928 resultados para Phenotypic markers
L’insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC) est un problème majeur fréquemment rencontré chez les greffés cardiaques. Les inhibiteurs de la calcineurine, pierre angulaire de l’immunosuppression en transplantation d’organes solides, sont considérés comme une des principales causes de dysfonction rénale postgreffe. Plusieurs autres éléments tels que les caractéristiques démographiques, cliniques et génétiques du receveur contribuent également au phénomène, mais il demeure plutôt difficile de déterminer quels sont les patients les plus à risque de développer une IRC après la transplantation. Ainsi, la découverte de nouveaux marqueurs génétiques de dysfonction rénale pourrait un jour mener à l’individualisation de la thérapie immunosuppressive selon le profil génétique de chaque patient. Or, on ne connaît pas les opinions des greffés à l’égard des tests pharmacogénomiques et l’on ne sait pas si celles-ci diffèrent des opinions exprimées par les individus en bonne santé. Cette thèse de doctorat a donc pour objectifs : 1- De décrire l’évolution de la fonction rénale à très long terme après la transplantation et d’identifier les marqueurs démographiques et phénotypiques associés à l’IRC postgreffe cardiaque; 2- D’identifier les marqueurs génétiques associés à la néphrotoxicité induite par les inhibiteurs de la calcineurine; 3- D’évaluer et de comparer les attitudes des patients et des individus en bonne santé par rapport à l’intégration clinique potentielle des marqueurs pharmacogénomiques. Trois projets ont été réalisés pour répondre à ces questions. Le premier repose sur une analyse rétrospective de l’évolution de la fonction rénale chez les patients greffés au sein de notre établissement entre 1983 et 2008. Nous y avons découvert que le déclin de la fonction rénale se poursuit jusqu’à 20 ans après la transplantation cardiaque et que les facteurs de risque d’IRC incluent entre autres l’âge avancé, le sexe féminin, la dysfonction rénale prégreffe, l’hypertension, l’hyperglycémie et l’utilisation de la prednisone. Le deuxième projet est une étude pharmacogénomique s’intéressant aux déterminants génétiques de la néphrotoxicité induite par les inhibiteurs de la calcineurine. Elle nous a permis d’illustrer pour la première fois qu’un polymorphisme génétique lié à PRKCB (gène codant pour la protéine kinase C-β) est associé avec la fonction rénale des patients greffés cardiaques, alors que cela n’est probablement pas le cas pour les polymorphismes de TGFB1 (gène codant pour le transforming growth factor-β1). La troisième section de cette thèse rapporte les résultats d’un questionnaire dont le but était de comparer les attitudes envers les tests pharmacogénomiques parmi un groupe de personnes en bonne santé, de patients greffés cardiaques et de patients souffrant d’insuffisance cardiaque. Cette étude a démontré que, bien que l’enthousiasme pour la pharmacogénomique soit partagé par tous ces individus, les craintes liées à la confidentialité et aux répercussions potentielles sur l’emploi et les assurances sont plus prononcées chez les personnes en bonne santé. En résumé, les travaux issus de cette thèse ont révélé que l’identification précoce des patients greffés cardiaques les plus susceptibles de présenter une détérioration de la fonction rénale ainsi que l’adoption d’une approche thérapeutique individualisée reposant notamment sur les applications cliniques de la pharmacogénomique pourraient éventuellement permettre de freiner cette complication postgreffe.
