81 resultados para Photosphere


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High-cadence, synchronized, multiwavelength optical observations of a solar active region (NOAA 10794) are presented. The data were obtained with the Dunn Solar Telescope at the National Solar Observatory/Sacramento Peak using a newly developed camera system: the rapid dual imager. Wavelet analysis is undertaken to search for intensity related oscillatory signatures, and periodicities ranging from 20 to 370 s are found with significance levels exceeding 95%. Observations in the H-α blue wing show more penumbral oscillatory phenomena when compared to simultaneous G-band observations. The H-α oscillations are interpreted as the signatures of plasma motions with a mean velocity of 20 km s-1. The strong oscillatory power over H-α blue-wing and G-band penumbral bright grains is an indication of the Evershed flow with frequencies higher than previously reported.


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Magnetic bright points (MBPs) in the internetwork are among the smallest objects in the solar photosphere and appear bright against the ambient environment. An algorithm is presented that can be used for the automated detection of the MBPs in the spatial and temporal domains. The algorithm works by mapping the lanes through intensity thresholding. A compass search, combined with a study of the intensity gradient across the detected objects, allows the disentanglement of MBPs from bright pixels within the granules. Object growing is implemented to account for any pixels that might have been removed when mapping the lanes. The images are stabilized by locating long-lived objects that may have been missed due to variable light levels and seeing quality. Tests of the algorithm, employing data taken with the Swedish Solar Telescope, reveal that approximate to 90 per cent of MBPs within a 75 x 75 arcsec(2) field of view are detected.


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Aims. A magneto-hydrostatic model is constructed with spectropolarimetric properties close to those of solar photospheric magnetic bright points.
Methods. Results of solar radiative magneto-convection simulations are used to produce the spatial structure of the vertical component of the magnetic field. The horizontal component of magnetic field is reconstructed using the self-similarity condition, while the magneto-hydrostatic equilibrium condition is applied to the standard photospheric model with the magnetic field embedded. Partial ionisation processes are found to be necessary for reconstructing the correct temperature structure of the model.
Results. The structures obtained are in good agreement with observational data. By combining the realistic structure of the magnetic field with the temperature structure of the quiet solar photosphere, the continuum formation level above the equipartition layer can be found. Preliminary results are shown of wave propagation through this magnetic structure. The observational consequences of the oscillations are examined in continuum intensity and in the Fe I 6302 angstrom magnetically sensitive line.


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Magnetic bright points (MBPs) are among the smallest observable objects on the solar photosphere. A combination of G-band observations and numerical simulations is used to determine their area distribution. An automatic detection algorithm, employing one-dimensional intensity profiling, is utilized to identify these structures in the observed and simulated data sets. Both distributions peak at an area of approximate to 45,000 km(2), with a sharp decrease toward smaller areas. The distributions conform with log-normal statistics, which suggests that flux fragmentation dominates over flux convergence. Radiative magneto-convection simulations indicate an independence in the MBP area distribution for differing magnetic flux densities. The most commonly occurring bright point size corresponds to the typical width of inter-granular lanes.


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The properties of the highest velocity ejecta of normal Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are studied via models of very early optical spectra of six SNe. At epochs earlier than 1 week before maximum, SNe with a rapidly evolving Si II ?6355 line velocity (HVG) have a larger photospheric velocity than SNe with a slowly evolving Si II ?6355 line velocity (LVG). Since the two groups have comparable luminosities, the temperature at the photosphere is higher in LVG SNe. This explains the different overall spectral appearance of HVG and LVG SNe. However, the variation of the Ca II and Si II absorptions at the highest velocities (v>~20,000 km s-1) suggests that additional factors, such as asphericity or different abundances in the progenitor white dwarf, affect the outermost layers. The C II ?6578 line is marginally detected in three LVG SNe, suggesting that LVGs undergo less intense burning. The carbon mass fraction is small, only less than 0.01 near the photosphere, so that he mass of unburned C is only


