69 resultados para Plasmonics


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Here, we describe a metal-insulator-insulator nanofocusing structure formed by a high-permittivity dielectric wedge on a metal substrate. The structure is shown to produce nanofocusing of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) in the direction opposite to the taper of the wedge, including a range of nanoplasmonic effects such as nanofocusing of SPPs with negative refraction, formation of plasmonic caustics within a nanoscale distance from the wedge tip, mutual transformation of SPP modes, and significant local field enhancements in the adiabatic and strongly nonadiabatic regimes. A combination of approximate analytical and rigorous numerical approaches is used to analyze the strength and position of caustics in the structure. In particular, it is demonstrated that strong SPP localization within spatial regions as small as a few tens of nanometers near the caustic is achievable in the considered structures. Contrary to other nanofocusing configurations, efficient nanofocusing is shown to occur in the strongly nonadiabatic regime with taper angles of the dielectric wedge as large as ∼40° and within uniquely short distances (as small as a few dozens of nanometers) from the tip of the wedge. Physical interpretations of the obtained results are also presented and discussed.


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Spontaneous emission (SE) of a Quantum emitter depends mainly on the transmission strength between the upper and lower energy levels as well as the Local Density of States (LDOS)[1]. When a QD is placed in near a plasmon waveguide, LDOS of the QD is increased due to addition of the non-radiative decay and a plasmonic decay channel to free space emission[2-4]. The slow velocity and dramatic concentration of the electric field of the plasmon can capture majority of the SE into guided plasmon mode (Гpl ). This paper focused on studying the effect of waveguide height on the efficiency of coupling QD decay into plasmon mode using a numerical model based on finite elemental method (FEM). Symmetric gap waveguide considered in this paper support single mode and QD as a dipole emitter. 2D simulation models are done to find normalized Гpl and 3D models are used to find probability of SE decaying into plasmon mode ( β) including all three decay channels. It is found out that changing gap height can increase QD-plasmon coupling, by up to a factor of 5 and optimally placed QD up to a factor of 8. To make the paper more realistic we briefly studied the effect of sharpness of the waveguide edge on SE emission into guided plasmon mode. Preliminary nano gap waveguide fabrication and testing are already underway. Authors expect to compare the theoretical results with experimental outcomes in the future


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Plasmonics is a recently emerged technology that enables the compression of electromagnetic waves into miniscule metallic structures, thus enabling the focusing and routing of light on the nanoscale. Plasmonic waveguides can be used to miniaturise the size of integrated chip circuits while increasing the data transmission speed. Plasmonic waveguides are used to route the plasmons around a circuit and are a major focus of this thesis. Also, plasmons are highly sensitive to the surrounding dielectric environment. Using this property we have experimentally realised a refractive index sensor to detect refractive index change in solutions.


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We report tuning of photoluminescence enhancement and quenching from closed packed monolayers of cadmium selenide quantum dots doped with gold nanoparticles. Plasmon-mediated control of the emission intensity from the monolayers is achieved by varying the size and packing density of the quantum dots as well as the doping concentration of gold nanoparticles. We observe a unique packing density dependent crossover from enhancement to quenching and vice versa for fixed size of quantum dots and doping concentration of gold nanoparticles. We suggest that this behavior is indicative of a crossover from single particle to collective emission from quantum dots mediated by gold nanoparticles.


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Nondegenerate pump probe differential transmission experiments on gold nanorods with varying longitudinal surface plasmon resonance have revealed a new phenomenon where the polarity of the transient transmission signal can be reversibly switched between photo bleaching and photo-induced absorption by controlling probe fluence. Under the usual case where probe fluences are nominal, photo bleaching effect is observed for the nanorods with longitudinal surface plasmon resonance energy smaller than the probe photon energy. The laser-induced melting of the nanorods or change in their shape is ruled out for the observed optical switching effect. A quantitative understanding of the results is attempted by invoking a cascaded two-photon absorption dominant beyond a threshold probe fluence of similar to 75 mu J/cm(2).


