967 resultados para Personal Time
The current mobile networks don't offer sufficient data rates to support multimedia intensive applications in development for multifunctional mobile devices. Ultra wideband (UWB) wireless technology is being considered as the solution to overcome data rate bottlenecks in the current mobile networks. UWB is able to achieve such high data transmission rates because it transmits data over a very large chunk of the frequency spectrum. As currently approved by the U.S. Federal Communication Commission it utilizes 7.5 GHz of spectrum between 3.1 GHz and 10.6 GHz. ^ Successful transmission and reception of information data using UWB wireless technology in mobile devices, requires an antenna that has linear phase, low dispersion and a voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) ≤ 2 throughout the entire frequency band. Compatibility with an integrated circuit requires an unobtrusive and electrically small design. The previous techniques that have been used to optimize the performance of UWB wireless systems, involve proper design of source pulses for optimal UWB performance. The goal of this work is directed towards the designing of antennas for personal communication devices, with optimal UWB bandwidth performance. Several techniques are proposed for optimal UWB bandwidth performance of the UWB antenna designs in this Ph.D. dissertation. ^ This Ph.D. dissertation presents novel UWB antenna designs for personal communication devices that have been characterized and optimized using the finite difference time domain (FDTD) technique. The antenna designs reported in this research are physically compact, planar for low profile use, with sufficient impedance bandwidth (>20%), antenna input impedance of 50-Ω, and an omni-directional (±1.5 dB) radiation pattern in the operating bandwidth. ^
The influence of information about trip time variability, personal benefits, or environmental harm from cars or public transportation on commuting mode choice (car or subway) is examined in an experimental study. In addition to these experimentally manipulated variables, the influence of prior attitudes towards the subway was verified. The sample is made up of habitual users of the car to travel to work (N = 220, age M = 37.4, SD = 8.1, 63.2% women). The results show that providing information about the advantages of public transportation, as well as prior attitudes towards the subway, decrease the preference, choice, and perceived control of car use. Of the experimentally manipulated variables, information about the variability of trip time had the greatest influence. These results highlight the importance of taking into account these variables to implement institutional campaigns to reduce car use as transportation mode.
Using the concept of time travel as a contextual and narrative tool, the author explores themes of love, loss and growth after trauma. Reflections relate primarily to the experience of conducting the qualitative research method of autoethnography. Opening with consideration of existing work (Yoga and Loss: An Autoethnographical Exploration of Grief, Mind, and Body), discussion moves on to academic thought on mental time travel, and personal transformation, culminating in the construction of a new memory combining past, present, and future.
Background. A sustainable pattern of participation in physical activity is important in the maintenance of health and prevention of disease, College students are in transition from an active youth to a more sedentary adult behavior pattern. Methods. We assessed self-reported physical activity and other characteristics in a sample of 2,729 male and female students (median age was 20 years) recruited from representative courses and year levels at four Australian College campuses. They were categorized as sufficiently or insufficiently active, using estimates of energy expenditure (kcal/week) derived from self-reported physical activity, Personal factors (self-efficacy, job status, enjoyment), social factors (social support from family/friends), and environmental factors (awareness of facilities, gym membership) were also assessed. Results. Forty-seven percent of females and 32% of males were insufficiently active. For females, the significant independent predictors of being insufficiently active were lower social support from family and friends, lower enjoyment of activity, and not working. For males, predictors were lower social support from family and friends, lower enjoyment of activity, and being older. Conclusions. Factors associated with physical activity participation (particularly social support from family and friends) can inform physical activity strategies directed at young adults in the college setting. (C) 1999 American Health Foundation and Academic Press.
The relation between patient and physician in most modern Health Care Systems is sparse, limited in time and very inflexible. On the other hand, and in contradiction with several recent studies, most physicians do not rely their patient diagnostics evaluations on intertwined psychological and social nature factors. Facing these problems and trying to improve the patient/physician relation we present a mobile health care solution to improve the interaction between the physician and his patients. The solution serves not only as a privileged mean of communication between physicians and patients but also as an evolutionary intelligent platform delivering a mobile rule based system.