Pantoea agglomerans strains are among the most promising biocontrol agents for a variety of bacterial and fungal plant diseases, particularly fire blight of apple and pear. However, commercial registration of P. agglomerans biocontrol products is hampered because this species is currently listed as a biosafety level 2 (BL2) organism due to clinical reports as an opportunistic human pathogen. This study compares plant-origin and clinical strains in a search for discriminating genotypic/phenotypic markers using multi-locus phylogenetic analysis and fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphisms (fAFLP) fingerprinting. Results: Majority of the clinical isolates from culture collections were found to be improperly designated as P. agglomerans after sequence analysis. The frequent taxonomic rearrangements underwent by the Enterobacter agglomerans/Erwinia herbicola complex may be a major problem in assessing clinical associations within P. agglomerans. In the P. agglomerans sensu stricto (in the stricter sense) group, there was no discrete clustering of clinical/biocontrol strains and no marker was identified that was uniquely associated to clinical strains. A putative biocontrol-specific fAFLP marker was identified only in biocontrol strains. The partial ORF located in this band corresponded to an ABC transporter that was found in all P. agglomerans strains. Conclusion: Taxonomic mischaracterization was identified as a major problem with P. agglomerans, and current techniques removed a majority of clinical strains from this species. Although clear discrimination between P. agglomerans plant and clinical strains was not obtained with phylogenetic analysis, a single marker characteristic of biocontrol strains was identified which may be of use in strain biosafety determinations. In addition, the lack of Koch's postulate fulfilment, rare retention of clinical strains for subsequent confirmation, and the polymicrobial nature of P. agglomerans clinical reports should be considered in biosafety assessment of beneficial strains in this species
Molts bacteris del grup fluorescent del gènere Pseudomonas són capaços de controlar malalties de les plantes causades per fongs i bacteris fitopatògens (ACBs) o mostren activitat com a bacteris promotors del creixement de les plantes (BPCPs). S'han descrit diversos metabòlits que intervenen de manera important en la seva activitat com a ACBs i BPCPs entre els quals en destaquen el 2,4-diacetilfloroglucinol (Phl), àcid fenazin-1-carboxílic (PCA), Pirrolnitrina (Prn), àcid cianhídric (HCN), àcid 3-indolacètic (IAA), sideròfors i quitinases. L'objectiu principal del nostre treball ha estat la comparació de les característiques d'un grup de Pseudomonas del grup fluorescent utilitzant una aproximació polifàsica amb la finalitat d'establir possibles relacions entre algunes de les característiques i la capacitat d'actuar com a ACB o BPCP. Atesa la importància en el biocontrol de la producció de metabòlits com Phl, PCA i Prn, l'objectiu preliminar ha estat la recerca i obtenció de soques productores d'aquests metabòlits. Per assolir aquest objectiu s'ha emprat una aproximació molecular basada en la detecció dels gens biosintètics implicats en la seva producció en lloc de la detecció directa dels metabòlits per evitar els efectes que poden tenir les condicions de cultiu en la inducció o repressió de la seva síntesi. S'han realitzat diferents protocols basats (i) en la cerca assistida de productors mitjançant l'ús de marcadors fenotípics i posterior confirmació per PCR i, (ii) en l'ús de la PCR per a la detecció dels gens directament dels extractes bacterians, d'enriquiments d'aquests extractes i la realització de la hibridació en colònies per al posterior aïllament. La cerca assistida de productors de Phl mitjançant marcadors fenotípics i posteriorment la utilització de tècniques moleculars (amplificació per PCR del gen phlD), ha estat el millor mètode en el tipus de mostres processades en el nostre treball, on la proporció de productors és relativament baixa. En total s'han aïllat a partir de diversos ambients 4 soques portadores dels gens de la síntesi de PCA, 15 de Phl i 1 de Prn. S'ha constituït una col·lecció de 72 soques de Pseudomonas del grup fluorescent que inclou 18 aïllats propis portadors dels gens biosintètics necessaris per la producció de Phl PCA i Prn; 6 soques de referència procedents de col·leccions de cultius tipus, 14 soques productores dels diferents antibiòtics cedides per altres investigadors i una selecció de 34 soques procedents d'un treball previ realitzat en el nostre grup de recerca. A la col·lecció s'hi troben soques candidates a ACB i