920 resultados para Pointing in presentations


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In this paper a new 22 GHz water vapor spectro-radiometer which has been specifically designed for profile measurement campaigns of the middle atmosphere is presented. The instrument is of a compact design and has a simple set up procedure. It can be operated as a standalone instrument as it maintains its own weather station and a calibration scheme that does not rely on other instruments or the use of liquid nitrogen. The optical system of MIAWARA-C combines a choked gaussian horn antenna with a parabolic mirror which reduces the size of the instrument in comparison with currently existing radiometers. For the data acquisition a correlation receiver is used together with a digital cross correlating spectrometer. The complete backend section, including the computer, is located in the same housing as the instrument. The receiver section is temperature stabilized to minimize gain fluctuations. Calibration of the instrument is achieved through a balancing scheme with the sky used as the cold load and the tropospheric properties are determined by performing regular tipping curves. Since MIAWARA-C is used in measurement campaigns it is important to be able to determine the elevation pointing in a simple manner as this is a crucial parameter in the calibration process. Here we present two different methods; scanning the sky and the Sun. Finally, we report on the first spectra and retrieved water vapor profiles acquired during the Lapbiat campaign at the Finnish Meteorological Institute Arctic Research Centre in Sodankylä, Finland. The performance of MIAWARA-C is validated here by comparison of the presented profiles against the equivalent profiles from the Microwave Limb Sounder on the EOS/Aura satellite.


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CMOS-sensors, or in general Active Pixel Sensors (APS), are rapidly replacing CCDs in the consumer camera market. Due to significant technological advances during the past years these devices start to compete with CCDs also for demanding scientific imaging applications, in particular in the astronomy community. CMOS detectors offer a series of inherent advantages compared to CCDs, due to the structure of their basic pixel cells, which each contains their own amplifier and readout electronics. The most prominent advantages for space object observations are the extremely fast and flexible readout capabilities, feasibility for electronic shuttering and precise epoch registration,and the potential to perform image processing operations on-chip and in real-time. Here, the major challenges and design drivers for ground-based and space-based optical observation strategies for objects in Earth orbit have been analyzed. CMOS detector characteristics were critically evaluated and compared with the established CCD technology, especially with respect to the above mentioned observations. Finally, we simulated several observation scenarios for ground- and space-based sensor by assuming different observation and sensor properties. We will introduce the analyzed end-to-end simulations of the ground- and spacebased strategies in order to investigate the orbit determination accuracy and its sensitivity which may result from different values for the frame-rate, pixel scale, astrometric and epoch registration accuracies. Two cases were simulated, a survey assuming a ground-based sensor to observe objects in LEO for surveillance applications, and a statistical survey with a space-based sensor orbiting in LEO observing small-size debris in LEO. The ground-based LEO survey uses a dynamical fence close to the Earth shadow a few hours after sunset. For the space-based scenario a sensor in a sun-synchronous LEO orbit, always pointing in the anti-sun direction to achieve optimum illumination conditions for small LEO debris was simulated.


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Graphical display of regression results has become increasingly popular in presentations and in scientific literature because graphs are often much easier to read than tables. Such plots can be produced in Stata by the marginsplot command (see [R] marginsplot). However, while marginsplot is versatile and flexible, it has two major limitations: it can only process results left behind by margins (see [R] margins), and it can handle only one set of results at a time. In this article, I introduce a new command called coefplot that overcomes these limitations. It plots results from any estimation command and combines results from several models into one graph. The default behavior of coefplot is to plot markers for coefficients and horizontal spikes for confidence intervals. However, coefplot can also produce other types of graphs. I illustrate the capabilities of coefplot by using a series of examples.


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This talk illustrates how results from various Stata commands can be processed efficiently for inclusion in customized reports. A two-step procedure is proposed in which results are gathered and archived in the first step and then tabulated in the second step. Such an approach disentangles the tasks of computing results (which may take long) and preparing results for inclusion in presentations, papers, and reports (which you may have to do over and over). Examples using results from model estimation commands and various other Stata commands such as tabulate, summarize, or correlate are presented. Users will also be shown how to dynamically link results into word processors or into LaTeX documents.


