64 resultados para Phosphatidylglycerol
磷脂酰甘油(PG)是植物类囊体膜中唯一的磷脂,在它的sn-2位上总是连着一个棕榈酸(16:0)或反式十六碳烯酸(16:1 trans)。由于PG的分子结构独特,对它的功能已有了很多研究,目前认为PG在维持类囊体膜的结构与功能方面具有非常重要的作用。缺磷胁迫下,蓝藻、衣藻及拟南芥、大麦等物种中均检测到了PG含量的下降。对这一现象的常见解释是缺磷导致了PG生物合成受阻,从而引起了其含量的降低。但迄今为止尚没有试验证据支持。本研究比较了缺磷对不同叶龄的小麦与烟草叶片中PG含量与PG水解酶的活性的影响,同时对缺磷叶片酶粗提液水解外源PG后的主要产物、几种磷脂酶抑制剂对上述酶反应的影响等进行了研究,以阐明缺磷条件下叶片中PG含量下降的主要原 因。 缺磷小麦第一叶完全展开时,PG含量与PG水解酶活性均与对照相似;而第三叶完全展开时,尽管缺磷第三叶中PG水解酶活性也与对照相似,但其PG含量低于对照。这一结果表明,在小麦叶片完全展开之前,缺磷条件未影响叶片中的PG水解酶活性,第三叶中较低的PG含量应由PG的生物合成受阻引起。并且,由于缺磷植株第一叶完全展开时PG含量未受影响而第三叶中却表现出了轻微降低,可以推测叶片萌发越晚,PG生物合成受到的抑制就会越严重。 为了研究叶片衰老过程中PG含量下降的原因,我们比较了6,10,14与18日龄时缺磷与对照小麦植株第一叶中PG的相对含量与PG水解酶活性。研究发现:6日龄时,刚刚完全展开的缺磷和对照小麦第一叶中无论是PG含量还是PG水解酶活性都较为相似;而随着叶片的逐渐衰老,缺磷植株第一叶中PG含量大幅度下降,同时伴随着PG水解酶活性的急剧上升。18日龄时,缺磷小麦第一叶中的PG含量较对照降低了69.1%,其PG水解酶活性也远高于对照,37ºC下温育30min后,缺磷叶片的酶粗提液使外源PG含量降低了74.16%,而对照中只降低了13.7%。上述结果表明,缺磷条件下,小麦叶片中PG含量降低的程度与PG水解酶活性的强弱密切相关,PG水解加剧是导致老叶中PG含量降低的一个重要原因。 磷脂酶是水解磷脂的主要酶类。目前在植物体中发现的磷脂酶种类主要有磷脂酶D(PLD)、磷脂酶C(PLC)与磷脂酶A(PLA)。通过薄层层析(TLC),我们发现缺磷小麦叶片的酶粗提液水解外源PG后的主要产物是磷脂酸(PA)、二脂酰甘油(DAG)与游离脂肪酸(FFA)。将n-丁醇加入到缺磷小麦叶片的体外酶反应体系中后,观察到PA、DAG与FFA的生成量均表现出一定程度的降低。由于n-丁醇是PA经PLD途径生成的抑制剂,因此,上述结果表明PLD参与了缺磷条件下小麦叶片中PG的水解。硫酸新霉素是PLC的非特异性抑制剂,低浓度的硫酸新霉素(100μM 和 200μM )加入到缺磷小麦叶片的体外酶反应体系后,三种产物的生成受到了严重抑制,表明PLC也与缺磷叶片中PG的降解密切相关。 为了进一步分析缺磷导致PG含量降低的原因,我们以烟草为试验材料,检测了缺磷胁迫对烟草嫩叶和老叶中的PG含量、PG水解酶活性、与PG降解相关的酶的种类及PLC、PLDα、PLDβ与PAT-1基因在mRNA上表达水平的的影响。结果表明,缺磷烟草叶片中PG含量的降低由PG生物合成受阻与PG降解加剧共同导致,PLC和PLD活性与烟草叶片中PG的降解有关。缺磷植株老叶中PG水解酶活性及PLC、PLDα、PLDβ基因在mRNA水平上的表达量均高于对照,表明在磷胁迫条件下,老叶中PG水解酶活性可能受到转录水平上的调节, PLC、PLDα、PLDβ转录活性的增强导致了PLC、PLD活性加强,从而引起PG降解的加剧,最终导致了PG含量的降低。与PLC、PLDα和PLDβ不同,缺磷胁迫对patatin蛋白(表现PLA2活性)的编码基因PAT-1在转录水平上的表达无影响,TLC分析PG的水解产物也未检测到溶血磷脂酰甘油(LPG)的生成。由此可见,PLA活性可能与缺磷条件下PG的降解无关。
