992 resultados para Phase stability field


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Tricyclo-DNA (tcDNA) is a sugar-modified analogue of DNA currently tested for the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy in an antisense approach. Tandem mass spectrometry plays a key role in modern medical diagnostics and has become a widespread technique for the structure elucidation and quantification of antisense oligonucleotides. Herein, mechanistic aspects of the fragmentation of tcDNA are discussed, which lay the basis for reliable sequencing and quantification of the antisense oligonucleotide. Excellent selectivity of tcDNA for complementary RNA is demonstrated in direct competition experiments. Moreover, the kinetic stability and fragmentation pattern of matched and mismatched tcDNA heteroduplexes were investigated and compared with non-modified DNA and RNA duplexes. Although the separation of the constituting strands is the entropy-favored fragmentation pathway of all nucleic acid duplexes, it was found to be only a minor pathway of tcDNA duplexes. The modified hybrid duplexes preferentially undergo neutral base loss and backbone cleavage. This difference is due to the low activation entropy for the strand dissociation of modified duplexes that arises from the conformational constraint of the tc-sugar-moiety. The low activation entropy results in a relatively high free activation enthalpy for the dissociation comparable to the free activation enthalpy of the alternative reaction pathway, the release of a nucleobase. The gas-phase behavior of tcDNA duplexes illustrates the impact of the activation entropy on the fragmentation kinetics and suggests that tandem mass spectrometric experiments are not suited to determine the relative stability of different types of nucleic acid duplexes.


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We acquired coincident marine controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM), high-resolution seismic reflection and ocean-bottom seismometer (OBS) data over an active pockmark in the crest of the southern part of the Vestnesa Ridge, to estimate fluid composition within an underlying fluid-migration chimney. Synthetic model studies suggest resistivity obtained from CSEM data can resolve gas or hydrate saturation greater than 5% within the chimney. Acoustic chimneys imaged by seismic reflection data beneath the pockmark and on the ridge flanks, were found to be associated with high-resistivity anomalies (+2-4 m). High-velocity anomalies (+0.3 km/s), within the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) and low-velocity anomalies (-0.2 km/s) underlying the GHSZ, were also observed. Joint analysis of the resistivity and velocity anomaly indicates pore saturation of up to 52% hydrate with 28% free gas, or up to 73% hydrate with 4% free gas, within the chimney beneath the pockmark assuming a non-uniform and uniform fluid distribution respectively. Similarly, we estimate up to 30% hydrate with 4% free gas or 30% hydrate with 2% free gas within the pore space of the GHSZ outside the central chimney assuming a non-uniform and uniform fluid distribution respectively. High levels of free-gas saturation in the top part of the chimney are consistent with episodic gas venting from the pockmark.


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Standard Gibbs energies of formation of oxysulfides of cerium and yttrium from their respective oxedes were determined using solid oxide galvanic cells incorporating calcia-stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte in the temperature range 870–1120 K. The sulfur potential over the electrode containing the oxide and oxysulfide was fixed by a buffer mixture of Ag + Ag2S. A small amount of CaH2 was added to the buffer to generate an equilibrium ratio of H2S and H2 species in a closed system containing the buffer and the electrode. The sulfur potential is transmitted to the electrode via the gas phase. The results can be summarized by the equations 2left angle bracketCeO2right-pointing angle bracket+1/2(S2)→left angle bracketCe2O2Sright-pointing angle bracket+(O2) ΔG°=430600−109·7T(±400)J mol−1 left angle bracketY2O3right-pointing angle bracket+1/2(S2)→left angle bracketY2O2Sright-pointing angle bracket+1/2(O2) ΔG°=114780−1·45T(±200)J mol−1 The values are compared with data reported in the literature. The stability field diagram for the Ce---O---S system has been developed using the results of this study for Ce2O2S and data for other phases from the literature.


