883 resultados para Philosophy of creativity


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Creativity is important to the growth and development of society, to educational institutions, and to the personal growth of individuals. Students who are aware of their creativity are assumed to have innovative ideas and fresh insights. Limited research has been conducted to see if students can identify their own creative abilities. In this study, I explored the students' perceptions and experiences in a fashion design course. This study documented the creative journey from the concept stage of an apparel collection to the final product. Participants were asked to reflect and document their creative moments, describe a creative process, and identify a creative environment. The participants were students who were enrolled in a fashion design course and were asked to participate in this study because they experienced all stages of the design process. Data were collected through personal reflection surveys, focus groups, and personal interviews. Themes of creative moments that emerged from this study were experiences that the participants had as they proceeded through the stages of the fashion design process. All of the participants identified a creative process, but the stages varied for each participant The participants identified themes related to promoting creativity in an environment, including the atmosphere, creative people, teachers, reflection, student needs, and assignments. The participants identified potential barriers in an environment, including rules and guidelines, teachers, the classroom, deadlines and time, feedback, and other important issues. The results ofthis study suggest that there needs to be a better understanding of creativity and greater support and encouragement for creativity in the classroom. Instructors need to support environments that are conducive to creative development and lead to effective learning for students. Students need to learn how to enhance their creativity as well as understand the barriers that block their creative development.


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This thesis considers that the purport of the Bhagavadgita is to prioritize the philosophy of loving devotion to God (bhakti), not the propagation of color-coded-caste (varna system). The distinction between bhakti and caste becomes clear when one sees their effect on human life and on the society. Jnana and karma, two of the other polarities with which the Gita contends, finally support bhakti towards betterment, not deterioration, if done selflessly and with balance. Caste, however, is a totally different tension, which is always detrimental to the well-being of the person and the society. In the Gita, the devotees' mystical or emotional love of, God apprehends their ~ oneness with the Supreme God and with all beings, and transcends the pitiless segregation of the caste system, and opens the path of salvation to all irrespective of race, color, caste, class or gender in life. In spite of much opposition from orthodoxy, the bhakti movement spread allover India, and bhakti itself rose to the level of orthodoxy and has become the faith of millions of people especially of the south, and surprisingly, of even of those of the so called highest caste. And yet, caste still remains as an indelible mark of every Hindu, even after they change their religion. Although caste is less venomous now, it is still openly present in all walks of Indian life and shows up its ugly head at important moments such as marriage, elections for public office, admission to school or employment. True, bhakti is the antidote for. caste; but only real bhakti can remove caste completely, not mere lip-service to it. This thesis claims that bhakti is the deliberate major thrust of the teaching of the Gita while caste seems to be a contradiction of this thrust.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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De acuerdo con las especificaciones de Estudios Religiosos de AQA (Assessment and Qualifications Alliance) para los niveles AS y A2, el libro presenta los contenidos sobre filosofía de la religión necesarios para la superación del examen (el argumento cosmológico, experiencia religiosa, psicología y religión, ateísmo y postmodernismo, debates filosóficos sobre los milagros, la creación, religión y ciencia, el argumento del diseño, mecánica cuántica y una visión religiosa del mundo, argumentos ontológicos, lenguaje religioso, vida después de la muerte, el problema del diablo). Al final de cada capítulo se incluyen preguntas de examen para evaluar los conocimientos adquiridos.


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De acuerdo con las especificaciones de Estudios Religiosos de AQA (Assessment and Qualifications Alliance) para los niveles AS y A2, el libro presenta material de apoyo e ideas para el desarrollo en clase de los distintos temas en la enseñanza de la religión. Incluye actividades de investigación para los alumnos, preguntas de respuesta corta y preguntas de desarrollo para cada lección, resúmenes de los temas clave y de los términos fundamentales y ejemplos de respuestas a preguntas de exámenes que los alumnos pueden usar como base para su preparación.