957 resultados para Political practice


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This special issue seeks to engage the term 'stewardship' and the practical and theoretical work around it, both of which are destined to remain items of unfinished business as governance struggles to keep up and connect with its fast moving technological and societal targets. While this special issue is testament to that observation, it also helps to foster much needed scholarly discussion and critique – and to ensure this field is not unwittingly formed and deployed by and as a legitimating support for governance, but rather opened up, elaborated and contested. The articles provide innovative insights and food for thought on the conception and legal-political practice and potential of stewardship and ‘super-stewardship’ in national, supranational and international settings.


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This paper is a reexamination of the concept of the geopolitical border through a critical analysis of prevalent conceptualizations of borders, as they are articulated in the fields of geopolitics, political theory and international relations. Suggesting that thinking of borders as the derivative of territorial definitions disregards the dependency of territoriality and sovereign space on the praxes of border making, this paper offers an analytic distinction between normative articulations of borders and the border as a political practice. This distinction enables the identification of partial and incoherent border making processes. Consequently, the creation of borders can be analyzed as an effect of a multiplicity of performative praxes, material, juridical and otherwise discursive, that operate in relation to the management of space and attribute it with geopolitical distinctions. Furthermore, the paper suggests that these praxes, which appear in dispersed sites and in a wide variety of loci, are intrinsically linked to different spatial practices of population management, of governmentality. Thus, I offer a reading of borders as a praxis which manages binary differentiations of matrixes of governmentality, which create schisms in the population as a totality, through the deployment of the evocation of sovereignty as the legitimizing source of this differentiation or for the means necessary for its sustainment.


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Dans le présent mémoire, je revisite l’oeuvre de Foucault à la lumière des analyses qu’il offre entre 1981 et 1984 dans ses derniers cours au Collège de France. À l’encontre de l’avis qui voit une rupture dans la pensée foucaldienne – opinion justifiée par la transition radicale qu’opère Foucault depuis l’étude de la relation entre pouvoir et savoir à l’analyse des techniques de subjectivation dans l’Antiquité – j’illustre qu’il y a continuité et complémentarité entre ses analyses des années 1970 et ses démonstrations des années 1980. Foucault trouve, au fondement de la pratique politique gréco-romaine, une éthique définie comme travail de soi sur soi. Aussi tente-t il, au travers de ses dernières analyses, de réactualiser l’askêsis comme fondement oublié de l’éthique, et l’êthos comme condition d’efficacité de la politique. Si, jusqu’en 1980, Foucault s’intéresse aux mécanismes et aux dispositifs permettant le gouvernement de la population, à partir de 1980, c’est la question du gouvernement de soi comme condition nécessaire du gouvernement des autres qui investit ses analyses. L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’illustrer, à partir de la redéfinition foucaldienne de l’éthique, la présence d’une nouvelle théorie de la résistance dans ses derniers cours au Collège de France. Par voie de conséquence, je propose implicitement des éclaircissements sur la fonction qu’occupent L’Usage des plaisirs et le Souci de soi, ultimes publications de l’auteur, au sein de son oeuvre.


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Social responsibility is the expression of our ethical principles in our social relationships. Consequently, our social behavior is defined by the understanding and practice of Ethics. This article states that is the application of the ethical criteria based on capitalist, neoliberal principles prevailing in today’s economic and political practice, and not the violation of fundamental ethical principles by some influential individuals or organizations, has led society and its leaders to accept as normal numerous situations of extreme injustice that affect vast sectors of the global population.


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Based on the experiences of Colombia, Brazil and Bolivia, the paper proposes a general analytical framework for participatory mechanisms. The analysis is oriented to detect the incentives in each system and theethics and behavior sustaining them. It investigates about the sustainability of participatory democracy, in the face of tensions with representative democracy. The article presents a theoretical framework built from theseexperiences of institutional design and political practice, and confronts it against the theoretical conceptualizationsof participatory democracy in Bobbio, Sartori, Elster and Nino, among others. In this context, different waysin which those schemes can be inserted in the political systems become apparent, along with the variables thatresult from combining elements of direct, representative and participatory democracy”


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This chapter aims to provide a conceptual framework for discussing citizenship. It
offers a brief account of various dimensions of citizenship that may be used as a
guide to understanding the evolution of Western ideas and forms of citizenship, as
well as contemporary problems with them. The chapter considers citizenship as a
legal status, as an administrative category, as a political practice and as an ideal to
be attained. 1 It also considers the sites or domains in which citizenship is or ought
to be practised. Each of these dimensions raises questions that citizens, non-citizens
and governments have asked over the centuries and that still provoke debate.2
Nonetheless, the chapter makes no claim to be comprehensive and, for the sake of
brevity, its generalizations may not be sufficiently sensitive to the many variations
and peculiarities of Western concepts and practices of citizenship.


