949 resultados para Pest biological control
The green peach aphid, Myzus persicae, is a major pest of tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum, in Yunnan province, China, where its control still depends on the use of insecticides. In recent years, the local government and farmers have sought to improve the biological control of this tobacco pest. In this paper, we present methods for mass rearing Aphidius gifuensis, a dominant endoparasitoid of M. persicae on tobacco plants in this region. The tobacco cultivar K326 (N. tabacum) was used as the host plant and M. persicae as the host insect. In the greenhouse, we collected tobacco seedlings for about 35 days (i.e., until the six-true-leaf stage), transferred them to 7.5-cm diameter pots, and kept these plants in the greenhouse for another 18 days. These pots were then transferred to an insectary-greenhouse, where the tobacco seedlings were inoculated with five to seven wingless adult M. persicae per pot. After 3 days, the infested seedlings were moved to a second greenhouse to allow the aphid population to increase, and after an additional 4 +/- 1 days when 182 +/- 4.25 aphid adults and nymphs were produced per pot, they were inoculated with A. gifuensis. With this rearing system, we were able to produce 256 +/- 8.8 aphid mummies per pot, with an emergence rate of 95.6 +/- 2.45%; 69% were females. The daily cost of parasite production (recurring costs only) was US$ 0.06 per 1000 aphid mummies. With this technique, we released 109 800 parasitoids in 1998, 196 000 in 1999, 780 000 in 2000, and 5 600 000 in 2001 during a 2-month period each year This production method is discussed with respect to countrywide usage in biological control and integrated control of M. persicae.
El nucleopoliedrovirus de Spodoptera exigua (SeMNPV) es un patógeno natural de las poblaciones larvarias de S. exigua que constituye la base de un bioinsecticida comercializado en España para el control biológico de esta plaga en pimiento. Recientes estudios han demostrado que la transmisión del virus a la descendencia (transmisión vertical) se da con frecuencia y podría ser una característica deseable para su uso en aplicaciones de campo. En el presente trabajo se discute la conveniencia de utilizar una mezcla de dos genotipos SeAl1 (transmisión vertical) y SeG25 (transmisión horizontal) en determinadas proporciones para mejorar las características que cada uno de ellos presenta por separado y así explotar cada una de las vías de transmisión. La patogenicidad (CL50) del genotipo SeG25, y de cualquiera de las mezclas que contienen un 25, 50 o 75 % del mismo, fue más alta que la del aislado SeAl1. Sin embargo, en términos de virulencia (TMM) y productividad (OBs/larva) no se observaron diferencias significativas entre genotipos ni entre sus mezclas. Además se evaluó la capacidad de producir infecciones encubiertas de cada genotipo y sus mezclas sometiendo larvas de S. exigua a infecciones subletales del virus. Se encontraron transcritos del virus para el gen temprano ie0 mediante RT-PCR en los adultos supervivientes a infecciones provocadas por el genotipo SeG25 y todas las mezclas. También se testaron otros dos genes virales que se expresan de manera temprana y tardía en la infección de baculovirus (DNA-polimerasa y polihedrina) para los que en ningún caso se detectaron transcritos.
Agricultural intensification can affect biodiversity and related ecosystem services such as biological control, but large-scale experimental evidence is missing. We examined aphid pest populations in cereal fields under experimentally reduced densities of (1) ground-dwelling predators (-G), (2) vegetation-dwelling predators and parasitoids (-V), (3) a combination of (1) and (2) (-G-V),compared with open-fields (control), in contrasting landscapes with low vs. high levels of agricultural intensification (AI), and in five European regions. Aphid populations were 28%, 97%, and 199% higher in -G, -V, and -G -V treatments, respectively, compared to the open fields, indicating synergistic effects of both natural-enemy groups. Enhanced parasitoid : host and predator : prey ratios were related to reduced aphid population density and population growth. The relative importance of parasitoids and vegetation-dwelling predators greatly differed among European regions, and agricultural intensification affected biological control and aphid density only in some regions. This shows a changing role of species group identity in diverse enemy communities and a need to consider region-specific landscape management.
