393 resultados para Pkc


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The neurohypophyseal hormone arginine vasopressin (AVP) is a classic mitogen in many cells. In K-Ras-dependent mouse Y1 adrenocortical malignant cells, AVP elicits antagonistic responses such as the activation of the PKC and the ERK1/2 mitogenic pathways to down-regulate cyclin D1 gene expression, which induces senescence-associated beta-galactosidase (SA-beta Gal) and leads to cell cycle arrest. Here, we report that in the metabolic background of Y1 cells, PKC activation either by AVP or by PMA inhibits the PI3K/Akt pathway and stabilises the p27(Kip1) protein even in the presence of the mitogen fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2). These results suggest that p27(Kip1) is a critical signalling node in the mechanisms underlying the survival of the Y1 cells. In Y1 cells that transiently express wild-type p27(Kip1), AVP caused a severe reduction in cell survival, as shown by clonogenic assays. However, AVP promoted the survival of Y1 cells transiently expressing mutant p27-S10A or mutant p27-T187A, which cannot be phosphorylated at Ser10 and Thr187, respectively. In addition, PKC activation by PMA mimics the toxic effect caused by AVP in Y1 cells, and inhibition of PKC completely abolishes the effects caused by both PMA and AVP in clonogenic assays. The vulnerability of Y1 cells during PKC activation is a phenotype conditioned upon K-ras oncogene amplification because K-Ras down-regulation with an inducible form of the dominant-negative mutant H-RasN17 has resulted in Y1 cells that are resistant to AVP`s deleterious effects. These data show that the survival destabilisation of K-Ras-dependent Y1 malignant cells by AVP requires large quantities of the p27(Kip1) protein as well as phosphorylation of the p27(Kip1) protein at both Ser10 and Thr187. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Protein kinase C (PKC) is a key regulator of cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis and is one of the drug targets of anticancer therapy. Recently, a single point mutation (D294G) in PKCα has been found in pituitary and thyroid tumors with more invasive phenotype. Although the PKCα-D294G mutant is implicated in the progression of endocrine tumors, no apparent biochemical/cell biological abnormalities underlying tumorigenesis with this mutant have been found. We report here that the PKCα-D294G mutant is unable to bind to cellular membranes tightly despite the fact that it translocates to the membrane as efficiently as the wild-type PKCα upon treatment of phorbol ester. The impaired membrane binding is associated with this mutant's inability to transduce several antitumorigenic signals as it fails to mediate phorbol ester–stimulated translocation of myristoylated alanine–rich protein kinase C substrate (MARCKS), to activate mitogen-activated protein kinase and to augment melatonin-stimulated neurite outgrowth. Thus, the PKCα-D294G is a loss-of-function mutation. We propose that the wild-type PKCα may play important antitumorigenic roles in the progression of endocrine tumors. Therefore, developing selective activators instead of inhibitors of PKCα might provide effective pharmacological interventions for the treatment of certain endocrine tumors.


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The effects of exercise on novel signalling enzymes in skeletal muscle of humans was investigated. It was shown that exercise increased the activity of a calcium and calmodulin activated kinase. High-intensity, but submaximal, exercise increased the activity of some but not all isoforms of protein kinase C, a lipid-activated kinase family. These findings suggest that these enzymes may be part of the signalling process leading to beneficial adaptation to repeated exercise as well as the control of function within skeletal muscle during exercise.


