992 resultados para Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis


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Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de estimar a divergência genética entre progênies de Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis, por meio de caracteres quantitativos. O experimento foi instalado em delineamento látice 10 x 10, triplo, com 100 tratamentos (96 progênies oriundas de polinização aberta de um pomar clonal da espécie e quatro testemunhas). Foram avaliados os caracteres: diâmetro a 1,30 m do solo, altura total de planta, volume cilíndrico, produção de resina total e resina por área de painel. Utilizou-se a distância generalizada de Mahalanobis (D2) e o método de otimização de Tocher. A maior distância genética observada entre as progênies foi de 100% (D2 = 65,51) e a menor foi de 0,09% (D2 = 0,15). O caractere volume foi o que mais contribuiu para a divergência genética entre os grupos avaliados. O agrupamento a partir do método de otimização de Tocher possibilitou a separação das progênies em quatro grupos, com concentração de 96,9% das progênies em um único grupo. Para que estas progênies possam ser incluídas em programas de melhoramento genético para produção de resina e madeira, cruzamentos controlados deverão ser priorizados entre indivíduos mais produtivos, que apresentaram maior divergência genética.


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A ultraestrutura das ectomicorrizas formadas por Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis inoculado com Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker & Couch e Telephora terrestris (Ehrenb.) Fr. foi analisada antes do transplantio dessas mudas para o campo, com o intuito de verificar se o fungo estava estabelecido nas raízes. Os fungos ectomicorrízicos inoculados formaram um manto compacto e bem desenvolvido nas raízes laterais. Nas hifas desse manto foram observados vacúolos, núcleos e septos dolipóricos, enquanto que no citoplasma das hifas da rede de Hartig, que ficam adjacentes às células corticais, foram freqüentemente observados vários núcleos, retículo endoplasmático e mitocôndrias polimórficas. Células corticais altamente vacuolizadas, contendo gotículas de material elétron-denso, apresentaram núcleo e algumas organelas na sua estreita região citoplasmática periférica. As ectomicorrizas de P. caribaea var. hondurensis apresentaram características ultraestruturais de uma associação compatível e fisiologicamente ativa.


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The objective of this work was to study the effect of selective thinning on the estimates of genetic parameters in progenies of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis. The progeny test was installed in June 1986, following a 10 × 10, triple square lattice design, containing ten trees in linear plots in 3.0 × 3.0m spacing. Twelve years after the planting, a selective thinning based on Multi-effect index (selection for DBH) was performed, leaving six trees per plot. The assessments were done in four situations: A (before thinning); B (among thinned trees); C (among remnant trees at 13 years of age) and D (two years after the thinning). The following traits were analyzed: total height (H), diameter at breast height (DBH), volume (VOL), stem form (FOR), foxtail (FT), wood density at 1.3 m (WD1) and wood density at the half height (WD2). The thinning led to increase in the estimates of variability among progenies for VOL and decrease for ALT and DBH. There was a high and positive genetic correlation among the growth traits, mainly between DBH and VOL. The latter remained unchanged after thinning. The narrow-sense heritabilities at the individual level, showed a slight increase while at the family mean level had a reduction with the thinning. The estimates of breeding values increased with the thinning. This may lead to an easier identification of the best progenies in further selection.


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Performances of Pinus taxa were studied to 10 years of age in two trials in each of Misiones and Entre Rios provinces across the Mesopotamia region of Argentina. Taxa comprised 22 populations from sources in Argentina, Australia, Brazil and Zimbabwe including Pinus elliottii var. elliottii (Pee), Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis (Pch), their four, inter-specific hybrids (F-1, F-2 and backcrosses from F-1 to Pch and to Pee-all as broadly based bulks); other Pee and Pinus taeda (Pt) comprised narrower or unspecified bulks. Variable numbers of taxa were missing at each site. Mean survival across sites at age 10 years ranged 53.2-91.3% averaging 74.2%. Analysis of variance of plot means indicated population effect was statistically significant (p < 0.05) for all or most growth and quality traits at all sites. However, significant differences from the nominated check seedlot at the Entre Rios sites (Pee, Australia) were extremely rare, while quite common at the northern, Misiones sites (check seedlot a Pt population). In the Misiones trials, F-1, F-2 and both backcross hybrids showed better stem straightness than Pee and Pt from Argentina, generally with statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). Pt showed lowest forking scores (desirable). Taxon x environment interaction was statistically significant (p < 0.01) for growth traits only (p > 0.05). However, this interaction contributed an average of only 34.1% of the taxon variance suggesting a lack of practical importance. Taxa most suitable for deployment in the Mesopotamia region, Argentina are suggested.