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The stability fields of various sulfide phases that form on Fe-Cr, Fe-Ni, Ni-Cr, and Fe-Cr-Ni alloys have been developed as a function of temperature and the partial pressure of sulfur. The calculated stability fields in the ternary A-B-S system are displayed on plots of log \textpS2 pS2 vs. the conjugate extensive variable (nA/nA–nB), which provides a better framework for following the sulfidation of Fe-Cr-Ni alloys at high temperatures. Experimental and estimated thermodynamic data were used in developing the sulfur potential diagrams. Current models and correlations were employed to estimate the unknown thermodynamic behavior of solid solutions of sulfides and to supplement the incomplete phase-diagram data of geophysical literature. These constructed stability field diagrams are in excellent agreement with the sulfide phases and compositions determined experimentally during the sulfidation of SAE 310 stainless steel. The sulfur potential plots appear to be very useful in predicting and correlating the sulfidation of commercial alloys.


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This paper explores phase formation and phase stability in free nanoparticles of binary alloys. A procedure for estimating the size and composition dependent free energies incorporating the contributions from the interfaces has been presented. Both single phase solid solution and two phase morphology containing interphase interfaces have been considered. A free energy scenario has been evaluated for two binary alloy systems Ag-Ni and Ag-Cu to predict the microstructure of the alloy nanoparticles at different size ranges as a function of composition. Both Ag-Cu and Ag-Ni systems exhibit wide bulk immiscibility. Ag-Ni nanoparticles were synthesized using the wet chemical synthesis technique whereas Ag-Cu nanoparticles were synthesized using laser ablation of a Ag-Cu target immersed in distilled water. Microstructural and compositional characterization of Ag-Ni and Ag-Cu nanoparticles on a single nanoparticle level was conducted using transmission electron microscopy. Nanoparticle microstructures observed from the microscopic investigation have been correlated with thermodynamic calculation results. It is shown that the observed two phase microstructure consisting of Ag-Ni solid solution in partial decomposed state coexisting with pure Ag phases in the case of Ag-Ni nanoparticles can be only be rationalized by invoking the tendency for phase separation of an initial solid solution with increase in nanoparticle size. Smaller sized Ag-Ni nanoparticles prefer a single phase solid solution microstructure. Due to an increase in particle size during the synthesis process the initial solid solution decomposes into an ultrafine scale phase separated microstructure. We have shown that it is necessary to invoke critical point phenomenon and wetting transition in systems showing a critical point that leads to phase separated Ag-Ni nanoparticles providing a catalytic substrate for the nucleation of equilibrium Ag over it. In the case of the Ag-Cu system, we report the experimental observation of a core shell structure at small sizes. This can be rationalized in terms of a metastable solid solution. It is argued that the nucleation barrier can prevent the formation of biphasic morphology with an internal interface. In such a situation, demixing of the solid solution can bring the system to a lower energy configuration. This has lead to the observed core-shell morphology in the Ag-Cu system during room temperature synthesis.


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A quasi-optical interferometric technique capable of measuring antenna phase patterns without the need for a heterodyne receiver is presented. It is particularly suited to the characterization of terahertz antennas feeding power detectors or mixers employing quasi-optical local oscillator injection. Examples of recorded antenna phase patterns at frequencies of 1.4 and 2.5 THz using homodyne detectors are presented. To our knowledge, these are the highest frequency antenna phase patterns ever recovered. Knowledge of both the amplitude and phase patterns in the far field enable a Gauss-Hermite or Gauss-Laguerre beam-mode analysis to be carried out for the antenna, of importance in performance optimization calculations, such as antenna gain and beam efficiency parameters at the design and prototype stage of antenna development. A full description of the beam would also be required if the antenna is to be used to feed a quasi-optical system in the near-field to far-field transition region. This situation could often arise when the device is fitted directly at the back of telescopes in flying observatories. A further benefit of the proposed technique is simplicity for characterizing systems in situ, an advantage of considerable importance as in many situations, the components may not be removable for further characterization once assembled. The proposed methodology is generic and should be useful across the wider sensing community, e.g., in single detector acoustic imaging or in adaptive imaging array applications. Furthermore, it is applicable across other frequencies of the EM spectrum, provided adequate spatial and temporal phase stability of the source can be maintained throughout the measurement process. Phase information retrieval is also of importance to emergent research areas, such as band-gap structure characterization, meta-materials research, electromagnetic cloaking, slow light, super-lens design as well as near-field and virtual imaging applications.


