912 resultados para Point-to-point speed enforcement
A particle accelerator is any device that, using electromagnetic fields, is able to communicate energy to charged particles (typically electrons or ionized atoms), accelerating and/or energizing them up to the required level for its purpose. The applications of particle accelerators are countless, beginning in a common TV CRT, passing through medical X-ray devices, and ending in large ion colliders utilized to find the smallest details of the matter. Among the other engineering applications, the ion implantation devices to obtain better semiconductors and materials of amazing properties are included. Materials supporting irradiation for future nuclear fusion plants are also benefited from particle accelerators. There are many devices in a particle accelerator required for its correct operation. The most important are the particle sources, the guiding, focalizing and correcting magnets, the radiofrequency accelerating cavities, the fast deflection devices, the beam diagnostic mechanisms and the particle detectors. Most of the fast particle deflection devices have been built historically by using copper coils and ferrite cores which could effectuate a relatively fast magnetic deflection, but needed large voltages and currents to counteract the high coil inductance in a response in the microseconds range. Various beam stability considerations and the new range of energies and sizes of present time accelerators and their rings require new devices featuring an improved wakefield behaviour and faster response (in the nanoseconds range). This can only be achieved by an electromagnetic deflection device based on a transmission line. The electromagnetic deflection device (strip-line kicker) produces a transverse displacement on the particle beam travelling close to the speed of light, in order to extract the particles to another experiment or to inject them into a different accelerator. The deflection is carried out by the means of two short, opposite phase pulses. The diversion of the particles is exerted by the integrated Lorentz force of the electromagnetic field travelling along the kicker. This Thesis deals with a detailed calculation, manufacturing and test methodology for strip-line kicker devices. The methodology is then applied to two real cases which are fully designed, built, tested and finally installed in the CTF3 accelerator facility at CERN (Geneva). Analytical and numerical calculations, both in 2D and 3D, are detailed starting from the basic specifications in order to obtain a conceptual design. Time domain and frequency domain calculations are developed in the process using different FDM and FEM codes. The following concepts among others are analyzed: scattering parameters, resonating high order modes, the wakefields, etc. Several contributions are presented in the calculation process dealing specifically with strip-line kicker devices fed by electromagnetic pulses. Materials and components typically used for the fabrication of these devices are analyzed in the manufacturing section. Mechanical supports and connexions of electrodes are also detailed, presenting some interesting contributions on these concepts. The electromagnetic and vacuum tests are then analyzed. These tests are required to ensure that the manufactured devices fulfil the specifications. Finally, and only from the analytical point of view, the strip-line kickers are studied together with a pulsed power supply based on solid state power switches (MOSFETs). The solid state technology applied to pulsed power supplies is introduced and several circuit topologies are modelled and simulated to obtain fast and good flat-top pulses.
The myosin head consists of a globular catalytic domain that binds actin and hydrolyzes ATP and a neck domain that consists of essential and regulatory light chains bound to a long alpha-helical portion of the heavy chain. The swinging neck-level model assumes that a swinging motion of the neck relative to the catalytic domain is the origin of movement. This model predicts that the step size, and consequently the sliding velocity, are linearly related to the length of the neck. We have tested this point by characterizing a series of mutant Dictyostelium myosins that have different neck lengths. The 2xELCBS mutant has an extra binding site for essential light chain. The delta RLCBS mutant myosin has an internal deletion that removes the regulatory light chain binding site. The delta BLCBS mutant lacks both light chain binding sites. Wild-type myosin and these mutant myosins were subjected to the sliding filament in vitro motility assay. As expected, mutants with shorter necks move slower than wild-type myosin in vitro. Most significantly, a mutant with a longer neck moves faster than the wild type, and the sliding velocities of these myosins are linearly related to the neck length, as predicted by the swinging neck-lever model. A simple extrapolation to zero speed predicts that the fulcrum point is in the vicinity of the SH1-SH2 region in the catalytic domain.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
The main objective of this research was to evaluate the impact of temporary speed humps and speed tables on vehicle speeds, vehicle speed profiles, and traffic volumes along local and/or collector streets in several rural Iowa cities. A 25 mile per hour (mph) temporary speed hump and a 30 mph temporary speed table, both made of recycled rubber, were purchased to test the impact of temporary devices. Two cities volunteered and the speed hump/table was installed on two test streets in the city of Atlantic (Roosevelt Drive and Redwood Drive) and one test street in the city of Le Claire (Canal Shore Drive). The speed hump was installed first and then converted to a speed table. Each device was installed for a period of at least two weeks at the same location. Speed, volume, and resident opinion data were then collected and evaluated.
