1000 resultados para Política de ordenamento territorial rural
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O presente trabalho pretende refletir geograficamente sobre a atividade pesqueira, apresentando algumas categorias de análise territorial que podem ser trabalhadas na pesca, levando em consideração os modos de vida dos pescadores; a abrangência territorial sob sua influencia da pesca e os mecanismos de representação espacial em ambiente computadorizado que estão disponíveis na atualidade, capazes de alcançar os padrões espaciais dessa abrangência. Esta análise partiu da consideração de que a atividade pesqueira é de extrema importância para o abastecimento dos centros urbanos, sendo a principal fonte de subsistência e de renda de populações de pescadores artesanais na região amazônica. Novos procedimentos metodológicos e processos tecnológicos têm engendrado à pesca uma significância cada vez maior, tanto pela aparente exaustão dos recursos, quanto pelo reconhecimento protéico e funcional, que os produtos pesqueiros têm ganhado nos últimos anos, como forma de alimentação adequada para a manutenção da qualidade de vida do consumidor. Dessa forma, o principal objetivo desse trabalho está em verificar e discutir sobre a viabilidade do uso de geotecnologias no atual modelo de ordenamento pesqueiro que se observa na região amazônica, buscando entender como esse ordenamento territorial na pesca pode integrar: geotecnologias; informações sobre equipamentos de pesca utilizados na captura do pescado; o conhecimento de pescadores e a legislação brasileira vigente. As pesquisas bibliográficas e de campo (na baía do Caeté e no rio Ituquara, estado do Pará), integradas aos trabalhos em laboratório, com utilização de técnicas de geoprocessamento sobre produtos do sensoriamento remoto permitiram mapear o momento dinâmico de algumas relações sócio-espaciais e estruturais por que passa a pesca, por isto, é importante o enfoque em mecanismos de auxilio ao ordenamento dos recursos pesqueiros. As tecnologias da chamada ciência da geoinformação, vem apresentando maior visibilidade nos estudos ambientais e por isto devem ser inseridas na atividade pesqueira como importante mecanismo de monitoramento, fiscalização e pesquisa em prol de manejos futuros.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
The logic of territorial ordainment in Recife has been developed mainly through the seclusion of the unwanted and the removal of stilt houses and slums in order to make room and prepare the space for new private enterprises. As an example of ordainment we took the 'Via Mangue' project, which is part of Recife's mobility plan and is one of the main projects aimed at the city's preparation for the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil. We believe that the project makes use of the 'great social benefits' discourse in order to cover its actual and practical consequences which, taken as whole, lead to the favoring of private sector over the public interest. That being so, the main goal of the present work is to make an analysis of territorial ordainment in Recife through the execution of the Via Mangue project; observing at the same time the urban and social impacts caused by the relocation of communities to the Via Mangue III housing complex, and verifying whether this policy actually promoted substantial improvement of habitability or only a precarious social inclusion of these populations. Our research was conducted and operated at three levels. First, the conceptual reconstitution of territorial ordainment; second, documental and cartographic research on the Via Mangue project; and last, fieldwork with observation of the constructed space and personal interviews with members of the families relocated to the Via Mangue III housing complex. We hope the present work could be a valuable contribution to the comprehension of the complexities involved in the relocation of families to housing complexes built by the government
The logic of territorial ordainment in Recife has been developed mainly through the seclusion of the unwanted and the removal of stilt houses and slums in order to make room and prepare the space for new private enterprises. As an example of ordainment we took the 'Via Mangue' project, which is part of Recife's mobility plan and is one of the main projects aimed at the city's preparation for the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil. We believe that the project makes use of the 'great social benefits' discourse in order to cover its actual and practical consequences which, taken as whole, lead to the favoring of private sector over the public interest. That being so, the main goal of the present work is to make an analysis of territorial ordainment in Recife through the execution of the Via Mangue project; observing at the same time the urban and social impacts caused by the relocation of communities to the Via Mangue III housing complex, and verifying whether this policy actually promoted substantial improvement of habitability or only a precarious social inclusion of these populations. Our research was conducted and operated at three levels. First, the conceptual reconstitution of territorial ordainment; second, documental and cartographic research on the Via Mangue project; and last, fieldwork with observation of the constructed space and personal interviews with members of the families relocated to the Via Mangue III housing complex. We hope the present work could be a valuable contribution to the comprehension of the complexities involved in the relocation of families to housing complexes built by the government
The logic of territorial ordainment in Recife has been developed mainly through the seclusion of the unwanted and the removal of stilt houses and slums in order to make room and prepare the space for new private enterprises. As an example of ordainment we took the 'Via Mangue' project, which is part of Recife's mobility plan and is one of the main projects aimed at the city's preparation for the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil. We believe that the project makes use of the 'great social benefits' discourse in order to cover its actual and practical consequences which, taken as whole, lead to the favoring of private sector over the public interest. That being so, the main goal of the present work is to make an analysis of territorial ordainment in Recife through the execution of the Via Mangue project; observing at the same time the urban and social impacts caused by the relocation of communities to the Via Mangue III housing complex, and verifying whether this policy actually promoted substantial improvement of habitability or only a precarious social inclusion of these populations. Our research was conducted and operated at three levels. First, the conceptual reconstitution of territorial ordainment; second, documental and cartographic research on the Via Mangue project; and last, fieldwork with observation of the constructed space and personal interviews with members of the families relocated to the Via Mangue III housing complex. We hope the present work could be a valuable contribution to the comprehension of the complexities involved in the relocation of families to housing complexes built by the government
Economía, política y ordenación territorial en la América española del último tercio del siglo XVIII
Esta tesis analiza los procesos de configuración de la etnicidad y la movilización política de la comunidad indígena yanacona de San Agustín, ubicada en el sur del departamento del Huila (Colombia). Para ello, hemos optado por una perspectiva político-antropológica que combina varias herramientas analíticas basadas en el uso de fuentes secundarias (actas, archivos, textos, informes, etc.) y testimonios orales recopilados en el trabajo de campo a partir de entrevistas no dirigidas y de la observación directa. Los indígenas yanaconas de San Agustín, provenientes del departamento del Cauca, configuran su etnicidad en el marco de un proceso político reivindicativo a partir de dos momentos: primero, el retorno a la cultura de origen, que permite refundar el proyecto social y político que caracteriza al yanacona en el nuevo territorio y, segundo, la ampliación y recreación de sus fronteras étnicas desde la apropiación cultural y de prácticas indígenas "externas" a las de la comunidad de origen. Sin embargo, dichos procesos de configuración de la etnicidad de los yanaconas de San Agustín reactivaron y generaron conflictos con el sector mestizo del lugar —políticos, alcaldes, hacendados y campesinos—, que afectaron al desarrollo del gobierno autónomo, pero también los llevaron a construir estrategias alternas, desde su doble condición de indígenas y ciudadanos, para hacer valer sus derechos. Para conseguir su primer objetivo, sus apuestas giraron alrededor del retorno a la vida comunitaria —trabajo organizativo bajo el horizonte de la comunalidad— y la reconstrucción de su pasado cultural y la memoria colectiva. Para ello, fueron claves, por un lado, las directrices político-culturales de la "yanaconicidad" —lineamientos fundados por líderes indígenas del departamento del Cauca que buscaban la unión y reorganización política de su pueblo— y, por otro, las "mingas de pensamiento" —jornadas de socialización colectiva— en las que los mayores y mayoras fueron construyendo la memoria colectiva del grupo...