La soca EPS125 ha mostrat ser un efectiu agent de control biològic de diferents patògens fúngics de postcollita en diferents fruits. Degut a la seva elevada eficàcia, es va plantejar desenvolupar aquesta soca comercialment i per aquest motiu en el present treball es plantejà complementar la informació necessària pel seu registre. D'acord amb els resultats obtinguts mitjançant proves fenotípiques i genotípiques, la soca EPS125 queda inclosa dins l'espècie Pantoea agglomerans (Enterobacter agglomerans-Erwinia herbicola). En relació a la utilització de fonts de carboni, en el perfil i contingut d'àcids grassos cel·lulars i en el polimorfisme en la longitud dels fragments de macrorestricció genòmica (MRFLP), la soca EPS125 mostrà trets característics que la diferencien d'altres soques. Els dos marcadors moleculars (125.2 i 125.3) específics per la soca EPS125 dissenyats en el present treball mostraren ser semiespecífics per la seva detecció mitjançant la tècnica PCR i Real Time PCR. Quedant pendent l'anàlisi d'especificitat de l'ús combinat dels dos marcadors moleculars en una reacció PCR multiplex. P. agglomerans EPS125 ha mostrat ser molt efectiva en el control de Penicillium expansum en poma amb una dosi efectiva mitjana de 2.7x105 a 7x105 ufc/ml, i una ratio de 25-101 cèl·lules de la soca EPS125 per inactivar una espora del patogen segons el model de saturació hiperbòlica. Segons les aproximacions fenotípiques i estudis genotípics realitzats, sembla que els mecanismes de biocontrol utilitzats per la soca EPS125 contra P. expansum en poma estan directament relacionats amb la capacitat de formació de biofilm per aquesta soca.
Biocontrol agents such as Xeiwrhabduf, nemalophilci and X. nematophila ssp. bovienii and their cell-free protein toxin complexes were lethal to larvae of O. sulcatus when applied to potting compost in the absence of plants. Similarly, strawberry plants infected with 0. sulcaitfi larvae were protected from damage by applications of both cell suspensions of the bacteria and solutions of their cell-free toxic metabolites, indicating that it is the protein toxins, which are responsible for the lethal effects observed. These toxic metabolites were found more effective against 0. sulccitus larvae when treated in soil microflora. Insect mortality is increased by increasing temperature and bacterial concentration. The toxins remained pathogenic for several months when stored in potting soil either at 15 or 20°C, however, bacterial cells were not as persistent as the toxins. It is therefore suggested that these bacteria and their toxic metabolites can he applied in soil for insect pest control.
Organic farming has increased in popularity in recent years, primarily as a response to the perceived health and conservation benefits. While it is likely that conventional farming will be able to respond rapidly to variations in pest numbers and distribution resulting from climatic change, it is not clear if the same is true for organic farming. Few studies have looked at the responses of biological control organisms to climate change. Here, I review the direct and indirect eects of changes in temperature, atmospheric carbon dioxide and other climatic factors on the predators, parasitoids and pathogens of pest insects in temperate agriculture. Finally, I consider what research is needed to manage the anticipated change in pest insect dynamics and distributions.
Arthropods that have a direct impact on crop production (i.e. pests, natural enemies and pollinators) can be influenced by both local farm management and the context within which the fields occur in the wider landscape. However, the contributions and spatial scales at which these drivers operate and interact are not fully understood, particularly in the developing world. The impact of both local management and landscape context on insect pollinators and natural enemy communities and on their capacity to deliver related ecosystem services to an economically important tropical crop, pigeonpea was investigated. The study was conducted in nine paired farms across a gradient of increasing distance to semi-native vegetation in Kibwezi, Kenya. Results show that proximity of fields to semi-native habitats negatively affected pollinator and chewing insect abundance. Within fields, pesticide use was a key negative predictor of pollinator, pest and foliar active predator abundance. On the contrary, fertilizer application significantly enhanced pollinator and both chewing and sucking insect pest abundance. At a 1 km spatial scale of fields, there were significant negative effects of the number of semi-native habitat patches within fields dominated by mass flowering pigeonpea on pollinators abundance. For service provision, a significant decline in fruit set when insects were excluded from flowers was recorded. This study reveals the interconnections of pollinators, predators and pests with pigeonpea crop. For sustainable yields and to conserve high densities of both pollinators and predators of pests within pigeonpea landscapes, it is crucial to target the adoption of less disruptive farm management practices such as reducing pesticide and fertilizer inputs.
