866 resultados para Phosphorus acids
The transport, compartmentation, and metabolism of homoserine was characterized in two strains of meristematic higher plant cells, the dicotyledonous sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) and the monocotyledonous weed Echinochloa colonum. Homoserine is an intermediate in the synthesis of the aspartate-derived amino acids methionine, threonine (Thr), and isoleucine. Using 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance, we showed that homoserine actively entered the cells via a high-affinity proton-symport carrier (Km approximately 50–60 μm) at the maximum rate of 8 ± 0.5 μmol h−1 g−1 cell wet weight, and in competition with serine or Thr. We could visualize the compartmentation of homoserine, and observed that it accumulated at a concentration 4 to 5 times higher in the cytoplasm than in the large vacuolar compartment. 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance permitted us to analyze the phosphorylation of homoserine. When sycamore cells were incubated with 100 μm homoserine, phosphohomoserine steadily accumulated in the cytoplasmic compartment over 24 h at the constant rate of 0.7 μmol h−1 g−1 cell wet weight, indicating that homoserine kinase was not inhibited in vivo by its product, phosphohomoserine. The rate of metabolism of phosphohomoserine was much lower (0.06 μmol h−1 g−1 cell wet weight) and essentially sustained Thr accumulation. Similarly, homoserine was actively incorporated by E. colonum cells. However, in contrast to what was seen in sycamore cells, large accumulations of Thr were observed, whereas the intracellular concentration of homoserine remained low, and phosphohomoserine did not accumulate. These differences with sycamore cells were attributed to the presence of a higher Thr synthase activity in this strain of monocot cells.
Functionalized carbon nanotubes (CNTs) using three aminobenzene acids with different functional groups (carboxylic, sulphonic, phosphonic) in para position have been synthesized through potentiodynamic treatment in acid media under oxidative conditions. A noticeable increase in the capacitance for the functionalized carbon nanotubes mainly due to redox processes points out the formation of an electroactive polymer thin film on the CNTs surface along with covalently bonded functionalities. The CNTs functionalized using aminobenzoic acid rendered the highest capacitance values and surface nitrogen content, while the presence of sulfur and/or phosphorus groups in the aminobenzene structure yielded a lower functionalization degree. The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) activity of the functionalized samples was similar to that of the parent CNTs, independently of the functional group present in the aminobenzene acid. Interestingly, a heat treatment in N2 atmosphere with a very low O2 concentration (3125 ppm) at 800 °C of the CNTs functionalized with aminobenzoic acid produced a material with high amounts of surface oxygen and nitrogen groups (12 and 4% at., respectively), that seem to modulate the electron-donor properties of the resulting material. The onset potential and limiting current for ORR was enhanced for this material. These are promising results that validates the use of electrochemistry for the synthesis of novel N-doped electrocatalysts for ORR in combination with adequate heat treatments.
Elemental composition, functional groups, and molecular mass distribution were determined in humic acids from the Western Pacific abyssal and coastal bottom sediments. Humic acid structure was studied by oxidative degradation with alkaline nitrobenzene and potassium permanganate, p-coumaric, guaiacilic, and syringilic structural units typical for lignin of terrestrial plants were identified in humic acids by chromatographic analysis of oxidation products. Polysubstituted and polycondensed aromatic systems with minor proportion of aliphatic structures were basic structural units of humic acids in abyssal sediments.
An enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) system was developed in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) using propionate as the sole carbon source. The microbial community was followed using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques and Candidatus 'Accumulibacter phosphatis' were quantified from the start up of the reactor until steady state. A series of SBR cycle studies was performed when 55% of the SBR biomass was Accumulibacter, a confirmed polyphosphate accumulating organism (PAO) and when Candidatus 'Competibacter phosphatis,' a confirmed glycogen-accumulating organism (GAO), was essentially undetectable. These experiments evaluated two different carbon sources (propionate and acetate), and in every case, two different P-release rates were detected. The highest rate took place while there was volatile fatty acid (VFA) in the mixed liquor, and after the VFA was depleted a second P-release rate was observed. This second rate was very similar to the one detected in experiments performed without added VFA. A kinetic and stoichiometric model developed as a modification of Activated Sludge Model 2 (ASM2) including glycogen economy, was fitted to the experimental profiles. The validation and calibration of this model was carried out with the cycle study experiments performed using both VFAs. The effect of pH from 6.5 to 8.0 on anaerobic P-release and VFA-uptake and aerobic P-uptake was also studied using propionate. The optimal overall working pH was around 7.5. This is the first study of the microbial community involved in EBPR developed with propionate as a sole carbon source along with detailed process performance investigations of the propionate-utilizing PAOs. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Many studies have shown a reduction in P sorption in highly weathered soils when organic matter (OM) is applied, suggesting competition between OM decomposition products and P for sorption sites. However, such studies seldom consider the P released from the added OM. To delineate the effects of OM addition on P availability through sorption competition and P addition, water leachate from incubated soybean (SB) [Glycine mar (L.) Merr.] and Rhodes grass (RG) (Chloris gayana Knuth cv. Callide) was used in competitive P sorption studies both undiluted and after acidification (i.e., the fulvic acid [FA] component). Addition of two rates (0.2 and 2 mL) of SB leachate to an Oxisol significantly increased P sorption at the higher rate, while a similar trend was observed following RG leachate addition at the same rates. Extending the range of highly weathered soils examined (two Oxisols, an Ultisol, and an acidic Vertisol) resulted in no observed decrease in P sorption following addition of OM leachate. Surprisingly, SB leachate transiently increased P sorption in the two Oxisol soils. Addition of the FA component of the leachates resulted in a transient (< 6 d) decrease in P sorption in three of the four soils examined and constituted the only evidence in this study that decomposing OM residues reduced P sorption. This research provides further evidence contradicting the long held assumption that inhibition of P sorption by dissolved organic compounds, derived from decomposing OM, is responsible for increased P phytoavailability when P fertilizer and OM are applied together.
The incorporation of organic matter ( OM) in soils that are able to rapidly sorb applied phosphorus ( P) fertiliser reportedly increases P availability to plants. This effect has commonly been ascribed to competition between the decomposition products of OM and P for soil sorption sites resulting in increased soil solution P concentrations. The evidence for competitive inhibition of P sorption by dissolved organic carbon compounds, derived from the breakdown of OM, includes studies on the competition between P and (i) low molecular weight organic acids (LOAs), (ii) humic and fulvic acids, and (iii) OM leachates in soils with a high P sorption capacity. These studies, however, have often used LOAs at 1 - 100 mM, concentrations much higher than those in soils ( generally < 0.05 mM). The transience of LOAs in biologically active soils further suggests that neither their concentration nor their persistence would have a practical benefit in increasing P phytoavailability. Higher molecular weight compounds such as humic and fulvic acids also competitively inhibit P sorption; however, little consideration has been given to the potential of these compounds to increase the amount of P sorbed through metal - chelate linkages. We suggest that the magnitude of the inhibition of P sorption by the decomposition products of OM leachate is negligible at rates equivalent to those of OM applied in the field. Incubation of OM in soil has also commonly been reported as reducing P sorption in soil. However, we consider that the reported decreases in P sorption ( as measured by P in the soil solution) are not related to competition from the decomposition products of OM breakdown, but are the result of P release from the OM that was not accounted for when calculating the reduction in P sorption.
Increasing evidence is emerging that the performance of enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) systems relies on not only the total amount but also the composition of volatile fatty acids (VFAs). Domestic wastewater often contains limited amounts of VFAs with acetic acid typically being the dominating species. Consequently, prefermenters are often employed to generate additional VFAs to meet the demand for carbon by EBPR and/or denitrification processes. Limited knowledge is currently available on the effects of operational conditions on the production rate and composition of VFAs in prefermenters. In this study, a series of controlled batch experiments were conducted with sludge from a full-scale prefermenter to determine the impact of solids concentration, pH and addition of molasses on prefermentation processes. It was found that an increase in solids concentration enhanced total VFA production with an increased propionic acid fraction. The optimal pH for prefermentation was in the range of 6-7 with significant productivity loss when pH was below 5.5. Molasses addition significantly increased the production of VFAs particularly the propionic acid. However, the fermentation rate was likely limited by the biological activity of the sludge rather than by the amount of molasses added.