磷脂酰甘油(phosphatidylglycerol, PG)是类囊体膜(也叫光合膜)中唯一的一种磷脂。在蓝藻中,PG的合成途径为:磷脂酸(phosphatidic acid, PA)胞嘧啶双磷酸-二酰基甘油 (cytidine diphosphate diacylglycerol, CDP-DAG) 磷酸磷脂酰甘油 (phosphatidylglycerol phosphate, PGP)PG。其中最后一步反应是由PGP去磷酸化而生成PG,催化该反应的是PGP磷酸酶。然而迄今为止,PGP磷酸酶还没有在蓝藻和高等植物中得到克隆和鉴定。本工作在鱼腥藻Anabaena sp. PCC7120中通过将一个可能编码PGP磷酸酶的基因(alr1715)进行突变,获得缺失PG的突变体。与野生型相比,该突变体PG的含量降低了30%左右。突变后的蓝藻藻丝发黄、生长缓慢,叶绿素含量降低。整体细胞的光合作用活性、光系统II(photosystem II,PSII)的放氧活性以及PSII反应中心的光能转化效率显著下降,传递给PSII的激发能减少。
磷脂酰甘油(PG)是光系统I(PSI)中唯一的磷脂,也是PSI重要的组成部分。在本工作中,我们通过改变PSI中PG的含量(体外重组至PG脂质体或专一性磷脂酶降解),研究了PG对PSI的调控作用。主要结果如下: 1. 外加PG导致PSI色素的结合状态和激子相互作用发生改变。吸收光谱中,Chl a特征峰蓝移且吸收降低。低温荧光光谱中,680nm处的峰逐渐明显,F730-735 /F680的比值下降,LHCI-730激发峰蓝移。可视CD光谱中Chl a、Chl b蓝移,它们的相互作用增强;类胡萝卜素分子发生红移。 2. PSI的重组引起了PSI蛋白质结构的改变,即蛋白的α-螺旋结构增加而无序结构含量减少。同时,PSI蛋白质内部的色氨酸残基处于更极性的环境。 3. PG对PSI的电子传递的影响具有浓度效应。低浓度时可以促进PSI的电子传递活性,而在相对较高浓度时抑制PSI的电子传递。 4. PLA2的处理导致PSI中PG的缺失,抑制了PSI反应中心P700的暗还原反应,即延长了其还原所用的时间。P700的暗还原反应存在快相和慢相两相反应。PG的缺失降低了这两相反应的反应速率,抑制了电子从质体蓝素(PC)到P700+的传递。
The spectroscopic and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies of interaction between chlorpromazine (CPZ) and dimyristoyl phosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) bilayer by using gold nanoparticles (AuN-Ps) as probes are reported. The DMPG bilayer-protected AuNPs were prepared by a simple one-step method. The DMPG bilayer tethered on the AuNPs was considered as a biomembrane model. The addition of CPZ affected the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and morphology of the prepared AuNPs, and this effect was monitored by UV-vis spectroscopy and TEM.