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We propose two-photon excitation-based light-sheet technique for nano-lithography. The system consists of 2 -configured cylindrical lens system with a common geometrical focus. Upon superposition, the phase-matched counter-propagating light-sheets result in the generation of identical and equi spaced nano-bump pattern. Study shows a feature size of as small as few tens of nanometers with a inter-bump distance of few hundred nanometers. This technique overcomes some of the limitations of existing nano-lithography techniques, thereby, may pave the way for mass-production of nano-structures. Potential applications can also be found in optical microscopy, plasmonics, and nano-electronics. Microsc. Res. Tech. 78:1-7, 2015. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Plasmonics based sensing, using the surface plasmon resonance of metal nanoparticles, has been effectively demonstrated in various applications. Extending this methodology to cell and artificial lipid bilayer membranes is extremely beneficial in enhancing the sensitivity of the detection of binding and cellular transport of molecules across such membranes. Here, the creation of an artificial plasmonic biomembrane template is demonstrated and used to show the enhanced detection sensitivity of certain widely used biomarker molecules. The efficacy of these templates is explained in terms of the ability of the hydrophobic polymer grafted gold nanoparticles used to organize, penetrate, and fluidize the membranes. The enhancement of photoluminescence of the dye molecules used occurs over a reasonably large spectral range as compared to the plasmon resonance of gold nanoparticles. The results could, possibly, be extended to cellular membranes with relevant modifications, as well as to the detection of any other biological molecule appropriately labeled with fluorescent dye molecules, and demonstrate the versatility of these plasmonic bioinspired platforms as potential biochemical sensors.


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Research studies on plasmonic properties of triangular-shaped silver nanoparticles might lead to several interesting applications. However, in this work, triangular-shaped silver nanoparticles have been synthesized by simple solvothermal technique and reported the effect of size on the electron-phonon scattering in the synthesized materials by analyzing their temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) emission characteristics. It has been observed that total integrated PL emission intensity is quenched by 33 % with the increase in temperature from 278 to 323 K. The observed decrease in PL emission intensity has been ascribed to the increase of electron-phonon scattering rate with the increase in temperature. The values of electron-phonon coupling strength (S) for synthesized samples have been evaluated by theoretical fitting of the experimentally obtained PL emission data. Smaller sized triangular nanoparticle has been found to exhibit stronger temperature dependence in PL emission, which strongly suggests that smaller sized triangular silver nanostructures have better electron-phonon coupling.


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With the size of transistors approaching the sub-nanometer scale and Si-based photonics pinned at the micrometer scale due to the diffraction limit of light, we are unable to easily integrate the high transfer speeds of this comparably bulky technology with the increasingly smaller architecture of state-of-the-art processors. However, we find that we can bridge the gap between these two technologies by directly coupling electrons to photons through the use of dispersive metals in optics. Doing so allows us to access the surface electromagnetic wave excitations that arise at a metal/dielectric interface, a feature which both confines and enhances light in subwavelength dimensions - two promising characteristics for the development of integrated chip technology. This platform is known as plasmonics, and it allows us to design a broad range of complex metal/dielectric systems, all having different nanophotonic responses, but all originating from our ability to engineer the system surface plasmon resonances and interactions. In this thesis, we demonstrate how plasmonics can be used to develop coupled metal-dielectric systems to function as tunable plasmonic hole array color filters for CMOS image sensing, visible metamaterials composed of coupled negative-index plasmonic coaxial waveguides, and programmable plasmonic waveguide network systems to serve as color routers and logic devices at telecommunication wavelengths.


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Over the last several decades there have been significant advances in the study and understanding of light behavior in nanoscale geometries. Entire fields such as those based on photonic crystals, plasmonics and metamaterials have been developed, accelerating the growth of knowledge related to nanoscale light manipulation. Coupled with recent interest in cheap, reliable renewable energy, a new field has blossomed, that of nanophotonic solar cells.