Caustis blakei produces an intriguing morphological adaptation by inducing dauciform roots in response to phosphorus (P) deficiency. We tested the hypothesis that these hairy, swollen lateral roots play a similar role to cluster roots in the exudation of organic chelators and ectoenzymes known to aid the chemical mobilization of sparingly available soil nutrients, such as P. Dauciform-root development and exudate composition (carboxylates and acid phosphatase activity) were analysed in C. blakei plants grown in nutrient solution under P-starved conditions. The distribution of dauciform roots in the field was determined in relation to soil profile depth and matrix. The percentage of dauciform roots of the entire root mass was greatest at the lowest P concentration ([P]) in solution, and was suppressed with increasing solution [P], while in the field dauciform roots were predominately located in the upper soil horizons, and decreased with increasing soil depth. Citrate was the major carboxylate released in an exudative burst from mature dauciform roots, which also produced elevated levels of acid phosphatase activity. Malonate was the dominant internal carboxylate present, with the highest concentration in young dauciform roots. The high concentration of carboxylates and phosphatases released from dauciform roots, combined with their prolific distribution in the organic surface layer of nutrient-impoverished soils, provides an ecophysiological advantage for enhancing nutrient acquisition.
A study was made of the corrosion behaviour in the ASTM standard Nitric acid and Oxalic acid tests, of two commercial AISI type 304L steels in the as received condition and after various heat treatments. Optical microscopy and SEM, TEM and STEM in conjunction with energy dispersive x-ray analysis, were used to correlate the corrosion behaviour of these steels with their microstructure. Some evidence of phosphorus segregation at grain boundaries was found. The corrosion behaviour at microstructural level was studied by examining on the TEM thin foils of steel that had been exposed to boiling nitric acid. Banding attack in the nitric acid and oxalic acid tests was studied using SEM and EPNA and found to be due to the micro-segregation of chromium and nickel. Using two experimental series of 304L, one a 17% Cr, 91 Ni, steel with phosphorus additions from 0.006% to 0.028%, the other a 20% Cr, 121 Ni steel with boron additions from 0.0011 to 0.00B51. The effect of these elements on corrosion in the nitric acid test was studied. The effect of different cooling rates and different solution treatment temperature on the behaviour of these steels was examined. TEM and STEM in conjunction with energy-dispersive x-ray analysis were again used to study the microstructure of the steels. Phosphorus was found to affect the corrosion behaviour but no effect was found with boron.
Relationships among quality factors in retailed free-range, corn-fed, organic, and conventional chicken breasts (9) were modeled using chemometric approaches. Use of principal component analysis (PCA) to neutral lipid composition data explained the majority (93%) of variability (variance) in fatty acid contents in 2 significant multivariate factors. PCA explained 88 and 75% variance in 3 factors for, respectively, flame ionization detection (FID) and nitrogen phosphorus (NPD) components in chromatographic flavor data from cooked chicken after simultaneous distillation extraction. Relationships to tissue antioxidant contents were modeled. Partial least square regression (PLS2), interrelating total data matrices, provided no useful models. By using single antioxidants as Y variables in PLS (1), good models (r2 values > 0.9) were obtained for alpha-tocopherol, glutathione, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and reductase and FID flavor components and among the variables total mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids and subsets of FID, and saturated fatty acid and NPD components. Alpha-tocopherol had a modest (r2 = 0.63) relationship with neutral lipid n-3 fatty acid content. Such factors thus relate to flavor development and quality in chicken breast meat.