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The weak gravitational field expansion method to account for the gravitationally induced neutrino oscillation effect is critically examined, then it is shown that the splitting of the neutrino phase into a kinematic and a gravitational phase is not always possible because the relativistic factor modifies the particle interference phase splitting condition in a gravitational field.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die binäre intermetallische Verbindung TixFe1-x im C14 Laves-Phase Stabilitätsbereich anhand von dünnen Schichten untersucht. TiFe2 weist zwei energetisch nahezu entartete magnetische Grundzustände auf. Dies führt zu einer starken Korrelation von strukturellen und magnetischen Eigenschaften, die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit untersucht wurden. Es wurden daher epitaktische Schichten mit variabler Zusammensetzung im C14 Stabilitätsbereich auf Al2O3 (001)-orientierten Substraten mittels Molekularstrahlepitaxie präpariert und strukturell charakterisiert. Die temperatur- und magnetfeldabhängigen magnetischen Eigenschaften dieser Proben wurden mittels DC-SQUID Magnetisierungsmessungen bestimmt. Es zeigte sich eine magnetische Phasenseparation von Antiferromagnetismus und Ferromagnetismus in Abhängigkeit von der Zusammensetzung. Aus den charakteristischen Ordnungstemperaturen konnte ein magnetisches Phasendiagramm für dünne Schichten und niedrige Aligning-Felder erstellt werden. Ein Phasendiagramm für Volumenproben bei hohem Magnetfeld unterscheidet sich von diesem im Wesentlichen durch den Einfluß von Fe-Segregation in den Volumenproben, welche bei der epitaktischen Präparation nicht auftritt. Anhand von Monte-Carlo Verfahren, denen ein „quenched random disorder“ Modell zugrunde lag, wurde das Verhalten der Dünnschichtproben simuliert und daraus ein magnetisches Phasendiagramm abgeleitet. Das simulierte und experimentelle Phasendiagramm stimmt in den wesentlichen Punkten überein. Die Unterschiede sind durch die speziellen Wachstumseigenschaften von TiFe2 erklärbar. Als Ergebnis kann die magnetische Phasenseparation in diesem System als Auswirkung einer Symmetriebrechung durch Substitution in der Einheitszelle beschrieben werden.


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One of the objectives of this study was to evaluate soil testing equipment based on its capability of measuring in-place stiffness or modulus values. As design criteria transition from empirical to mechanistic-empirical, soil test methods and equipment that measure properties such as stiffness and modulus and how they relate to Florida materials are needed. Requirements for the selected equipment are that they be portable, cost effective, reliable, a ccurate, and repeatable. A second objective is that the selected equipment measures soil properties without the use of nuclear materials.The current device used to measure soil compaction is the nuclear density gauge (NDG). Equipment evaluated in this research included lightweight deflectometers (LWD) from different manufacturers, a dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP), a GeoGauge, a Clegg impact soil tester (CIST), a Briaud compaction device (BCD), and a seismic pavement analyzer (SPA). Evaluations were conducted over ranges of measured densities and moistures.Testing (Phases I and II) was conducted in a test box and test pits. Phase III testing was conducted on materials found on five construction projects located in the Jacksonville, Florida, area. Phase I analyses determined that the GeoGauge had the lowest overall coefficient of variance (COV). In ascending order of COV were the accelerometer-type LWD, the geophone-type LWD, the DCP, the BCD, and the SPA which had the highest overall COV. As a result, the BCD and the SPA were excluded from Phase II testing.In Phase II, measurements obtained from the selected equipment were compared to the modulus values obtained by the static plate load test (PLT), the resilient modulus (MR) from laboratory testing, and the NDG measurements. To minimize soil and moisture content variability, the single spot testing sequence was developed. At each location, test results obtained from the portable equipment under evaluation were compared to the values from adjacent NDG, PLT, and laboratory MR measurements. Correlations were developed through statistical analysis. Target values were developed for various soils for verification on similar soils that were field tested in Phase III. The single spot testing sequence also was employed in Phase III, field testing performed on A-3 and A-2-4 embankments, limerock-stabilized subgrade, limerock base, and graded aggregate base found on Florida Department of Transportation construction projects. The Phase II and Phase III results provided potential trend information for future research—specifically, data collection for in-depth statistical analysis for correlations with the laboratory MR for specific soil types under specific moisture conditions. With the collection of enough data, stronger relationships could be expected between measurements from the portable equipment and the MR values. Based on the statistical analyses and the experience gained from extensive use of the equipment, the combination of the DCP and the LWD was selected for in-place soil testing for compaction control acceptance. Test methods and developmental specifications were written for the DCP and the LWD. The developmental specifications include target values for the compaction control of embankment, subgrade, and base materials.