In this thesis, we examine important properties of thin-film solar cells from a nanophotonics perspective. We identify key differences between nanophotonic devices and traditional, thick solar cells. We propose a new way of understanding and describing limits to light trapping and show that certain nanophotonic solar cell designs can have light trapping limits above the so called ray-optic or ergodic limit. We propose that a necessary requisite to exceed the traditional light trapping limit is that the active region of the solar cell must possess a local density of optical states (LDOS) higher than that of the corresponding, bulk material. Additionally, we show that in addition to having an increased density of states, the absorber must have an appropriate incoupling mechanism to transfer light from free space into the optical modes of the device. We outline a portfolio of new solar cell designs that have potential to exceed the traditional light trapping limit and numerically validate our predictions for select cases.

We emphasize the importance of thinking about light trapping in terms of maximizing the optical modes of the device and efficiently coupling light into them from free space. To further explore these two concepts, we optimize patterns of superlattices of air holes in thin slabs of Si and show that by adding a roughened incoupling layer the total absorbed current can be increased synergistically. We suggest that the addition of a random scattering surface to a periodic patterning can increase incoupling by lifting the constraint of selective mode occupation associated with periodic systems.

Lastly, through experiment and simulation, we investigate a potential high efficiency solar cell architecture that can be improved with the nanophotonic light trapping concepts described in this thesis. Optically thin GaAs solar cells are prepared by the epitaxial liftoff process by removal from their growth substrate and addition of a metallic back reflector. A process of depositing large area nano patterns on the surface of the cells is developed using nano imprint lithography and implemented on the thin GaAs cells.


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The field of plasmonics exploits the unique optical properties of metallic nanostructures to concentrate and manipulate light at subwavelength length scales. Metallic nanostructures get their unique properties from their ability to support surface plasmons– coherent wave-like oscillations of the free electrons at the interface between a conductive and dielectric medium. Recent advancements in the ability to fabricate metallic nanostructures with subwavelength length scales have created new possibilities in technology and research in a broad range of applications.

In the first part of this thesis, we present two investigations of the relationship between the charge state and optical state of plasmonic metal nanoparticles. Using experimental bias-dependent extinction measurements, we derive a potential- dependent dielectric function for Au nanoparticles that accounts for changes in the physical properties due to an applied bias that contribute to the optical extinction. We also present theory and experiment for the reverse effect– the manipulation of the carrier density of Au nanoparticles via controlled optical excitation. This plasmoelectric effect takes advantage of the strong resonant properties of plasmonic materials and the relationship between charge state and optical properties to eluci- date a new avenue for conversion of optical power to electrical potential.

The second topic of this thesis is the non-radiative decay of plasmons to a hot-carrier distribution, and the distribution’s subsequent relaxation. We present first-principles calculations that capture all of the significant microscopic mechanisms underlying surface plasmon decay and predict the initial excited carrier distributions so generated. We also preform ab initio calculations of the electron-temperature dependent heat capacities and electron-phonon coupling coefficients of plasmonic metals. We extend these first-principle methods to calculate the electron-temperature dependent dielectric response of hot electrons in plasmonic metals, including direct interband and phonon-assisted intraband transitions. Finally, we combine these first-principles calculations of carrier dynamics and optical response to produce a complete theoretical description of ultrafast pump-probe measurements, free of any fitting parameters that are typical in previous analyses.


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Plasmonic enhanced Schottky detectors operating on the basis of the internal photoemission process are becoming an attractive choice for detecting photons with sub bandgap energy. Yet, the quantum efficiency of these detectors appears to be low compare to the more conventional detectors which are based on interband transitions in a semiconductor. Hereby we provide a theoretical model to predict the quantum efficiency of guided mode internal photoemission photodetector with focus on the platform of silicon plasmonics. The model is supported by numerical simulations and comparison to experimental results. Finally, we discuss approaches for further enhancement of the quantum efficiency.