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El 29 de enero de 2000 Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza ofrece su última conferencia en el salón de actos del edificio sede del BBVA en el Paseo de la Castellana de Madrid. Esta conferencia inaugura el ciclo “El arquitecto enseña su obra”, organizado por el Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (C.O.A.M.) y la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (E.T.S.A.M.). Las obras en concreto que Oíza 'enseña' en este evento son Torres Blancas (Madrid, 1961- 1968) y Banco de Bilbao (Madrid, 1971-1980). Antes de la conferencia, blandiendo una carpeta, Oíza dice: Traigo aquí los textos de siempre, los que siempre he usado, (...) yo no he escrito ni una línea, solo he subrayado ciertos pasajes, en la medida de lo posible me gustaría leer alguno. Pero como aquí hay como para cinco horas, pues no se qué hacer. Citarlo sí, porque de ustedes el que quiera penetrar un poco en mi conocimiento, pues que vea las citas que yo hago aquí, qué pasajes, o qué libros o qué artículos propongo. 1 La carpeta que lleva Oíza en su mano contiene veinticuatro fichas mecanografiadas por él mismo. Las fichas son pasajes de textos; en su mayoría de textos literarios o poéticos, e incluyen una referencia bibliográfica que menciona: título de libro, edición y número de página. Además, en cada ficha están resaltados los pasajes que Oíza pretende leer. 2 Antes del comienzo de la conferencia Oíza dice: Tengo aquí citas de lecturas que le recomendaría a quien quiera enterarse de cómo es este edificio. 3 Durante la conferencia Oíza no parece hablar sobre las obras que debe enseñar; en cambio se dedica, casi exclusivamente, a leer en público. Esta tesis nace de lo sugerido por el propio Oíza. El objetivo general, siguiendo sus propias palabras, es 'penetrar un poco' en su conocimiento a partir de citas y recomendaciones de lecturas realizadas por él mismo al tratar sobre arquitectura. La hipótesis central plantea que por medio de sus lecturas Oíza sí habla de arquitectura, y sostiene también que a partir de sus textos es posible 'enterarse', al menos en parte, de cómo es un edificio, en particular Torres Blancas y Banco de Bilbao. Más aún, se plantea la hipótesis de que Oíza, maestro ágrafo y de carácter socrático, ha construido, no obstante, un 'discurso teórico' arquitectónico suficientemente sistemático. De modo que aún cuando Oíza no ha dejado una 'teoría' escrita es posible reconstruirla, en cierta medida, a partir de su elocución y a partir de la comprensión de sus 'lecturas'. Las fuentes primarias de esta tesis son: a) Las lecturas que Oíza recomienda en su conferencia de enero de 2000. b) Torres Blancas y Banco de Bilbao. c) Las lecturas en público realizadas por Oíza en conferencias, cursos, debates, mesas redondas, programas de TV, etc. El tema que se investiga es la relación entre los textos recomendados por Oíza y su arquitectura, y la pregunta guía de la investigación es cómo y en qué medida los textos pueden contribuir a la comprensión del pensamiento, del discurso y de la obra de Oíza. Torres Blancas y Banco de Bilbao son, en todo momento, las dos principales obras utilizadas para la observación y el contraste de los resultados de la investigación teórica en el desarrollo de la tesis. El soporte teórico y metodológico de la tesis está dado por la hermenéutica en tanto disciplina encargada de la interpretación y correcta comprensión de textos y obras, en particular por la filosofía hermenéutica de Hans-Georg Gadamer expuesta en Verdad y método. La relevancia, el aspecto original y la posible aportación al conocimiento de esta tesis consiste en una aproximación a Oíza y a su arquitectura, desde un punto de vista hasta ahora no investigado de forma sistemática, esto es, a partir de las lecturas de Oíza. ABSTRACT On 29th January 2000 Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza gave his last lecture in the Auditorium at BBVA headquarters located in Paseo de la Castellana avenue in Madrid. That lecture opened the series The Architect Shows his Work (El arquitecto enseña su obra) organised by the COAM Official College of Architects and the ETSAM Architecture School of Madrid. The specific works that Oíza 'shows' in his lecture were Torres Blancas (Madrid, 1961- 1968) and Banco de Bilbao (Madrid, 1971-1980). Before the lecture, waving a folder in his hand, Oíza says: I've got here the texts I've always used, (…) I haven't written a line, I've only underlined certain passages, I would like to read some of them to the extent possible. But I have here about five hours of reading, so I don't know what to do. I can cite them, yes, and anyone of you who want to delve a little into my knowledge can look at the citations I make here, the passages, books or articles I recommend. 1 The folder in Oíza's hand contains 24 files typed by the architect himself. The files consist of text passages -most of which are literary or poetry texts- and include the bibliographic citation with book the title, edition and page number. In addition, the passages Oíza intends to read are highlighted. Before starting his lecture Oíza says: I've got here citations of readings I'd recommend to those who want to realise how this building is. 2 During the lecture Oíza doesn't seem to be talking about the works he has to show, on the contrary, he focuses almost exclusively on reading texts to the audience. This thesis is the result of a suggestion made by Oíza himself. The broad aim is to 'delve a little into' his knowledge using citations and reading recommendations made by Oíza when dealing with the architecture subject. The main hypothesis proposes that Oíza talks about architecture through his readings and that starting from 'his' texts it is possible to 'realise', at least in part, how a building is, Torres Blancas and Banco de Bilbao in particular. Moreover, it is proposed the hypothesis that Oíza, as a Socratic teacher reluctant to write down his ideas, has nevertheless built a systematic 'theoretical discourse' on architecture. As a result, even when he has not written a 'theory', it is possible to reconstruct it to a certain degree, starting from his speech and from the understanding of his readings. The primary sources for this thesis are: a) The readings that Oíza recommends in his lecture of January 2000. b) The Torres Blancas and Banco de Bilbao. c) The readings done by Oíza in presentations, lectures, debates, panel discussions, television programmes, etc. The subject under research is the relationship between the texts that Oíza recommends and his architecture. The guiding question for the research is how and to what extent the texts can contribute to the understanding of Oíza's thoughts, discourse and work. Torres Blancas and Banco de Bilbao are the two main works considered along the thesis and they have been used for observation and to test the results of the theoretical research as it progresses. The thesis theoretical and methodological framework is based on the hermeneutics -as the discipline that deals with the interpretation and the correct understanding of texts and works-, in particular the hermeneutics philosophy of Hans-Georg Gadamer in Truth and Method. The relevance, the original element and the possible contribution of this thesis is given by the approach to Oíza and his architecture through Oíza's readings, a perspective that hasn't been yet systematically researched.