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Recent trends in the use of dispersed solid electrolytes and auxiliary electrodes in galvanic cells have increased the need for assessment of materials compatibility. In the design of dispersed solid electrolytes, the potential reactions between the dispersoid and the matrix must be considered. In galvanic cells, possible interactions between the dispersoid and the electrode materials must also be considered in addition to ion exchange between the matrix and the electrode. When auxiliary electrodes, which convert the chemical potential of a component present at the electrode into an equivalent chemical potential of the neutral form of the migrating species in the solid electrolyte are employed, displacement reactions between phases in contact may limit the range of applicability of the cell. Examples of such constraints in the use of oxide dispersoids in fluoride solid electrolytes and NASICON/Na2S couple for measurement of sulphur potential are illustrated with the aid of Ellingham and stability field diagrams.


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Simple and rapid HPLC, GC, and TLC procedures have been developed for detection and determination of nimesulide, a non-pharmacopeial drug, in preformulation and dosage form. Use of these techniques has enabled separation of impurities and the precursor in the bulk material and in formulations. Isocratic reversed-phase HPLC was performed on a C-18 column with methanol-water-acetic acid, 67:32:1 (v/v), as mobile phase and UV detection at 230 nm. Calibration curves were linear over the concentration range 100-1000 mug mL(-1) with a good correlation coefficient (0.9993) and a coefficient of variation of 1.5%. Gas chromatography was performed on an OV-17 packed column with temperature programming and flame-ionization detection. The lower limit of determination by HPLC and GC was 4 ppm. Thin-layer chromatography of nimesulide was performed on silica gel G with toluene-ethyl acetate, 8:2, as mobile phase. Stability testing of the drug was performed under different temperature, humidity, and UV-radiation conditions.


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The present work reports the impact of sintering conditions on the phase stability in hydroxyapatite (HA) magnetite (Fe3O4) bulk composites, which were densified using either pressureless sintering in air or by rapid densification via hot pressing in inert atmosphere. In particular, the phase abundances, structural and magnetic properties of the (1-x)HA-xFe(3)O(4) (x = 5, 10, 20, and 40 wt %) composites were quantified by corroborating results obtained from Rietveld refinement of the X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and Mossbauer spectroscopy. Post heat treatment phase analysis revealed a major retention of Fe3O4 in argon atmosphere, while it was partially/completely oxidized to hematite (alpha-Fe2O3) in air. Mossbauer results suggest the high-temperature diffusion of Fe3+ into hydroxyapatite lattice, leading to the formation of Fe-doped HA. A preferential occupancy of Fe3+ at the Ca(1) and Ca(2) sites under hot-pressing and conventional sintering conditions, respectively, was observed. The lattice expansion in HA from Rietveld analysis correlated well with the amounts of Fe-doped HA determined from the Mossbauer spectra. Furthermore, hydroxyapatite in the monoliths and composites was delineated to exist in the monoclinic (P2(1)/b) structure as against the widely reported hexagonal (P6(3)/m) crystal lattice. The compositional similarity of iron doping in hydroxyapatite to that of tooth enamel and bone presents HA-Fe3O4 composites as potential orthopedic and dental implant materials.


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Secondary-ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), electron probe analysis (EPMA), analytical scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy were used to determine the chemical composition and the mineralogy of sub-micrometer inclusions in cubic diamonds and in overgrowths (coats) on octahedral diamonds from Zaire, Botswana, and some unknown localities.