Conferência - 16th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC)- Jun 24-27, 2013
The IEEE 802.15.4 protocol proposes a flexible communication solution for Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks including sensor networks. It presents the advantage to fit different requirements of potential applications by adequately setting its parameters. When enabling its beacon mode, the protocol makes possible real-time guarantees by using its Guaranteed Time Slot (GTS) mechanism. This paper analyzes the performance of the GTS allocation mechanism in IEEE 802.15.4. The analysis gives a full understanding of the behavior of the GTS mechanism with regards to delay and throughput metrics. First, we propose two accurate models of service curves for a GTS allocation as a function of the IEEE 802.15.4 parameters. We then evaluate the delay bounds guaranteed by an allocation of a GTS using Network Calculus formalism. Finally, based on the analytic results, we analyze the impact of the IEEE 802.15.4 parameters on the throughput and delay bound guaranteed by a GTS allocation. The results of this work pave the way for an efficient dimensioning of an IEEE 802.15.4 cluster.
INTRODUCTION: Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder associated with impairment in social functioning. The most widely used scale to measure social functioning is the GAF (Global Assessment of Functioning), but it has the disadvantage of measuring at the same time symptoms and functioning, as described in its anchors. OBJECTIVES:Translation and cultural adaptation of the PSP, proposing a final version in Portuguese for use in Brazil. METHODS: We performed five steps: 1) translation; 2) back translation; 3) formal assessment of semantic equivalence; 4) debriefing; 5) analysis by experts. Interrater reliability (Intraclass correlation, ICC) between two raters was also measured. RESULTS: The final version was applied by two independent investigators in 18 adults with schizophrenia (DSM-IV-TR). The interrater reliability (ICC) was 0.812 (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The translation and adaptation of the PSP had an adequate level of semantic equivalence between the Portuguese version and the original English version. There were no difficulties related to understanding the content expressed in the translated texts and terms. Its application was easy and it showed a good interrater reliability. The PSP is a valid instrument for the measurement of personal and social functioning in schizophrenia.
Aquest projecte consisteix en fer l’anàlisi, disseny i implementació d'un sistema d'autenticació a través de contrasenyes d’un sol ús (One Time Password ‐OTP‐) per a dispositius mòbils. Per evitar l’ús de contrasenyes estàtiques farem una aplicació per a telèfons mòbils capaç de generar contrasenyes aleatòries gràcies a uns paràmetres previs, així com de poder tenir un registre dels serveis on poden ser utilitzades. Partirem d’un protocol repte/resposta on l’usuari interactuarà amb el seu telèfon mòbil i un ordinador personal amb una connexió a Internet. Podrà registrar‐se i, introduint certes dades al mòbil que li proporciona el servidor, podrà fer el procés d’autenticar‐se per poder accedir a zones restringides del servei.
OBJECTIVE: Past traumatic events have been associated with poorer clinical outcomes in people with bipolar disorder. However, the impact of these events in the early stages of the illness remains unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate whether prior traumatic events were related to poorer outcomes 12 months following a first episode of psychotic mania. METHODS: Traumatic events were retrospectively evaluated from patient files in a sample of 65 participants who had experienced first episode psychotic mania. Participants were aged between 15 and 28 years and were treated at a specialised early psychosis service. Clinical outcomes were measured by a variety of symptomatic and functioning scales at the 12-month time-point. RESULTS: Direct-personal traumatic experiences prior to the onset of psychotic mania were reported by 48% of the sample. Participants with past direct-personal trauma had significantly higher symptoms of mania (p=0.02), depression (p=0.03) and psychopathology (p=0.01) 12 months following their first episode compared to participants without past direct-personal trauma, with medium to large effects observed. After adjusting for baseline scores, differences in global functioning (as measured by the Global Assessment of Functioning scale) were non-significant (p=0.05); however, participants with past direct-personal trauma had significantly poorer social and occupational functioning (p=0.04) at the 12-month assessment with medium effect. CONCLUSIONS: Past direct-personal trauma may predict poorer symptomatic and functional outcomes after first episode psychotic mania. Limitations include that the findings represent individuals treated at a specialist early intervention centre for youth and the retrospective assessment of traumatic events may have been underestimated.