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Vários resultados na literatura fornecem fortes evidências de que o processamento de memórias requerem a participação da proteína cinase C (PKC) em estruturas sabidamente necessárias para este processamento, como o hipocampo, a amígdala basolateral (ABL) e o córtex parietal posterior (CPP). Neste trabalho mostramos que o inibidor seletivo das isoformas cálcio-dependentes da PKC, Go 6976, produz um efeito amnésico dosedependente sobre a consolidação de memória espacial de longa duração em ratos submetidos ao treino no labirinto aquático de Morris (LAM), quando infundido na região CA1 do hipocampo dorsal 15 minutos pré-treino, imediatamente pós-treino ou 15 minutos pré-teste para esta tarefa, sem alterar a atividade locomotora dos animais. Ainda na tarefa do LAM, o Go 6976 também apresentou este efeito amnésico sobre a reconsolidação de memórias espaciais de longa duração recentes e antigas, bem como sobre a consolidação da memória espacial de longa duração relativa ao treino reverso no LAM, mas não teve efeito sobre a memória espacial de curta duração nem sobre a extinção da memória espacial de longa duração. Já na tarefa de esquiva inibitória (EI) o Go 6976 produziu um efeito amnésico quando infundido na ABL imediatamente ou 30 minutos pós-treino, ou no CPP 270 ou 360 minutos pós-treino, enquanto o inibidor não-seletivo das isoformas da PKC, Go 7874, produziu os mesmos efeitos, exceto por, no CPP, causar amnésia quando infundido 180 ao invés de 270 minutos pós-treino. Estes resultados indicam que as PKCs, sobretudo as cálcio-dependentes, são importantes para o processamento de memórias espaciais e aversivas, apresentando na consolidação de memórias aversivas distintos tempos críticos de ativação em diferentes estruturas cerebrais, e sendo necessárias para a aquisição, consolidação, evocação e reconsolidação de memórias espaciais.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Myocardial remodeling and heart failure (HF) are common sequelae of many forms of cardiovascular disease and a leading cause of mortality worldwide. Accumulation of damaged cardiac proteins in heart failure has been described. However, how protein quality control (PQC) is regulated and its contribution to HF development are not known. Here, we describe a novel role for activated protein kinase C isoform beta II (PKC beta II) in disrupting PQC. We show that active PKC beta II directly phosphorylated the proteasome and inhibited proteasomal activity in vitro and in cultured neonatal cardiomyocytes. Importantly, inhibition of PKC beta II, using a selective PKC beta II peptide inhibitor (beta IIV5-3), improved proteasomal activity and conferred protection in cultured neonatal cardiomyocytes. We also show that sustained inhibition of PKC beta II increased proteasomal activity, decreased accumulation of damaged and misfolded proteins and increased animal survival in two rat models of HF. Interestingly, beta IIV5-3-mediated protection was blunted by sustained proteasomal inhibition in HF. Finally, increased cardiac PKC beta II activity and accumulation of misfolded proteins associated with decreased proteasomal function were found also in remodeled and failing human hearts, indicating a potential clinical relevance of our findings. Together, our data highlights PKC beta II as a novel inhibitor of proteasomal function. PQC disruption by increased PKC beta II activity in vivo appears to contribute to the pathophysiology of heart failure, suggesting that PKC beta II inhibition may benefit patients with heart failure. (218 words)


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Background: Epsilon-protein kinase C (epsilon PKC) protects the heart from ischemic injury. However, the mechanism(s) of epsilon PKC cardioprotection is still unclear. Identification of the epsilon PKC targets may aid in elucidating the epsilon PKC-mediated cardioprotective mechanisms. Previous studies, using epsilon PKC transgenic mice and difference in gel electrophoresis, identified proteins involved in glucose metabolism, the expression of which was modified by epsilon PKC. Those studies were accompanied by metabolomic analysis, suggesting that increased glucose oxidation may be responsible for the cardioprotective effect of epsilon PKC. Whether these epsilon PKC-mediated alterations were because of differences in protein expression or phosphorylation was not determined. Methods and Results: In the present study, we used an epsilon PKC -specific activator peptide, psi epsilon RACK, combined with phosphoproteomics, to find epsilon PKC targets, and identified that the proteins whose phosphorylation was altered by selective activation of epsilon PKC were mostly mitochondrial proteins. Analysis of the mitochondrial phosphoproteome led to the identification of 55 spots, corresponding to 37 individual proteins, exclusively phosphorylated, in the presence of psi epsilon RACK. The majority of the proteins identified were involved in glucose and lipid metabolism, components of the respiratory chain as well as mitochondrial heat shock proteins. Conclusions: The protective effect of epsilon PKC during ischemia involves phosphorylation of several mitochondrial proteins involved in glucose and lipid metabolism and oxidative phosphorylation. Regulation of these metabolic pathways by epsilon PKC phosphorylation may lead to epsilon PKC-mediated cardioprotection induced by psi epsilon RACK. (Circ J 2012; 76: 1476-1485)


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Background: How damaged mitochondria are removed by mitophagy is not fully described. Results: Ischemia and reoxygenation (I/R)-induced injury triggers mitochondria association of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and mitophagy, and protein kinase Cδ (PKCδ) activation inhibits it. Conclusion: PKCδ-mediated phosphorylation of GAPDH inhibits mitophagy. Significance: GAPDH/PKCδ is a signaling switch, which is activated during ischemic injury to regulate the balance between cell survival by mitophagy and cell death by apoptosis.