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We use images of high spatial and temporal resolution, obtained with the Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere instrument at the Dunn Solar Telescope, to reveal how the generation of transverse waves in Type I spicules is a direct result of longitudinal oscillations occurring in the photosphere. Here we show how pressure oscillations, with periodicities in the range of 130–440 s, manifest in small-scale photospheric magnetic bright points, and generate kink waves in the Sun’s outer atmosphere with transverse velocities approaching the local sound speed. Through comparison of our observations with advanced two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations, we provide evidence for how magnetoacoustic oscillations, generated at the solar surface, funnel upward along Type I spicule structures, before undergoing longitudinal-to-transverse mode conversion into waves at twice the initial driving frequency. The resulting kink modes are visible in chromospheric plasma, with periodicities of 65–220 s, and amplitudes often exceeding 400 km. A sausage mode oscillation also arises as a consequence of the photospheric driver, which is visible in both simulated and observational time series. We conclude that the mode conversion and period modi?cation is a direct consequence of the 90? phase shift encompassing opposite sides of the photospheric driver. The chromospheric energy ?ux of these waves are estimated to be ˜3 × 105 W m-2, which indicates that they are suf?ciently energetic to accelerate the solar wind and heat the localized corona to its multi-million degree temperatures.


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Aims. High temporal and spatial resolution observations from the Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere (ROSA) multiwavelength imager on the Dunn Solar Telescope are used to study the velocities of small-scale Hα jets in an emerging solar active region.
Methods. The dataset comprises simultaneous imaging in the Hα core, Ca ii K, and G band, together with photospheric line-of-sight magnetograms. Time-distance techniques are employed to determine projected plane-of-sky velocities.
Results. The Hα images are highly dynamic in nature, with estimated jet velocities as high as 45 km s-1. These jets are one-directional, with their origin seemingly linked to underlying Ca ii K brightenings and G-band magnetic bright points.
Conclusions. It is suggested that the siphon flow model of cool coronal loops is suitable for interpreting our observations. The jets are associated with small-scale explosive events, and may provide a mass outflow from the photosphere to the corona.


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Using direct numerical magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) simulations, we demonstrate the evidence of two physically different types of vortex motions in the solar photosphere. Baroclinic motions of plasma in non-magnetic granules are the primary source of vorticity in granular regions of the solar photosphere, however, there is a significantly more efficient mechanism of vorticity production in strongly magnetised intergranular lanes. These swirly motions of plasma in intergranular magnetic field concentrations could be responsible for the generation of different types of MHD wave modes, for example, kink, sausage and torsional Alfven waves. These waves could transport a relevant amount of energy from the lower solar atmosphere and contribute to coronal plasma heating.


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Context. The X-ray lines between 10.9 and 11.2 Å have attracted little attention but are of interest since they enable an estimate of the coronal abundance of Na to be made. This is of great interest in the continuing debate on the nature of the FIP (first ionization potential) effect. Aims. Observations of the lines with the Solar Maximum Mission Flat Crystal Spectrometer and a rocket-borne X-ray spectrometer are used to measure the Na/Ne abundance ratio, i.e. the ratio of an element with very low FIP to one with high FIP. Methods. New atomic data are used to generate synthetic spectra which are compared with the observations, with temperature and the Na/Ne abundance ratio as free parameters. Results. Temperature estimates from the observations indicate that the line emission is principally from non-flaring active regions, and that the Na/Ne abundance ratio is 0.07 ± 50%. Conclusions. The Na/Ne abundance ratio is close to a coronal value for which the abundances of low-FIP elements (FIP < 10 eV) are enhanced by a factor of 3 to 4 over those found in the photosphere. For low-temperature (Te 1.5 MK) spectra, the presence of lines requires that either a higher-temperature component is present or a revision of ionization or recombination rates is needed.