Larvae of Sciaridae flies (Diptera) cause considerable damage to the mushroom Agaricus blazei (Murrill) ss. Heinemann in Brazil. Brazilian growers have had considerable difficulties in controlling this pest. The objective of this work was to test the effect of the predatory Laelapidae mite Stratiolaelaps scimitus (Womersley) as a control agent of Bradysia matogrossensis (Lane) in cultures of A. blazei. The work corresponded to an evaluation of the efficiency of that predator when released in boxes containing each about 15 L of commercial mushroom compost naturally infested with the pest. The results showed a significant effect of that predator on the population of B. matogrossensis. The release of either 665 or 1330 S. scimitus per box significantly reduced the pest population to levels that, according to grower's experience, apparently could not cause considerable damage. The positive results obtained warrant the conduction of complementary studies to determine the lowest rates of the predator that could still produce acceptable levels of control.
The leaf beetle Metriona elatior from Brazil-Argentina was screened in the Florida (USA) State quarantine facility as a potential biological control agent of tropical soda apple, Solanum viarum, a recently arrived weed species. Multiple-choice host-specificity tests were conducted in small cages (60 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm) using 95 plant species in 29 families. Adults fed heavily on the main target weed (S. viarum), and on turkeyberry, Solanum torvum (noxious weed of Asiatic origin); fed moderately on red soda apple, Solanum capsicoides (weed of South American origin), and eggplant, Solanum melongena (economic crop); and fed lightly on aquatic soda apple, Solanum tampicense (weed of Mexican-Caribbean-Central American origin), and on silverleaf nightshade, Solanum elaeagnifolium (native weed widely distributed). M. elatior adults laid 84 to 97% of their egg masses on S. viarum, and 3 to 16% on S. melongena. Non-choice host-specificity tests were also conducted in quarantine in which M. elatior adults and neonate larvae were exposed to 17 and 19 plant species, respectively. Tests with the neonates indicate that this insect was able to complete its development on S. viarum, S. torvum, S. melongena, and S. capsicoides. Although some adult feeding and oviposition occurred on S. melongena in quarantine on potted plants in small cages, no feeding or oviposition by M. elatior was observed in field experiments conducted in Brazil. Surveys in unsprayed S. melongena fields in Argentina and Brazil indicated that M. elatior is not a pest of S. melongena in South America. The evidence obtained from the South-American field surveys, Brazil open-field experiments, and Florida quarantine host specificity tests indicate that M. elatior causes significant feeding damage to S. viarum, and does not represent a threat to S. melongena crops in the USA. Therefore an application for permission to release M. elatior against S. viarum in the USA was submitted in October 1998.
The interactions of two fungal biocontrol agents, Alternaria cassiae and Pseudocercospora nigricans, and soybean planting density on sicklepod mortality and dry weight were studied in the field over 2 yr. The experimental field was divided into three equal areas: one without soybean and two where the soybean was sown in densities of 20 and 36 seeds per meter row with a 0.95-m row spacing. The fungi were sprayed alone or in a mixture at three growth stages of sicklepod plants grown at three levels of crop interference resulting from the three soybean planting densities. The fungal treatments were: an untreated control, A. cassiae (105 spores/m2), P. nigricans (3.3 g mycelium/m2), and the mixture of these two fungi. Sicklepod was at the cotyledonary leaf, two-leaf, and four-leaf stages when treated. Alternaria cassiae was most effective in reducing both sicklepod survival and dry weight. The mixture of P. nigricans and A. cassiae was generally comparable to but not better than A. cassiae alone in killing the weed (mortality) and reducing its growth (dry weight). Soybean density did not have significant effects on the mortality or the dry weight of sicklepod. Thus, there is no advantage to combining the highly effective biocontrol agent A. cassiae with the less effective P. nigricans or with soybean interference to control sicklepod. However, the results validate the efficacy of A. cassiae by itself as a bioherbicide.