BPCP de diverses malalties i plantes. Les 72 soques s'han caracteritzat fenotípica i genotípicament. La caracterització fenotípica s'ha portat a terme mitjançant la identificació a nivell d'espècie amb galeries API 20NE i proves bioquímiques específiques; la producció de metabòlits com PCA, Phl, Prn, IAA, HCN, quitinases i sideròfors mitjançant l'ús de diferents tècniques; antagonisme in vitro en diversos medis enfront dos fongs (Stemphylium vesicarium i Penicillium expansum) i tres bacteris fitopatògens (Erwinia amylovora, Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae i Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis); l'eficàcia de la inhibició de la infecció en bioassaigs in vivo sobre material vegetal enfront els fongs P. expansum en poma i S. vesicarium en fulles de perera i enfront el bacteri E. amylovora en fruits immadurs de perera i, finalment, en assaigs de promoció de creixement en dos portaempelts comercials de Prunus. Cal destacar que P. expansum causa la podridura blava en pomes i peres en postcollita, S. vesicarium la taca bruna de la perera i E. amylovora el foc bacterià de les rosàcies. El nombre de soques de Pseudomonas, sobre el total de les 72 estudiades, productores d'IAA (4) i quitinases (6) és baix, mentre que és elevat en el cas del HCN (32), que a més està associat a la producció de Phl. Els resultats obtinguts en l'antagonisme in vitro han mostrat en el cas dels bacteris que és dependent del patogen indicador i del medi de cultiu. La presència o absència de ferro no sembla ser un factor que potencií l'antagonisme. En el cas dels fongs no s'ha observat però, influència del medi de cultiu emprat. En el total de 72 soques s'ha observat un percentatge baix de soques que manifesten antagonisme en tots els medis assajats vers 3 o 4 dels patògens (7). Solament 2 d'aquestes 7 soques han mostrat ser també efectives en bioassaigs d'inhibició de les infeccions causades per 2 dels 3 patògens assajats. Algunes de les soques efectives en els bioassaigs no són antagonistes in vitro en cap dels medis assajats enfront el mateix patogen. En el cas de la promoció del creixement, s'han observat més soques promotores del creixement del portaempelts de prunera Marianna 2624 que no en l'híbrid de presseguer-ametller GF677 i les eficàcies assolides són també majors en el cas de Marianna 2624, detectant una elevada especificitat soca/portaempelts La caracterització genotípica s'ha realitzat mitjançant l'anàlisi dels polimorfismes en la longitud dels fragments de restricció de DNA ribosomal (RFLP-rDNA) i l'anàlisi dels polimorfismes en la longitud dels fragments de macrorestricció genòmica de DNA cromosòmic separats per electroforesi en camp polsant (MRFLP-PFGE). Ambdues anàlisis van mostrar una gran heterogeneïtat genètica entre les soques caracteritzades i no s'ha pogut relacionar les agrupacions obtingudes amb les característiques fenotípiques o capacitat d'actuar com a ACB o BPCP. Els patrons de macrorestricció genòmica (MRFLP-PFGE) del bacteri model P. fluorescens EPS288 són estables en el temps i independents de les condicions de cultiu assajades al laboratori o en mostres naturals, mostrant ser una tècnica eficaç en la identificació de reaïllats de mostres naturals inoculades prèviament amb el bacteri. Una selecció de soques que comparteixen el fet de produir floroglucinol s'han caracteritzat mitjançant RFLP i seqüenciació del gen phlD. S'ha establert una relació entre les agrupacions obtingudes en les anàlisis RFLP-rDNA, RFLP-phlD i les seqüències del gen. En l'anàlisi filogenètica de les seqüències del gen phlD s'ha observat un elevat grau de polimorfisme obtenint-se 3 agrupacions principals. Les agrupacions semblen relacionar-se amb els patrons de producció de metabòlits (Phl, HCN i Prn en una primera agrupació; Phl i HCN en la segona i solament Phl en la tercera), però aquestes no s'han pogut relacionar amb l'origen geogràfic de les soques o la seva activitat com a ACBs i/o BPCP. Amb les dades obtingudes de la caracterització fenotípica i genotípica s'ha realitzat una anàlisi multivariant (correspondències, correlacions d'Spearman i de freqüències amb variables categòriques). S'ha demostrat la importància de disposar d'una tècnica que permeti depurar una col·lecció de soques descartant les soques genèticament idèntiques, ja que influeixen en els resultats de les anàlisis. Pels tres patògens assajats com a indicadors i els dos portaempelts emprats, no s'ha observat cap correlació entre la inhibició de la infecció o la promoció del creixement amb les característiques fenotípiques i genotípiques de les soques que fos significatiu i consistent en les tres tècniques emprades.
