986 resultados para Pharmaceutical services


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BACKGROUND: Many patients with diabetes have poor blood pressure (BP) control. Pharmacological therapy is the cornerstone of effective BP treatment, yet there are high rates both of poor medication adherence and failure to intensify medications. Successful medication management requires an effective partnership between providers who initiate and increase doses of effective medications and patients who adhere to the regimen. METHODS: In this cluster-randomized controlled effectiveness study, primary care teams within sites were randomized to a program led by a clinical pharmacist trained in motivational interviewing-based behavioral counseling approaches and authorized to make BP medication changes or to usual care. This study involved the collection of data during a 14-month intervention period in three Department of Veterans Affairs facilities and two Kaiser Permanente Northern California facilities. The clinical pharmacist was supported by clinical information systems that enabled proactive identification of, and outreach to, eligible patients identified on the basis of poor BP control and either medication refill gaps or lack of recent medication intensification. The primary outcome is the relative change in systolic blood pressure (SBP) measurements over time. Secondary outcomes are changes in Hemoglobin A1c, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), medication adherence determined from pharmacy refill data, and medication intensification rates. DISCUSSION: Integration of the three intervention elements--proactive identification, adherence counseling and medication intensification--is essential to achieve optimal levels of control for high-risk patients. Testing the effectiveness of this intervention at the team level allows us to study the program as it would typically be implemented within a clinic setting, including how it integrates with other elements of care. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The ClinicalTrials.gov registration number is NCT00495794.


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RESUMO - Objetivos: Caracterizar a adesão à terapêutica nos doentes do CHLN, na área do VIH/SIDA, Esclerose, Artrite Reumatóide, Psoríase e Paramiloidose e avaliar a hipótese de ser possível prever o risco de um doente se tornar, num doente sem adesão. Metodologia: Estudo retrospetivo, observacional e longitudinal, realizado entre Janeiro de 2010 a 31 de Dezembro de 2013, a 4.761 doentes, em que a adesão à terapêutica foi calculada com base nos registos informáticos das dispensas de medicação, efectuados pelos Serviços Farmacêuticos, com recurso à Compliance Rate (CR) e utilizada como variável dependente. A estatística descritiva foi utilizada para caracterizar os doentes e os seus levantamentos e a regressão logística para avaliar o efeito das variáveis (idade, sexo, distrito de residência, período de observação, número de interrupções superiores a trinta dias e tempo até à primeira interrupção) sobre a adesão à terapêutica. Resultados e Conclusões: A percentagem de doentes com adesão foi de 64%, no entanto no HIV/Sida e na Artrite Reumatóide e Psoríase esta percentagem foi significativamente mais baixa, 42% dos doentes interromperam a terapêutica por períodos superiores a 30 dias, ocorrendo essa interrupção maioritariamente entre o primeiro e segundo ano de terapêutica. O modelo de regressão logística permitiu verificar que só com as variáveis sociodemográficas não é possível prever o risco de um doente se tornar num doente sem adesão, sendo para tal necessário adicionar ao modelo a variável número de interrupções superiores a 30 dias que foi identificada como importante factor preditivo da não adesão (OR=15,9, p=0,000).


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Réalisé dans le cadre d'un mandat de l'Unité d'évaluation des technologies et des modes d'intervention en santé (UETMIS) du CHU Sainte-Justine


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Objective. To identify families served by the family health strategy (FHS) storing medicines at home, to evaluate storage conditions, and to investigate medicine use practices.Methods. The study was conducted in a municipality in the state of São Paulo with two FHS units serving 1 867 households. The sample was selected by means of stratified random sampling. Data collection was conducted through semistructured interviews from July to October 2008.Results. One resident was interviewed in each of the 280 households visited. Medicines were found in 255 households (91.1%). of 326 storage locations, 217 (75.8%) were inadequate (easily accessible to children or exposed to moisture, light). of the 2 578 medicines identified, 2 059 medicines (79.9%) in 236 (84.3%) households had safety or identification problems. of the 280 respondents, 179 (63.9%) used medications. of these, 24 were self-medicating, only one with an over-the-counter drug. Only 44 users had the prescription for their medication, and 21 did not follow the prescription in terms of dosage or had interrupted the treatment.Conclusions. Non-adherence to recommended treatment can lead to negative outcomes, such as inefficiency (using dosages lower than prescribed), poisoning (using dosages higher than prescribed), and other adverse reactions.


