421 resultados para Philips, Ambrose


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This work seeks to assess the outsourcing process adopted by Philips for producing LCD televisions. The authors used the Resource-based Theory and the Transaction Cost Theory for analyzing the case. Based on industry data and interviews with ten of the company’s senior executives, this study sought to understand how the decision making process was carried out and how it affected the company’s activities in the field of LCD televisions. Philips has lost its competitiveness in the Brazilian market – it went from being the leader in 2006 to fourth place in 2009, both as far as regards its sales volume and value. The executives pointed out that the LCD panel is an important resource and that its supply by third parties represented a high transaction cost. The results illustrate the complementarity that exists between the RBT and TCT theories in a competitive environment that has few players.


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This paper presents a structuralist model of the Philips curve and applies it to the US and Brazilian economies. The theoretical model starts from a simple markup rule to build a Philips curve based on the assumptions that firms have a desired rate of profit and wokers have a target real wage. Inflation expectations are modeled in terms of current inflation and the governments’ target, and the model shows that relative prices can have both a short-run and long-run influence on inflation. When applied to the US, the structuralist Philips curve results in a nonlinear model in which there are two steady states for inflation, and where the wageshare of income becomes the main instrument to drive inflation to the governments’ target. When applied to Brazil, the structuralist Philips curve reveals a nonlinear relationship between long-run inflation and the real exchange rate, so that the same inflation target can be consistent with more than one value of the exchange rate. The main conclusion of the paper is that a structuralist specification of the Philips curve is a useful instrument to model many macroeconomic topics as well as alternative theoretical closures.


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The oxidative and thermo-mechanical degradation of HDPE was studied during processing in an internal mixer under two conditions: totally and partially filled chambers, which provides lower and higher concentrations of oxygen, respectively. Two types of HDPEs, Phillips and Ziegler-Natta, having different levels of terminal vinyl unsaturations were analyzed. Materials were processed at 160, 200, and 240 degrees C. Standard rheograrns using a partially filled chamber showed that the torque is much more unstable in comparison to a totally filled chamber which provides an environment depleted of oxygen. Carbonyl and transvinylene group concentrations increased, whereas vinyl group concentration decreased with temperature and oxygen availability. Average number of chain scission and branching (n(s)) was calculated from MWD curves and its plotting versus functional groups' concentration showed that chain scission or branching takes place depending upon oxygen content and vinyl groups' consumption. Chain scission and branching distribution function (CSBDF) values showed that longer chains undergo chain scission easier than shorter ones due to their higher probability of entanglements. This yields macroradicals that react with the vinyl terminal unsaturations of other chains producing chain branching. Shorter chains are more mobile, not suffering scission but instead are used for grafting the macroradicals, increasing the molecular weight. Increase in the oxygen concentration, temperature, and vinyl end groups' content facilitates the thermo-mechanical degradation reducing the amount of both, longer chains via chain scission and shorter chains via chain branching, narrowing the polydispersity. Phillips HDPE produces a higher level of chain branching than the Ziegler-Natta's type at the same processing condition. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Robert Philips Lane Papers consist of lecture notes, term papers, examinations, class rolls, seating charts, speech notes and papers relating to Dr. Lane’s career as an English professor at Winthrop. Comprising a significant portion of the collection are research notes, writings, research papers, and other notes on literary figures and genres while Dr. Robert Philip Lane was a student at Thayer Academy, Harvard University, and the University of North Carolina.


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In questo lavoro, svolto presso l'Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori (I.R.S.T.) (I.R.C.C.S) di Meldola, si sono studiate le caratteristiche di un tomografo Philips Brilliance iCT 256 strati, con l'obiettivo di individuare le variazioni di qualità delle immagini e di dose in funzione dei parametri di acquisizione dello strumento, al fine di una successiva ottimizzazione dei protocolli degli esami tomografici. Le valutazioni sono state fatte sul tomografo multistrato Philips mediante uso di diversi fantocci e dosimetri, seguendo le linee guida della pubblicazione per il controllo di qualità in tomografia computerizzata dell'International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Si è utilizzato il fantoccio Catphan per la caratterizzazione della qualità dell'immagine, acquisendo immagini sia in modalità assiale che spirale e variando parametri di acquisizione quali spessore di strato, kV, mAs e pitch. Per le varie combinazioni di questi parametri sono state misurate, mediante l'utilizzo dei software ImageJ ed ImageOwl, grandezze oggettive quali risoluzione spaziale, risoluzione a basso contrasto e rumore dell'immagine acquisita. Due fantocci di polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) head e body sono serviti, insieme ad una camera a ionizzazione di tipo pencil, per la misura di indici di dose per la tomografia computerizzata (CTDI). L'irraggiamento di questi strumenti è stato effettuato a diversi valori di tensione del tubo radiogeno e ha permesso di confrontare i valori CTDI misurati con quelli forniti dal tomografo. Si sono quindi calcolate le dosi efficaci di alcuni protocolli della macchina per poi confrontarle con livelli di riferimento diagnostici (DRL), strumenti utilizzati con l'obiettivo di raggiungere valori di dose adeguati per lo scopo clinico dell'esame. Come ulteriore valutazione dosimetrica, si è utilizzato il fantoccio antropomorfo Rando, in cui sono stati inseriti dei dosimetri a termoluminescenza (TLD) per la misura della dose organo. Dai risultati si osserva un andamento inversamente proporzionale tra tensione del tubo radiogeno e contrasto dell'immagine. Impostando valori alti di kV si ottiene però un'immagine meno rumorosa. Oltre alla tensione del tubo, si è valutato come anche lo spessore di strato e la corrente influiscano sul rumore dell'immagine. I risultati ottenuti dimostrano che i valori dei parametri oggettivi di qualità delle immagini rientrano nei limiti di attendibilità, così come i valori di CTDI visualizzati dal tomografo. Lo studio della dipendenza di questi parametri oggettivi dalle impostazione di scansione permette di ottimizzare l'acquisizione TC, ottenendo un buon compromesso fra dose impartita e qualità dell'immagine.


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Copies of two documents, approved 20 Apr. 1730; instructions to Richard Philips state that a number of Protestant Irish and Palatine families have been granted land in Nova Scotia, to be surveyed by David Dunbar; and instructions to Dunbar to survey and lay out land for the families.


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Includes supplementary material entitled: Toevoegsels tot het werk: De uitrusting en ondergang der onoverwinnelijke vloot van Philips den tweeden, koning van Spanje, in 1588, published in 1828.


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With this are bound: Potter, H. A sermon occasioned by the death of the Hon. Ambrose Spencer, and Sprague, W. B. A discourse commemorative of the late Hoh. Ambrose Spenser.