NG2-glia are an abundant population of glial cells that have been considered by many to be oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs). However, growing evidence suggests that NG2-glia may also be capable of differentiating into astrocytes and neurons under certain conditions. Here, we have examined NG2-glia in cerebellar slices, using transgenic mice in which the astroglial marker glial specific protein (GFAP) drives expression of the reporter gene enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). Immunolabelling for NG2 shows that NG2-glia and GFAP-EGFP astroglia are separate populations in most areas of the brain, although a substantial population of NG2-glia in the pons also express the GFAP-EGFP reporter. In the cerebellum, NG2-glia did not express EGFP, either at postnatal day (P)12 or P29-30. We developed an organotypic culture of P12 cerebellar slices that maintain cytoarchitectural integrity of Purkinje neurons and Bergmann glia. In these cultures, BrdU labelling indicates that the majority of NG2-glia enter the cell cycle within 2 days in vitro (DIV), suggesting that NG2-glia undergo a [`]reactive' response in cerebellar cultures. After 2 DIV NG2-glia began to express the astroglial reporter EGFP and in some cases the respective GFAP protein. However, NG2-glia did not acquire phenotypic markers of neural stem cells or neurons. The results suggest that NG2-glia are not lineage restricted OPCs and are a potential source of astrocytes in the cerebellum.
All-trans-retinoic acid (atRA) appears to affect Th1-Th2 differentiation and its effects on immune responses might also be mediated by dendritic cell (DC). Nonetheless, studies have been showing contradictory results since was observed either induction or inhibition of DC differentiation. Our aim was to investigate atRA action on human monocyte derived DC differentiation. For this purpose we tested pharmacological and physiological doses of atRA with or without cytokines. Cell phenotypes were analyzed by flow cytometry and function was investigated by phagocytosis and respiratory burst. DC, positive control group, was differentiated with GM-CSF and IL-4 and maturated with TNF-alpha. We demonstrated that atRA effects depend on the dose used as pharmacological doses inhibited expression of all phenotypic markers tested while a physiological dose caused cell differentiation. However, atRA combined or not with cytokines did not promote DC differentiation. In fact, atRA was detrimental on IL-4 property as a DC inductor. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to evaluate and characterize phenotypically goats with different levels of resistance to gastrointestinal nematodes. For a period of 93 days, 60 F2 goats originated from ½ Saanen and ½ Anglo- nubian animals were kept in the same area of pasture. Every seven days, feces and blood were collected for eggs per gram counts of feces (EPG) and cultures of feces and to determinate the number of eosinophils, packed cell volume and total plasma protein, respectively. On the same day, the animals were weighed and submitted to body score condition and FAMACHA method to worm control. Based on the average of EPG, the twelve animals with the highest average (susceptible group) and the twelve animals with the lowest average of EPG (resistant group) were selected, slaughtered and necropsied to recovery, counting andparasites identification. The resistant animals present lower EPG mean (P <0.0001) and 4.7 folder less parasites than susceptible animals. The resistant group presented higher mean packed cell volume (26.48%) and total plasma protein (6.24 g / dl) than susceptible one (24,04% e 5,82g/dl, respectively). The average number of eosinophils was similar in both groups The Haemonchus sp. was the most prevalent in the culture of feces, followed by Trischostrongylus sp. and Oesophagostomum sp.. The counting of nematodes in the abomasum of susceptible group was higher than in resistant one. The species identified were H. contortus in abomasums and T. colubriformis in small intestine. It can be concluded that EPG, packed cell volume and total plasma protein were useful phenotypic markers to identify animals as resistant and susceptible to gastrointestinal nematodes infections
