998 resultados para Plants--Effect of ethylene on.


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Solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs) of poly(ethyleneoxide) and magnesium triflate, which are plasticized with propylene carbonate (PC), ethylene carbonate (EC) and a mixture of PC and EC, are studied for their conductivity, ac impedance of the Mg I SPE interface, cyclic voltammetry, infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. in the presence of plasticizers, the ionic conductivity (a) increases from a value of 1 x 10(-8) S cm(-1) to about 1 x 10(-4) S cm(-1) at ambient temperature. The a is found to follow a VTF relationship with temperature. The values of the activation energy, pre-exponential factor and equilibrium glass transition temperature are shown to depend on the concentration of plasticizer. Ac impedance studies indicate lower interfacial impedance of Mg/plasticized SPE than stainless steel/plasticized SPE. The impedance spectra are analyzed using a non-linear least square curve fitting technique and the interfacial resistance of Mg/plasticized SPE is evaluated. The cyclic voltammetric results suggest a quasireversible type of Mg/Mg2+ couple in plasticized SPE. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The objectives were to investigate the effect of cryoprotectants on the hatching rate of red seabream embryos. Heart-beat embryos were immersed in: five permeable cryoprotectants, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), glycerol (Gly), methanol (MeOH), 1,2-propylene glycol (PG), and ethylene glycol (EG). in concentrations of 5-30% for 10, 30, or 60 min; and two non-permeable cryoprotectants: polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), and sucrose (in concentrations of 5-20% for 10 or 30 min). The embryos were then washed and incubated in filtered seawater until hatching occurred. The hatching rate of the embryos treated with permeable cryoprotectants decreased (P < 0.05) with increased concentration and duration of exposure. In addition, PG was the least toxic permeable cryoprotectant, followed by DMSO and EG, whereas Gly and MeOH were the most toxic. At a concentration of 15% and 30 min exposure, the hatching rate of the embryos immersed in PG was 93.3 +/- 7.0% (mean +/- S.D.), however. in DMSO. EG, Gly. and MeOH, it was 82.7 +/- 10.4, 22.0 +/- 5.7, 0.0 +/- 0.0, and 0.0 +/- 0.0%, respectively. Hatching rate of embryos treated with PVP decreased (P < 0.05) with the increase of concentration and exposure time, whereas for embryos treated with sucrose, there was no significant decrease in comparison with the control at the concentrations used. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The objectives were to investigate the effect of cryoprotectants on the hatching rate of red seabream embryos. Heart-beat embryos were immersed in: five permeable cryoprotectants, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), glycerol (Gly), methanol (MeOH), 1,2-propylene glycol (PG), and ethylene glycol (EG). in concentrations of 5-30% for 10, 30, or 60 min; and two non-permeable cryoprotectants: polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), and sucrose (in concentrations of 5-20% for 10 or 30 min). The embryos were then washed and incubated in filtered seawater until hatching occurred. The hatching rate of the embryos treated with permeable cryoprotectants decreased (P < 0.05) with increased concentration and duration of exposure. In addition, PG was the least toxic permeable cryoprotectant, followed by DMSO and EG, whereas Gly and MeOH were the most toxic. At a concentration of 15% and 30 min exposure, the hatching rate of the embryos immersed in PG was 93.3 +/- 7.0% (mean +/- S.D.), however. in DMSO. EG, Gly. and MeOH, it was 82.7 +/- 10.4, 22.0 +/- 5.7, 0.0 +/- 0.0, and 0.0 +/- 0.0%, respectively. Hatching rate of embryos treated with PVP decreased (P < 0.05) with the increase of concentration and exposure time, whereas for embryos treated with sucrose, there was no significant decrease in comparison with the control at the concentrations used. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The effect of liming on the flow of recently photosynthesized carbon to rhizosphere soil was studied using (CO2)-C-13 pulse labelling, in an upland grassland ecosystem in Scotland. The use of C-13 enabled detection, in the field, of the effect of a 4-year liming period of selected soil plots on C allocation from plant biomass to soil, in comparison with unlimed plots. Photosynthetic rates and carbon turnover were higher in plants grown in limed soils than in those from unlimed plots. Higher delta(13)C% values were detected in shoots from limed plants than in those from unlimed plants in samples clipped within 15 days of the end of pulse labelling. Analysis of the aboveground plant production corresponding to the 4-year period of liming indicated that the standing biomass was higher in plots that received lime. Lower delta(13)C% values in limed roots compared with unlimed roots were found, whereas no significant difference was detected between soil samples. Extrapolation of our results indicated that more C has been lost through the soil than has been gained via photosynthetic assimilation because of pasture liming in Scotland during the period 1990-1998. However, the uncertainty associated with such extrapolation based on this single study is high and these estimates are provided only to set our findings in the broader context of national soil carbon emissions.