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The genetic variation in the growth of seven 19-year-old Liquidambar styraciflua provenances was studied in Paraguaçu Paulista, São Paulo State, Brazil. The trial was established in a complete randomized block design with seven provenances, four replications and twelve-tree square plots. Significant differences among provenances were detected for diameter at breast height, height and volume, indicating the possibility of increasing timber yield through selection of the most productive provenances. Genetic correlations between growth traits were high and statistically significant. The provenance from Finca las Victorias, Guatemala had the best and the provenance from Franklin, Virginia, United States the poorest performance for all traits. A growth comparison of Pinus caribaea var. bahamensis with the best provenance at the same site indicated that the potential of L. styraciflua for silviculture in the region of Paraguaçu Paulista is high.


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Time to first root in cuttings varies under different environmental conditions and understanding these differences is critical for optimizing propagation of commercial forestry species. Temperature environment (15, 25, 30 or 35 +/- A 2A degrees C) had no effect on the cellular stages in root formation of the Slash x Caribbean Pine hybrid over 16 weeks as determined by histology. Initially callus cells formed in the cortex, then tracheids developed and formed primordia leading to external roots. However, speed of development followed a growth curve with the fastest development occurring at 25A degrees C and slowest at 15A degrees C with rooting percentages at week 12 of 80 and 0% respectively. Cutting survival was good in the three cooler temperature regimes (> 80%) but reduced to 59% at 35A degrees C. Root formation appeared to be dependant on the initiation of tracheids because all un-rooted cuttings had callus tissue but no tracheids, irrespective of temperature treatment and clone.