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We present high-cadence observations and simulations of the solar photosphere, obtained using the Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere imaging system and the MuRAM magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) code, respectively. Each data set demonstrates a wealth of magnetoacoustic oscillatory behavior, visible as periodic intensity fluctuations with periods in the range 110–600 s. Almost no propagating waves with periods less than 140 s and 110 s are detected in the observational and simulated data sets, respectively. High concentrations of power are found in highly magnetized regions, such as magnetic bright points and intergranular lanes. Radiative diagnostics of the photospheric simulations replicate our observational results, confirming that the current breed of MHD simulations are able to accurately represent the lower solar atmosphere. All observed oscillations are generated as a result of naturally occurring magnetoconvective processes, with no specific input driver present. Using contribution functions extracted from our numerical simulations, we estimate minimum G-band and 4170 Å continuum formation heights of 100 km and 25 km, respectively. Detected magnetoacoustic oscillations exhibit a dominant phase delay of −8◦ between the G-band and 4170 Å continuum observations, suggesting the presence of upwardly propagating waves.More than 73% of MBPs (73% from observations and 96% from simulations) display upwardly propagating wave phenomena, suggesting the abundant nature of oscillatory behavior detected higher in the solar atmosphere may be traced back to magnetoconvective processes occurring in the upper layers of the Sun’s convection zone.


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We present here evidence for the observation of the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) sausage modes in magnetic pores in the solar photosphere. Further evidence for the omnipresent nature of acoustic global modes is also found. The empirical decomposition method of wave analysis is used to identify the oscillations detected through a 4170 Å "blue continuum" filter observed with the Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere (ROSA) instrument. Out of phase, periodic behavior in pore size and intensity is used as an indicator of the presence of magnetoacoustic sausage oscillations. Multiple signatures of the magnetoacoustic sausage mode are found in a number of pores. The periods range from as short as 30 s up to 450 s. A number of the magnetoacoustic sausage mode oscillations found have periods of 3 and 5 minutes, similar to the acoustic global modes of the solar interior. It is proposed that these global oscillations could be the driver of the sausage-type magnetoacoustic MHD wave modes in pores.


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The supernova SN 2001du was discovered in the galaxy NGC 1365 at a distance of 19 +/- 2 Mpc, and is a core-collapse event of Type II-P. Images of this galaxy, of moderate depth, have been taken with the Hubble Space Telescope approximately 6.6 yr before discovery and include the supernova position on the WFPC2 field of view. We have observed the supernova with the WFPC2 to allow accurate differential astrometry of SN 2001du on the pre-explosion frames. As a core-collapse event it is expected that the progenitor was a massive, luminous star. There is a marginal detection (3sigma) of a source close to the supernova position on the pre-discovery V -band frame, but it is not precisely coincident and we do not believe it to be a robust detection of a point source. We conclude that there is no stellar progenitor at the supernova position and derive sensitivity limits of the pre-discovery images that provide an upper mass limit for the progenitor star. We estimate that the progenitor had a mass of less than 15 M-circle dot . We revisit two other nearby Type II-P supernovae that have high-quality pre-explosion images, and refine the upper mass limits for the progenitor stars. Using a new distance determination for SN 1999gi from the expanding photosphere method, we revise the upper mass limit to 12 M-circle dot . We present new HST images of the site of SN 1999em, which validate the use of lower spatial resolution ground-based images in the progenitor studies and use a new Cepheid distance to the galaxy to measure an upper mass limit of 15 M-circle dot for that progenitor. Finally we compile all the direct information available for the progenitors of eight nearby core-collapse supernovae and compare their mass estimates. These are compared with the latest stellar evolutionary models of pre-supernova evolution which have attempted to relate metallicity and mass to the supernovae type. Although this is statistically limited at present, reasonable agreement is already found for the lower-mass events (generally the II-P), but some discrepancies appear at higher masses.