Tämän työn tavoitteena oli suunnitella esimerkkirakenne vaikeisiin olosuhteisiin tarkoitetusta sähkömoottorista. Ensisijaisesti tarkasteltavia osia sähkömoottorin rakenteessa olivat roottoriakseli, laakerointi sekä laakerikilvet. Laakeroinnista tarkasteltiin laakerivaurioiden syntymistä, tarvittavaa esijännitysvoimaa sekä jälkivoitelua. Lisäksi momenttiakselista tarkasteltiin sen vääntövärähtelyominaisuuksia sekä rungosta ja laakerikilvistä niiden jännityksiä B5-kiinnitysasennossa, eli laippakiinnityksessä. Työstä pyrittiin tekemään suunnitteluohje vastaavanlaisiin suunnittelutehtäviin. Tämän työn kirjallisessa osassa tarkasteltiin oikosulkumoottorin rakennetta ja laakerointia, josta perehdyttiin erityisesti erilaisiin kuormitustilanteisiin, voiteluun sekä kestoiänlaskentaan. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin roottoridynamiikkaa ja ominaismuotojen laskentaa. Kokonaisen roottorin, sisältäen roottoriakselin, –levypaketin, laakeroinnin ja ylikuormitussuojan, pienimmäksi ominaistaajuudeksi saatiin 62,1 Hz:ä, joka oli kuitenkin lähes kaksinkertainen verrattaessa roottorin käyntinopeuteen (33,3 Hz:ä). On siis varmaa, että roottorin kestoikä ei heikkene sen ominaistaajuuksien aiheuttamasta resonanssista. Pelkän roottoriakselin pienimmäksi ominaistaajuudeksi saatiin 448,0 Hz:ä. Verrattaessa tätä taajuutta roottorin käyntinopeuteen nähtiin, että roottoriakselin ominaistaajuuksien puolesta rakenne oli selvästi alikriittinen. Tarkasteltaessa roottoriakselin vääntövärähtelyn ominaistaajuutta 12,6 Hz:ä nähtiin, että se oli pienempi kuin moottorin pyörimisnopeus. Tämä ei kuitenkaan ollut moottorin kestoiän kannalta vakavaa. Koska todellisista sähkömoottorin käyttöolosuhteista ei ollut tarkkaa tietoa, tutkittiin laakeroinnin kestoikää kahdessa ääriolosuhteessa, joko moottoriin kohdistuva tärinä oli kokoajan suurin mahdollinen tunnettu tai tärinää ei ollut ollenkaan. Todellinen tilanne on jossakin näiden kahden ääriolosuhteen välissä. Oli kuitenkin varmaa, että tarkasteltava rakenne kestää halutun kestoiän eli 10000 tuntia laakeroinnin puolesta. Laakerikilpien ominaistaajuudet olivat korkeita eikä niillä ollut vaikutusta rakenteen kestoikään. Laakerikilpien korkeat ominaistaajuudet johtuivat niiden jäykästä rakenteesta ja suuresta materiaalipaksuudesta. Tarkasteltaessa momenttiakselin vääntövärähtelyn ominaistaajuutta 7,2 Hz:ä nähtiin, että se oli pienempi kuin moottorin pyörimisnopeus. Tämä ei kuitenkaan ollut moottorin kestoiän kannalta vakavaa, jos ominaistaajuus ja sen kerrannaiset ohitettaisiin sähkömoottorin käytössä hetkellisesti eikä moottoria käytettäisi vääntövärähtelyn taajuudella. Tarkasteltaessa B5-asennon jännityksiä nähdään, että ne kasvoivat rungon ja laakerikilven välisissä kiinnitysruuveissa yllättävän suuriksi. Normaalin ruuvin murtoraja on 640 MPa:a, kun jännitys rungon ja laakerikilven välisissä kiinnitysruuveissa oli suurimmillaan 400 MPa:a. Rakenne oli kuitenkin varmalla puolella kestävyyden suhteen, koska keskimääräinen vetojännitys ruuveissa oli noin 200 MPa:a. Ruuvien jännityksiä voidaan pienentää lisäämällä kiinnitys-ruuvien lukumäärää tai kasvattamalla niiden kokoa. Koko moottorin kiinnitysruuveissa jännitys oli vain 4 MPa:a, koska osan kuormituksesta kantoi laakerikilven olakkeet.