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Cosmopolitan arguments for global forms of democracy and governance have intensified in the last decade because of the increasing significance of transnational interconnections and the increased impact of global problems. However, questions remain as to how cosmopolitan structures are going to be realized in practice, given the continued significance of the state in global politics. This paper advocates the importance of considering republican arguments for redeveloping the state alongside the proposals for global democratic structures advocated by political cosmopolitans such as David Held. It contends that many forms of cosmopolitan thought are too quick to dismiss the state as a potential locus of ethical global governance and that republican conceptions of the state and political practice are important counterpoints to political cosmopolitanism. Consequently, this paper critically considers the assumptions embedded in the literature of political cosmopolitanism in relation to the proposals for global democracy and governance. Then the paper considers republican arguments that developing civically minded citizens and responsive state institutions could be a crucial foundation for transnational forms of governance to be realized in practice. The paper then concludes by considering the practical tensions between republican and cosmopolitan proposals.


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Esta dissertação discute a questão da participação popular em políticas públicas tendo como base a análise do caso da Agenda 21 local em Barueri. Parte- se da revisão teórica sobre a participação, desde a emergência do tema entre os movimentos sociais na Europa, até a chegada da discussão ao Brasil. A partir desta revisão são tratados aspectos teóricos do clientelismo político, visando contrapor a prática política existente e legitimada com os dilemas da implantação de ações participativas. A investigação foi realizada sob a perspectiva de campo-tema, sendo construída a partir da leitura de narrativas. O que se observa é uma dificuldade em promover mudanças no formato de condução das políticas em Barueri oriunda da incapacidade do governo em mobilizar a população e demonstrar a importância e confiabilidade de práticas participativas. Este trabalho busca demonstrar quais foram as falhas e dilemas deste processo e propõe formas de se avaliar e discutir a implantação da participação popular como nova prática política.


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This study aims to analize the Cariri Paraibano territory, as a product of relations of power that were being established along its historic process of territory formation. In this process, the fragmentation and the territory management are fundamental elements to socioterritorial reality comprehension. The theoretical-conceptual basis is based on notions of territory, region, power and territory management, which are articulated to the opinions and empiric confirmations origined from interviews made with several social actions. They also were made photographical records and researches on books, newspapers and magazines, as well on other information sources related to the object of studying. Obtained data confirm the pressuposement on which the relations of dominations and the used methods by the power s owners in the region created a little fruitful political practice and little adequate to the process of active participation of the local population on the territory management, even being on disagreement with the new political-institutional mechanisms, which take to political-administrative more democratic and participative in the country


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This research comprises a study on the values and ideals attributed to Dix-sept Rosado, by the Coleção Mossoroense journal. Local researchers demonstrate how the Coleção Mossoroense constructs an image of Mossoró, forming in the members of the city an identity with the place, a social cohesion or creating one forms to see and to say about the Mossoró city. The Coleção Mossoroense, through Vingt-un Rosado together with its family, established a form of seeing and identifying of the Mossoró s population with the city, just because it associated and it was, at the same time, a movement at the same time social (civic parties for example), political (the domination of the Rosado s family) and cultural (the books and theatrical parties about the city). The conjunction of the Coleção Mossoroense as and with a social movement, cultural and political was capable to establish a social identity, a subjective constituent . With this background, it was possible to make a study of the image attributed to Dix-sept Rosado, by the Coleção Mossoroense, through an analysis of the inherent discourse in the works by Bakhtin (1989) and Bourdieu (2000), of and on Dix-sept Rosado in the Coleção Mossoroense based on. The image of Dix-sept Rosado was constructed by the Coleção Mossoroense after its death, and the responsible for this was Vingt-un Rosado, which was the chief-editor of the Coleção Mossoroense up to 2006, year of its death. The Coleção Mossoroense built an image of Dix-sept Rosado as an enterprising man, progressive and innovator, of great capacity of leadership and oratory (a conductor of the crowds ), popular and charismatic, an honest and dynamic politician. This image made by the Coleção Mossoroense, although when enhancing in surplus the qualities of Dix-sept Rosado have as objective to transmit an image of a heroic personage, it has some relation with the reality. Dix-sept Rosado was a man identified with its locality. This can resemble a regional nationalism. The attitudes of Dix-sept Rosado must be understood inside of a broader social context, of a time marked by the populist politics. Qualities also appreciated and developed inside of a specific historical context and determined both national and locally. The Coleção Mossoroense enhances the qualities of Dix-sept Rosado so that the current politicians of the Rosado s family can establish a link of continuity in its contemporary political practice


