986 resultados para Polymerization method
Nickel catalysts with a load of 5 wt% Ni, supported on pure ZrO(2) and ZrO(2) stabilized with 4, 8 and 14 mol% CaO, were prepared by the polymerization method. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), temperature-programmed reduction with hydrogen (TPR-H(2)), specific surface area (BET) and impedance spectroscopy (IS) and tested in the carbon dioxide reforming of methane. The XRD patterns showed the presence of the oxide precursor (NiO) and the tetragonal phase of CaO-ZrO(2) solid solutions. According to the TPR-H(2) analysis, the reduction of various NiO species was influenced by the support composition. The electrical properties of the support have a proportional effect on the catalytic activities. Catalytic tests were done at 800 degrees C for 6 h and the composition of the gaseous products and the catalytic conversion depended on the CaO-ZrO(2) solid solution composition and its influence on supported NiO species. A direct relation was found between the variation in the electrical conductivity of the support, the nickel species supported on it and the performance in the catalytic tests. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nickel catalysts with a load of 5 wt.% Ni, supported on pure ZrO(2) and ZrO(2) stabilized with 4 mol%, 8 mol% and 12 mol% of Y(2)O(3), were prepared by the polymerization method. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), temperature-programmed reduction with hydrogen (TPR-H(2)), specific surface area (BET) and electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and tested as catalysts for carbon dioxide reforming of methane. The XRD patterns showed the presence of the oxide precursor (NiO) and the tetragonal phase of a Y(2)O(3)-ZrO(2) solid solution. According to the TPR-H(2) analysis, the reduction of various NiO species was influenced by the composition of the support. Catalytic tests were conducted at 800 degrees C for 6 h, and the composition of the gaseous products and the catalytic conversion rate depended on the composition of the Y(2)O(3)-ZrO(2) solid solution and its influence on the supported NiO species. A direct relation was observed between the variation in the support, the nickel species supported on it and the performance in the catalytic tests. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Catalysts containing NiO/MgO/ZrO(2) mixtures were synthesized by the polymerization method in a single step. They were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), temperature programmed reduction (TPR) and physisorption of N(2) (BET) and then tested in the reforming of a model biogas (1.5CH4:1CO(2)) in the presence of air (1.5CH(4) + 1CO(2) + 0.25O(2)) at 750 degrees C for 6h. It was observed that the catalyst Ni20MZ performed better in catalytic processes than the well known catalysts, Ni/ZrO(2) and Ni/MgO, synthesized under the same conditions. The formation of solid solutions, MgO-ZrO(2) and NiO-MgO, increased the rate of conversion of reactants (CH(4) and CO(2)) into synthesis gas (H(2) + CO). The formation of oxygen vacancies (in samples containing ZrO(2) and MgO) seems to promote removal of the coke deposited on the nickel surface. The values of the H(2)/CO ratio were generally found to be slightly lower than stoichiometric, owing to the reverse water gas shift reaction occurring in parallel. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Supported nickel catalysts of composition Ni/Y(2)O(3)-ZrO(2) were synthesized in one step by the polymerization method and compared with a nickel catalyst prepared by wet impregnation. Stronger interactions were observed in the formed catalysts between NiO species and the oxygen vacancies of the Y(2)O(3)-ZrO(2) in the catalysts made by polymerization, and these were attributed to less agglomeration of the NiO during the synthesis of the catalysts in one step. The dry reforming of ethanol was catalyzed with a maximum CO(2) conversion of 61% on the 5NiYZ catalyst at 800 degrees C, representing a better response than for the catalyst of the same composition prepared by wet impregnation. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.