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En el planteamiento de la tesis se desarrolla una metodología para la construcción de la paleta cromática representativa de un espacio urbano. El objetivo principal es hallar una paleta representativa con la finalidad de determinar diferencias cromáticas entre ámbitos urbanos de época y composición urbana distinta. En el estado del arte se describe en primer lugar la teoría del color resaltando los factores que influyen en el proceso cromático perceptivo; en segundo lugar se hace un estudio clasificatorio de diferentes sistemas cromáticos y la teoría de la verbalidad del color y por último se hace un análisis del espacio público puntualizando en la relación entre la morfología y el factor cromático. Para la construcción de las paletas cromáticas se lleva a cabo un procesamiento informático de fotografías digitales con una aplicación que ha sido creada específicamente para la extracción y conversión de valores cromáticos y un proceso de filtrado con cálculo estadístico para la elección de las muestras. En el análisis también se establece una relación entre los factores urbanos y la resultante cromática, como instrumento para determinar las correspondencias de ciertas características urbanas con el comportamiento cromático. La resultante cromática de cada espacio se establece mediante el sistema cromático HSL y su composición es valorada y comparada entre los diferentes puntos de análisis establecidos y las diferentes orientaciones. Finalmente, en base a las paletas cromáticas se plantea una comparativa entre espacios urbanos de la ciudad de Madrid con la finalidad de establecer diferencias cromáticas entre planteamientos urbanos de distinta índole morfológica y constructiva. ABSTRACT In the approach of the thesis is developed a methodology for the construction of a representative palette of urban space. The main objective is to find a representative palette in order to determine color differences between urban areas of different age and urban composition. In the prior art is described first color theory highlighting the factors that influencing the perceptual color process; in second it is a qualifying study of various color systems and the theory of color verbality and finally is an analysis of public space pointing in the relationship between morphology and the color factor. For the construction of the color palette is carried out computer processing of digital photos in an application that has been created specifically for the extraction and conversion of color values and a filtering process with statistical calculation for the election of the samples. In analyzing a relationship between urban factors and the resulting color as an instrument is also set to determine the correlation of certain urban characteristics with the color behavior. The resulting color of each space is set by the HSL color system and its composition is evaluated and compared between the different established points of analysis and different orientations. Finally, based on the color palettes, arises a comparison between urban spaces in the city of Madrid with the aim of establishing color differences between urban approaches of different morphological and constructive nature.


