940 resultados para Political Thought
This is a conference paper which compares and contrasts the views of Aristotle and Cicero in relation to cosmopolitan political thought. The paper focuses on the issue of the social and political 'identity' of the individual moral agent. It also distinguiishes between 'strong' and 'weak' versions of both 'cosmopolitanism' and 'communitarianism.' It argues that the views of Aristotle and Cicero are closer than is usually thought. Aristotle is more of a 'cosmopolitan' and less of a 'communitarian' thinker than is commonly supposed, whereas, on the other hand, Cicero is more of a 'communitarian' and less of a 'cosmopolitan' thinker.
In the past three decades, feminists and critical theorists have discussed and argued the importance of deconstructing and problematizing social science research methodology in order to question normalized hierarchies concerning the production of knowledge and the status of truth claims. Nevertheless, often, these ideas have basically remained theoretical propositions not embodied in research practices. In fact there is very little published discussion about the difficulties and limits of their practical application. In this paper we introduce some interconnected reflections starting from two different but related experiences of embodying 'feminist activist research'. Our aim is to emphasise the importance of attending to process, making mistakes and learning during fieldwork, as well as experimenting with personalized forms of analysis, such as the construction of narratives and the story-telling process.
In the past three decades, feminists and critical theorists have discussed and argued the importance of deconstructing and problematizing social science research methodology in order to question normalized hierarchies concerning the production of knowledge and the status of truth claims. Nevertheless, often, these ideas have basically remained theoretical propositions not embodied in research practices. In fact there is very little published discussion about the difficulties and limits of their practical application. In this paper we introduce some interconnected reflections starting from two different but related experiences of embodying 'feminist activist research'. Our aim is to emphasise the importance of attending to process, making mistakes and learning during fieldwork, as well as experimenting with personalized forms of analysis, such as the construction of narratives and the story-telling process.
There has been an increased amount of scholarly interest lately in T.S. Eliot's unfinished sequence, Coriolan (1932)—interest drawn from its Shakespearian allusiveness, and from analysis of this writing's particularly rebarbative, jarring poetic. Although, however, the two parts of the sequence published by Eliot are acknowledged as being his nearest approach to poetic commentary upon contemporary political ideas, little criticism exists establishing the hinterland of the political thought, with which Eliot was most familiar, as editor of the Criterion. Coriolan emerges at a time when the lure of fascism pulled hardest at Eliot's sensibility. This article reviews the full political context provided by Eliot's journal, as well as considering the connections between that political engagement and the readings of Shakespeare he was also promulgating through this forum, in order to provide a more complex sense than hitherto of the diverse pressures underlying the unsettled nature of the existing Coriolan poems.
Although Richard Hooker’s private attitudes were clericalist and authoritarian, his constitutional theory subordinated clergymen to laymen and monarchy to parliamentary statute. This article explains why his political ideas were nonetheless appropriate to his presumed religious purposes. It notes a very intimate connection between his teleological conception of a law and his hostility towards conventional high Calvinist ideas about predestination. The most significant anomaly within his broadly Aristotelian world-view was his belief that politics is nothing but a means to cope with sin. This too can be linked to his religious ends, but it creates an ambiguity that made his doctrines usable by Locke.
This article discusses the concept of right and its identification with the power to coerce, to show a reciprocity between the original contract and the right, as a manifestation of the reciprocity between moral law and freedom, as Kant states in its Second Critique. The demonstration of this view will allow a republican stance evident in the legal and political thought of Kant, since the right of a people can only exist while the town itself is unified to enact.
Em torno da geral episteme a que chamaríamos, mais latamente que Ciência Política, Scientia Politica (conhecimento ou estudo do político), tecem-se malhas discursivas e linhas de investigação que identificam formas, temas e estruturas das suas diversas divisões. Nesta breve reflexão, que virá mais tarde a ser recolhida num manual universitário, o autor procura sobretudo identificar algumas formas de fazer História das Ideias Políticas e Filosofia Política, chamando a atenção para problemas de terminologia científica e de interpretação. Termina com uma rápida enunciação dos paradigmas políticos fundantes: o retórico, o jurídico, o religioso, e o racionalista.
Aquest article és una primera aproximació al concepte d'allò polític en Jeanne Hersch i presta especial atenció a la lectura de Kant i Maquiavel i a la idea del nexe entre força i moral en l'obra de 1956, Idéologies et realité.
La densidad de la biografía intelectual de Simone Weil encuentra su expresión en unaobra difícilmente clasificable, cuya riqueza de matices y el rigor de sus análisis y planteamientos conviven con una excepcional capacidad de percepción de los prolblemas a los que se ha enfrentado el siglo XX, así como de coherencia comprometida con las propuestas que ante éstos ella misma ofrece.Las páginas que siguen pretenden abordar el tema del trabajo, central en la vida y elpensamiento de esta autora, destacando, por una parte, la apertura de su perspectiva a cuestiones decisivas en la filosofía de este siglo, por otra, el modo en el que su experiencia se entreteje en la reflexión sobre este tema, entendido como actividad mediadora en la que se cifra la posibilidad de la existencia humana.
La densidad de la biografía intelectual de Simone Weil encuentra su expresión en unaobra difícilmente clasificable, cuya riqueza de matices y el rigor de sus análisis y planteamientos conviven con una excepcional capacidad de percepción de los prolblemas a los que se ha enfrentado el siglo XX, así como de coherencia comprometida con las propuestas que ante éstos ella misma ofrece.Las páginas que siguen pretenden abordar el tema del trabajo, central en la vida y elpensamiento de esta autora, destacando, por una parte, la apertura de su perspectiva a cuestiones decisivas en la filosofía de este siglo, por otra, el modo en el que su experiencia se entreteje en la reflexión sobre este tema, entendido como actividad mediadora en la que se cifra la posibilidad de la existencia humana.