In the ceramics industry are becoming more predominantly inorganic nature pigments. Studies in this area allow you to develop pigments with more advanced properties and qualities to be used in the industrial context. Studies on synthesis and characterization of cobalt aluminate has been widely researched, cobalt aluminate behavior at different temperatures of calcinations, highlighting especially the temperatures of 700, 800 and 900° C that served as a basis in the development of this study, using the method of polymerization of complex (CPM), economic, and this method applied in ceramic pigment synthesis. The procedure was developed from a fractional factorial design 2 (5-2) in order to optimize the process of realization of the cobalt aluminate (CoAl2O4), having as response surfaces the batch analysis data of Uv-vis spectroscopy conducted from the statistic software 7.0, for this were chosen five factors as input variables: citric acid (stoichiometric manner), puff or pyrolysis time (h), temperature (° C), and calcinations (° C/min), at levels determined for this study. By applying statistics in the process of obtaining the CoAl2O4 is possible the study of these factors and which may have greater influence in getting the synthesis. The pigments characterized TG/DSC analyses, and x-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM/EDS) in order to establish the structural and morphological aspects of pigment CoAl2O4, among the factors studied it were found to statically with increasing calcinations temperature 700°< 800 <900 °C, the bands of Uv-vis decrease with increasing intensity of absorbance and that with increasing time of puff or pyrolysis (h) there is an increase in bands of Uv-vis proportionally, the generated model set for the conditions proposed in this study because the coefficient of determination can explain about 99.9% of the variance (R²), response surfaces generated were satisfactory, so it s possible applicability in the ceramics industry of pigments
Recent studies are investigating a new class of inorganic materials which arise as a promising option for high performance applications in the field of photoluminescence. Highlight for rare earth (TR +3 ) doped, which have a high luminous efficiency, long decay time and being able to emit radiation in the visible range, specific to each element. In this study, we synthesized ZrO2: Tb +3 , Eu +3 , Tm +3 nanoparticles complex polymerization method (CPM). We investigated the influences caused by the heat treatment temperature and the content of dopants in zirconia photoluminescent behavior. The particles were calcined at temperature of 400, 500 and 600 ° C for two hours and ranged in concentration of dopants 1, 2, 4 and 8 mol% TR +3 . The samples were characterized by thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, photoluminescence of measurements and uv-visible of spectroscopies. The results of X-ray diffraction confirmed the formation of the tetragonal and cubic phases in accordance with the content of dopants. The photoluminescence spectra show emission in the region corresponding simultaneous to blue (450 nm), green (550 nm) and red (615 nm). According to the results, ZrO2 particles co-doped with rare earth ions is a promising material white emission with a potential application in the field of photoluminescence
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The present paper describes the synthesis, characterization, structural refinement and optical absorption behavior of lead tungstate (PbWO(4)) powders obtained by the complex polymerization method heat treated at different temperatures for 2h in air atmosphere. PbWO(4) powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rietveld refinement, Fourier transform Raman (FT-Raman) spectroscopy and ultraviolet visible (UV-vis) absorption spectroscopy measurements. XRD, Rietveld refinement and FT-Raman revealed that PbWO(4) powders are free of secondary phases and crystallizes in a tetragonal structure. The UV-vis absorption spectroscopy measurements suggest the presence of intermediary energy levels into the band gap of structurally disordered powders. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this work Ba0.99Eu0.01MoO4 (BEMO) powders were prepared by the first time by the Complex Polymerization Method. The structural and optical properties of the BEMO powders were characterized by Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Raman Spectra, High-Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy (HR-SEM) and Photoluminescent Measurements. XRD show a crystalline scheelite-type phase after the heat treatment at temperatures greater than 400 degrees C. The ionic radius of Eu3+ (0.109 nm) is lower than the Ba2+ (0.149 nm) one. This difference is responsible for the decrease in the lattice parameters of the BEMO compared to the pure BaMoO4 matrix. This little difference in the lattice parameters show that Eu3+ is expected to occupy the Ba2+ site at different temperatures, stayed the tetragonal (S-4) symmetry characteristic of scheelite-type crystalline structures of BaMoO4. The emission spectra of the samples, when excited at 394 nm, presented the D-5(1)-> F-7(0, 1 and 2) and D-5(0)-> F-7(0, 1, 2, 3 and 4) Eu3+ transitions at 523, 533, 554, 578, 589, 614, 652 and 699 nm, respectively. The emission spectra of the powders heat-treated at 800 and 900 degrees C showed a marked increase in its intensities compared to the materials heat-treated from 400 to 700 C. The decay times for the sample were evaluated and all of them presented the average value of 0.61 ms. Eu3+ luminescence decay time follows one exponential curve indicating the presence of only one type of Eu3+ symmetry site.
Crystalline molybdate thin films were prepared by the complex polymerization method. The AMoO(4) (A = Ca, Sr, Ba) films were deposited onto Si wafers by the spinning technique. The Mo-O bond in the AMoO(4) structure was confirmed by FTIR spectra. X-ray diffraction revealed the presence of crystalline scheelite-type phase. The mass, size, and basicity of A(2+) cations was found to be dependent on the intrinsic characteristics of the materials. The grain size increased in the following order: CaMoO4 < SrMoO4 < BaMoO4. The emission band wavelength was detected at around 576 nm. Our findings suggest that the material's morphology and photoluminescence were both affected by the variations in cations (Ca, Sr, or Ba) and in the thermal treatment.