This work describes the development of spray dried polymer coated liposomes composed of soy phosphatidylcholine (SPC) and phospholipid dimyristoyl phosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) coated with alginate, chitosan or trimethyl chitosan (TMC), that are able to penetrate through the nasal mucosa and offer enhanced penetration over uncoated liposomes when delivered as a dry powder. All the liposome formulations, loaded with BSA as model antigen, were spray-dried to obtain powder size and liposome size in a suitable range for nasal delivery. Although coating resulted in some reduction in encapsulation efficiency, levels were still maintained between 60% and 69% and the structural integrity of the entrapped protein and its release characteristics were maintained. Coating with TMC gave the best product characteristics in terms of entrapment efficiency, glass transition (Tg) and mucoadhesive strength, while penetration of nasal mucosal tissue was very encouraging when these liposomes were administered as dispersions although improved results were observed for the dry powders
Electrostatic forces between membranes containing charged lipids were assumed to play an important role in influencing interactions between membranes long before quantitative measurements of such forces were available. ~ur measurements were designed to measure electrostatic forces between layers of lecithin charged with lipi~s carrying ionizable head groups. These experiments have shown that the interactions between charged lipid bila.yere are dominated by electrostatic forces only at separations greater than 30 A. At smaller separations the repulsion between charged bilayers is dominated by strong hydration forces. The net repulsive force between egg lecithin bilayers containing various amounts of cherged lipids (phosphatidylglycerol (PG) 5,10 ano 50 mole%, phosphatidyli. nosi tol (PI) 10 mole% and sodium oleate (Na-Ol) 3,5 and 10 mole%, where mole% gives the ratio of the number of moles' of .charged lipid to the total number of moles of all lipids present in the sample) was stuoied with the help ('If the osmotic streas technique described by LeNeveu et aI, (1977). Also, the forces between pure PG were j_nvestigated in the same manner. The results have been plotted showing variation of force as a function of bilay- _ er separation dw• All curVes 90 obtained called force curves, were found to be similar in sha.pe, showing two distinct regions, one when dw<.30 A is a region cf very rapid iiivariation of force with separation ( it is the region dominated by hydre,tion force) and second when dw> 40 A is a region of very slow variation of force with separB.tion ( it is the region dominated by the electrostatic force). Between these two regions there exists a transition area in which, in most systems studied, a phase separation of lipids into fractions containing different amounts of charged groups, was observed. A qualitative analysis showed that our results were v/ell described by the simple electrostatic double -le.yer theory. For quantitative agreement between measured and calculated force curves however, the charge density for the calculations had to be taken as half of that given by the number density of charged lipids present in the lecithin bilayers. It is not clear at the moment what causes such low apparent degree of ionization among the charged head groups, and further study is needed in this area.
Five Gram-negative, motile, aerobic to microaerophilic spirilla were isolated from various depths of the hypersaline, heliothermal and meromictic Ekho Lake (East Antarctica). The strains are oxidase- and catalase-positive, metabolize a variety of sugars and carboxylic acids and have an absolute requirement for sodium ions. The predominant fatty acids of the organisms are C-16: (1)omega7c, C-16:0 and C(18:1)omega7c, with C-10:1 3-OH, C-10:0 3-OH, C-12:0 3-OH, C-14:1 3-OH, C-14:0 3-OH and C-19:1 present in smaller amounts. The main polar lipids are diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylmonomethylamine. The DNA base composition of the strains is 54-55 mol% G + C. 16S rRNA gene sequence comparisons show that the isolates are related to the genera Oceanospirillum, Pseudospirillum, Marinospirillum, Halomonas and Chromohalobacter in the gamma-Proteobacteria. Morphological, physiological and genotypic differences from these previously described genera support the description of a novel genus and species, Saccharospirillum impatiens gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain is EL-105(T) (= DSM 12546(T) = CECT 5721(T)).
A Gram-negative, aerobic to microaerophilic rod was isolated from 10 m depths of the hypersaline, heliothermal and meromictic Ekho Lake (East Antarctica). The strain was oxidase- and catalase-positive, metabolized a variety of carboxylic acids and sugars and produced lipase. Cells had an absolute requirement for artificial sea water, which could not be replaced by NaCl. A large in vivo absorption band at 870 nm indicated production of bacteriochlorophyll a. The predominant fatty acids of this organism were 16:0 and 18:1omega7c, with 3-OH 10:0, 16:1omega7c and 18:0 in lower amounts. The main polar lipids were diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylcholine. Ubiquinone 10 was produced. The DNA G + C content was 67 mol%. 16S rRNA gene sequence comparisons indicated that the isolate represents a member of the Roseobacter clade within the alpha-Proteobacteria. The organism showed no particular relationship to any members of this clade but clustered on the periphery of the genera Jannaschia, Octadecabacter and 'Marinosulfonomonas' and the species Ruegeria gelatinovorans. Distinct morphological, physiological and genotypic differences to these previously described taxa supported the description of a new genus and a novel species, for which the name Roseisalinus antarcticus gen. nov., sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is EL-88(T) (= DSM 11466(T) = CECT 7023(T)).