The inclusions are sub-micrometer in size. The typical diameter encountered during transmission electron microscope (TEM) examination was 0.1-0.5 µm. The micro-inclusions are sub-rounded and their shape is crystallographically controlled by the diamond. Normally they are not associated with cracks or dislocations and appear to be well isolated within the diamond matrix. The number density of inclusions is highly variable on any scale and may reach 10^(11) inclusions/cm^3 in the most densely populated zones. The total concentration of metal oxides in the diamonds varies between 20 and 1270 ppm (by weight).

SIMS analysis yields the average composition of about 100 inclusions contained in the sputtered volume. Comparison of analyses of different volumes of an individual diamond show roughly uniform composition (typically ±10% relative). The variation among the average compositions of different diamonds is somewhat greater (typically ±30%). Nevertheless, all diamonds exhibit similar characteristics, being rich in water, carbonate, SiO_2, and K_2O, and depleted in MgO. The composition of micro-inclusions in most diamonds vary within the following ranges: SiO_2, 30-53%; K_2O, 12-30%; CaO, 8-19%; FeO, 6-11%; Al_2O_3, 3-6%; MgO, 2-6%; TiO_2, 2-4%; Na_2O, 1-5%; P_2O_5, 1-4%; and Cl, 1-3%. In addition, BaO, 1-4%; SrO, 0.7-1.5%; La_2O_3, 0.1-0.3%; Ce_2O_3, 0.3-0.5%; smaller amounts of other rare-earth elements (REE), as well as Mn, Th, and U were also detected by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). Mg/(Fe+Mg), 0.40-0.62 is low compared with other mantle derived phases; K/ AI ratios of 2-7 are very high, and the chondrite-normalized Ce/Eu ratios of 10-21 are also high, indicating extremely fractionated REE patterns.

SEM analyses indicate that individual inclusions within a single diamond are roughly of similar composition. The average composition of individual inclusions as measured with the SEM is similar to that measured by SIMS. Compositional variations revealed by the SEM are larger than those detected by SIMS and indicate a small variability in the composition of individual inclusions. No compositions of individual inclusions were determined that might correspond to mono-mineralic inclusions.

IR spectra of inclusion- bearing zones exhibit characteristic absorption due to: (1) pure diamonds, (2) nitrogen and hydrogen in the diamond matrix; and (3) mineral phases in the micro-inclusions. Nitrogen concentrations of 500-1100 ppm, typical of the micro-inclusion-bearing zones, are higher than the average nitrogen content of diamonds. Only type IaA centers were detected by IR. A yellow coloration may indicate small concentration of type IB centers.

The absorption due to the micro-inclusions in all diamonds produces similar spectra and indicates the presence of hydrated sheet silicates (most likely, Fe-rich clay minerals), carbonates (most likely calcite), and apatite. Small quantities of molecular CO_2 are also present in most diamonds. Water is probably associated with the silicates but the possibility of its presence as a fluid phase cannot be excluded. Characteristic lines of olivine, pyroxene and garnet were not detected and these phases cannot be significant components of the inclusions. Preliminary quantification of the IR data suggests that water and carbonate account for, on average, 20-40 wt% of the micro-inclusions.

The composition and mineralogy of the micro-inclusions are completely different from those of the more common, larger inclusions of the peridotitic or eclogitic assemblages. Their bulk composition resembles that of potassic magmas, such as kimberlites and lamproites, but is enriched in H_2O, CO_3, K_2O, and incompatible elements, and depleted in MgO.

It is suggested that the composition of the micro-inclusions represents a volatile-rich fluid or a melt trapped by the diamond during its growth. The high content of K, Na, P, and incompatible elements suggests that the trapped material found in the micro-inclusions may represent an effective metasomatizing agent. It may also be possible that fluids of similar composition are responsible for the extreme enrichment of incompatible elements documented in garnet and pyroxene inclusions in diamonds.

The origin of the fluid trapped in the micro-inclusions is still uncertain. It may have been formed by incipient melting of a highly metasomatized mantle rocks. More likely, it is the result of fractional crystallization of a potassic parental magma at depth. In either case, the micro-inclusions document the presence of highly potassic fluids or melts at depths corresponding to the diamond stability field in the upper mantle. The phases presently identified in the inclusions are believed to be the result of closed system reactions at lower pressures.