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Tbe present study was carried out in the strip of land coast between Pearls Lagoon community and the Caribbean sea, in the nearness of Pinar lagoon, 25 km to the north of Bluefields. The geographical coordinates of the area are 12" 13' N and 83" 42' west. Tbe climate presents an annua! rninfall of 4 250 mm, an avera· ge temperature of 26 "C and a relative humidity of 89 %. The topography is plain and tbe elevation oscillates between O· 10 masl. The ma.in objective of the study was to evaluate the forest conditions in which forest of P. Caribaea var .. Jwndurei'ISis ealled the Pinal are found. The methodology employed consisted of gathering all information using air pllotographs and topograpbieal maps to defined the area and stands group (designed A, B, C, D, E, F and G). Two block and seven stands were found, in which invent.ory lines with sample plots of 500 m1 each one were employed to measure the indivíduals with DBH over 10 cm. The intensily it shows ís of !5% and was measured diameter, height, age and other. In tbis forest there where found seven stands with a total area covered with pine of 312.42 has. The average age is 23 years and estirnated total volume of 97.4 ms of wood. The density is of 60,61 trees hectare, with an average volume of 13.02 m3 /has and a commercial volume of 8.29 m' 1 has. Where found lndices of place 12 (stands G), 9 y 6. Besides, the 6.3.64 % of the trees has a satisfactory tendency of growlh (quality l and 2). lt can be concluded that the resource is in badly state due to intensive exploitations and annual f!fCS; is a young forest (23 years old), dotninated by índi viduals of small diameters (10-25 cm) and medium height (5-25 m); the available areas or with possibilities of being planting are: estimated in 468.64 has. This forest has a half annual increment of 1.4.3 cm/year, which is considered excellent and is c1assified with Clas P-III, FAO Classification by forests stratification.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O estudo da estrutura e dinâmica da regeneração natural em sub-bosque de plantios com espécies exóticas, como as do gênero Pinus , possibilita dar informações para manejo, conservação e reestabelecimento das espécies nativas de uma comunidade vegetal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e quantificar a dinâmica da regeneração natural das espécies arbustivo-arbóreas ocorrentes no sub-bosque do povoamento de Pinus caribaea , na Rebio de Saltinho, em Pernambuco. Foram medidas as espécies regenerantes de 10 parcelas permanentes, de 1 x 50 m, e incluídos os indivíduos com circunferência na base a 30 cm do solo (CAB 0,30m) ≤ 15 cm e altura superior a um metro. A altura foi classificada em: Classe 1, indivíduos arbustivoarbóreos, com altura 1 ≤ H ≤ 2; Classe 2 com altura 2 < H ≤ 3; e Classe 3, com altura > 3 m e CAP ≤ 15 cm. Calcularam-se os parâmetros fitossociológicos, a dinâmica da regeneração e os índices de Shannon (H’) e a equabilidade (J’) por Pielou. Protium heptaphyllum teve maior número de indivíduos e valor de importância (VI), e Miconia prasina a melhor frequência nos dois levantamentos. Quanto ao índice H’ de 3,32 nats.ind-1 (2007) passou a 3,07 nats.ind-1 (2012), e a equabilidade de J’ de 0,85 a 0,62, havendo decréscimo tanto para a diversidade, quanto para a distribuição. O levantamento de 2012 registrou aumento de 12,5% do número de indivíduos, e os regenerantes de 2007 tiveram 48,31% de mortalidade. Com relação ao número de indivíduos e área basal, os percentuais de ganhos foram superiores ao das perdas. Conclui-se que a sucessão ecológica da regeneração do sub-bosque do povoamento estudado, encontra-se em modificação positiva, e o povoamento de Pinus caribaea, não está impedindo o surgimento de novos indivíduos e espécies.


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Targeting between-species effects for improvement in synthetic hybrid populations derived from outcrossing parental tree species may be one way to increase the efficacy and predictability of hybrid breeding. We present a comparative analysis of the quantitative trait loci (QTL) which resolved between from within-species effects for adventitious rooting in two populations of hybrids between Pinus elliottii and P. caribaea, an outbred F1 (n=287) and an inbred-like F2 family (n=357). Most small to moderate effect QTL (each explaining 2-5% of phenotypic variation, PV) were congruent (3 out of 4 QTL in each family) and therefore considered within-species effects as they segregated in both families. A single large effect QTL (40% PV) was detected uniquely in the F2 family and assumed to be due to a between-species effect, resulting from a genetic locus with contrasting alleles in each parental species. Oligogenic as opposed to polygenic architecture was supported in both families (60% and 20% PV explained by 4 QTL in the F 2 and F1 respectively). The importance of adventitious rooting for adaptation to survive water-logged environments was thought in part to explain oligogenic architecture of what is believed to be a complex trait controlled by many hundreds of genes.


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Time to first root in cuttings varies under different environmental conditions and understanding these differences is critical for optimizing propagation of commercial forestry species. Temperature environment (15, 25, 30 or 352C) had no effect on the cellular stages in root formation of the Slash * Caribbean Pine hybrid over 16 weeks as determined by histology. Initially callus cells formed in the cortex, then tracheids developed and formed primordia leading to external roots. However, speed of development followed a growth curve with the fastest development occurring at 25C and slowest at 15C with rooting percentages at week 12 of 80 and 0% respectively. Cutting survival was good in the three cooler temperature regimes (>80%) but reduced to 59% at 35C. Root formation appeared to be dependant on the initiation of tracheids because all un-rooted cuttings had callus tissue but no tracheids, irrespective of temperature treatment and clone.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)