The interaction between tryptophan-rich puroindoline proteins and model bacterial membranes at the air-liquid interface has been investigated by FTIR spectroscopy, surface pressure measurements and Brewster angle microscopy. The role of different lipid constituents on the interactions between lipid membrane and protein was studied using wild type (Pin-b) and mutant (Trp44 to Arg44 mutant, Pin-bs) puroindoline proteins. The results show differences in the lipid selectivity of the two proteins in terms of preferential binding to specific lipid head groups in mixed lipid systems. Pin-b wild type was able to penetrate mixed layers of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylglycerol (PG) head groups more deeply compared to the mutant Pin-bs. Increasing saturation of the lipid tails increased penetration and adsorption of Pin-b wild type, but again the response of the mutant form differed. The results provide insight as to the role of membrane architecture, lipid composition and fluidity, on antimicrobial activity of proteins. Data show distinct differences in the lipid binding behavior of Pin-b as a result of a single residue mutation, highlighting the importance of hydrophobic and charged amino acids in antimicrobial protein and peptide activity.
Aqueous dispersions of the anionic phospholipid dimyristoyl phosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) at pH above the apparent pK of DMPG and concentrations in the interval 70-300 mM have been investigated by small (SAXS) and wide-angle X-ray scattering, differential scanning calorimetry, and polarized optical microscopy. The order. disorder transition of the hydrocarbon chains occurs along an interval of about 10 degrees C (between T(m)(on) similar to 20 degrees C and T(m)(off) similar to 30 degrees C). Such melting regime was previously characterized at lower concentrations, up to 70 mM DMPG, when sample transparency was correlated with the presence of pores across the bilayer. At higher concentrations considered here, the melting regime persists but is not transparent. Defined SAXS peaks appear and a new lamellar phase L(p) with pores is proposed to exist above 70 mM DMPG, starting at similar to 23 degrees C (similar to 3 degrees C above T(m)(on)) and losing correlation after T(m)(off). A new model for describing the X-ray scattering of bilayers with pores, presented here, is able to explain the broad band attributed to in-plane correlation between pores. The majority of cell membranes have a net negative charge, and the opening of pores across the membrane tuned by ionic strength, temperature, and lipid composition is likely to have biological relevance.
Dispersions of saturated anionic phospholipid dimyristoyl phosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) have been extensively studied regarding their peculiar thermostructural behavior. At low ionic strength, the gel-fluid transition is spread along nearly 17 degrees C, displaying several thermal events in the calorimetric profile that is quite different from the single sharp peak around 23 degrees C found for higher ionic strength DMPG dispersions. To investigate the role of charge in the bilayer transition, we carefully examine the temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity of DMPG dispersions at different concentrations, correlating the data with the corresponding differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) traces. Electrical conductivity together with electrophoretic mobility measurements allowed the calculation of the dependence of the degree of ionization of DMPG vesicles on lipid concentration and temperature. It was shown that there is a decrease in vesicle charge as the lipid concentration increases, which is probably correlated with the increase in the concentration of bulk Na(+). Apart from the known increase in the electrical conductivity along the DMPG temperature transition region, a sharp rise was observed at the bilayer pretransition for all lipid concentrations studied, possibly indicating that the beginning of the chain melting process is associated with an increase in bilayer ionization. It is confirmed here that the gel-fluid transition of DMPG at low ionic strength is accompanied by a huge increase in the dispersion viscosity. However, it is shown that this measured macroviscosity is distinct from the local viscosity felt by either charged ions or DMPG charged aggregates in measurements of electrical conductivity or electrophoretic mobility, Data presented here give support to the idea that DMPG vesicles, at low ionic strength, get more ionized along the temperature transition region and could be perforated and/or deformed vesicle structures.