Optimal control theory is a powerful tool for solving control problems in quantum mechanics, ranging from the control of chemical reactions to the implementation of gates in a quantum computer. Gradient-based optimization methods are able to find high fidelity controls, but require considerable numerical effort and often yield highly complex solutions. We propose here to employ a two-stage optimization scheme to significantly speed up convergence and achieve simpler controls. The control is initially parametrized using only a few free parameters, such that optimization in this pruned search space can be performed with a simplex method. The result, considered now simply as an arbitrary function on a time grid, is the starting point for further optimization with a gradient-based method that can quickly converge to high fidelities. We illustrate the success of this hybrid technique by optimizing a geometric phase gate for two superconducting transmon qubits coupled with a shared transmission line resonator, showing that a combination of Nelder-Mead simplex and Krotov’s method yields considerably better results than either one of the two methods alone.
Esta dissertação examina o relacionamento entre o acúmulo de capacidades tecnológicas e os mecanismos de aprendizagem tecnológica em subsidiárias de empresas multinacionais inseridas em economias em desenvolvimento. Este relacionamento é analisado por meio de estudo de caso comparativo de duas subsidiárias do setor de tecnologia da informação e comunicação brasileiro, de diferente países de origem, para as tecnologias associadas ao acesso à internet em alta velocidade, no período de 2004 a 2009. A literatura referente ao desenvolvimento de capacidades tecnológicas em organizações inseridas em economias emergentes evoluiu consideravelmente nos últimos anos, descrevendo vários exemplos da evolução destas capacidades tecnológicas. Porém, ainda são raros os estudos que examinam este processo em subsidiárias de empresas multinacionais presentes em economias emergentes e,mais raros ainda, os estudos que examinam os relacionamentos entre estas trajetórias de acumulação e os seus mecanismos de aprendizado em duas subsidiárias. Com o objetivo de contribuir para o preenchimento dessa lacuna, esta pesquisa buscou enriquecer este debate baseando-se em evidências empíricas primárias e secundárias, para explorar este relacionamento com bastante profundidade e pôde verificar que: 1. Em ambas as subsidiárias pesquisadas houve acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas. Porém, houve uma forte distinção entre estas empresas estudadas em termos da natureza e velocidade de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas. 2. Também pôde-se identificar um intenso uso de mecanismos intra-organizacionais de fontes internas e de interorganizacionais de fontes externas de aprendizagem tecnológica. Porém, esta característica também apresentou uma grande variabilidade de diversidade e intensidade do uso destes mecanismos, para acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas ao nível da subsidiária. E, a partir destas evidências, pode-se concluir que os diferentes mecanismos de aprendizado tecnológico utilizados pelas organizações inseridas em economias em desenvolvimento desempenham um papel de fundamental relevância não somente para a natureza das capacidades tecnológicas acumuladas, mas também para a intensidade de acumulação. Assim, desta conclusão pode-se interpretar que a Alcatel-Lucent, através de seus esforços de aprendizado tecnológico, está melhor preparada para um contexto competitivo caracterizado por inovações tecnológicas que a ZTE Corporation. Mas este contexto competitivo muitas vezes não se forma em economias emergentes, como a brasileira, que devido à baixa competição e uma crescente necessidade de resultados econômicos de curto prazo faz com que a opção por empresas com o enfoque de custos (ou capacidades operacionais) seja mais valorizada do que empresas com o enfoque de desenvolvimento de capacidades inovadoras capazes de produzir tecnologias. Logo, os resultados desta dissertação sugerem aos gestores destas empresas: (1) a necessidade de um contínuo engajamento em busca de novas fontes de aprendizado tecnológico interno e externo às suas respectivas organizações, de forma a sustentar e acumular novas capacidades tecnológicas operacionais e inovadoras, (2) a importância da qualidade e intensidade dos diversos tipos de relacionamentos e interações internos e externos a estas organizações, de forma a intensificar