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Uma revisão dirigida foi realizada nas bases de dados IBECS, LILACS e MEDLINE, até fevereiro/2011, para identificar intervenções farmacêuticas (IF) na atenção farmacêutica em saúde mental e os seus resultados. Para a busca utilizaram-se os descritores em saúde: Pharmaceutical Care, Pharmaceutical Services, Medication Adherence, Pharmacists, Mental Health, Mental Health Services, Mental Health Assistance, Community Mental Health Services, Mentally Ill Persons andMental Disorders. Identificaram-se 1686 publicações, das quais 21 contemplaram os critérios de inclusão. Após exploração do material, apenas cinco estudos tratavam-se de IF. Todos foram conduzidos no nível secundário de atenção, com abordagem individual, por meio do acompanhamento da terapia (3), intervenção educativa por cartas a médicos e pacientes (1), aconselhamento farmacêutico presencial e remoto e inserção de terapia com sistema transdérmico de nicotina (1). Os resultados, tais como promoção da adesão e resolução de problemas relacionados a medicamentos foram positivos para a terapêutica. No entanto, é necessário que as IF monitorem os parâmetros clínicos, as mudanças de hábitos, a melhora na qualidade de vida e os aspectos farmacoeconômicos a fim de avaliar os seus impactos. Palavras-chave:Atenção Farmacêutica. Assistência Farmacêutica. Adesão à Medicação. Farmacêuticos. Saúde Mental. ABSTRACT Pharmaceutical interventions in mental health services: a review A directed review was performed in IBECS, LILACS and MEDLINE databases, until February/2011, in order to identify the studies which developed pharmaceutical interventions (PI) in pharmaceutical care in mental health services and estimated their results. The search was carried out using the follow health science descriptors: Pharmaceutical Care, Pharmaceutical Services, Medication Adherence, Pharmacists, Mental Health, Mental Health Services, Mental Health Assistance, Community Mental Health Services, Mentally Ill Persons andMental Disorders. It was identified 1686 manuscripts, of whose 21 contemplated the inclusion criteria. After the content analysis of the eligible manuscripts, only five developed PI. All of them were conducted in the second level of health care, with individual approach, through: therapy follow-up (3), educational interventions by letters to physicians and patients (1), presence or remote pharmaceutical counseling and inclusion of therapy with nicotine transdermal patch (1). The data, such as adherence promotion and solving drug related problems, were positive for the therapeutic. However, it is necessary that the PI monitor the clinical parameters, the habit changes, the improvement in the quality of life and the pharmacoeconomic aspects, in order to assess their impacts. Keywords: Pharmaceutical Care. Pharmaceutical Services. Medication Adherence. Pharmacists. Mental Health. Mental Disorders.