The highly hydrophobic fluorophore Laurdan (6-dodecanoyl-2-(dimethylaminonaphthalene)) has been widely used as a fluorescent probe to monitor lipid membranes. Actually, it monitors the structure and polarity of the bilayer surface, where its fluorescent moiety is supposed to reside. The present paper discusses the high sensitivity of Laurdan fluorescence through the decomposition of its emission spectrum into two Gaussian bands, which correspond to emissions from two different excited states, one more solvent relaxed than the other. It will be shown that the analysis of the area fraction of each band is more sensitive to bilayer structural changes than the largely used parameter called Generalized Polarization, possibly because the latter does not completely separate the fluorescence emission from the two different excited states of Laurdan. Moreover, it will be shown that this decomposition should be done with the spectrum as a function of energy, and not wavelength. Due to the presence of the two emission bands in Laurdan spectrum, fluorescence anisotropy should be measured around 480 nm, to be able to monitor the fluorescence emission from one excited state only, the solvent relaxed state. Laurdan will be used to monitor the complex structure of the anionic phospholipid DMPG (dimyristoyl phosphatidylglycerol) at different ionic strengths, and the alterations caused on gel and fluid membranes due to the interaction of cationic peptides and cholesterol. Analyzing both the emission spectrum decomposition and anisotropy it was possible to distinguish between effects on the packing and on the hydration of the lipid membrane surface. It could be clearly detected that a more potent analog of the melanotropic hormone alpha-MSH (Ac-Ser(1)-Tyr(2)-Ser(3)-Met(4)-Glu(5)-His(6)-Phe(7)-Arg(8)-Trp(9)-Gly(10)-Lys(11)-Pro(12)-Val(13)-NH(2)) was more effective in rigidifying the bilayer surface of fluid membranes than the hormone, though the hormone significantly decreases the bilayer surface hydration.
The synthetic lipid 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-3-phosphoglycerol (DMPG), when dispersed in water/NaCl exhibits a complex phase behavior caused by its almost unlimited swelling in excess water. Using deuterium ((2)H)- and phosphorus ((31)P)-NMR we have studied the molecular properties of DMPG/water/NaCl dispersions as a function of lipid and NaCl concentration. We have measured the order profile of the hydrophobic part of the lipid bilayer with deuterated DMPG while the orientation of the phosphoglycerol headgroup was deduced from the (31)P NMR chemical shielding anisotropy. At temperatures > 30 degrees C we observe well-resolved (2)H- and (31)P NMR spectra not much different from other liquid crystalline bilayers. From the order profiles it is possible to deduce the average length of the flexible fatty acyl chain. Unusual spectra are obtained in the temperature interval of 20-25 degrees C, indicating one or several phase transitions. The most dramatic changes are seen at low lipid concentration and low ionic strength. Under these conditions and at 25 degrees C, the phosphoglycerol headgroup rotates into the hydrocarbon layer and the hydrocarbon chains show larger flexing motions than at higher temperatures. The orientation of the phosphoglycerol headgroup depends on the bilayer surface charge and correlates with the degree of dissociation of DMPG-Na(+). The larger the negative surface charge, the more the headgroup rotates toward the nonpolar region.
We investigate the bilayer pre-transition exhibited by some lipids at temperatures below their main phase transition, and which is generally associated to the formation of periodic ripples in the membrane. Experimentally we focus on the anionic lipid dipalmytoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG) at different ionic strengths, and on the neutral lipid dipalmytoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC). From the analysis of differential scanning calorimetry traces of the two lipids we find that both pre- and main transitions are part of the same melting process. Electron spin resonance of spin labels and excitation generalized polarization of Laurdan reveal the coexistence of gel and fluid domains at temperatures between the pre- and main transitions of both lipids, reinforcing the first finding. Also, the melting process of DPPG at low ionic strength is found to be less cooperative than that of DPPC. From the theoretical side, we introduce a statistical model in which a next-nearest-neighbor competing interaction is added to the usual two-state model. For the first time, modulated phases (ordered and disordered lipids periodically aligned) emerge between the gel and fluid phases as a natural consequence of the competition between lipid-lipid interactions. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A major challenge for producing low cost biosensors based on nanostructured films with control of molecular architectures is to preserve the catalytic activity of the immobilized biomolecules. In this study, we show that catalase (HRP) keeps its activity if immobilized in Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylglycerol (DPPG). The incorporation of catalase into a DPPG monolayer at the at interface was demonstrated with surface pressure and surface potential isotherms, in addition to polarization-modulated infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS). According to the PM-IRRAS data. catalase was not denatured upon adsorption on a preformed DPPG monolayer and could be transferred onto a solid substrate. The catalytic activity of catalase in a mixed LB film with DPPG was ca. 13% higher than in solution. The control of molecular architecture and choice of a suitable phospholipid matrix allows catalase-containing LB films to be used in sensing hydrogen peroxide.