estes relacionamentos de aprendizado em tecnologias inexistentes nestas organizações. Os resultados desta dissertação também permitem apontar sugestões para gestores governamentais, visto que, no “Plano Nacional de Banda larga”, em desenvolvimento pelo governo federal brasileiro, (1) deve-se incentivar o fortalecimento das parcerias e interações entre as diversas organizações do setor, como as subsidiárias de EMN, as operadoras e centros tecnológicos e universidades locais, de forma a criar projetos mútuos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias no setor e, por conseqüência, um maior desenvolvimento tecnológico setorial e (2) buscar através da regulação do setor, que as empresas sejam incentivadas a buscar novos e melhores mecanismos de aprendizagem de forma a consolidar e evoluir as suas capacidades tecnológicas, visando o desenvolvimento tecnológico setorial.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Most estimates of diffusive flux (F) of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) from lakes are based on single-point flux chamber measurements or on piston velocity (k) modeled from wind speed and single-point measurements of surface water gas concentrations (C-aq). We analyzed spatial variability of F of CH4 and CO2, as well as C-aq and k in 22 European lakes during late summer. F and k were higher in the lake centers, leading to considerable bias when extrapolating single-point chamber measurements to whole-lake estimates. The ratio of our empirical k estimates to wind speed-modeled k was related to lake size and shape, suggesting a lake morphology effect on the relationship between wind speed and k. This indicates that the error inherent to established wind speed models can be reduced by determining k and C-aq at multiple sites on lakes to calibrate wind speed-modeled k to the local system.
Mineral compositions of the plagioclase-bearing ultramafic tectonites dredged and cored seaward of the continental slope of the Galicia margin (Leg 103, Site 637) were compared to mineral compositions from onshore low-pressure ultramafic bodies (southeastern Ronda, western Pyrenees, and Lizard Point), on the basis of standardized (30-s counting time) probe analyses. The comparison was extended to some plagioclase-free harzburgites related to ophiolites (Santa Elena in Costa Rica, north Oman, and the Humboldt body in New Caledonia) on the basis of new analytical data and data from the literature. The behavior of Cr, Na, Al, Mg, Fe, Ni, and Ti in olivine, pyroxenes, and spinel was examined in order to distinguish between the effects of partial melting and mineral facies change, from the spinel to plagioclase stability fields. The peridotite from the Galicia margin appears slightly depleted in major incompatible elements and experienced a minor partial melting. However, it experienced large scale but heterogeneous recrystallization in the plagioclase field. These features are very similar to those observed in Ronda, whereas in the western Pyrenees the minerals exemplify a very minor partial-melting event (or none at all) and have retained compositions corresponding to those of the relatively high-pressure Seiland sub facies. The minerals from the Lizard Point peridotite have characteristics (low Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratio; high Cr/(Cr + Al) ratio in spinel) more related to cumulate from a differentiated tholeiitic melt than related to ophiolitic tectonite. Diffusion profiles of Al and Cr across pyroxenes and spinel show that recrystallization features occurred at different speeds or temperatures in the different bodies. The pyroxenes from Ronda would have experienced recrystallization about 14 times faster than the peridotite from the Galicia margin. The western Pyrenean lherzolites also experienced rapid recrystallization; nevertheless, because they are of a different mineral facies, the data are not directly comparable to that from Ronda and Galicia. The harzburgite at Santa Elena as well as a xenolith from alkali basalt exemplify rapid cooling characterized by very weak re-equilibration. Recrystallization speed is related to emplacement speed in the present geological environment. The slow-rising Galicia margin peridotite was emplaced by thinning of the lithospheric subcontinental mantle near an incipient mid-oceanic ridge. The fast-rising peridotites from Ronda and the western Pyrenees were hot diapirs emplaced from the asthenosphere along transcurrent faults, possibly related to the opening of the Atlantic Ocean.