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Com a fundação, em 1919, da revista L'Ordine Nuovo - que atravessou fases diversas -, Gramsci tratou de desenvolver uma teoria e uma prática política que tinham no problema de educação um elemento constitutivo essencial. Até a sua prisão, em 1926, Gramsci passou por três diferentes momentos de elaboração dessa questão. Um primeiro momento no qual ele dá prioridade à cisão, ao antagonismo e à auto-atividade dos trabalhadores diante do capital, no próprio cerne do processo produtivo capitalista. Educação, então, confunde-se com auto-educação. O momento que se segue é o da necessidade de se educar o Partido Comunista, recém-fundado, particularmente a sua direção. O terceiro momento é pensado como necessidade de se educar o educador das massas, reflexão que aparece no seu papel de dirigente principal do Partido Comunista Italiano (PCI).


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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As universidades, além de suas atribuições constitucionalmente previstas de ensino, de pesquisa e de extensão, possuem um 'quarto elemento essencial e indissociável dos outros três, concretizado na intensa prática política desenvolvida no ambiente acadêmico. Dada a existência desse fator, a presente pesquisa examina o fenômeno da polêmica como elemento de interincompreensão nos confrontos da política acadêmica na Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), com base no suporte teórico principal de Maingueneau (2005), observando-se como se estabelece essa relação de interincompreensão, analisando os simulacros que cada sujeito constrói do seu interlocutor e de si mesmo. Constituem o corpus deste trabalho, de um lado, as notas das três entidades acadêmicas da UFPA, quais sejam o Diretório Central dos Estudantes - DCE, a Associação dos Docentes da UFP A - Adufpa e o Sindicato dos Trabalhadores da UFP A - Sintufpa, que representam, respectivamente, estudantes, docentes e servidores técnico-administrativos; e, de outro, as notas da Administração Superior. Essas notas referem-se à tomada da Reitoria, pelos estudantes, ocorrida em junho de 2007, motivada, segundo nota da entidade estudantil (Anexo 3A), por não terem sido atendidas suas reivindicações, relacionadas a problemas acadêmicos diversos. A pesquisa é desenvolvida em uma perspectiva discursiva, cuja metodologia compreende um objetivo geral, que é identificar os simulacros que se constroem na política acadêmica da UFP A. Para tanto, nos valemos de quatro frentes de pesquisa, materializadas em objetivos específicos, a saber: 1. Investigar o contexto dessa política; 2. Resgatar o vocabulário constitutivo da material idade discursiva, observando as ações, referidas por meio de verbos e nomes, e as caracterizações, efetuadas por meio de adjetivações e nomes; 3. Identificar as marcas da heterogeneidade mostrada; 4. Capturar os flagrantes de infração ao "código dogmático" da prática política. Ao longo das notas, no embate discursivo que se desenvolve, percebemos o chamado "diálogo de surdos", em que não se vislumbra a possibilidade de os adversários reverem seus posicionamentos.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo central identificar se as organizações não-governamentais Federação de Órgãos para Assistência Social e Educacional e a Sociedade Paraense de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos, caracterizadas pela resistência política na década de 1970, sofreram alterações em suas estratégias e ações frente às novas configurações do capital, particularmente da lógica neoliberal em sua implantação no Brasil na década de 1990. Os objetivos específicos visam caracterizar a trajetória histórica dessas ONGs, reconstruindo seu posicionamento face aos diferentes contextos de expressão estatal e cenários econômico, político e social no Brasil, no período investigado; e analisar em que medida as respostas e posicionamentos políticos assumidos por estas ONGs nos diferentes contextos históricos contribuíram para o processo de democratização da sociedade local e brasileira. O percurso metodológico considerou como principal base de análise a metodologia qualitativa, tendo além de pesquisas documentais e bibliográficas, a pesquisa de campo, com aplicação de entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto a técnicos, ex-técnicos, gestores e ex-gestores das duas entidades pesquisadas. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que ocorreram mudanças nas estratégicas e ações das ONGs analisadas, provocadas pela entrada do Brasil no circuito da reprodução do capital pautado na globalização da economia política neoliberal. Porém, em que se pese à intensidade destes processos, estas mudanças coexistem com uma prática social e política que aponta para processos de resistência.