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The repressor element 1-silencing transcription factor (REST) was first identified as a protein that binds to a 21-bp DNA sequence element (known as repressor element 1 (RE1)) resulting in transcriptional repression of the neural-specific genes [Chong et al., 1995; Schoenherr and Anderson, 1995]. The original proposed role for REST was that of a factor responsible for restricting neuronal gene expression to the nervous system by silencing expression of these genes in non-neuronal cells. Although it was initially thought to repress neuronal genes in non-neuronal cells, the role of REST is complex and tissue dependent. In this study I investigated any role played by REST in the induction and patterning of differentiation of SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells exposed to IGF-I. and phorbol 12- myristate 13-acetate (PMA) To down-regulate REST expression we developed an antisense (AS) strategy based on the use of phosphorothioate oligonucleotides (ODNs). In order to evaluate REST mRNA levels, we developed a real-time PCR technique and REST protein levels were evaluated by western blotting. Results showed that nuclear REST is increased in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells cultured in SFM and exposed to IGF-I for 2-days and it then declines in 5-day-treated cells concomitant with a progressive neurite extension. Also the phorbol ester PMA was able to increase nuclear REST levels after 3-days treatment concomitant to neuronal differentiation of neuroblastoma cells, whereas, at later stages, it is down-regulated. Supporting these data, the exposure to PKC inhibitors (GF10923X and Gö6976) and PMA (16nM) reverted the effects observed with PMA alone. REST levels were related to morphological differentiation, expression of growth coneassociated protein 43 (GAP-43; a gene not regulated by REST) and of synapsin I and βIII tubulin (genes regulated by REST), proteins involved in the early stage of neuronal development. We observed that differentiation of SH-SY5Y cells by IGF-I and PMA was accompanied by a significant increase of these neuronal markers, an effect that was concomitant with REST decrease. In order to relate the decreased REST expression with a progressive neurite extension, I investigated any possible involvement of the ubiquitin–proteasome system (UPS), a multienzymatic pathway which degrades polyubiquinated soluble cytoplasmic proteins [Pickart and Cohen, 2004]. For this purpose, SH-SY5Y cells are concomitantly exposed to PMA and the proteasome inhibitor MG132. In SH-SY5Y exposed to PMA and MG 132, we observed an inverse pattern of expression of synapsin I and β- tubulin III, two neuronal differentiation markers regulated by REST. Their cytoplasmic levels are reduced when compared to cells exposed to PMA alone, as a consequence of the increase of REST expression by proteasome inhibitor. The majority of proteasome substrates identified to date are marked for degradation by polyubiquitinylation; however, exceptions to this principle, are well documented [Hoyt and Coffino, 2004]. Interestingly, REST degradation seems to be completely ubiquitin-independent. The expression pattern of REST could be consistent with the theory that, during early neuronal differentiation induced by IGF-I and PKC, it may help to repress the expression of several genes not yet required by the differentiation program and then it declines later. Interestingly, the observation that REST expression is progressively reduced in parallel with cell proliferation seems to indicate that the role of this transcription factor could also be related to cell survival or to counteract apotosis events [Lawinger et al., 2000] although, as shown by AS-ODN experiments, it does not seem to be directly involved in cell proliferation. Therefore, the decline of REST expression is a comparatively later event during maturation of neuroroblasts in vitro. Thus, we propose that REST is regulated by growth factors, like IGF-I, and PKC activators in a time-dependent manner: it is elevated during early steps of neural induction and could contribute to down-regulate genes not yet required by the differentiation program while it declines later for the acquisition of neural phenotypes, concomitantly with a progressive neurite extension. This later decline is regulated by the proteasome system activation in an ubiquitin-indipendent way and adds more evidences to the hypothesis that REST down-regulation contributes to differentiation and arrest of proliferation of neuroblastoma cells. Finally, the glycosylation pattern of the REST protein was analysed, moving from the observation that the molecular weight calculated on REST sequence is about 116 kDa but using western blotting this transcription factor appears to have distinct apparent molecular weight (see Table 1.1): this difference could be explained by post-translational modifications of the proteins, like glycosylation. In fact recently, several studies underlined the importance of O-glycosylation in modulating transcriptional silencing, protein phosphorylation, protein degradation by proteasome and protein–protein interactions [Julenius et al., 2005; Zachara and Hart, 2006]. Deglycosilating analysis showed that REST protein in SH-SY5Y and HEK293 cells is Oglycosylated and not N-glycosylated. Moreover, using several combination of deglycosilating enzymes it is possible to hypothesize the presence of Gal-β(1-3)-GalNAc residues on the endogenous REST, while β(1-4)-linked galactose residues may be present on recombinant REST protein expressed in HEK293 cells. However, the O-glycosylation process produces an immense multiplicity of chemical structures and monosaccharides must be sequentially hydrolyzed by a series of exoglycosidase. Further experiments are needed to characterize all the post-translational modification of the transcription factor REST.