A recent report of the parasitic mite species Acarophenax lacunatus (Cross and Krantz) (Prostigmata: Acarophenacidae) attacking populations of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) led to the present investigation. Maximum female size and average number of progeny per female mite were assessed at eight different temperatures (ranging from 20 to 41°C) and 60% r.h. using R. dominica as the host. The ability of the mite species to suppress eggs, first instar larvae, and adults of R. dominica was assessed at 30°C and 60% r.h. The largest female sizes of the mite and progeny numbers were obtained around 30°C (259 μm and 17 offspring/female respectively) with minimum values obtained at the most extreme temperatures used in this study. Mite densities of at least four individuals per 500 ml jar containing 50 adults of R. dominica, resulted in almost complete suppression of eggs, first instar larvae, and adults of the host species after 45 days. This same range of mite densities led to reductions of wheat weight losses of 15 and 25% after 45 and 60 days after infestation respectively. Acarophenax lacunatus shows good potential as a biological control agent of R. dominica.
Production and Use of Heteroptera Predators for the Biological Control of Eucalyptus Pests in Brazil
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The bronze bug is an invasive Australian pest that has reached eucalypt production areas worldwide in <10 years. The fi rst record in South America was in 2005 in Argentina. Collaboration in the region towards a unifi ed strategy for the management of the bronze bug started soon after the dispersal of the pest into Brazil and Uruguay was confi rmed. Here, we present the main achievements of this collaboration in four main topics: 1) biology of the pest, 2) monitoring, 3) biological control, and 4) cooperative networks. Two mass rearing procedures have been implemented in the region with relative success, allowing basic biological studies on the pest. Continuous monitoring in the region for >5 years has provided a reasonable knowledge on seasonal patterns of T. peregrinus. Biological control strategies developed include the use of local natural enemies of T. peregrinus, the development of biopesticides, and the introduction of Cleruchoides noackae, an egg parasitoid of T. peregrinus from Australia. We review the main achievements in each country. Finally, a regional network of institutions, researchers, and students has strengthened in the region, providing a solid background for future collaboration.
Biological control of the bronze bug, Thaumastocoris peregrinus, in eucalyptus plantations in Brazil
The bronze bug Thaumastocoris peregrinus (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae) was detected in Brazil in 2008 and infested >180 000 ha of eucalyptus plantations in 2011. The bronze bug can cause a reduction of 10–15% in wood productivity after 2 years of heavy infestation. Although there is not an effective control method known, biological control is the main control strategy studied. An exotic egg parasitoid, Cleruchoides noackae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), was imported from Australia in 2012, reared in a laboratory and released in three Brazilian regions. Parasitoids were recovered at release points after 20–30 d. In 2013, preliminary evaluations demonstrated parasitoid establishment in these areas, and the parasitoid was recovered in adjacent areas after 1 year of release. Bioassays confi rmed egg parasitism of 15–20% by C. noackae. Other native natural enemies were studied. We found green lacewing Chrysoperla externa and predatory bugs Supputius cincticeps and Atopozelus opsimus preying on nymphs and/or adults of T. peregrinus. Another promising possibility is entomopathogenic fungi. Commercial formulations of Beauveria bassiana were tested with success in lab and fi eld conditions. Fusarium proliferatum and Paecilomyces cateniannulatus caused mortality of T. peregrinus in natural epizooties. After 5 years of research, it is possible to develop an integrated pest management system (IPM) for eucalyptus plantations based on biocontrol strategy for bronze bug.