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Aim To assess the initial cytotoxicity and the late phenotype marker expression of odontoblast-like cells (MDPC-23) subjected to less aggressive in-office bleaching therapies. Methodology A 17.5% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) gel was applied for 45, 15 or 5 min to enamel/dentine discs adapted to trans-wells positioned over cultured MDPC-23 cells. No treatment was performed on the negative control. Immediately after bleaching, the cell viability, gene expression of inflammatory mediators and quantification of H2O2 diffusion were evaluated. The ALP activity, DSPP and DMP-1 gene expression and mineralized nodule deposition (MND) were assessed at 7, 14 or 21 days post-bleaching and analysed statistically with Mann–Whitney U-tests (α = 5%). Results H2O2 diffusion, proportional to treatment time, was observed in all bleached groups. Reductions of approximately 31%, 21% and 13% in cell viability were observed for the 45-, 15- and 5-min groups, respectively. This reduction was significant (P < 0.05) for the 45- and 15-min groups, which also presented significant (P < 0.05) over-expression of inflammatory mediators. The 45-min group was associated with significant (P < 0.05) reductions in DMP-1/DSPP expression at all periods, relative to control. The ALP activity and MND were reduced only in initial periods. The 15-min group had less intense reduction of all markers, with no difference to control at 21 days. Conclusions The 17.5% H2O2 applied to tooth specimens for 5 min caused no alteration in the odontoblast-like cells. When this gel was applied for 45 or 15 min, a slight cytotoxicity, associated with alterations in phenotypic markers, was observed. However, cells were able to recover their functions up to 21 days post-bleaching.
Diagnosis of drug hypersensitivity relies on history, skin tests, in vitro tests and provocation tests. In vitro tests are of great interest, due to possible reduction of drug provocation tests. In this review we focus on best investigated in vitro techniques for the diagnosis of T cell-mediated drug hypersensitivity reactions. As drug hypersensitivity relies on different pathomechanisms and as a single diagnostic test usually does not cover all possible reactions, it is advisable to combine different tests to increase the overall sensitivity. Recently, proliferation-based assays have been supplemented by a panel of novel in vitro tests including analysis of cytotoxic potential of effector cells (granzyme B, granulysin, CD107a), evaluation of cytokine secretion (IL-2, IL-5, IL-13, and IFN-γ) and up-regulation of cell surface activation markers (CD69). We discuss the latest findings and readout systems to identify causative drugs by detecting functional and phenotypic markers of drug-reacting cells, and their ability to enable a more conclusive diagnosis of drug allergy.
Gram-negative, coccoid, non-motile bacteria that are catalase-, urease- and indole-negative, facultatively anaerobic and oxidase-positive were isolated from the bovine rumen using an improved selective medium for members of the Pasteurellaceae. All strains produced significant amounts of succinic acid under anaerobic conditions with glucose as substrate. Phenotypic characterization and multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) using 16S rRNA, rpoB, infB and recN genes were performed on seven independent isolates. All four genes showed high sequence similarity to their counterparts in the genome sequence of the patent strain MBEL55E, but less than 95 % 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity to any other species of the Pasteurellaceae. Genetically these strains form a very homogeneous group in individual as well as combined phylogenetic trees, clearly separated from other genera of the family from which they can also be separated based on phenotypic markers. Genome relatedness as deduced from the recN gene showed high interspecies similarities, but again low similarity to any of the established genera of the family. No toxicity towards bovine, human or fish cells was observed and no RTX toxin genes were detected in members of the new taxon. Based on phylogenetic clustering in the MLSA analysis, the low genetic similarity to other genera and the phenotypic distinction, we suggest to classify these bovine rumen isolates as Basfia succiniciproducens gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain is JF4016(T) (=DSM 22022(T) =CCUG 57335(T)).