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Phospholipase C (PLC) has been known to be a key effector protein in signal transduction pathway for cell proliferation and differentiation. Studies on signalling through the insulin/IGF-1 receptors in muscle differentiation have revealed that PLCγ1 is involved during this process and that both mRNA and protein levels were increased during myogenesis. Based on increasing signal transduction pathways that required both PLCγ1 and PKCε, we investigated its role in insulin stimulation of skeletal muscle differentiation. The precise effects of insulin on specific PKC isoforms are as yet unknown. Insulin stimulation produced a gradual increase in PKCε expression and activation of PKCε through skeletal muscle differentiation. By immunoprecipitation we have demonstrated that endogenous PLCγ1 and PKCε belong to the same immunocomplex that increase during through myogenic differentiation. Furthermore, the SH domain of PLCγ1 is involved in the protein complex and that its confine to the Golgi membrane. PLCγ1 has been involved in cyclin D3 up-regulation. By overexpression and silencing approach we have evidenced that PKCε modulate the espression of cyclin D3; the kinase dead form of PKCε doesn’t maintain the same ability. Using a reporter hGH vector we proved that PKCε acts at transcriptional level by affecting the -37 region of cyclin D3 promoter, as has been described previous for PLCγ1. In summary this data proved the involvement of PKCε in the regulation of cyclin D3 expression, together with PLCγ1.


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Introduction Phospholipase Cb1 (PLC-β1) is a key player in the regulation of nuclear inositol lipid signaling and of a wide range of cellular functions, such as proliferation and differentiation (1,2,3). PLCb1 signaling depends on the cleavage of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate and the formation of the second messengers diacylglycerol and Inositol tris-phosphate which activate canonical protein kinase C (cPKC) isoforms. Here we describe a proteomic approach to find out a potential effector of nuclear PLC-b1 dependent signaling during insulin stimulated myogenic differentiation. Methods Nuclear lysates obtained from insulin induced C2C12 myoblasts were immunoprecipitated with anti-phospho-substrate cPKC antibody. Proteins, stained with Comassie blue, were excised, digested and subsequently analysed in LC-MS/MS. For peptide sequence searching, the mass spectra were processed and analyzed using the Mascot MS/MS ion search program with the NCBI database. Western blotting, GST-pull down and co-immunoprecipitation were performed to study the interaction between eEF1A2 and cPKCs. Site direct mutagenesis was performed to confirm the phosphorylated motif recognized by the antibody. Immunofluorescence analysis, GFP-tagged eEF1A2 vector and subcellular fractionation were performed to study nuclear localization and relative distribution of eEF1A2. Results We have previously shown that PLC-β1 is greatly increased at the nuclear level during insulin-induced myoblasts differentiation and that this nuclear localization is essential for induction of differentiation. Thus, nuclear proteins of insulin stimulated C2C12 myoblasts, were immunoprecipitated with an anti-phospho-substrate cPKC antibody. After Electrophoretic gel separation of proteins immunoprecipitated, several molecules were identified by LC-MS/MS. Among these most relevant and unexpected was eukaryotic elongation factor 1 alpha 2 (eEF1A2). We found that eEF1A2 is phosphorylated by PKCb1 and that these two molecules coimmunolocalized at the nucleolar level. eEF1A2 could be phosphorylated in many sites among which both threonine and serine residues. By site direct mutagenesis we demonstrated that it is the serine residue of the motif recognized by the antibody that is specifically phosphorylated by PKCb1. The silencing of PLCb1 gives rise to a reduction of expression and phosphorylation levels of eEF1A2 indicating this molecule as a target of nuclear PLCb1 regulatory network during myoblasts differentiation.