Este trabajo fin de grado, presenta una herramienta para experimentar con técnicas de la Programación Genética Guiada por Gramáticas. La mayor parte de los trabajos realizados hasta el momento en esta área, son demasiado restrictivos, ya que trabajan con gramáticas, y funciones fitness predefinidas dentro de las propias herramientas, por lo que solo son útiles sobre un único problema. Este trabajo se plantea el objetivo de presentar una herramienta mediante la cual todos los parámetros, gramáticas, individuos y funciones fitness, sean parametrizables. Es decir, una herramienta de carácter general, valida para cualquier tipo de problema que sea representable mediante una gramática libre de contexto. Para abordad el objetivo principal propuesto, se plantea un mecanismo para construir el árbol de derivación de los individuos de acuerdo a una gramática libre de contexto, y a partir de ahí, aplicar una serie de operadores genéticos guiados por gramáticas para ofrecer un resultado final, de acuerdo a una función fitness, que el usuario puede seleccionar antes de realizar la ejecución. La herramienta, también propone una medida de similitud entre los individuos pertenecientes a una determinada generación, que permite comparar los individuos desde el punto de vista de la información semántica que contienen. Con el objetivo de validar el trabajo realizado, se ha probado la herramienta con una gramática libre de contexto ya predefinida, y se exponen numerosos tipos de resultados de acuerdo a distintos parámetros de la aplicación, así como su comparación, para poder estudiar la velocidad e convergencia de los mismos. ---ABSTRACT---This final project presents a tool for working with algorithms related to Genetic Grammar Guided Programming. Most of the work done so far in this area is too restrictive, since they only work with predefined grammars, and fitness functions built within the tools themselves, so they are only useful on a single problem. The main objective of this tool is that all parameters, grammars, individuals and fitness functions, are can be easily modified thought the interface. In other words, a general tool valid for any type of problem that can be represented by a context-free grammar. To address the main objective proposed, the tool provides a mechanism to build the derivation tree of individuals according to a context-free grammar, and from there, applying a series of grammar guided genetic operators to deliver a final result, according to a fitness function, which the user can select before execution. The tool also offers a measure of similarity between individuals belonging to a certain generation, allowing comparison of individuals from the point of view of semantic information they contain. In order to validate the work done, the tool has been tested with a context-free grammar previously defined, and numerous types test have been run with different parameters of the application. The results are compared according to their speed convergence
In recent years a great number of high speed railway bridges have been constructed within the Spanish borders. Due to the demanding high speed trains route's geometrical requirements, bridges frequently show remarkable lengths. This fact is the main reason why railway bridges are overall longer than roadway bridges. In the same line, it is also worth highlighting the importance of high speed trains braking forces compared to vehicles. While vehicles braking forces can be tackled easily, the railway braking forces demand the existence of a fixed-point. It is generally located at abutments where the no-displacements requirement can be more easily achieved. In some other cases the fixed-point is placed in one of the interior columns. As a consequence of these bridges' length and the need of a fixed-point, temperature, creep and shrinkage strains lead to fairly significant deck displacements, which become greater with the distance to the fixed-point. These displacements need to be accommodated by the piers and bearings deformation. Regular elastomeric bearings are not able to allow such displacements and therefore are not suitable for this task. For this reason, the use of sliding PTFE POT bearings has been an extensive practice mainly because they permit sliding with low friction. This is not the only reason of the extensive use of these bearings to high-speed railways bridges. The value of the vertical loads at each bent is significantly higher than in roadway bridges. This is so mainly because the live loads due to trains traffic are much greater than vehicles. Thus, gravel rails foundation represents a non-negligible permanent load at all. All this together increases the value of vertical loads to be withstood. This high vertical load demand discards the use of conventional bearings for excessive compressions. The PTFE POT bearings' higher technology allows to accommodate this level of compression thanks to their design. The previously explained high-speed railway bridge configuration leads to a key fact regarding longitudinal horizontal loads (such as breaking forces) which is the transmission of these loads entirely to the fixed-point alone. Piers do not receive these longitudinal horizontal loads since PTFE POT bearings displayed are longitudinally free-sliding. This means that longitudinal horizontal actions on top of piers will not be forces but imposed displacements. This feature leads to the need to approach