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Einfluss einer Pharmazeutischen Betreuung auf den klinischen Verlauf und die Behandlungsergebnisse von Diabetikern mit Diabetischem Fußsyndrom (DFS) Hintergrund/Rationale: In Deutschland gibt es etwa 6 Millionen Diabetiker und die Tendenz ist steigend. Das Diabetische Fußsyndrom (DFS) stellt eine häufige und besonders gravierende Folgeerkrankung des Diabetes mellitus dar. Jährlich werden in Deutschland ca. 45.000 Amputationen aufgrund des DFS bei Diabetikern durchgeführt. Es verursacht bei den Patienten physische und psychische Beeinträchtigungen und produziert hohe Krankheitskosten. Der Prävention, der Behandlung und der Rezidivprophylaxe des DFS kommt daher ein hoher Stellenwert zu. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, ein klinisch-pharmazeutisches Betreuungsprogramm für Patienten mit DFS zu erarbeiten und den Einfluss der Pharmazeutischen Betreuung, speziell einer intensivierten Patientenschulung, auf klinische und soziale Behandlungsergebnisse hin zu untersuchen. Es sollte geklärt werden, ob eine zusätzliche pharmazeutische Betreuung Einfluss auf den Wundheilungsverlauf und die Abheilungsrate der Fußläsionen von Diabetikern mit DFS nehmen kann. Methoden: 52 Patienten mit DFS wurden in eine randomisierte, kontrollierte Studie eingeschlossen und im Verhältnis 1:1 einer Interventions- oder Kontrollgruppe zugeteilt. Die Interventionsgruppe wurde kontinuierlich durch einen Apotheker zusätzlich individuell betreut (Anleitung zum sachgerechten Umgang mit Arzneimitteln, Medizinprodukten und Therapiemaßnahmen), die Kontrollgruppe erhielt die übliche medizinische Betreuung. Die Auswirkungen der Intervention auf den klinischen Verlauf der beobachteten Fußläsionen, die Rezidivfreiheit und Rehospitalisierungsrate, aber auch auf die Patientenzufriedenheit, das Patientenwissen und die Lebensqualität wurden untersucht. Jeder Patient wurde über einen Zeitraum von 12 Monaten beobachtet. Ergebnisse: Die Studienergebnisse belegen einen positiven Einfluss der Pharmazeutischen Betreuung auf die klinischen Endpunkte der Diabetiker mit DFS. Die Wundheilung der Läsionen in der Interventionsgruppe, bezogen auf Abheilungsdauer und -rate, konnte klinisch positiv beeinflusst werden. Des weiteren konnte in der Interventionsgruppe die Anzahl an neu aufgetretenen Läsionen, sowie weiterer Krankenhausaufenthalte um jeweils fast 50% verringert werden. Durch die Pharmazeutische Betreuung konnte die Patientenzufriedenheit mit der Behandlung deutlich gesteigert werden. Entsprechendes fand sich für das Patientenwissen und die Lebensqualität.


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A Constituição Federal Brasileira institucionalizou o direito a saúde no Brasil, o artigo 196 que diz: A saúde é um direito de todos e um dever do Estado apresenta esse direito. Ao regulamentar a criação do Sistema Único de Saúde a lei 8.080 reafirma a obrigação do Estado com a Saúde da população. Dentro desse contexto a Assistência Farmacêutica (AF) tem importante papel de garantir medicamentos seguros, eficácias, em tempo e quantidade necessária para atender a demanda dos cidadãos, porém apesar das constantes atualizações em prol de promover maior eficiência dos processos da AF, ainda acontecem situações em que o paciente não tem o medicamento requerido, seja por falta nas unidades dispensadoras ou a não presença nas listas de medicamentos padronizados. Essa situação faz com que o cidadão recorra à via judicial na tentativa de garantir o acesso ao medicamento pleiteado, fenômeno conhecido como judicialização da saúde, que traz grandes implicações sobre a gestão da assistência farmacêutica. Diante disso o objetivo do trabalho foi descrever o panorama geral das ações judiciais pleiteando medicamentos e insumos para insulina que foram assumidos pela prefeitura de Ribeirão Preto. Para alcançar esses objetivos, foi realizado um estudo do tipo descritivo. Foram analisados ao todo 1861 processos judiciais sendo 1083 ainda ativos e 778 que já haviam sido encerrados. Na maioria dos processos o juiz dava como prazo máximo 30 dias (99%) para se cumprir a ação, o que é insuficiente para realizar uma licitação pública obrigando a gestão a utilizar via paralela de compra. O Ministério Público foi o principal representante legal (71,7%) utilizado e a maioria das prescrições foram advindas de hospitais e clínicas particulares (50,1%). Os principais diagnósticos referidos nas ações foram diabetes e o transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH). Já os medicamentos mais prevalentes foram as insulinas e o metilfenidato. Dentre os médicos prescritores 3% somam aproximadamente 30% das prescrições. Diante dos resultados expostos, o presente estudo evidenciou o impacto da judicialização da saúde no município de Ribeirão Preto, demandando da gestão pública organização estrutural e financeira para lidar com as demandas judiciais.


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"June 2005".


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Title from cover.