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Há mais de uma década o controle dos níveis de preço na economia brasileira é realizado dentro do escopo do Regime de Metas de Inflação, que utiliza modelos macroeconômicos como instrumentos para guiar as tomadas de decisões sobre política monetária. Após um período de relativo êxito (2006 - 2009), nos últimos anos apesar dos esforços das autoridades monetárias na aplicação das políticas de contenção da inflação, seguindo os mandamentos do regime de metas, esta tem se mostrado resistente, provocando um debate em torno de fatores que podem estar ocasionando tal comportamento. Na literatura internacional, alguns trabalhos têm creditado aos choques de oferta, especialmente aos desencadeados pela variação dos preços das commodities, uma participação significativa na inflação, principalmente em economias onde os produtos primários figuram como maioria na pauta exportadora. Na literatura nacional, já existem alguns trabalhos que apontam nesta mesma direção. Sendo assim, buscou-se, como objetivo principal para o presente estudo, avaliar como os choques de oferta, mais especificamente os choques originados pelos preços das commodities, têm impactado na inflação brasileira e como e com que eficiência a política monetária do país tem reagido. Para tanto, foi estimado um modelo semiestrutural contendo uma curva de Phillips, uma curva IS e duas versões da Função de Reação do Banco Central, de modo a verificar como as decisões de política monetária são tomadas. O método de estimação empregado foi o de Autorregressão Vetorial com Correção de Erro (VEC) na sua versão estrutural, que permite uma avaliação dinâmica das relações de interdependência entre as variáveis do modelo proposto. Por meio da estimação da curva de Phillips foi possível observar que os choques de oferta, tanto das commodities como da produtividade do trabalho e do câmbio, não impactam a inflação imediatamente, porém sua relevância é crescente ao longo do tempo chegando a prevalecer sobre o efeito autorregressivo (indexação) verificado. Estes choques também se apresentaram importantes para o comportamento da expectativa de inflação, produzindo assim, uma indicação de que seus impactos tendem a se espalhar pelos demais setores da economia. Através dos resultados da curva IS constatou-se a forte inter-relação entre o hiato do produto e a taxa de juros, o que indica que a política monetária, por meio da fixação de tal taxa, influencia fortemente a demanda agregada. Já por meio da estimação da primeira função de reação, foi possível perceber que há uma relação contemporânea relevante entre o desvio da expectativa de inflação em relação à meta e a taxa Selic, ao passo que a relação contemporânea do hiato do produto sobre a taxa Selic se mostrou pequena. Por fim, os resultados obtidos com a segunda função de reação, confirmaram que as autoridades monetárias reagem mais fortemente aos sinais inflacionários da economia do que às movimentações que acontecem na atividade econômica e mostraram que uma elevação nos preços das commodities, em si, não provoca diretamente um aumento na taxa básica de juros da economia.


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After Russia’s annexation of Crimea, Crimean Tatars face the necessity of working out a modus vivendi to cope with the difficult situation which now confronts them. On the one hand, the desire to remain in their homeland, which they regained after exile in Soviet times, is an imperative encouraging them to accept the status quo, while on the other, the fear of Russia and the strong relations of Crimean Tatar elites with Kyiv would favour opposing the present state of affairs. Another fact pointing in favour of an agreement with Moscow is that Kyiv has not attempted to defend Crimea and has not been active in demanding its return to Ukraine, which has undermined Kyiv’s authority in the eyes of the Tatars. Therefore, the leaders of the Mejlis of Crimean Tatars (the national self-government) act carefully, trying to avoid actions which could be seen as provocative and thus liable to incite retribution. It could be expected that this course of action will continue, although it faces ever greater difficulties in the context of the Russian authorities’ adoption of a strongly anti-Tatar policy, which is likely to evoke more radical attitudes among the Crimean Tatars.


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Fine copy of al-Būṣīrī's poem in praise of the Prophet accompanied by elucidation in Persian and Turkish.


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Elegant autograph copy of the versified Persian-Turkish glossary of the müderris Osman Şakir (whose name appears in Īḍāḥ al-maknūn as ʻUthmān Shukrī, d.1818?). Apparently inspired by the popular Tuhfe-yi Vehbî (used for many years in Ottoman schools) of Sünbülzâde Vehbi Mehmet Efendi (d.1809), see opening matter on p.5-15.


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The gradient force, as a function of position and velocity, is derived for a two-level atom interacting with a standing-wave laser field. Basing on optical Bloch equations, the numerical solutions for the gradient force f_(|_;n) (n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...) pointing in the direction of the transverse of the laser beam are given. It is shown the higher order gradient force plays important role at strong intensity (G = 64), the contribution of them can not be neglected.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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En nuestro país en los últimos tiempos se ha dado un boom en el área gastronómica ya que se empieza a dar mucho realce al tema de rescatar sabores y tradiciones, además las personas cada vez se van volviendo más exigentes y comparativas , esto nos lleva a crear nuevas opciones de sabores y técnicas para la elaboración de los mismos. De cierta manera las personas que elaboramos alimentos nos vemos en la obligación de satisfacer a nuestros clientes ya no sólo en el sabor. Ahora también en presentaciones y texturas que lleguen a sorprenderlos. Sin olvidarnos de las raíces propias de cada plato y más bien resaltando el consumo de cada elemento que los compone. Así hacemos una fusión perfecta entre lo moderno y lo tradicional