these piers design in a different manner that when piers are elastically linked to superstructure, which is the case of elastomeric bearings. In response to the previous, the main goal of this Thesis is to present a Design Method for columns displaying either longitudinally fixed POT bearings or longitudinally free PTFE POT bearings within bridges with fixed-point deck configuration, applicable to railway and road vehicles bridges. The method was developed with the intention to account for all major parameters that play a role in these columns behavior. The long process that has finally led to the method's formulation is rooted in the understanding of these column's behavior. All the assumptions made to elaborate the formulations contained in this method have been made in benefit of conservatives results. The singularity of the analysis of columns with this configuration is due to a combination of different aspects. One of the first steps of this work was to study they of these design aspects and understand the role each plays in the column's response. Among these aspects, special attention was dedicated to the column's own creep due to permanent actions such us rheological deck displacements, and also to the longitudinally guided PTFE POT bearings implications in the design of the column. The result of this study is the Design Method presented in this Thesis, that allows to work out a compliant vertical reinforcement distribution along the column. The design of horizontal reinforcement due to shear forces is not addressed in this Thesis. The method's formulations are meant to be applicable to the greatest number of cases, leaving to the engineer judgement many of the different parameters values. In this regard, this method is a helpful tool for a wide range of cases. The widespread use of European standards in the more recent years, in particular the so-called Eurocodes, has been one of the reasons why this Thesis has been developed in accordance with Eurocodes. Same trend has been followed for the bearings design implications, which are covered by the rather recent European code EN-1337. One of the most relevant aspects that this work has taken from the Eurocodes is the non-linear calculations security format. The biaxial bending simplified approach that shows the Design Method presented in this work also lies on Eurocodes recommendations. The columns under analysis are governed by a set of dimensionless parameters that are presented in this work. The identification of these parameters is a helpful for design purposes for two columns with identical dimensionless parameters may be designed together. The first group of these parameters have to do with the cross-sectional behavior, represented in the bending-curvature diagrams. A second group of parameters define the columns response. Thanks to this identification of the governing dimensionless parameters, it has been possible what has been named as Dimensionless Design Curves, which basically allows to obtain in a reduced time a preliminary vertical reinforcement column distribution. These curves are of little use nowadays, firstly because each family of curves refer to specific values of many different parameters and secondly because the use of computers allows for extremely quick and accurate calculations.
Highly localized positive-energy states of the free Dirac electron are constructed and shown to evolve in a simple way under the action of Dirac's equation. When the initial uncertainty in position is small on the scale of the Compton wavelength, there is an associated uncertainty in the mean energy that is large compared with the rest mass of the electron. However, this does not lead to any breakdown of the one-particle description, associated with the possibility of pair-production, but rather leads to a rapid expansion of the probability density outwards from the point of localization, at speeds close to the speed of light.
In many advanced applications, data are described by multiple high-dimensional features. Moreover, different queries may weight these features differently; some may not even specify all the features. In this paper, we propose our solution to support efficient query processing in these applications. We devise a novel representation that compactly captures f features into two components: The first component is a 2D vector that reflects a distance range ( minimum and maximum values) of the f features with respect to a reference point ( the center of the space) in a metric space and the second component is a bit signature, with two bits per dimension, obtained by analyzing each feature's descending energy histogram. This representation enables two levels of filtering: The first component prunes away points that do not share similar distance ranges, while the bit signature filters away points based on the dimensions of the relevant features. Moreover, the representation facilitates the use of a single index structure to further speed up processing. We employ the classical B+-tree for this purpose. We also propose a KNN search algorithm that exploits the access orders of critical dimensions of highly selective features and partial distances to prune the search space more effectively. Our extensive experiments on both real-life and synthetic data sets show that the proposed solution offers significant performance advantages over sequential scan and retrieval methods using single and multiple VA-files.