Monodisperse latex spheres were obtained by a surfactant free styrene polymerization method and used to obtain colloidal crystals by controlled centrifugation settling. Silica inverse opals were then prepared by using the colloidal crystals as templates and TEOS/ethanol solution. The inverse opals were infiltrated with Rhodamine 6G and laserlike emission was observed at 590 nm under 532 nm pump wavelength. The data show line narrowing of the dye fluorescence and a laser threshold of similar to 0.1 mJ/pulse. Local-field effects and light scattering due to structural defects are the main mechanisms contributing to generation of the laser-action observed. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Purpose: To describe and picture a technique for using a resin-bonded sealant reinforced by inclusion of resin-based composite, before polymerization. Method: Using an extracted mandibular molar, embedded in plaster and isolated with a rubber dam, a step-by-step depiction of the technique is shown. Results: A picture of a six-year-old sealant in a first permanent molar, still in perfect condition, is shown. Conclusion: This technique offers a reliable method for treating pits and fissures.
The dielectric strength of films made from poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) coated with a thin layer of polyaniline (PANI) was studied. The PANI layer was deposited on the PET films by the 'in situ' chemical polymerization method. The PANI layer of the PANI/PET films was undoped in NH4OH 0.1 M solution and re-doped with aqueous HCl solution under different pH values varying from 1 to 10. Electric breakdown measurements were performed by applying a voltage ramp and the results showed a dependence of the dielectric strength on the pH of the doping solution due to the changes in the electrical conductivity of the PANI layer. The dielectric strength of PET/PANI films treated under higher pH conditions showed an electric strength about 30% larger than the PET films, since it leads to a non-conductive PANI layer.
SrMoO4 doped with rare earth are still scarce nowadays and have attracted great attention due to their applications as scintillating materials in electro-optical like solid-state lasers and optical fibers, for instance. In this work Sr1-xEuxMoO4 powders, where x = 0.01; 0.03 and 0.05, were synthesized by Complex Polymerization (CP) Method. The structural and optical properties of the SrMoO4:Eu3+ were analyzed by powder X-ray diffraction patterns, Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR), Raman Spectroscopy, and through Photoluminescent Measurements (PL). Only a crystalline scheelite-type phase was obtained when the powders were heat-treated at 800 A degrees C for 2 h, 2 theta = 27.8A degrees (100% peak). The excitation spectra of the SrMoO4:Eu3+ (lambda(Em.) = 614 nm) presented the characteristic band of the Eu3 + 5L6 transition at 394 nm and a broad band at around 288 nm ascribed to the charge-transfer from the O (2p) state to the Mo (4d) one in the SrMoO4 matrix. The emission spectra of the SrMoO4:Eu3+ powders (lambda(Exc.) = 394 and 288 nm) show the group of sharp emission bands among 523-554 nm and 578-699 nm, assigned to the D-5(1)-> F-7(0,1and 2) and D-5(0)-> F-7(0,1,2,3 and 4), respectively. The band related to the D-5(0)-> F-7(0) transition indicates the presence of Eu3+ site without inversion center. This hypothesis is strengthened by the fact that the band referent to the D-5(0)-> F-7(2) transition is the most intense in the emission spectra.
The study of the photoluminescent properties affected by order and disorder of the BaMoO4 powders is the principal objective in this work. BaMoO4 compounds were prepared using soft chemical process called Complex Polymerization Method. In this work, different deagglomeration types and different heating rates were used to promote different disorder degrees. Scheelite type phase (BaMoO4) was determined by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transformed Infra-Red (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy after heat treating the sample at 400 degrees C. The room temperature luminescence spectra revealed an intense single-emission band in the visible region. Based on XRD and Raman data it was observed that the transition between the completely disordered structure to completely ordered structure is a good condition for photoluminescence (PL) emission. The best PL emission is obtained when the material possesses short range disorder, i.e., is periodically ordered (XRD), but some disorder as measured by Raman spectroscopy. The excellent optical properties observed for disordered BaMoO4 suggested that this material is a highly promising candidate for optical applications.