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In co-melt granulation, collisions occur between the particles to be agglomerated and the binder material. Depending on the stage of granulation, the binder material can be in the solid or liquid phase. The outcome of these collisions controls the dynamics of the granulation process and the fundamental physics of the impacts are of interest. This paper examines the impact of glass beads (model particles) and solid Poly Ethylene Glycol (PEG) flakes on a substrate of PEG as the temperature of the PEG layer is increased from below its melting point to above it. While the layer is in the solid state, the result of the impact can be quantified by the coefficient of restitution. When the layer is in the liquid state, the impact can be quantified by the immersion behaviour. The results obtained show that the coefficient of restitution between either glass beads and PEG flakes and the PEG layer is strongly affected by temperatures. As the PEG layer approaches its melting point, the coefficient of restitution falls to zero. Once the temperature of the PEG layer exceeds the melting point, the impact is characterised by a transient maximum indentation and then rebound to an equilibrium position. These too are strongly dependent on temperature.


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One of the major factors contributing to the failure of new wheat varieties is seasonal variability in end-use quality. Consequently, it is important to produce varieties which are robust and stable over a range of environmental conditions. Recently developed sample preparation methods have allowed the application of FT-IR spectroscopic imaging methods to the analysis of wheat endosperm cell wall composition, allowing the spatial distribution of structural components to be determined without the limitations of conventional chemical analysis. The advantages of the methods, described in this paper, are that they determine the composition of endosperm cell walls in situ and with minimal modification during preparation. Two bread-making wheat cultivars, Spark and Rialto, were selected to determine the impact of environmental conditions on the cell-wall composition of the starchy endosperm of the developing and mature grain, focusing on the period of grain filling (starting at about 14 days after anthesis). Studies carried out over two successive seasons show that the structure of the arabinoxylans in the endosperm cell walls changes from a highly branched form to a less branched form. Furthermore, during development the rate of restructuring was faster when the plants were grown at higher temperature with restricted water availability from 14 days after anthesis with differences in the rate of restructuring occurring between the two cultivars.


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Solid polymer electrolytes show great potential in electrochemical devices. Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) has been studied as a matrix for solid polymer electrolytes because it has relatively high ionic conductivity. In order to investigate the effect of zwitterions on the electrochemical properties of poly(ethylene glycol) dimethyl ether (G5)/lithium bis(fluorosulfonyl) amide (LiFSA) electrolytes, a liquid zwitterion (ImZ2) was added to the G5-based electrolytes. In this study, G5, which is a small oligomer, was used as a model compound for PEO matrices. The thermal properties, ionic conductivity, and electrochemical stability of the electrolytes with ImZ2 were evaluated. The thermal stabilities of all the G5-based electrolytes with ImZ2 were above 150 °C, and the ionic conductivity values were in the range of 0.8–3.0 mS cm−1 at room temperature. When the electrolytes contained less than 5.5 wt% ImZ2, the ionic conductivity values were almost the same as that of the electrolyte without ImZ2. The electrochemical properties were improved with the incorporation of ImZ2. The anodic limit of the electrolyte with 5.5 wt% ImZ2 was 5.3 V vs. Li/Li+, which was over 1 V higher than that of G5/LiFSA.


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In clonal plants, vegetative parts may outcompete seeds in the absence of disturbance, limiting the build-up of genotypic diversity through repeated seedling recruitment (RSR). Herbivory may provide disturbance and trigger establishment of strong colonizers (seeds) at the expense of strong competitors (clonal propagules). In the clonal aquatic fennel pondweed Potamogeton pectinatus, two distinct herbivore guilds may modify the dynamics of propagation. In winter, Bewick's swans may deplete patches of tubers, promoting seedling establishment in spring. In summer, seed consumption by waterfowl can reduce the density of viable seeds but grazing may also reduce tuber production and hence facilitate seedling establishment. This study is among the first to experimentally test herbivore impact on plant genotypic diversity. We assess the separate and combined effects of both herbivore guilds on genotypic diversity and structure of fennel pondweed beds. Using microsatellites, we genotyped P. pectinatus from an exclosure experiment and assessed the contribution of herbivory, dispersal and sexual reproduction to the population genetic structure. Despite the predominance of clonal propagation in P. pectinatus, we found considerable genotypic diversity. Within the experimental blocks, kinship among genets decreased with geographic distance, clearly identifying a role for RSR in the maintenance of genotypic diversity within the fennel pondweed beds. However, over a period of five years, none of the herbivory treatments affected genotypic diversity. Hence, sexual reproduction on a local scale is important in this putatively clonal plant and possibly sufficient to ensure a relatively high genotypic diversity even in the absence of herbivores. Although we cannot preclude a role of herbivory in shaping genotypic diversity of a clonal plant, after five years of exclusion of the two investigated herbivore guilds no measurable effect on genotypic diversity was detected. © 2014 The Authors.


