim was to find out and state a hierarchy between the importance of the different objectives by analyzing the choices made. It was observed that the continuing of peaceful relations in the North was clearly preferred in the imperial policy, especially as their war against France drew out. A war was seen as deteriorating the freedom of action of the main ally, king Christian II, and an armed conflict was to be prevented. The conceived impossibilty to intervene with armed forces to Christian's favour forced the imperial side to postpone their objectives in the fields of dynastical and alliance policy. In comparison to these, less weight was given to maintaining the rights and position of the empire and the rights granted in its name. To the Habsburgs, maintaining the economical embargo of Sweden, run forcefully by Christian II, was the least preferred objective. In light of the results of the master's thesis, the conceived priorities of the Northern European policy adopted by the imperial side resembled their political priorities in general.


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Decision of the Chancery Court concerning the unpublished correspondence of Alexander Pope, in which Lord Chancellor Hardwicke draws a distinction between the ownership of a letter, as a physical document, and the right to authorise the first publication of that letter, a right which he concludes remains with the author of the same.
Drawing upon the Public Records Office Archives the commentary explores the background to, and substance of, the decision, the nature and significance of epistolary correspondence in eighteenth century society, and subsequent related commentary and case-law. The commentary argues that the decision is of particular significance in the development of the concept of the author's text as intangible property.