Concanavalin A (Con A)-induced injury is an established natural killer T (NKT) cell-mediated model of inflammation that has been used in studies of immune liver disease. Extracellular nucleotides, such as adenosine triphosphate, are released by Con A-stimulated cells and bind to specific purinergic type 2 receptors to modulate immune activation responses. Levels of extracellular nucleotides are in turn closely regulated by ectonucleotidases, such as CD39/NTPDase1. Effects of extracellular nucleotides and CD39 on NKT cell activation and upon hepatic inflammation have been largely unexplored to date. Here, we show that NKT cells express both CD39 and CD73/ecto-5'-nucleotidase and can therefore generate adenosine from extracellular nucleotides, whereas natural killer cells do not express CD73. In vivo, mice null for CD39 are protected from Con A-induced liver injury and show substantively lower serum levels of interleukin-4 and interferon-gamma when compared with matched wild-type mice. Numbers of hepatic NKT cells are significantly decreased in CD39 null mice after Con A administration. Hepatic NKT cells express most P2X and P2Y receptors; exceptions include P2X3 and P2Y11. Heightened levels of apoptosis of CD39 null NKT cells in vivo and in vitro appear to be driven by unimpeded activation of the P2X7 receptor. CONCLUSION: CD39 and CD73 are novel phenotypic markers of NKT cells. Deletion of CD39 modulates nucleotide-mediated cytokine production by, and limits apoptosis of, hepatic NKT cells providing protection against Con A-induced hepatitis. This study illustrates a further role for purinergic signaling in NKT-mediated mechanisms that result in liver immune injury.
Respiratory diseases are a major cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Current treatments offer no prospect of cure or disease reversal. Transplantation of pulmonary progenitor cells derived from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) may provide a novel approach to regenerate endogenous lung cells destroyed by injury and disease. Here, we examine the therapeutic potential of alveolar type II epithelial cells derived from hESCs (hES-ATIICs) in a mouse model of acute lung injury. When transplanted into lungs of mice subjected to bleomycin (BLM)-induced acute lung injury, hES-ATIICs behaved as normal primary ATIICs, differentiating into cells expressing phenotypic markers of alveolar type I epithelial cells. Without experiencing tumorigenic side effects, lung injury was abrogated in mice transplanted with hES-ATIICs, demonstrated by recovery of body weight and arterial blood oxygen saturation, decreased collagen deposition, and increased survival. Therefore, transplantation of hES-ATIICs shows promise as an effective therapeutic to treat acute lung injury.
Expression of the bovine papillomavirus E2 regulatory protein in human cervical carcinoma cell lines repressed expression of the resident human papillomavirus E6 and E7 oncogenes and within a few days caused essentially all of the cells to synchronously display numerous phenotypic markers characteristic of cells undergoing replicative senescence. This process was accompanied by marked but in some cases transient alterations in the expression of cell cycle regulatory proteins and by decreased telomerase activity. We propose that the human papillomavirus E6 and E7 proteins actively prevent senescence from occurring in cervical carcinoma cells, and that once viral oncogene expression is extinguished, the senescence program is rapidly executed. Activation of endogenous senescence pathways in cancer cells may represent an alternative approach to treat human cancers.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
The link between off-target anticholinergic effects of medications and acute cognitive impairment in older adults requires urgent investigation. We aimed to determine whether a relevant in vitro model may aid the identification of anticholinergic responses to drugs and the prediction of anticholinergic risk during polypharmacy. In this preliminary study we employed a co-culture of human-derived neurons and astrocytes (NT2.N/A) derived from the NT2 cell line. NT2.N/A cells possess much of the functionality of mature neurons and astrocytes, key cholinergic phenotypic markers and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs). The cholinergic response of NT2 astrocytes to the mAChR agonist oxotremorine was examined using the fluorescent dye fluo-4 to quantitate increases in intracellular calcium [Ca2+]i. Inhibition of this response by drugs classified as severe (dicycloverine, amitriptyline), moderate (cyclobenzaprine) and possible (cimetidine) on the Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden (ACB) scale, was examined after exposure to individual and pairs of compounds. Individually, dicycloverine had the most significant effect regarding inhibition of the astrocytic cholinergic response to oxotremorine, followed by amitriptyline then cyclobenzaprine and cimetidine, in agreement with the ACB scale. In combination, dicycloverine with cyclobenzaprine had the most significant effect, followed by dicycloverine with amitriptyline. The order of potency of the drugs in combination frequently disagreed with predicted ACB scores derived from summation of the individual drug scores, suggesting current scales may underestimate the effect of polypharmacy. Overall, this NT2.N/A model may be appropriate for further investigation of adverse anticholinergic effects of multiple medications, in order to inform clinical choices of suitable drug use in the elderly.