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O canistel é uma fruteira originada no México e América Central, sendo introduzida no Brasil em 1986. As plantas apresentam porte médio, porém podem atingir até 15 metros de altura; as folhas medem cerca de 10 a 25 cm; as flores são completas e pequenas, e o fruto apresenta coloração amarela quando maduro, com polpa esbranquiçada e sabor doce. A propagação pode ser realizada por semente ou por enxertia. em vista da quase total ausência de informações sobre a cultura e a possibilidade de cultivo comercial, realizou-se o presente trabalho, no qual se avaliou o efeito da temperatura na porcentagem de germinação de sementes. Foi verificado que as melhores taxas foram obtidas à temperatura de 30ºC e as menores a 15ºC, 20ºC e 40ºC, sendo esta última a pior delas.


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High soil acidity influences the availability of mineral nutrients and increases that of toxic aluminium (Al), which has a jeopardizing effect on plant growth. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of soil liming on the development of guava (Psidium guajava L.) plants, on soil chemical characteristics, and on fruit yield. The experiment was carried out at the Bebedouro Citrus Experimental Station, state of São Paulo, Brazil, in a Typic Hapludox soil, from August 1999 to March 2003. The treatments consisted of limestone dose: D0 = zero; D1 = half dose; D2 = total dose; D3 = 1.5 times the dose, and D4 = 2 times the dose to raise the V value to 70%. The doses corresponded to zero, 1.85, 3.71, 5.56, and 7.41tha(-1) applied to the upper soil layer (0-30cm deep) before planting. The results showed that liming caused an improvement in the evaluated soil chemical characteristics up to a depth of 60cm in soil samples both in the line and between lines. The highest fruit yields were obtained when the base saturation reached a value of 55% in the line and 62% between the lines. Foliar levels of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) were 8.8 and 2.5gkg-1, respectively. The highest limestone dose maintained the soil base saturation (at the layer of 0-20cm) in the line close to 55% during at least 40 months after the incorporation of limestone.


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Red-rumped agoutis (Dasyprocta leporina) are important seed dispersers/predators of Neotropical large-seeded plants. Several species of seeds cached by agoutis have an edible reward, in contrast to temperate rodent-dispersed diaspores. The quick meal hypothesis states that the presence of a reward such as edible pulp will enhance the efficiency of rodents as seed disperses by satiating the animal and, consequently, reducing seed predation and enhancing hoarding. In this study, this hypothesis was tested using as the reference system the pulp and seeds of Hymenaea courbaril. Seeds with and without pulp were offered to agoutis and the behaviour of each individual was recorded. Since the probability of predation and hoarding were complementary, we used the probability of predation. The proportion of agoutis that preyed on at least one seed was similar for seeds with (42.8% of individuals) and without (40.0% of individuals) pulp. In agoutis that preyed upon at least one seed, the probability that they killed a seed did not differ between seeds with (0.17 +/- 0.03) and without (0.20 +/- 0.08) pulp. Hence, these results do not support the 'quick meal hypothesis'.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Studies were conducted to show the effect of different substrata on the development of stem cuttings of Lippia alba made of limonene-carvone chemotype. The experiment was done in the College of Agronomical Sciences, UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil in 2000. The cuttings were planted in polystyrene trays consisting of 72 cells. The cuttings had about 0.20 m of length and were put in the following substrata:Fine sand (T1), commercial substratum (T2), carbonised rice peel and local soil (T3), local soil, cow manure and carbonised rice peel (T4), vermiculite (T5), and carbonised rice peel (T6). After 40 days the development of stem cuttings were evaluated. High rate of rooting of stem cuttings was verified, with average of 95 10 and no significant difference between the treatments. In relation to dry mass of aerial parts and dry mass of roots, significant differences were found. For dry mass production of aerial parts the commercial substratum (T2) and the local soil, cow manure, carbonised rice peel (T4) were optimal. For mass of roots the local soil, cow manure, carbonised rice peel (T4) proved to be the best.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)