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Die Schwämme (Porifera) sind eine reiche Quelle bioaktiver Naturstoffe. Viele dieser Naturstoffe besitzen das Potential, als Pharmazeutika, molekulare Sonden usw. eingesetzt oder weiterentwickelt zu werden. Die Beschaffung dieser Naturstoffe in ausreichenden Mengen stellt jedoch eines der größten Probleme bei der Testung und Produktion vielversprechender Substanzen dar. Der Transfer von DNA in Schwammzellen bzw. in komplette Organismen wäre ein vielversprechender Ansatz, dieses Problem zu lösen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es deshalb, die Funktion und Struktur homologer Promotoren zu untersuchen und eine Methode des Gentransfers in Schwammzellen auszuarbeiten. Zu diesem Zweck wurde zusätzlich zu der bereits vorhandenen 5'-flankierenden Region des conventional PKC-Gens aus Geodia cydonium eine genomische Bibliothek von Suberites domuncula konstruiert, um diese mit Hilfe des DNA-Homologiescreenings nach den 5'-flankierenden Regionen des cPKC- und des SNZ (SnooZe)-Gens (SD_SNZG) zu durchsuchen. Die Klonierung und Sequenzierung sowohl des 5'-Bereichs als auch die Charakterisierung der Exon-Intron Struktur beider Gene wurde erfolgreich durchgeführt. In der 5'-Region des SNZ-Gens konnte dabei ein weiteres Gen (SD_SNO; SNZ proximal Open Reading Frame) identifiziert werden, das in einer 'Kopf-an-Kopf' Anordnung zu SD_SNZG orientiert ist. Sowohl SD_SNZG als auch SD_SNO wurden hochkonservierten Genfamilien zugeordnet, deren Vorkommen in Metazoen hier erstmals beschrieben wird.Funktionelle Studien mit Hilfe der Reportergene Luciferase und Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (EGFP) im heterologen System der NIH 3T3 Zellen wiesen sowohl dem cPKC-Promotor aus G. cydonium als auch dem SNZ-Promotor aus S. domuncula eine starke Promotoraktivität im Verhältnis zum SV40-Promotor nach. Die Aktivität des cPKC-Promotors aus S. domuncula dagegen war relativ schwach. Darüber hinaus konnte geklärt werden, daß die 5'-flankierende Region des SNZ-Gens bidirektionale Promotoraktivität aufweist und daß der G. cydonium cPKC-Promotor keine TATA-Box besitzt, sondern eine GC-Box für die basale Funktion benötigt.Als geeignete Methode zur Transfektion von Zellen des Schwamms S. domuncula erwies sich der ballistische Gentransfer mit Hilfe der Gene Gun. Homologe Promotoren konnten die sichtbare Expression des Reportergens EGFP jedoch nicht bewirken. Nur der virale CMV-Promotor erwies sich als hierfür geeignet.


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Die Kontaktihibition, d.h. die Zell-Zell-Kontakt-vermittelte Proliferationskontrolle, stellt einen fundamentalen Mechanismus zur Aufrechterhaltung der Homöostase in vitro und in vivo dar. So stellen in der Zellkultur nicht-transformierte Zellen in der Regel ihr Wachstum ein, sobald sie einen einschichtigen Zellrasen gebildet haben. Umgekehrt zeichnen sich transformierte Zellen durch einen Verlust der Kontaktinhibition aus. Sie wachsen nach Erreichen eines konfluenten Zellrasens mehrschichtig weiter, und es kommt zur Ausbildung charakteristischer Foci. In dieser Arbeit konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Proteinkinase C - delta eine wichtige Funktion in der Regulation der Zytoarchitektur humaner Keratinozyten besitzt und zugleich über Modulation der Zell-Zelladhäsion, insbesondere über Cadherin und Catenin, Einfluss nimmt.