Heterotrophic bacteria are important decomposers and transformers of primary production and provide an important link between detritus and the aquatic food web. In seagrass ecosystems, much of seagrass primary production is unavailable through direct grazing and must undergo microbial reworking before seagrass production can enter the aquatic food web. The goal of my dissertation research is to understand better the role heterotrophic bacteria play in carbon cycling in seagrass estuaries. My dissertation research focuses on Florida Bay, a seagrass estuary that has experienced recent changes in carbon source availability, which may have altered ecosystem function. My dissertation research investigates the importance of seagrass, algal and/or cyanobacterial, and allochthonous-derived organic matter to heterotrophic bacteria in Florida Bay and helps establish the carbon base of the estuarine food web. ^ A three tiered approach to the study of heterotrophic bacterial carbon cycling and trophic influences in Florida Bay was used: (1) Spatiotemporal observations of environmental parameters (hydrology, nutrients, extracellular enzymes, and microbial abundance, biomass, and production); (2) Microbial grazing experiments under different levels of top-down and bottom-up influence; and (3) Bulk and compound-specific (bacteria-biomarker fatty acid analysis) stable carbon isotope analysis. ^ In Florida Bay, spatiotemporal patterns in microbial extracellular enzyme (also called ectoenzyme) activities indicate that microorganisms hydrolyzed selectively fractions of the estuarine organic matter pool. The microbial community hydrolyzed organic acids, peptides, and phosphate esters and did not use storage and structural carbohydrates. Organic matter use by heterotrophic bacterioplankton in Florida Bay was co-regulated by bottom-up (resource availability) and top-down (grazer mediated) processes. A bacterial carbon budget based on bacterial, epiphytic, and seagrass production indicates that heterotrophic bacterial carbon cycles are supported primarily through epiphytic production with mixing from seagrass production. Stable carbon isotope analysis of bacteria biomarkers and carbon sources in Florida Bay corroborate the results of the bacterial carbon budget. These results support previous studies of aquatic consumers in Florida Bay, indicating that epiphytic/benthic algal and/or cyanobacterial production with mixing from seagrass-derived organic matter is the carbon base of the seagrass estuarine food web. ^
Autophagy is an important process that regulates cellular homeostasis by degrading dysfunctional proteins, organelles and lipids. In this study, the hypothesis that obesity could lead to impairment in hypothalamic autophagy in mice was evaluated by examining the hypothalamic distribution and content of autophagic proteins in animal with obesity induced by 8 or 16 weeks high fat diet to induce obesity and in response to intracerebroventricular injections of palmitic acid. The results showed that chronic exposure to a high fat diet leads to an increased expression of inflammatory markers and downregulation of autophagic proteins. In obese mice, autophagic induction leads to the downregulation of proteins, such as JNK and Bax, which are involved in the stress pathways. In neuron cell- line, palmitate has a direct effect on autophagy even without inflammatory activity. Understanding the cellular and molecular bases of overnutrition is essential for identifying new diagnostic and therapeutic targets for obesity.
Plants that deploy a phosphorus (P)-mobilising strategy based on the release of carboxylates tend to have high leaf manganese concentrations ([Mn]). This occurs because the carboxylates mobilise not only soil inorganic and organic P, but also a range of micronutrients, including Mn. Concentrations of most other micronutrients increase to a small extent, but Mn accumulates to significant levels, even when plants grow in soil with low concentrations of exchangeable Mn availability. Here, we propose that leaf [Mn] can be used to select for genotypes that are more efficient at acquiring P when soil P availability is low. Likewise, leaf [Mn] can be used to screen for belowground functional traits related to nutrient-acquisition strategies among species in low-P habitats.
Some bacteria common in anaerobic digestion process can ferment a broad variety of organic compounds to organic acids, alcohols, and hydrogen, which can be used as biofuels. Researches are necessary to control the microbial interactions in favor of the alcohol production, as intermediary products of the anaerobic digestion of organic compounds. This paper reports on the effect of buffering capacity on the production of organic acids and alcohols from wastewater by a natural mixed bacterial culture. The hypothesis tested was that the increase of the buffering capacity by supplementation of sodium bicarbonate in the influent results in benefits for alcohol production by anaerobic fermentation of wastewater. When the influent was not supplemented with sodium bicarbonate, the chemical oxygen demand (COD)-ethanol and COD-methanol detected in the effluent corresponded to 22.5 and 12.7 % of the COD-sucrose consumed. Otherwise, when the reactor was fed with influent containing 0.5 g/L of sodium bicarbonate, the COD-ethanol and COD-methanol were effluents that corresponded to 39.2 and 29.6 % of the COD-sucrose consumed. Therefore, the alcohol production by supplementation of the influent with sodium bicarbonate was 33.6 % higher than the fermentation of the influent without sodium bicarbonate.