Actualment és difícil no veure a gent de totes les edats amb algun tipus de Gadget electrònic. En forma de telèfons mòvils, GPS, agendes electròniques, reproductors de música, tablets o qualsevol altre dispositiu, el món digital ens aborda, la informació i les dades es digitalitzen i arriben fins a les nostres butxaques per ser accessibles en qualsevol moment. Es fa indispensable familiaritzar-se amb aquestes eines i per això s’introdueixen en els centres educatius de tot el món. En aquest projecte es combinen tots aquests fets per desenvolupar un herbari digital sobre un dispositiu mòbil, amb finalitat educativa i ús privat.
Divorce and remarriage usually imply a redefinition of family boundaries, with consequences for the production and availability of social capital. This research shows that bonding and bridging social capitals are differentially made available by families. It first hypothesizes that bridging social capital is more likely to be developed in stepfamilies, and bonding social capital in first-time families. Second, the boundaries of family configurations are expected to vary within stepfamilies and within first-time families creating a diversity of family configurations within both structures. Third, in both cases, social capital is expected to depend on the ways in which their family boundaries are set up by individuals by including or excluding ex-partners, new partner's children, siblings, and other family ties. The study is based on a sample of 300 female respondents who have at least one child of their own between 5 and 13 years, 150 from a stepfamily structure and 150 from a first-time family structure. Social capital is empirically operationalized as perceived emotional support in family networks. The results show that individuals in first-time families more often develop bonding social capital and individuals in stepfamilies bridging social capital. In both cases, however, individuals in family configurations based on close blood and conjugal ties more frequently develop bonding social capital, whereas individuals in family configurations based on in-law, stepfamily or friendship ties are more likely to develop bridging social capital.
Although active personal dosemeters (APDs) are not used quite often in hospital environments, the possibility to assess the dose and/or dose rate in real time is particularly interesting in interventional radiology and cardiology (IR/IC) since operators can receive relatively high doses while standing close to the primary radiation field.A study concerning the optimization of the use of APDs in IR/IC was performed in the framework of the ORAMED project, a Collaborative Project (2008-2011) supported by the European Commission within its 7th Framework Program. This paper reports on tests performed with APDs on phantoms using an X-ray facility in a hospital environment and APDs worn by interventionalists during routine practice in different European hospitals.The behaviour of the APDs is more satisfactory in hospitals than in laboratories with respect to the influence of the tube peak high voltage and pulse width, because the APDs are tested in scattered fields with dose equivalent rates generally lower than 1 Sv.h(-1).
BACKGROUND: Years since onset of sexual intercourse (YSSI) is a rarely used variable when studying adolescents- sexual outcomes. The aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of YSSI on the adverse sexual outcomes of early sexual initiators.METHODS: Data were drawn from the 2002 Swiss Multicenter Adolescent Survey on Health database, a nationally representative cross-sectional survey including 7429 adolescents in post mandatory school aged 16-20 years. Only adolescents reporting sexual intercourse (SI) were included (N=4388; 45% females) and divided by age of onset of SI (early initiators, age<16: N=1469, 44% females; and late initiators, age?16: N=2919, 46% females). Analyses were done separately by gender. Groups were compared for personal characteristics at the bivariate level. We analyzed three sexual outcomes (?4 sexual partners, pregnancy and non-use of condom at last SI) controlling for all significant personal variables with two logistic regressions first using age, then YSSI as one of the confounding variables. Results are given as adjusted odds ratios (aOR) using lSI as the reference category.RESULTS: After adjusting for YSSI instead of age, negative sexual outcomes among early initiators were no longer significant, except for multiple sexual partners among females, although at a much lower level. Early initiators were less likely to report non-use of condom at last SI when adjusting for YSSI (females: aOR=0.59 [0.44-0.79]; p<0.001; males aOR=0.71 [0.50-1.00]; p=0.053).CONCLUSION: YSSI is an important explanatory variable when studying adolescents- sexuality and needs to be included in future research on adolescents- sexual health.