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We present simultaneous and continuous observations of the Halpha, Hbeta, He I D-3, Na I D-1,D-2 doublet and the Ca II H&K lines for the RS CVn system HR 1099. The spectroscopic observations were obtained during the MUSICOS 1998 campaign involving several observatories and instruments, both echelle and long-slit spectrographs. During this campaign, HR 1099 was observed almost continuously for more than 8 orbits of 2.(d)8. Two large optical flares were observed, both showing an increase in the emission of Halpha, Ca II H K, Hbeta and He I D-3 and a strong filling-in of the Na I D-1, D-2 doublet. Contemporary photometric observations were carried out with the robotic telescopes APT-80 of Catania and Phoenix-25 of Fairborn Observatories. Maps of the distribution of the spotted regions on the photosphere of the binary components were derived using the Maximum Entropy and Tikhonov photometric regularization criteria. Rotational modulation was observed in Halpha and He I D-3 in anti-correlation with the photometric light curves. Both flares occurred at the same binary phase (0.85), suggesting that these events took place in the same active region. Simultaneous X-ray observations, performed by ASM on board RXTE, show several flare-like events, some of which correlate well with the observed optical flares. Rotational modulation in the X-ray light curve has been detected with minimum flux when the less active G5 V star was in front. A possible periodicity in the X-ray flare-like events was also found.


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Spectropolarimetry of the Type Ib SN 2008D, associated with the X-ray Flash (XRF) 080109, at two separate epochs, is presented. The epochs of these observations correspond to V-band light curve maximum and 15 days after light curve maximum (or 21 and 36 days after the XRF). We find SN 2008D to be significantly polarized, although the largest contribution is due to the interstellar polarization component of Q ISP = 0% ± 0.1% and U ISP = -1.2% ± 0.1%. At the two epochs, the spectropolarimetry of SN 2008D is classified as being D1+L(He I)+L(Ca II). The intrinsic polarization of continuum wavelength regions is <0.4%, at both epochs, implying an asymmetry of the photosphere of <10%. Similar to other Type Ibc SNe, such as 2005bf, 2006aj, and 2007gr, we observed significant polarization corresponding to the spectral features of Ca II, He I, Mg I, Fe II and, possibly, O I ?7774, about a close-to-spherically symmetric photosphere. We introduce a new plot showing the chemically distinct line-forming regions in the ejecta and comment on the apparent ubiquity of highly polarized high-velocity Ca II features in Type Ibc SNe. The polarization angle of Ca II IR triplet was significantly different, at both epochs, to those of the other species, suggesting high-velocity Ca II forms in a separate part of the ejecta. The apparent structure in the outer layers of SN 2008D has implications for the interpretation of the early-time X-ray emission associated with shock breakout. We present two scenarios, within the jet-torus paradigm, which explain the lack of an apparent geometry discontinuity between the two observations: (1) a jet which punched a hole straight through the progenitor and deposited Ni outside the ejecta and (2) a jet which stalled inside the radius of the photosphere as observed at the second epoch. The lack of a peculiar polarization signature, suggesting strongly asymmetric excitation of the ejecta, and the reported properties of the shock-breakout favor the second scenario.


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We outline our techniques to characterise photospheric granulation as an astrophysical noise source. A four component parameterisation of granulation is developed that can be used to reconstruct stellar line asymmetries and radial velocity shifts due to photospheric convective motions. The four components are made up of absorption line profiles calculated for granules, magnetic intergranular lanes, non-magnetic intergranular lanes, and magnetic bright points at disc centre. These components are constructed by averaging Fe I $6302 \mathrm{\AA}$ magnetically sensitive absorption line profiles output from detailed radiative transport calculations of the solar photosphere. Each of the four categories adopted are based on magnetic field and continuum intensity limits determined from examining three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations with an average magnetic flux of $200 \mathrm{G}$. Using these four component line profiles we accurately reconstruct granulation profiles, produced from modelling 12 x 12 Mm$^2$ areas on the solar surface, to within $\sim \pm$ 20 cm s$^{-1}$ on a $\sim$ 100 m s$^{-1}$ granulation signal. We have also successfully reconstructed granulation profiles from a $50 \mathrm{G}$ simulation using the parameterised line profiles from the $200 \mathrm{G}$ average magnetic field simulation. This test demonstrates applicability of the characterisation to a range of magnetic stellar activity levels.