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Introduction – The commissioning of services has been a core responsibility of English Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) since 2002. Primary care organisations (PCOs) in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have also increased their commissioning activities but with, arguably, less fervour than their English counterparts. The commissioning function of English PCTs has been reinforced by the introduction of new contractual frameworks across primary care – for medical services, dentistry and pharmacy. The new pharmaceutical services contract for England and Wales introduced an “enhanced” category of services, the provision of which is dependent on the commissioning decisions of local PCTs. As the NHS, most pertinently in England, continues its transformation from a provider to a commissioner of healthcare, the ability of pharmacy to compete effectively for funding is likely to become increasingly important. Method - After piloting, in August 2006 a self-completion postal questionnaire was sent to a random sample of practising community pharmacists, stratified for country and sex, within Great Britain (n=1998), with a follow-up to non-responders 4 weeks later. Data were analysed using SPSS (v12.0). A final response rate of 51% (n=1023/1998) was achieved. Within the section of the questionnaire relating to service provision, respondents were asked “do you believe that pharmacy will be able to compete effectively with other healthcare providers for access to additional funding to develop services that address a public health need identified by your local Primary Care Organisation (PCO), e.g. PCT/LHB etc.?”. Answers were recorded on a three-point scale; pharmacy “will”, “may”, or “will not” be able to compete effectively for funding. Results - The attitudes of pharmacists showed variation depending on the type of pharmacy they worked in (supermarket, multiple (outlets (n)=200), large chain (200>n>20), small chain (20=n>5), or independent (n=5)) (?2 test with p=0.001). Over a third of survey pharmacists working in small chains and independents (37% (n=21/57) and 33% (n=113/341) respectively) believed that pharmacy would not be able to compete effectively for funding compared to 23% (n=15/65) for supermarket pharmacists, 22% (n=21/97) for pharmacists employed by large chains and just 18% (n=62/353) for pharmacists employed most regularly in multiples. Furthermore, attitudes also varied between the countries of residence of respondents (?2 test with p<0.05). 27% (n=242/893) of pharmacists resident in England and Wales believed that pharmacy would not be able to compete compared to 16% (n=18/116) of pharmacists resident in Scotland. Conclusions – It would appear that community pharmacists believe that the larger pharmacy chains and supermarkets will occupy an advantageous position in terms of attracting finance to develop services. This could have notable implications for service provision across the sector. If corporate pharmacy chains were to monopolise commissioning monies then the proportion of funding available to independents will be diminished; arguably further hastening their demise, as well as stifling the professional development of pharmacists employed within the independent sector. These findings, when combined with the variation observed between UK pharmacists operating under different contractual frameworks, may be a reflection of the divergent policy in the different administrations with developments in England, including the new pharmacy contract, reflecting a market-based approach with Scotland taking a near opposite stance with service integration and a commitment to new public health. However, it should be acknowledged that the questionnaire did not allow for detection of ambiguities in, or misunderstandings of, the survey question and this should be considered as a limitation of the research.


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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The Medman study was funded by the Department of Health for England and Wales and managed by a collaboration of the National Pharmaceutical Association, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, the Company Chemist Association and the Co-operative Pharmacy Technical Panel, led by the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee. The research in this paper was undertaken while the lead author MT was undertaking a doctoral research fellowship jointly funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Medical Research Council (MRC). The Health Economics Research Unit (HERU), University of Aberdeen is funded by the Chief Scientific Office of the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorate.


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Objective: To measure length of hospital stay (LHS) in patients receiving medication reconciliation. Secondary characteristics included analysis of number of preadmission medications, medications prescribed at admission, number of discrepancies, and pharmacists interventions done and accepted by the attending physician. Methods: A 6 month, randomized, controlled trial conducted at a public teaching hospital in southern Brazil. Patients admitted to general wards were randomized to receive usual care or medication reconciliation, performed within the first 72 hours of hospital admission. Results: The randomization process assigned 68 patients to UC and 65 to MR. LHS was 10±15 days in usual care and 9±16 days in medication reconciliation (p=0.620). The total number of discrepancies was 327 in the medication reconciliation group, comprising 52.6% of unintentional discrepancies. Physicians accepted approximately 75.0% of the interventions. Conclusion: These results highlight weakness at patient transition care levels in a public teaching hospital. LHS, the primary outcome, should be further investigated in larger studies. Medication reconciliation was well accepted by physicians and it is a useful tool to find and correct discrepancies, minimizing the risk of adverse drug events and improving patient safety.